Fr. John, Fr. James, and Br. Peter explain the significance of the Octaves and how they are celebrated within the community.Av Fr. John Ignatius, Fr. James Claver, and Br. Peter Xavier
Wrapping up our discussion on the evangelical counsels, Fr. Paul, Fr. James, Br. Thomas, and Br. Peter elaborate on the benefits and challenges associated with a vow of obedience.Av Fr. Paul Kostka, Fr. James Claver, Br. Thomas Gonzaga & Br. Peter Xavier
Fr. Paul, Fr. James, Br. Thomas and Br. Peter explain the demands and the fruits of living out the Vow of Evangelical Poverty.Av Fr. Paul Kostka, Fr. James Claver, Br. Thomas Gonzaga & Br. Peter Xavier
Br. Thomas and Br. Peter explain the month-long manual labor formation exercise undertaken by the Servants of Christ Jesus.Av Br. Thomas Gonzaga & Br. Peter Xavier
Fr. James shares about his seminary thesis on the complementarity of vocations and how the Servants exercise this complementarity between different vocations.Av Fr. James Claver
Fr. Paul and Br. Andrew are joined by 3 University of Denver students, Carl, James and Jack, to share about the Holy Land Formation Exercise of the Servants of Christ Jesus.Av Fr. Paul Kostka, Br. Andrew Brébeuf & three guests
Br. Thomas Gonzaga and Br. Andrew Brèbeuf share about the 30-Day Silent Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius as a formation exercise for their community.Av Br. Thomas Gonzaga & Br. Andrew Brèbeuf
Fr. Paul and Br. Thomas share about the annual 8-Day Silent Spiritual Exercises retreat that each servant undertakes.Av Fr. Paul Kostka and Br. Thomas Gonzaga
Fr. James shares the story of his month-long poverty pilgrimage through along the Spanish Mission trail of Baja California, Mexico in 2009.Av Fr. James Claver
Fr. Paul, Br. Thomas, Br. Peter share about the inspiration and the fruits of the tradition of the Servants' Great Fast of Lent.Av Fr. Paul Kostka, Br. Thomas Gonzaga, Br. Peter Xavier
Fr. James Claver shares how the Lord gradually called him to religious life, priesthood and ultimately to join the Servants of Christ Jesus.Av Fr. James Claver
Fr. John and Fr. Paul share the story of how the Lord provided inspirations for the founding of the Servants of Christ Jesus in the early 2000s.Av Fr. John Ignatius and Fr. Paul Kostka
This is a quick introduction to explain what the Servants of Christ Jesus podcast will entail and why the Servants are even making a podcast. As with all things that the Servants do, they hope that this podcast brings glory God. The vision of this podcast is to bring glory to God simply through telling the story of the Servants of Christ Jesus. Epi…