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Caleb Hawthorne

I love music and to make music for people and the people and to help those in need and anyone who needs help I love to write poetry and draw and I play fortnite and videos games very good at them gamertag TryForceGandhi but other then that I work a job rn to help my great grandma and myself to help pay for stuido equipment I just bought a mic gotta get a laptop but most of my music is all recorded with my phone and my Xbox my SoundCloud is lil Thra$h I recommend understand me and atmosphere ...
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Love is Calling


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Drawing on faith in Christ, I discuss the challenges of life along with the victory and true freedom available in belief in Jesus alone. Born again in 1987, I have traveled a road that has taken many paths and has at times been very traumatic. Raised in a dysfunctional family, sexually abused at a young age, separated from parents at times, along with the devastation that comes from decades in a fellowship which became a religious cult, it felt like the fear, guilt and shame was irreversible ...
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Luigi Addanteᴰᴶ

Luigi Addante

En gång i månaden
Luigi Addante is a open format dj based in Bari, Italy. Since the age of 13 he cultivated the love for music, especially Rock and others subgenres. At the age of 15 he starts playing bass in a local band, but it's when he discovers electronic music that the real passion for djing begins. Once he bought his first controller, a childhood friend introduced him to some local parties where he will start reaching his first experiences as a dj. His mixing skills and his musical taste evolve toghete ...
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在這個世界上,凡事都有可能。 Everything is possible in the world. この世の中、全ては可能です! OMG,2024就這樣剩下兩個月,你們過的好嗎? 敬請期待還有新的企劃單集繼續和大家見面喔~ 我的腦袋每次都快要飛到外太空了,嘻嘻😎🤩 OMG. There are only 2 months left in 2024.How are you doing? Please look forward to seeing you in the new planned episode~ My head almost flies to outer space every time, hehe😎🤩 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 敝人在下我的童年和青少年時期與音樂的故事: 小學四年級考進學校的節奏樂隊班卻因為轉學而沒有機會繼續待在音樂班, 與音樂擦身而過 小學五六年級待在合唱團想繼續與音樂同在,國中因繼續參加學校的合唱團並參加校際性比賽, ...
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show series
Are you living the new life in Christ or are you trying to keep your old life intact and living as large as your flesh demands? You can't have it both ways. I suppose it can be another example of trying to put new wine into old wineskins. You will, at some point, begin to destruct. Join me for today's episode of The Daily Good News.…
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Gaslighting. I bet you've heard that term tossed around, especially in political arguments. What is it? According to American Psychological Association.May 15, 2024 - "To gaslight someone means to manipulate another person into doubting their own perceptions, experiences or understanding of events." That has been the devil's way to roll since he as…
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The amazing grace of God at work in His children, bring peace and love and creativity to worship and praise Him and build one another up, is for us! I really believe God is calling gifted musicians and writers, at whatever level your gift, to write, and perform new psalms and hymns. Don't get tripped up by the terminology. I'm talking about songwri…
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When we get that God who is Love, who is Spirit, desires to bear the fruit of His Love, being reproduced through the union with Christ as our Bridegroom, then we will experience peace in Jesus, in His Body. The Unity of His Spirit that has nothing to do with our denominational distinctives but everything to do with our Spiritural one-mindedness wil…
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First episode since August 29th. But... I'm back in the saddle! I had to deal with some health issues while finishing up seminary training with Christian Leadership Alliance. This episode talks about some of that in detail, some info on what's moving forward looks like and all in light of Philippians Chapter Two. Please join me for this reset episo…
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Religion and vast amounts of knowledge and the insatiable desire for more and more, actually leads one down a twisting and turning, crooked path farther and farther away from the God who loves you, and Jesus Christ, who loved us so much that He gave His life for us. He is the Light of men, and He is the Life! Turn to Him and live! Join me for today…
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Join me as we look at Chapter Six of Paul's Letter to the Church at Galatia. The context from the opening words of the letter has been that the Law is not of faith, is a curse, and that you who choose circumcision and the law will have fallen from the grace that all mankind must have to inherit everlasting life. Grace come through faith, and since …
