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381: Walking into the next version of you
Manage episode 446902984 series 3023022
On todays episode Betsy shares some stories about friends, living big and the secrets to the universe…. well, sort of!
Listen in this week and discover how you can impact a shift in your reality and start walking toward what you really want.
Betsy [00:00:05]:
Welcome to the art of Living. Big podcast. My name is Betsy Pake. I’m an author, a speaker, and a trainer of NLP and hypnotherapy. And I’m focused on helping you understand and design your life with the power of the subconscious. This podcast is designed to help you think differently about what could be possible for your life. Now let’s go live big. Hello, fellow adventurers.
Betsy [00:00:34]:
Hi, everyone. Welcome to the show today. This has been like such a busy, crazy week in so many ways. The hurricane came through, Milton came through Florida, but impacted us in Atlanta. I’ll explain why it impacted me specifically. And there’s been some updates that I want to share with you about my hypnosis. If you have been listening the last couple weeks, you know that I got a customized hypnosis to work through a really big core issue. So I’ll recap and kind of give you the rundown on that.
Betsy [00:01:10]:
Last week, as you probably know, that Hurricane Milton came through Florida. And, you know, we were kind of watching it. And I live in Atlanta, so I wasn’t expecting to get weather, but it’s so close to us. And my dad has a home in Florida. And so I was really watching and watching the path. One of our friends is the meteorologist in Tampa. So, you know, she was posting a lot on her instagram and on her private Facebook page, just talking about how she was preparing so that she could go in to work and not have to worry about her home, you know. So all of this I was just kind of watching, it was so fascinating because I talked to my dad and my dad has a home in Florida and he has a home in Vermont where I grew up.
Betsy [00:01:58]:
And he has this house in Florida. It’s outside Orlando. So we’re not in the direct path, but still, like weather and, you know, tornadoes, possibly all this stuff. And although he wasn’t there, so I wasn’t worried about him and his safety. But I did call him and say, like, do you know anything about your house? Do you have to do anything? Do you have to pay anybody to go board it up or like, what’s going on? And, you know, my dad is, he’s 83. He’ll be 84 in February, beginning of February. And he’s, he seems really young to me. I don’t know if I’m like, I just see him still as like 60 or if he really is young, but I think he really does seem young.
Betsy [00:02:39]:
He rides his bike all the time, you know, that kind of 80 year old. And he’s super active. He goes back and forth between these two houses and, you know, has. Works on. Has board. He works on boards. Like, he’s on the museum board in Vermont. He goes down to Florida, and he’s active and stuff.
Betsy [00:03:01]:
He still does stuff with his fraternity and goes around and works with the kids at the fraternity houses with different things. So, like, do you know? You know, you get the idea, right? So I say to him, like, do you have to do anything for the house? And he was like, what do you mean? And I said, well, it’s, like, in Florida. So, like, do you have to have anybody do anything? And he said, you know, I bought that house 25 years ago, and they told me it was hurricane proof, so we’re just gonna go ahead and put it to the test now. My dad is not a dumb man at all, and it was far enough outside where he felt like he didn’t have to do anything, but it made me laugh so much, because sometimes that’s exactly what we have to do. Like, we have to just say, I’m safe. The people around me are safe. Everything’s put up, you know, because he doesn’t have outdoor furniture or anything there because he hasn’t been there. And I’m just gonna.
Betsy [00:04:01]:
I’m not gonna spend my precious energy on worrying right now, because the things that really matter are totally fine. I don’t know. Also, I strive to be that unbothered about things. But you know what? His house was totally fine. It was totally fine. He was really lucky. I think there was a little bit of damage in his neighborhood from wind and that kind of thing, but he was fine. On Wednesday last week, I got a message, and I had been getting messages for a few days before from a friend of mine whose mom lives outside Tampa.
Betsy [00:04:37]:
And she said, you know, my mom is down there. She lives in a trailer outside Tampa, and that hurricane is coming, and I’m trying to get her out, and she’s supposed to get a flight out, like, the next day. And so she was messaging with me, and then the next day came, and she said that the flight had been canceled. Like, she didn’t even know she got to the airport, and that’s when she found out it had been canceled. So my girlfriend was like, get in your car and just drive. Like, just start driving. Which, if you saw any of the news or, you know, you have friends or family that live there, it was like, wall to wall to wall traffic trying to get out. Like, it was just packed, and it took, like, you know, hours and hours and hours.
Betsy [00:05:22]:
Would have taken an hour. So it was a big project, right, to load up her car and to head out. And so she grabbed one of her neighbors, who is an older man who was 89, and they started driving. And she told me when they started driving, she said, they’re driving, and they’re going to drive. She lives in Virginia, so she’s like, they’re going to drive all the way to Virginia. And I was like, that just feels, like, really too far to drive. Like, she’s 85, he’s 89. And I said, why don’t they stop in Atlanta? They can park their car at my house, and I will drive them to the airport.
Betsy [00:06:01]:
And then they could take a flight from Atlanta to go to Virginia to see her. And so she was like, that’s great. That’s a really good idea. So she was trying to figure it out and then ended up calling me back, like, that morning, early that morning, and she said, my mom is driving now, and can you drive her the rest of the way from Atlanta? Can you drive her? So she has her car. And I was like, I really can’t. Like, it was just 10 hours or something each way, and I had to work, and I had group and all these things. So I was like, I really can’t, but I want to be able to help, so what else could we do? And so she decided she was going to fly down. I was going to pick her up at the airport.
