show episodes

World Walkers

Pedro Galicia

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World Walkers is a funny 5th Edition Dungeons and Dragons actual play podcast featuring Pedro Galicia, a DM with over 20 years of experience, running campaigns inside his custom universe of homebrew content.
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Arquitectura Sen Fronteiras Galicia

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Habitando é o podcast de Arquitectura Sen Fronteiras Galicia. Con Habitando pretendemos facerte chegar o día a dí­a da nosa organización, os proxectos que estamos a desenvolver, e sobre todo educar e sensibilizar no Dereito ao Hábitat.
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Os Outros Feirantes

Radio campUSCulturae

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Infoshow que busca ofrecer en cada programa, de xeito ameno, as cousas de interés de un Concello de Galicia. É dicir, cada programa adícase a un Concello e tratará de ir contando en diferentes seccións a súa xeografía, gastronomía, recursos naturais e arquitectónicos dese recuncho de Galicia, co ritmo desenfadado dun día de festa. Polo tanto, toda a tempada será unha viaxe constante por Galicia e os seus costumes máis tradicionais.
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Un ollo de vidro

Isi Dro

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Ao igual que o esquelete de Castelao, aquí contamos contos en lingua galega. Memorias doutros tempos. Contos de Galicia (ou de calquera nacionalidade traducidos ao galego) e tamén fragmentos de grandes obras. Cousas que se contan... escoita!
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En Retrocorenta percorremos algúns recunchos das últimas catro décadas da historia de Galicia tirando dos fíos da cultura, da música, dos deportes, das xentes, dos lugares... Algunhas desas cousas que tamén son historia do país e parte da nosa memoria colectiva. Poremos voces ás lembranzas, refrescarémolas e, seguro, tamén falaremos un chisco do presente e do futuro. O programa, conducido por David Lombao e Ana G. Liste, é unha produción de Praza e VINTE. Coa colaboración da Secretaría Xeral ...
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Yung Hoime F.A.M

Yung Hoime F.A.M

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Hi my name is Gershon Galicia I’m a rapper form Fort Worth Texas my stage name is Young homie F.A.M.this my journey as a independent artist feel free to message for the link my Patreon account help me fund this journey thanks for listen to my story I share on the music industry as well the daily life struggles find equipment booking shows and working a 9-5 job in the making ends meet just to keep my head above water
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The Political Beat Podcast

AfterBuzz TV

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The Political Beat Afterbuzz TV After Show Podcast is a weekly millennial political talk show and podcast hosted by Drexel Heard and Chelsea Galicia focused on the headline news of the week and notable stories around the country and the world. Joined by politicians, activists, journalists, actors, and more, Drexel and Chelsea share their analyses, opinions, and insight on issues affecting Americans and ways for young people to get involved.
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Hey, I’m Diggy! Join me each week as I share the highs, lows, and everyday moments of my life. Sometimes funny, sometimes serious, always relatable. We’ll explore the similarities and differences in our lives, finding unexpected connections. Plus, I dive into intriguing, funny, and entertaining topics that catch my interest. Tune in for a mix of personal stories and fascinating insights. Let’s discover the unexpected together!
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Interviews with environmental / climate change experts discussing the choices we collectively face in determining what future we will shape for ourselves, future generations, and all other life within the biosphere. The podcast is produced by Nick Breeze - find out more at + Please subscribe to the podcast. Thank you, Nick Breeze ClimateGenn
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Breaking Green

Global Justice Ecology Project / Host Steve Taylor

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Produced by Global Justice Ecology Project, Breaking Green is a podcast that talks with activists and experts to examine the intertwined issues of social, ecological and economic injustice. Breaking Green also explores some of the more outrageous proposals to address climate and environmental crises that are falsely being sold as green. But we can't do it without you! We accept no corporate sponsors, and rely on people like you to make Breaking Green possible. If you'd like to donate, text G ...
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Many Caminos lead to Santiago de Compostela, the renown pilgrimage destination nestled in the northwest of Spain. I'm Anne Lanevschi, and I live in the heart of Galicia along one of the many Caminos that lead to Santiago, in a beautiful landscape overlooking the River Ulla valley, and just over 20 km south of Santiago de Compostela. The Caminos or Ways as they are called have a history that predates Christianity. Why are so many people drawn to walk a Camino? And what is so magical about the ...
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O teu podcast sobre a política galega 😜🏛 Xornalismo interpretativo e divulgación politolóxica en autocaravana 🚐 #podgalego
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The Inners Podcast