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The Law can do nothing to bear the fruit of love in our hearts and lives. It was meant as a verdict against the people who live according to the flesh. They had no love because they refused to listen and obey the God who is Love. But now, we have God who is Spirit, and who is Love, indwelling us and producing in us, His great Love, to seen in our l…
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The Letter Paul wrote to the Galatians is a hard line in the sand! The readers then, and many today, are left with a tough decision. Paul is writing the truth in dire warning to those who are being siren called into being circumcised into Judaism and keeping the Law and that by succumbing to it you will have fallen from the grace that saves you! Jo…
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Brothers and sisters, I was wrong! For nearly two decades I was fully enmeshed into a cult of Messianic Judaism or Hebrew Roots at Messiah Fellowship in Brighton, and now Ontario, Indiana. It, like each Torah Observant fellowship, has its own version and dogma based on the Law of Moses and many extra-biblical writings and inter-web, self professing…
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Abraham with Hagar produced Ishmael by an act of the flesh, in an attempt to bring God's promise into reality. It was works based and not God doing, by His power, what He had promised He would do. It was a picture of the attempt to be under the law given at Sinai for justification. Israel was under the law until flesh came, and now, Paul writes pla…
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The desire to be accepted, to feel approved and to have attained something through our work and intellect is what the devil uses to draw us into legalism. Things from our childhood that have left us in a co-dependent mindset make us easy prey to those who can manipulate our emotions. I was one of those who fell prey to that cult manipulation into t…
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I left off in Galatians a little over half way through it, and realize that I must finish it before continuing in Mark. The onset of religious perversion is growing and it shipwrecks faith. It's my prayer that we pay close attention to what Paul writes to the Church at Galatia, and apply it to the deluge of religion striking fear in some from the H…
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There are those who preach a health, wealth and prosperity gospel, and those who focus more on God giving us a successful life free of trouble here in this side of eternity. But there are those who die in Jesus, having never been released from the prison cells or die of a terminal illness, while having strong faith in Jesus Christ. Those are just t…
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Taking an episode to explore a little more thoroughly what Jesus meant, in Mark Seven, about the commandment of God, versus the tradition of men. His answer to those Pharisees speaks specifically about the exact commandment that they are setting aside, and from which Law it comes from. There is a difference! Join me in this episode as we look at Ma…
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Jesus said you shall know them by their fruit. What is that fruit? We must know! What is the opposite of the fruit of the Spirit? Mark Chapter Seven agrees with Galatians Five what is not, and it is what defiles a man, or woman! He says of the religious leaders that they are hypocrites, and the Greek work means, literally, a pretender, like an acto…
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When you read the Bible, with an open heart and mind, you will find that the thread through the Scriptures is red, and is a rescue story. The God who created us, loves us, and though we were far from Him, didn't care about Him, didn't seek Him - And certainly didn't ask Him to come rescue us, HE DID! He didn't just come spring us from the death pen…
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Being overtaken by desire and not taking every thought, desire, passion, captive will bring very tragic results that can be life changing! King Herod became entrapped by his own passion and by his own pride and fear of what he might lose if he admitted he was wrong. It costs John the Baptist his head. Apart from repentance it was worse for Herod. T…
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Friend! If you love Jesus and people, and want to really be used by Him to make a difference, join me in and see where He puts you and what He wants to do in and through you! The stream of The Holy Spirit who is God is moving! Trust Him! Wade in, fall back and allow Him to take you where He wants you to be, and do what He wants you to do and say wh…
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There are those who are adamant that they will have nothing to do with some of the supernatural gifts of the Spirit. One of the most ill-spoken of is speaking in tongues. I agree there there a place rife with fleshly expressions in arrogance that are not manifestations of The Spirit. But there are fleshly expressions in many areas of Christianity. …
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Being able to hear the Voice of God who is Spirit, clearly, without the intrusion of man's opinion or religious doctrine, along with allowing the Light of the Word of God to shine brightly upon who we are and what we think, say and do is imperative! Religious church going, and looking the part and sounding the part won't do. Jesus said, "You must b…