Betsy [00:06:38]:
Her mom was going to drive right to my house, and then they would be reunited, and she would drive her mom back to Virginia. So I had a doctor’s appointment that morning. Um, and after I left my doctor’s appointment, I got a phone call from her, sort of frantic, and she said, oh, my God, Betsy, my mom had a car accident outside Atlanta, and she’s totaled her car. Can you go get her? And I was like, oh, my God. Yeah. Where is she? And so she told me, like, the cross streets. Like, she’s on the corner of Memorial drive and this. And I was like, I don’t.
Betsy [00:07:14]:
Like, I don’t even know where that is, but let me go see if I can find it. So I did. I found it. And it didn’t take me that long, 30, 40 minutes to get there. And there her mom was, like, on the side of the road, the car just totaled. The police hadn’t even gotten there yet. And so, anyway, long story short, I spent the day with her and her friend and brought them both to my house, fed them, got them situated. I mean, it was, they were so nervous.
Betsy [00:07:44]:
You know how, you know, you get shaky after something like that anyway, and then imagine you’re, like, fleeing. You don’t know if your home is going to be okay, and you’re older, and it just all feels unsteady and just really hard. And I just. My heart just broke for her. So I got them on my porch. If you followed along on my instagram, you know how much I love my porch. So I got them settled, I moved the tv out to the porch and got some pizzas. And it’s like, we’re just.
Betsy [00:08:13]:
We’re gonna make this as fun as we can, right? So whenever something goes sideways, I always like to think, like, what is the easiest path here? What could feel, like, the most fun in this situation? It doesn’t mean the situation is fun. It just means what could feel the lightest? How can we make this the best it could be? And, you know, I’ve talked about this before, but that’s kind of what I think about as living biggest. Living big isn’t having, like, some big, extraordinary life that everybody wants or celebrity, like money and wealth. It’s not that. It’s like, what’s the highest and best, right, in this situation, how can I make this work for me? And being able to live and to grow in whatever environment I’m in is really. Is really what that’s all about. So I feel like we really made the best of it. And, you know, I don’t know that they would say it was fun, but we made it as light as it could be.
Betsy [00:09:07]:
And then we picked up Michelle, got them home, got them to a hotel for a couple days. They stayed in Atlanta and until they could get a flight out. And then, because there was no car to drive home to Michelle’s, she flew her mother back, and her mom’s going to visit her for a little while before going home. So it was sort of a lesson, I think, in. In being present, right? Like, how can we make this the best? Because there’s lots of ways to look at things. You know, we can say we’re safe, and that’s the best that we could hope for, and how can we make what we’re going through now seem as light as it can possibly be, right. And we can kind of lay that formula, I think, over lots of different areas and times of our lives. The other thing that this all reminded me of, and years ago, I talked about this when I had gone to Vermont to stay with my best friend, growing up with her mom at the hospital while she transitioned.
Betsy [00:10:12]:
And I talked about Jesse Itzler Eitzler. I should know how to say that. It’s Sara Blakely’s husband. And you know how I’m a fan of Sarah Blakely and Jesse. I was in his coaching group years ago, and one of the things that I remember he said that really stuck with me was when your friends need you, you show up. Like, you don’t send a card. You don’t, like, shoot him an email, you show up. And I’ve thought of that so many times over the years, and I remember I talked about it back then when my girlfriend’s mom was transitioning and in the hospital, I found out, and literally within 40 minutes, I was at the Atlanta airport.
Betsy [00:10:52]:
Like, literally, like, I got a flight and, like, ran to the airport. I was like, I can catch that first flight out in the morning and be there, right? So to be there. So honestly, it felt like an honor to be able to be there. I love the opportunities where there’s something that happens that I can help and make things easier. You know, how can I make this the best and lightest that it could be? So it felt really good to me to be able to be there and to help. So. All right, so I want to give you an update on the hypnosis, because if you remember, a couple weeks ago, I talked about how I hired a hypnotherapist, and it’s Joseph Clough that I hired. I’m going to explain to you a little bit about him, but he has an app that I have used for years.
Betsy [00:11:42]:
He and I went through a coaching group together back in 2018. And in fact, I, as I listened to his hypnosis, I think we were probably trained in a similar school of thought for hypnotherapy. I’m a trainer of hypnotherapy, and the things that he says or the way that he does his inductions reminds me a lot of the training that I had. I think we were probably trained. There’s many different kinds of hypnotherapy, but I think we were probably trained similarly. I have listened to his app and used his app for several years, and I really like it. A lot of it’s amazing if you look up hypnotherapy, like, if you go to the Apple Store and I don’t know about the other phone, what is it? Android? But on the Apple store, if you just put in hypnotherapy, I think it’s like the first one that comes in, it’s a little white square with a JC for Joseph Clough. And it’s really the best.
Betsy [00:12:36]:
It’s really, really good. And if you have the paid version, you can switch it to nighttime mode so that at the end of the hypnosis, it just puts you to sleep instead of says, wide awake, well aware, you know? So I really love that. Okay. So in all of this, I was like, I have something that’s really holding me back. And I was starting to recognize it because I was getting weirded out by mean things people were saying on the Internet or things I perceived as mean. I have an update on that. So, anyway, I was like, there’s something going on because I feel this, like, intense shame. And I don’t feel like shame is the appropriate response to, like, a stranger telling me they hate my glasses.
Betsy [00:13:15]:
Do you know what I’m saying? Like, it just seemed really weird. And so I was. I mean, I had done. And historically, over the past, like, 15 years, I’ve done a lot of work on myself. But, you know, like you, I’ve got. I got stuff. You know, I got my stuff. And so I was like, you know what? I don’t know what this is, but this issue that I’m having is a gift, because if it’s showing up like this, then it’s been showing up for years, and I just haven’t noticed it because there hasn’t been enough pressure behind it to put it into the forefront of my thoughts, right.