The Inners

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"The Inners," a transformative podcast celebrating inspiring individuals, innovators, and instigators who cast their pebbles of knowledge into the sea of wisdom, creating waves of positive change.
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Cada programa dedica unha hora a afondar nun acontecemento ou un ámbito da historia galega, dende personaxes a catástrofes e pasaxes bélicas. Dirixe Isabel Freire. Fonte do audio:
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We focus on promoting awareness by talking to people on certain topics about their expertise, their fields, and their advocacies. We, too, create space for people who would like to share their inspiring stories about health, educational and social issues. We aim to inspire, inform, educate at least one life per episode that we create. So, if you want to learn or unlearn something today, listen to our episodes.
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Bearing Witness: The Impact of Memorialization

Dr. Stephanie Arel, Shrine13

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In this podcast series produced by Andrew W. Mellon Fellow Dr. Stephanie Arel and award winning documentary filmmaker Jessica Daugherty, we will speak with museum and memorial workers including curators, collectors, writers, and directors about the impacts their work at memorial sites has on communities and themselves to investigate the importance of the roles they play in society. The podcast is a continuation of Dr. Arel's research, and is a companion podcast to her book Bearing Witness: T ...
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The Bar Exam Drills Podcast

The Bar Exam Drills Podcast

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The Bar Exam Drills Podcast is a periodic podcast where we answer bar exam related questions and also comment on legal implications of current events. The Bar Study Motivation Podcast episodes will interview an attorney sharing their own struggle through the Bar Exam, in which - they eventually triumphed! Any questions may be directed to
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In the world of tech, open source denotes software for which the original source code is made freely available for redistribution. In this digital series, hosts Phil Svitek and Ally Nasta take the concept of open source and apply it to knowledge. They aim to not only shatter preconceived myths on any new, unknown or hard topic but give you that missing confidence to get started easily and eventually deep dive further. By no means do they profess to be experts. In fact, they share your trepid ...
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show series
We are very excited to present to the community this most interesting conversation between the noted author, educator, editor, publisher and award winning genealogist, Arthur Kurzweil with Gesher Galicia President, Steven Turner. Those of you who were able to attend the gala at the IAJGS in Philadelphia know what a privilege it is to listen to Arth…
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This week, I say a sad goodbye to the person that inspired the name for this very show. Don’t worry, she’s only moved away! Even more tram shenanigans! It wouldn’t be That’s A Free Bee without the tram stories, really. People just need to own their mistakes in Buzz Off, and the Summer Of Sleep continues with a False Awakening! The podcast of the we…
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What if conservation efforts meant to protect our planet were actually causing significant harm to the very people who have safeguarded these lands for generations? On this episode of Breaking Green, we speak with founder and executive director of the Oakland Institute, Anuradha Mittal. Anuradha is an internationally renowned expert on issues of hu…
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his week I’m talking over some changes to the show, along with all the usual stories. I get held up in traffic by someone doing…… well I just can’t say here! We talk a look at the hilarious Operation Flagship, be sure to watch the video here. The podcast of the week is The Incomparable, where multiple different presenters talk about all thinks pop …
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Welcome to a new series of ClimateGenn where we aim to speak with a range of global experts to be better able to understand the changes in the global climate system that are rapidly impacting the world in which we live. Although some like to use the term climate chaos - if we dive into the noise, more often than not, there are signals we can learn …
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This week I discovered the horror that is Burpees! I got to play dress up in Regency attire and almost squished a whole bunch of people 😬 We take a look at Exploding Head Syndrome in Podtales, yes it’s real just see here and here for more. The podcast of the week is Downstream, a podcast about the industry of streaming media, which is surprisingly …