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This connects dots and adds foundation to the work of the Spirit in bringing me and my family out of the cult of Hebrew Roots. The Spirit told me clearly, about six years ago, that unless I repented and returned to my First Love He would remove my lampstand from me, as I read from Revelation Chapter Two. Today, in Mark Chapter Four, reading about p…
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The competition for our ear space has always been a problem. But it is even more now that we have so much marketed to us that appeals to our flesh, and the enemy using his vast distribution network to keep us engaged with anything other than God the Spirit. The parable of the sower is about having ears to hear, Jesus said. Do we? Do we want to hear…
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I've been hammering on Spiritual unity and the oneness that is God, and that we are invited into. The more I seek God I'm finding that unity and oneness in God the Spirit is not an option, but a commandment. And it is what He is doing in His body, to build His body. That is how He is building His kingdom and it isn't made up of ornate large structu…
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Face it, neither you nor I, knowing who Judas was like Jesus did, would have numbered him among the Twelve, to be sent our with ability to heal. That's because we aren't capable of seeing people's hearts like Jesus does. And we worry that something bad will happen if we don't step in and make sure folks fly right, according to what we think right i…
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Too often young believers are or congregants are identified as leaders by the laying on of hands, before they're equipped, and some before they're even called and born again by the Spirit who is God. It is dangerous! Both to the person hastily thrown into ministry unequipped or ill-equipped, but also to the men and women of whom he or she is to min…
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The context of what Jesus said is clear. Notice that the Pharisees were telling Jesus that His disciples were harvesting and eating grain on the Sabbath and that was against the Law. He then tells them of David who ate the showbread, and so did His fighting men, though it was against the Law to eat it! The Law is the context. They wanted to keep th…
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In Mark Chapter Two we see where the religious establishment were so steeped in their religion and their own stolen authority that they didn't believe they needed a Savior. Their knowledge of the Scriptures was nothing more than a religious badge they proudly and arrogantly wore. Their religion caused them to, eventually, murder Jesus! Nothing has …
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Brothers and Sisters in bondage to drugs or alcohol, guilt, shame, fear, doubt, I'm here to tell you that if you are born again you are set completely free! I don't know about you, but I'm tired of having just a form of Godliness when the power of God is available in Jesus Christ! Join me in this episode of Love is Calling Daily, and learn Truth th…
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Jesus was born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, and make us sons. How did He redeem mankind? By His atoning sacrifice; His shed blood and death. He died in our place because we were condemned to die with no hope, until He died for us. Therefore, Jesus fulfilled the righteous requirement of the law and through …
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Continuing in Mark Chapter One and looking the consistent theme in the gospel accounts of Jesus proclaiming the Kingdom of God, we spend a few short minutes with a concise explanation of what I am talking about when I reference The Hebrew Root Movement and Messianic Judaism. Please join me for today's episode of Love is Calling Daily.…
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The clear distinction between the learned religious scholars of Judaism and the quiet yet dynamic power of the Spirit, who is God, in Jesus wasn't welcomed by the big dogs of Judaism. They claimed authority, much like some today talk of "taking authority" over spirits and dominions and cities and houses and situations. The reality is that is not au…
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The amazing picture emerges as we look at full context of what is written in our Bible. A King who came to earth, born in a stable, raised up the son of a carpenter, then vilified, slandered, arrested, beaten nearly to death and then murdered on a cruel Roman cross. This King has never lived in a mansion, an ornate temple in a magnificent city. He …
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Authority is at the heart of man's rebellion. When John the Baptist came preaching repentance and baptizing for the remission of sins, it was rooted in the authority of God is Jesus Christ who was coming, who could only be received if one repented of his own self-claimed authority. When you refuse to die to yourself Jesus can't live in you and thro…