Betsy [00:13:53]:
And so I hired him to do this to create a custom hypnosis for me. And in that process, we had to get to the core issue, right. Because the symptoms are, like, when somebody says something on Instagram, I feel yucky. That’s just a symptom. That’s not the thing. So anytime I’m working with clients, I’m always like, what’s the belief or the story? So that we can try and get to the core issue. So I hired him. It was a real investment in myself.
Betsy [00:14:25]:
I will say that it was a real investment. And so I was like, I am going to get to the core issue. So that when I tell him what the core issue is, it will really take care of the problem, because otherwise, I’m paying a lot of money and not being honest with myself and getting to the root. Right. And I think we can do that sometimes because it feels hard to touch the things we don’t want to touch. Right. And so many times, we don’t change until where we are is too uncomfortable. And when it gets really uncomfortable, that’s when it’s worth it to go through the pain of healing it or changing it or looking at it, right? And that is absolutely where I was.
Betsy [00:15:09]:
I actually didn’t even. I wasn’t even aware of it, that this existed. And so I was like, I’m gonna get to the dang root of this thing and figure this out. And so I mentioned this on the podcast, so I don’t want to rehash everything, but I had a dark night of the soul. I had a whole night where I was, like, up basically all night, and I was thinking of things and remembering things. And when it got daylight, I was like, I have a belief that I’m bad. That was the belief. I don’t think I mentioned that before, but it was that I am bad.
Betsy [00:15:48]:
And if I didn’t mention it before, it’s because I still sort of believed it, and I couldn’t say it out loud. But when I saw it, like, I am bad, which you might be like, Betsy, how would you think you were bad? Well, you know, just like everybody else, I’ve had things in my life that have happened. And after my mom died when I was 16, it was really traumatic. And some things happened to me, and over and over and over, some things were said to me, and I asked for help, and I told people these things were being done, and nobody helped me. And I think my 16 year old brain decided, well, you must be bad, because if you weren’t, somebody would help you, right? If you weren’t, somebody would listen. And I think that because I was smart and not an adult, by any chance, and my brain certainly wasn’t even, you know, my brain was ten years out from being fully formed. But I think I had enough intellect wherever I was. Like, I got to keep going.
Betsy [00:16:52]:
I have to keep moving forward. And so I had another year of high school, and then I went off to college, and those years were excruciating for me. And I think I really solidified that belief during that time, because that’s when it got really bad, too, when I was asking for help, and nobody would help me. And so I had. I had really adopted the idea with, well, I mean, the only thing that really makes sense is I must be bad, and so I must create patterns around all of this to protect myself, because I can’t keep living. When I look back at those years, like my not even, well, probably my senior year of college or of high school, it started a little bit, but it really intensified when I went to college, I think, because by that point, my dad was married to the woman he started dating after my mom died. And there were a lot of rules around me being able to do certain things or to come home. And so I was in so much deep grief and so vulnerable, and then all of these changes, and so I created some really, really heavy patterns.
Betsy [00:18:05]:
Right. Because that’s such a sensitive place for your brain to be, and especially a developing brain. And so over the past six months, I have really started to unpack some of that. And, you know, historically, over the past decade, I’ve worked on so much of that and healing that and moving to a place where I took responsibility for my part in creating the patterns, certainly not in the trauma, but in my part in creating the patterns. Because when I could. When I could accept my part in creating the patterns, that means I could uncreate them, right? When I didn’t give anybody my power and I kept my power. And so all of this was starting to unravel. But when I finally got to that night where I was like, oh, my God, I remember this, I remember that.
Betsy [00:18:50]:
Like, I was remembering stuff I hadn’t thought of in forever, and it was painful and awful. And then when I saw I am bad, it was like, I don’t know, like the sky opened up, because this 53 year old version of me can look at that and say, oh, my God, of course not. Of course not. And so things changed, like, immediately. Once I had the root cause, it changed. But there was still work to do, and I noticed this beginning to unravel things that I have done. I started to really notice patterns and how I was showing up. And then once I got the hypnosis, I was.
Betsy [00:19:29]:
I mean, immediately, the very first time I did it, there was this lightness, but there’s this really interesting thing that happened. So I got this lightness, and I’ve got, you know, I’ve got the hypnosis. I do it at night. There’s one that I kind of do in the morning. It’s called create your day. And that was a custom. Create your day. So that I started my day thinking the way I wanted to think and being the way I wanted to be.
Betsy [00:19:55]:
But the interesting thing that happened while I was doing the hypnosis was at one point, I, you know, if you’ve ever done a hypnosis, it’s. It’s really very much a guided meditation, right? It’s a guided meditation for all intents and purposes. It just is a meditation with a purpose, right. So it’s leading you somewhere. And so when I was doing it, I noticed at one point, I was really, like, there was a point where I was sitting with myself. Like, I. This version of me come up and I sit. When I do my meditations, if I’m not in bed, I sit.
Betsy [00:20:33]:
I have these two gold thinking chairs in my office, and you may have seen them on Instagram. They’re mid century modern, and they’re very cool, and I love them. But in my hypnosis, I was sitting in one, and this other version of me came and sat in one. I don’t know that she was older, but she was, like, way wise. Like, she was centered and fully present and confident, and she came and, you know, if somebody sits down like, you are sitting in a chair, but your elbows are on your knees, do you know what I’m saying? So you’re leaning forward, and she did that same thing, and she put her hands over my hands, right? So, like, kind of, like, cupped my hands, right. So she’s holding my hands, and she started telling me stuff, and she was telling me, so I’m going to tell you. So she was telling me all this incredible stuff, things I needed to know, how to do, things, where I was going to go, what choices I had. Like, if you do this, you’ll get here.