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In this episode we delve into one Man...awydan's journey through his mid-life crisis struggles!! This is the third branch of the Mabinogi and the last branch that I was set to cover. You can now listen to each branch in order of when I uploaded them or from 1-4 - enjoy! Patreon: Facebook: https://www.facebook.…
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En este episodio, como parte de nuestra serie sobre los nazis en España, hablamos precisamente de este tema con José Luis Rodríguez Jiménez, catedrático de historia contemporánea en la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos y autor del nuevo libro Bajo el manto del caudillo: Nazis, fascistas y colaboracionistas en la España franquista. Consideramos por qué na…
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Palestra de Uxío-Breogán Diéguez Cequiel no 2021 sobre o exilio dos galegos republicanos a méxico por mor da guerra civil española. Esta palestra a proposito da figura de Florencio Delgado Gurriarán, homenaxeado nas Letras Galegas do 2021, que estivo exiliado, precisamente, como tantos outros, en México.…
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Palestra de Félix García Yáñez sobre a república, a guerra civil e a represión franquista na comarca de Valdeorras. O palestrante afonda na resistencia ao golpe de 1936 e o xurdimento dun forte movimento guerrilleiro. Provén do I ciclo de encontros sobre Valdeorras, organizado polo grupo Valdeorras Infinda…
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Join me this week as I take a dive into the world of Insomnia for The Summer Of Sleep! As always I’ll start of with an Ask A Free Bee Question which will lead to me talking about some great products from Moft. I’ll tell you all about the time my car floated on the motorway, no really!! This weeks podcast of the week is the always insightful Cortex,…
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O día da poesía, o pasado 21 de marzo de 2024, celebrouse un recital a propósito da poesía social de Celso Emilio Ferreiro. De forma introductoria, Xesús Alonso Montero expón a palestra: "Arenga sobre Celso Emilio Ferreiro e a chamada poesía social con algunhas páxinas pouco gasalleiras para certos poetas puros e, sobre todo, para os poetas turrieb…
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On this weeks show I continue the Summer Of Sleep with a dive into the world of Sleep Paralysis. Be warned, this is not pleasant! I’ll be telling a certain word to Buzz Off! It’s probably not what you think. This weeks pick of the week is the podcast, Connected. And I’ll ragale you all with the tale of the murdered chicken……… What! What???? More on…
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Palestra de Xesús Alonso Montero sobre a chamada traxedia do bou "Eva" (bou é un barco de pesca), no Berbés, en Vigo. Alí, o 22 de abril de 1937, cercados polos fascistas, autoinmoláronse, antes de ser capturados, nove republicanos que pretendían fuxir, ocultos no barco, do terror franquista. Este feito foi conmemorado literariamente por poetas com…
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Palestra de Joan-María Thomas, da Universidade de Rovira e Virgili, sobre a importancia e a explotación de wolframio na Galiza. Efectivamente, a Galiza non foi un "Far", senón un "Near West", durante a maior parte da Segunda Guerra Mundial. Provén das Xornadas sobre a Galiza na II guerra Mundial no 2021…
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Join me this week for an update on the numbers in the Mini game, and an update on the progress with our pool. Also, surprise surprise I have more stories from my travels on the tram in this weeks Buzz Off! I’m kicking of The Summer Of Sleep with a feature on Lucid Dreams in Podtales, you can see more on lucid dreams here, here, and here. My Pick Of…
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Palestra de José Fernando Navas Ramírez no 2018, coronel retirado e especialista en historia militar, sobre a particular e breve guerra contra a ocupación francesa napoleónica na Galiza. Provén dun Curso realizado por la Asociación Profesional de Guías de Turismo de Galicia (APIT-Galicia) en noviembre de 2018.…
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Kids do some strange things but this weeks story takes some beating, I just don’t get it? I’ve got a great Podtales topic this week from a very special listener. Finger Snapping or Clicking if you prefer, I take a look at where it all began and try to teach you whole new finger snapping method with a Demo Video by Natalie Nayun on YouTube My pick o…
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Palestra de Ramón Patiño sobre a famosa batalla de Rande, no interior da Ría de Vigo, en 1702. Os atacantes, unha escuadra angloneerlandesa, saqueou Redondela y la isla de San Simón. Vigo ficou a salvo protexida pola súa muralla e defensas. Provén dun Curso realizado por la Asociación Profesional de Guías de Turismo de Galicia (APIT-Galicia) en nov…
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