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As one reads Paul's letter to the Galatians it becomes for definitive and succinct in declaring the law espoused by Judaism, as well as today's Messianic Judaism and the Hebrew Roots Movement as weak and beggarly and a place of bondage! For those in the Law of Moses, the die on that religious hill adherent crowd, this letter, in context, may make y…
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Love is powerful! Love is God and He is Spirit and works in us to bear love as the fruit of His workmanship in us. Paul writes in Romans 12 that we are to be kindly affectionate to one another. Man that is so cool. Greeting a brother of sister with a big hug, and hugging them goodbye, being kind to one another, helping one another is all the love b…
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作詞:Danelle Sandoval、Laurent Wilthien、Jean-Noel Wilthien、Nick McKerl、Matthieu Tosi、徐世珍 作曲:Danelle Sandoval、Laurent Wilthien、Jean-Noel Wilthien、Nick McKerl、Matthieu Tosi 翻唱:me 翻唱製作:me 我 想去 你去的地方 想 追逐 你追的月亮 隱藏起沒有心機的善良 保護色讓我看來夠強 要 參加 你的冒險 不被落下 Oh 跳進那 嘉年華 狼群中 一起瘋狂 別輕易拆穿我瀟灑的偽裝 為了留在你身旁 我想要和你一樣 為了留在你身旁 當 大雨 模糊了方向 同行 的人 陷入了迷惘 我脫下溫馴穿上一身堅強 微笑向前不準備投降 跟 著我 捕獵夢想…
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作詞:林夕 作曲:Suzanne Mossan, Partick Tucker 翻唱:me 翻唱製作:me 他 給她一個吻 然後就害怕這女人 弄假成真 他看不起她的忠貞 才故意讓她慢慢等 看得我眼睜睜 如何死裡逃生 重新相信男人 如何起死回生 假裝什麼都沒發生 他們的故事 他給了她一個吻 然後就害怕這個女人 對他太認真 他傷害過很多人 只因為同時愛很多人 互相平衡 他要讓她心灰意冷 才心安理得找別人 避免一場戰爭 如何死裡逃生 重新相信男人 如何起死回生 假裝什麼都沒發生 他們的故事 他給了她一個吻 然後就害怕這個女人 對他太認真 他鍾愛著一些人 和他結婚卻是另一個人 而他還不算是壞人 只怪太多人太無能 每個人都苦悶 如何死裡逃生 重新相信男人 如何起死回生 假裝什麼都沒發生 他們的故事 他…
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這次找到了一個我喜歡的beat繼續當rapper, 希望你們會喜歡我的即興演出,這次的vocal聲音處理以及某些歌詞咬字的設計可謂一氣呵成,應該說玩的蠻開心的喔~ :)) 😎🤩🤩 p.s 覺得自己的這個作品超級冷門,但是卻非常愛!!(哈哈) 這次Vocal和BGM的聲音比例有調的比較好一點,開心~ 😎🤩🤩 This time I found a beat I like and continue to be a rapper. I hope you will like my impromptu performance. The vocal sound processing and the design of certain lyrics and wording are all done in …
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很高興又可以跟大家分享我的新作品了,這個音樂製作系列有點荒廢了(笑) 但是一直都還在我心裡, 這次找到了一個我喜歡的beat繼續當rapper, 希望你們會喜歡我的即興演出,這次的vocal聲音處理以及某些歌詞咬字的設計可謂一氣呵成,應該說玩的蠻開心的喔~ :)) 😎🤩🤩 p.s 覺得自己的這個作品超級冷門,但是卻非常愛!!(哈哈)😎🤩🤩 I'm very happy to share my new work with you again. This music production series is a bit neglected (laughs) But it's still in my heart, This time I found a beat I like and contin…
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TheCorinthian Church of Christ seemed to have some issues of order in the gathering of the children of God. It seems a lot of selfism, arrogance, sectarianism, and men and women not functioning in the God given roles that lifted them both up. One of the ways it was very evident was in the area of speaking in tongues. It seems that some fellowships …
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Speaking in tongues can be as much of a dividing line and hot topic as is Calvinism versus Arminianism or pre, mid, or post tribulation rapture. Tongues are a gift of the Spirit, but what is it's order to be for the believer? We may not have a clear understanding, or we may believe that we do. Either way, does what you believe, or what you do and y…
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I was in my early teens as the hippie love movement was riding high in the mid to late 60's. Born of that, or in answer to it was the Jesus movement, or Jesus revolution and the birth of bands writing and performing songs to God and about God. But the devil continues to promote hatred. But he is diabolical and packages it as love that appeals to ea…
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The Acts of the Holy Spirit chronicled in The Book of Acts are amazing supernatural events! We have the same Holy Spirit, who is God, who lives in we as believers, born again by Him! He is still desiring to do the supernatural and sometimes even what we might call mundane, in and through us. It's time to tear the walls of the box we've put ourselve…
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Brothers and sisters still in bondage to the Law in Hebrew Roots or whatever you choose to call it, it's time to wake up and return to Jesus alone! Galatians 3:19 tells us that the law was added UNTIL the Seed would come. Verse 16 is clear that the Seed is Christ! Therefore, the law was added until Jesus came. What does "until" mean? It means reach…
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作詞:崔惟楷 作曲:Nick The Real 翻唱:me 翻唱製作:me Wake up 我們呼吸的不是愛情 Break up 算甚麼大不了事情 Wake up 下一秒鐘調整心情 This is not a love song This is not a love song 幹嘛要醉到K歌都跟不上節拍 幹嘛想吃回頭草當人家的備胎 幹嘛讓自己掉進淚海 放不開 幹嘛以為失戀了全是自己活該 太陽下山 無精打采 明天依舊再爬上來 舊的不去 新的不來 壞的夢 快點醒來 Wake up 我們呼吸的不是愛情 Break up 算甚麼大不了事情 Wake up 下一秒鐘調整心情 別為了昨天 浪費感情 Wake up 哭泣不是唯一的表情 Break up 都無法熄滅你的熱情 Wake up 多情不是等於濫情…
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作詞:吳克群 作曲:吳克群 翻唱:me 翻唱製作:me 你說的話 我都相信 說得好聽 說得甜蜜 你說的每一句 我都相信 為了愛情 失了聰明 聽你的話 閉上眼睛 這個夢多美麗 讓它繼續 你說的話總那麼好聽 你愛不愛我不能確定 也許你只把它當遊戲 我卻愛得太用力 你說的話 我都相信 說得好聽 說得甜蜜 你說的每一句 我都相信 為了愛情 失了聰明 聽你的話 閉上眼睛 這個夢多美麗 讓它繼續 你說的話總那麼好聽 你愛不愛我不能確定 也許你只把愛當遊戲 我卻沒那麼聰明 你說的話總那麼好聽 你愛不愛我不想確定 我會關掉你送的手機 然後靜靜不去理 你說的話總那麼好聽 你愛不愛我不想確定 我會關掉你送的手機 然後靜靜 輕輕 是再也不去理 小額贊助支持本節目:…
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