Betsy [00:21:38]:
If you do this, you’ll get here, like, this. Most insightful. And as she was telling me, I knew that she was telling me, like, the secrets to the universe. It was amazing. And then she got up and walked away. And the only thing I remember is that I thought, why is she walking like that? That’s it. I don’t remember the secrets to the universe. I don’t remember my options or where I’m going.
Betsy [00:22:09]:
I just remember, like, why is she walking like that? So, okay, so then how was she walking? She. And I’m gonna say this, and I’m gonna say this with a lot of love towards myself. And I don’t mean this in a negative way at all, but I want to explain it. She was walking really feminine, powerful and feminine. And I had never. It had never, ever occurred to me how I walk before. Like, me walk. Like, you know, like, there’s things I don’t like about myself.
Betsy [00:22:40]:
Like, I don’t like my thighs, but, like, my walk has never been the thing that I’m like, oh, I wish I walked different. But all of a sudden, I was like, she walks different. Which is honestly such an unconscious thing, right? I mean, I didn’t even notice that about myself, that that was even a thing. And so she walked with purpose. I’m gonna describe it like, there was an elegance to it. Her spine seemed very straight to me, but she was looking straight ahead. It made me realize that when I walk, I look down. Like, I look at my feet, almost, like, to make sure I don’t trip or fall.
Betsy [00:23:20]:
I just. So I start so immediately, I was like, how do I walk? I opened up videos so I could see if I could see myself walking in videos. And sometimes I take b roll while I’ll walk down a path when we’re at the beach. And so I started looking at those, and I was like, I walk like a linebacker, kind of. And I don’t say this to be cruel to myself, but I. It’s a masculine walk. I was like, I don’t know that I ever noticed. And what does that mean, you know? And so I actually asked my daughter, I said, hey, how would you say I walk? And without missing a beat, she said, like a man, she said, you walk very square.
Betsy [00:24:07]:
Your upper body is very stiff, and you look down. I was like, is this a thing? Like, is this a thing people notice? So I said, well, how is it different from other people? And she said, well, typically, women walk with their hips, and they look straight ahead, and you walk like you’re almost leaning forward, right? So at this point, I’m like, obsessed. It’s like all I can think about. Every time I get up to go to the bathroom or to get a drink of water at my house, I’m like, how am I walking? What’s happening? The version of me that does all the things that I want to do. Apparently she walks totally different, which to me is such an unconscious way of embodying yourself, right, of showing up as yourself. And there are times when I talk to the ladies in the navigate method, and you’ve probably heard this before, but if you want to change your state, your internal state, you can simply change your physical aspects, and it will impact your internal state. There’s a loop, right? So my brain and my body are connected. And I know you’ve heard that, but if I am feeling sad, I want you to think about, like, a time you felt really sad and then just picture yourself in that sadness.
Betsy [00:25:32]:
Are you kind of slumped over? Are you kind of looking down? Right. Are you, are your shoulders kind of slumped? Like, if you’re sitting, are you kind of, like, dumpy sitting? I call it, you know? Or are you, like, looking up? Are your shoulders back? Like. No. So we, our physical body shows up as our internal being. And this is how come when you walk up to somebody you’re like, oh, are you okay? You just seem a little down. Well, what seems down? It’s the way they’re presenting. Right? So the version of me who does all the magical things apparently is embodying a totally different way of being. And I knew because I saw her walk, and it just occurred to me, as I say, that, that that’s all she needed me to know.
Betsy [00:26:18]:
She didn’t need me to know how it all went down. She just needed me to know who she was being, and that’s who she was being. And so I said to my daughter, like, okay, well, how do I walk different? Because I want to embody something different. So let’s play around with it. Let’s see if I can change the way I’m walking, if it’ll start changing the way I’m thinking, right? Absolutely it will. This is how come Tony Robbins has you put your hands in the air and jump up and down right when you’re at his event, because it moves you to a different state of being. And so my daughter was like, well, let’s check some reddits for people that are trans, that are trying to learn how to walk more feminine, which was such a brilliant idea. I have gone down the rabbit hole.
Betsy [00:27:04]:
I have watched so many YouTube videos. I have watched. I have found people on Instagram that teach elegance. I am not successful just yet, although I feel like I have a heightened sense of awareness around it. And I’m starting to notice that this shift, if I am not bad, which, think about it. If you think you’re bad, and I’m not saying men think they’re bad, and that’s why they walk like that. But if you think you’re bad, you’re probably looking down, right? You’re probably walking more blocky because you want to be ready to fight, right. Nervous system wise, I felt like that made a lot of sense.
Betsy [00:27:41]:
And so I have gone down the rabbit hole to adjust my walk and see if it begins to shift who I think I am. I will tell you that the idea now that I have about me not only not being bad, but being good, it almost felt weird to say that. Like, embarrassing to being good, but I. But not. But not totally. I think maybe a couple weeks ago it would have felt more weird. But what I’m noticing now is, like, my standards for myself are totally changed. Like, the level of things that I deserve are much different.
Betsy [00:28:17]:
Like, the things I’m willing to tolerate has absolutely changed. What I think I’m worthy of and capable of has absolutely changed. This has been actually such a dramatic thing, and I have always believed in hypnosis. You’ve heard me talk about it over the years, but it’s been such a dramatic thing that I think I’m gonna. So I have inside the navigate method. When people complete the navigate method, what happens is they go into our alumni group, which is a free group, so they can stay in that group. And I meet with those people every month. I always joke that it’s for me because I love everybody and I don’t wanna not see them or not keep up with what’s going on.
Betsy [00:28:59]:
So sometimes people come every month. Sometimes people just come when they need extra help, but that is always, always available to them. But what I found was a lot of people wanted to go to the next level, right? They were like, I want to keep doing this work. I want to keep. So we launched last month. It’s something called Voyager Circle. It’s a year long mastermind, and that’s for people that have come through the navigate method and want to keep going. But I think, and if you’re listening and you’re a Voyager, let’s do this.
Betsy [00:29:27]:
Let’s do custom hypnosis for everybody that comes into Voyager, and let’s do something to get to the Root. Let’s do a workshop to get to the root issue and then get you a custom hypnosis. Because I feel like this has been entirely game changing. And I think you’ve got to go through navigate. I think you’ve got to learn these basic principles of operating in the world in a totally different way. And then I think you’re ready for, like, that next big transition. So, anyway, I’m excited to kind of do a little experiment with some of the folks that are inside Voyager and, like, test this out, right? Because I’m all about experimenting and testing things and seeing, like, can we make a really big shift? Do you feel really stuck in some certain thing? And how is it showing up? And, you know, like I said, for me, it was showing up because I was getting so much shame around these comments and Instagram. And what I have found to be so fascinating is that I don’t even want to open up the apps in the morning.
Betsy [00:30:30]:
Like, before. I used to anxiously open so that I could, I don’t know, take care of whatever I saw. But now I. It’ll be like, I’ll be already getting my coffee and moving on with my day, and then I’ll be like, oh, I haven’t even checked, so I’m not even unconsciously scanning for danger in that area at all anymore. It’s like, people can write whatever they want. Like, I don’t. It’s not my job to even respond to them all the time now, other than I know the algorithm likes it. So sometimes I’ll say, hey, thanks for commenting.
Betsy [00:31:04]:
You know what I mean? Like, whatever. I don’t care. I don’t care. Oh, I can’t even tell you how amazing, amazing it is. So I’m super excited to see what continues to happen over the next year. If you see a video of me and I’m walking like a damn princess, you let me know, and I will keep you posted on how this continues to unravel and how I notice the external starting to impact the internal. And of course, I’m going to keep some stats on anything we do inside Voyager because I feel like there can be some really cool outcomes here. I’ll keep you guys posted on what’s working.
Betsy [00:31:43]:
So. All right, I hope this is helpful. I hope it gives you some new ideas of what you can do for your life. And I love you guys so much. Thanks so much for being here. I’ll see you next week. Hey, thanks so much for listening to today’s show, and thank you for sharing the show with your friends. I love when you guys do that.
Betsy [00:32:04]:
I appreciate it so much. And thank you for leaving leaving me a review on iTunes. I know that it matters because when I go to find a podcast, I always look to see what the reviews are. So it really means a lot to me that you take a minute to, like, figure out how to even make that happen. Now, if you want to find me, find me on social media. I’m usually on Instagram starting out on TikTok. It’s just my name, Betsy Pake. And that’s my website, too, betsypake.com.
Betsy [00:32:32]:
and you can find out all about the work that I do, having me speak for an event that you might be helping to plan or getting trained inside my alchemy institute. But to make it really easy, if you want me, just shoot me a dm. Shoot me a direct message on Instagram, and I will be at your service. Thanks again for listening, and I will see you all next week.
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On todays episode Betsy shares some stories about friends, living big and the secrets to the universe…. well, sort of!
Listen in this week and discover how you can impact a shift in your reality and start walking toward what you really want.
Betsy [00:00:05]:
Welcome to the art of Living. Big podcast. My name is Betsy Pake. I’m an author, a speaker, and a trainer of NLP and hypnotherapy. And I’m focused on helping you understand and design your life with the power of the subconscious. This podcast is designed to help you think differently about what could be possible for your life. Now let’s go live big. Hello, fellow adventurers.
Betsy [00:00:34]:
Hi, everyone. Welcome to the show today. This has been like such a busy, crazy week in so many ways. The hurricane came through, Milton came through Florida, but impacted us in Atlanta. I’ll explain why it impacted me specifically. And there’s been some updates that I want to share with you about my hypnosis. If you have been listening the last couple weeks, you know that I got a customized hypnosis to work through a really big core issue. So I’ll recap and kind of give you the rundown on that.
Betsy [00:01:10]:
Last week, as you probably know, that Hurricane Milton came through Florida. And, you know, we were kind of watching it. And I live in Atlanta, so I wasn’t expecting to get weather, but it’s so close to us. And my dad has a home in Florida. And so I was really watching and watching the path. One of our friends is the meteorologist in Tampa. So, you know, she was posting a lot on her instagram and on her private Facebook page, just talking about how she was preparing so that she could go in to work and not have to worry about her home, you know. So all of this I was just kind of watching, it was so fascinating because I talked to my dad and my dad has a home in Florida and he has a home in Vermont where I grew up.
Betsy [00:01:58]:
And he has this house in Florida. It’s outside Orlando. So we’re not in the direct path, but still, like weather and, you know, tornadoes, possibly all this stuff. And although he wasn’t there, so I wasn’t worried about him and his safety. But I did call him and say, like, do you know anything about your house? Do you have to do anything? Do you have to pay anybody to go board it up or like, what’s going on? And, you know, my dad is, he’s 83. He’ll be 84 in February, beginning of February. And he’s, he seems really young to me. I don’t know if I’m like, I just see him still as like 60 or if he really is young, but I think he really does seem young.
Betsy [00:02:39]:
He rides his bike all the time, you know, that kind of 80 year old. And he’s super active. He goes back and forth between these two houses and, you know, has. Works on. Has board. He works on boards. Like, he’s on the museum board in Vermont. He goes down to Florida, and he’s active and stuff.
Betsy [00:03:01]:
He still does stuff with his fraternity and goes around and works with the kids at the fraternity houses with different things. So, like, do you know? You know, you get the idea, right? So I say to him, like, do you have to do anything for the house? And he was like, what do you mean? And I said, well, it’s, like, in Florida. So, like, do you have to have anybody do anything? And he said, you know, I bought that house 25 years ago, and they told me it was hurricane proof, so we’re just gonna go ahead and put it to the test now. My dad is not a dumb man at all, and it was far enough outside where he felt like he didn’t have to do anything, but it made me laugh so much, because sometimes that’s exactly what we have to do. Like, we have to just say, I’m safe. The people around me are safe. Everything’s put up, you know, because he doesn’t have outdoor furniture or anything there because he hasn’t been there. And I’m just gonna.
Betsy [00:04:01]:
I’m not gonna spend my precious energy on worrying right now, because the things that really matter are totally fine. I don’t know. Also, I strive to be that unbothered about things. But you know what? His house was totally fine. It was totally fine. He was really lucky. I think there was a little bit of damage in his neighborhood from wind and that kind of thing, but he was fine. On Wednesday last week, I got a message, and I had been getting messages for a few days before from a friend of mine whose mom lives outside Tampa.
Betsy [00:04:37]:
And she said, you know, my mom is down there. She lives in a trailer outside Tampa, and that hurricane is coming, and I’m trying to get her out, and she’s supposed to get a flight out, like, the next day. And so she was messaging with me, and then the next day came, and she said that the flight had been canceled. Like, she didn’t even know she got to the airport, and that’s when she found out it had been canceled. So my girlfriend was like, get in your car and just drive. Like, just start driving. Which, if you saw any of the news or, you know, you have friends or family that live there, it was like, wall to wall to wall traffic trying to get out. Like, it was just packed, and it took, like, you know, hours and hours and hours.
Betsy [00:05:22]:
Would have taken an hour. So it was a big project, right, to load up her car and to head out. And so she grabbed one of her neighbors, who is an older man who was 89, and they started driving. And she told me when they started driving, she said, they’re driving, and they’re going to drive. She lives in Virginia, so she’s like, they’re going to drive all the way to Virginia. And I was like, that just feels, like, really too far to drive. Like, she’s 85, he’s 89. And I said, why don’t they stop in Atlanta? They can park their car at my house, and I will drive them to the airport.
Betsy [00:06:01]:
And then they could take a flight from Atlanta to go to Virginia to see her. And so she was like, that’s great. That’s a really good idea. So she was trying to figure it out and then ended up calling me back, like, that morning, early that morning, and she said, my mom is driving now, and can you drive her the rest of the way from Atlanta? Can you drive her? So she has her car. And I was like, I really can’t. Like, it was just 10 hours or something each way, and I had to work, and I had group and all these things. So I was like, I really can’t, but I want to be able to help, so what else could we do? And so she decided she was going to fly down. I was going to pick her up at the airport.
Betsy [00:06:38]:
Her mom was going to drive right to my house, and then they would be reunited, and she would drive her mom back to Virginia. So I had a doctor’s appointment that morning. Um, and after I left my doctor’s appointment, I got a phone call from her, sort of frantic, and she said, oh, my God, Betsy, my mom had a car accident outside Atlanta, and she’s totaled her car. Can you go get her? And I was like, oh, my God. Yeah. Where is she? And so she told me, like, the cross streets. Like, she’s on the corner of Memorial drive and this. And I was like, I don’t.
Betsy [00:07:14]:
Like, I don’t even know where that is, but let me go see if I can find it. So I did. I found it. And it didn’t take me that long, 30, 40 minutes to get there. And there her mom was, like, on the side of the road, the car just totaled. The police hadn’t even gotten there yet. And so, anyway, long story short, I spent the day with her and her friend and brought them both to my house, fed them, got them situated. I mean, it was, they were so nervous.
Betsy [00:07:44]:
You know how, you know, you get shaky after something like that anyway, and then imagine you’re, like, fleeing. You don’t know if your home is going to be okay, and you’re older, and it just all feels unsteady and just really hard. And I just. My heart just broke for her. So I got them on my porch. If you followed along on my instagram, you know how much I love my porch. So I got them settled, I moved the tv out to the porch and got some pizzas. And it’s like, we’re just.
Betsy [00:08:13]:
We’re gonna make this as fun as we can, right? So whenever something goes sideways, I always like to think, like, what is the easiest path here? What could feel, like, the most fun in this situation? It doesn’t mean the situation is fun. It just means what could feel the lightest? How can we make this the best it could be? And, you know, I’ve talked about this before, but that’s kind of what I think about as living biggest. Living big isn’t having, like, some big, extraordinary life that everybody wants or celebrity, like money and wealth. It’s not that. It’s like, what’s the highest and best, right, in this situation, how can I make this work for me? And being able to live and to grow in whatever environment I’m in is really. Is really what that’s all about. So I feel like we really made the best of it. And, you know, I don’t know that they would say it was fun, but we made it as light as it could be.
Betsy [00:09:07]:
And then we picked up Michelle, got them home, got them to a hotel for a couple days. They stayed in Atlanta and until they could get a flight out. And then, because there was no car to drive home to Michelle’s, she flew her mother back, and her mom’s going to visit her for a little while before going home. So it was sort of a lesson, I think, in. In being present, right? Like, how can we make this the best? Because there’s lots of ways to look at things. You know, we can say we’re safe, and that’s the best that we could hope for, and how can we make what we’re going through now seem as light as it can possibly be, right. And we can kind of lay that formula, I think, over lots of different areas and times of our lives. The other thing that this all reminded me of, and years ago, I talked about this when I had gone to Vermont to stay with my best friend, growing up with her mom at the hospital while she transitioned.
Betsy [00:10:12]:
And I talked about Jesse Itzler Eitzler. I should know how to say that. It’s Sara Blakely’s husband. And you know how I’m a fan of Sarah Blakely and Jesse. I was in his coaching group years ago, and one of the things that I remember he said that really stuck with me was when your friends need you, you show up. Like, you don’t send a card. You don’t, like, shoot him an email, you show up. And I’ve thought of that so many times over the years, and I remember I talked about it back then when my girlfriend’s mom was transitioning and in the hospital, I found out, and literally within 40 minutes, I was at the Atlanta airport.
Betsy [00:10:52]:
Like, literally, like, I got a flight and, like, ran to the airport. I was like, I can catch that first flight out in the morning and be there, right? So to be there. So honestly, it felt like an honor to be able to be there. I love the opportunities where there’s something that happens that I can help and make things easier. You know, how can I make this the best and lightest that it could be? So it felt really good to me to be able to be there and to help. So. All right, so I want to give you an update on the hypnosis, because if you remember, a couple weeks ago, I talked about how I hired a hypnotherapist, and it’s Joseph Clough that I hired. I’m going to explain to you a little bit about him, but he has an app that I have used for years.
Betsy [00:11:42]:
He and I went through a coaching group together back in 2018. And in fact, I, as I listened to his hypnosis, I think we were probably trained in a similar school of thought for hypnotherapy. I’m a trainer of hypnotherapy, and the things that he says or the way that he does his inductions reminds me a lot of the training that I had. I think we were probably trained. There’s many different kinds of hypnotherapy, but I think we were probably trained similarly. I have listened to his app and used his app for several years, and I really like it. A lot of it’s amazing if you look up hypnotherapy, like, if you go to the Apple Store and I don’t know about the other phone, what is it? Android? But on the Apple store, if you just put in hypnotherapy, I think it’s like the first one that comes in, it’s a little white square with a JC for Joseph Clough. And it’s really the best.
Betsy [00:12:36]:
It’s really, really good. And if you have the paid version, you can switch it to nighttime mode so that at the end of the hypnosis, it just puts you to sleep instead of says, wide awake, well aware, you know? So I really love that. Okay. So in all of this, I was like, I have something that’s really holding me back. And I was starting to recognize it because I was getting weirded out by mean things people were saying on the Internet or things I perceived as mean. I have an update on that. So, anyway, I was like, there’s something going on because I feel this, like, intense shame. And I don’t feel like shame is the appropriate response to, like, a stranger telling me they hate my glasses.
Betsy [00:13:15]:
Do you know what I’m saying? Like, it just seemed really weird. And so I was. I mean, I had done. And historically, over the past, like, 15 years, I’ve done a lot of work on myself. But, you know, like you, I’ve got. I got stuff. You know, I got my stuff. And so I was like, you know what? I don’t know what this is, but this issue that I’m having is a gift, because if it’s showing up like this, then it’s been showing up for years, and I just haven’t noticed it because there hasn’t been enough pressure behind it to put it into the forefront of my thoughts, right.
Betsy [00:13:53]:
And so I hired him to do this to create a custom hypnosis for me. And in that process, we had to get to the core issue, right. Because the symptoms are, like, when somebody says something on Instagram, I feel yucky. That’s just a symptom. That’s not the thing. So anytime I’m working with clients, I’m always like, what’s the belief or the story? So that we can try and get to the core issue. So I hired him. It was a real investment in myself.
Betsy [00:14:25]:
I will say that it was a real investment. And so I was like, I am going to get to the core issue. So that when I tell him what the core issue is, it will really take care of the problem, because otherwise, I’m paying a lot of money and not being honest with myself and getting to the root. Right. And I think we can do that sometimes because it feels hard to touch the things we don’t want to touch. Right. And so many times, we don’t change until where we are is too uncomfortable. And when it gets really uncomfortable, that’s when it’s worth it to go through the pain of healing it or changing it or looking at it, right? And that is absolutely where I was.
Betsy [00:15:09]:
I actually didn’t even. I wasn’t even aware of it, that this existed. And so I was like, I’m gonna get to the dang root of this thing and figure this out. And so I mentioned this on the podcast, so I don’t want to rehash everything, but I had a dark night of the soul. I had a whole night where I was, like, up basically all night, and I was thinking of things and remembering things. And when it got daylight, I was like, I have a belief that I’m bad. That was the belief. I don’t think I mentioned that before, but it was that I am bad.
Betsy [00:15:48]:
And if I didn’t mention it before, it’s because I still sort of believed it, and I couldn’t say it out loud. But when I saw it, like, I am bad, which you might be like, Betsy, how would you think you were bad? Well, you know, just like everybody else, I’ve had things in my life that have happened. And after my mom died when I was 16, it was really traumatic. And some things happened to me, and over and over and over, some things were said to me, and I asked for help, and I told people these things were being done, and nobody helped me. And I think my 16 year old brain decided, well, you must be bad, because if you weren’t, somebody would help you, right? If you weren’t, somebody would listen. And I think that because I was smart and not an adult, by any chance, and my brain certainly wasn’t even, you know, my brain was ten years out from being fully formed. But I think I had enough intellect wherever I was. Like, I got to keep going.
Betsy [00:16:52]:
I have to keep moving forward. And so I had another year of high school, and then I went off to college, and those years were excruciating for me. And I think I really solidified that belief during that time, because that’s when it got really bad, too, when I was asking for help, and nobody would help me. And so I had. I had really adopted the idea with, well, I mean, the only thing that really makes sense is I must be bad, and so I must create patterns around all of this to protect myself, because I can’t keep living. When I look back at those years, like my not even, well, probably my senior year of college or of high school, it started a little bit, but it really intensified when I went to college, I think, because by that point, my dad was married to the woman he started dating after my mom died. And there were a lot of rules around me being able to do certain things or to come home. And so I was in so much deep grief and so vulnerable, and then all of these changes, and so I created some really, really heavy patterns.
Betsy [00:18:05]:
Right. Because that’s such a sensitive place for your brain to be, and especially a developing brain. And so over the past six months, I have really started to unpack some of that. And, you know, historically, over the past decade, I’ve worked on so much of that and healing that and moving to a place where I took responsibility for my part in creating the patterns, certainly not in the trauma, but in my part in creating the patterns. Because when I could. When I could accept my part in creating the patterns, that means I could uncreate them, right? When I didn’t give anybody my power and I kept my power. And so all of this was starting to unravel. But when I finally got to that night where I was like, oh, my God, I remember this, I remember that.
Betsy [00:18:50]:
Like, I was remembering stuff I hadn’t thought of in forever, and it was painful and awful. And then when I saw I am bad, it was like, I don’t know, like the sky opened up, because this 53 year old version of me can look at that and say, oh, my God, of course not. Of course not. And so things changed, like, immediately. Once I had the root cause, it changed. But there was still work to do, and I noticed this beginning to unravel things that I have done. I started to really notice patterns and how I was showing up. And then once I got the hypnosis, I was.
Betsy [00:19:29]:
I mean, immediately, the very first time I did it, there was this lightness, but there’s this really interesting thing that happened. So I got this lightness, and I’ve got, you know, I’ve got the hypnosis. I do it at night. There’s one that I kind of do in the morning. It’s called create your day. And that was a custom. Create your day. So that I started my day thinking the way I wanted to think and being the way I wanted to be.
Betsy [00:19:55]:
But the interesting thing that happened while I was doing the hypnosis was at one point, I, you know, if you’ve ever done a hypnosis, it’s. It’s really very much a guided meditation, right? It’s a guided meditation for all intents and purposes. It just is a meditation with a purpose, right. So it’s leading you somewhere. And so when I was doing it, I noticed at one point, I was really, like, there was a point where I was sitting with myself. Like, I. This version of me come up and I sit. When I do my meditations, if I’m not in bed, I sit.
Betsy [00:20:33]:
I have these two gold thinking chairs in my office, and you may have seen them on Instagram. They’re mid century modern, and they’re very cool, and I love them. But in my hypnosis, I was sitting in one, and this other version of me came and sat in one. I don’t know that she was older, but she was, like, way wise. Like, she was centered and fully present and confident, and she came and, you know, if somebody sits down like, you are sitting in a chair, but your elbows are on your knees, do you know what I’m saying? So you’re leaning forward, and she did that same thing, and she put her hands over my hands, right? So, like, kind of, like, cupped my hands, right. So she’s holding my hands, and she started telling me stuff, and she was telling me, so I’m going to tell you. So she was telling me all this incredible stuff, things I needed to know, how to do, things, where I was going to go, what choices I had. Like, if you do this, you’ll get here.
Betsy [00:21:38]:
If you do this, you’ll get here, like, this. Most insightful. And as she was telling me, I knew that she was telling me, like, the secrets to the universe. It was amazing. And then she got up and walked away. And the only thing I remember is that I thought, why is she walking like that? That’s it. I don’t remember the secrets to the universe. I don’t remember my options or where I’m going.
Betsy [00:22:09]:
I just remember, like, why is she walking like that? So, okay, so then how was she walking? She. And I’m gonna say this, and I’m gonna say this with a lot of love towards myself. And I don’t mean this in a negative way at all, but I want to explain it. She was walking really feminine, powerful and feminine. And I had never. It had never, ever occurred to me how I walk before. Like, me walk. Like, you know, like, there’s things I don’t like about myself.
Betsy [00:22:40]:
Like, I don’t like my thighs, but, like, my walk has never been the thing that I’m like, oh, I wish I walked different. But all of a sudden, I was like, she walks different. Which is honestly such an unconscious thing, right? I mean, I didn’t even notice that about myself, that that was even a thing. And so she walked with purpose. I’m gonna describe it like, there was an elegance to it. Her spine seemed very straight to me, but she was looking straight ahead. It made me realize that when I walk, I look down. Like, I look at my feet, almost, like, to make sure I don’t trip or fall.
Betsy [00:23:20]:
I just. So I start so immediately, I was like, how do I walk? I opened up videos so I could see if I could see myself walking in videos. And sometimes I take b roll while I’ll walk down a path when we’re at the beach. And so I started looking at those, and I was like, I walk like a linebacker, kind of. And I don’t say this to be cruel to myself, but I. It’s a masculine walk. I was like, I don’t know that I ever noticed. And what does that mean, you know? And so I actually asked my daughter, I said, hey, how would you say I walk? And without missing a beat, she said, like a man, she said, you walk very square.
Betsy [00:24:07]:
Your upper body is very stiff, and you look down. I was like, is this a thing? Like, is this a thing people notice? So I said, well, how is it different from other people? And she said, well, typically, women walk with their hips, and they look straight ahead, and you walk like you’re almost leaning forward, right? So at this point, I’m like, obsessed. It’s like all I can think about. Every time I get up to go to the bathroom or to get a drink of water at my house, I’m like, how am I walking? What’s happening? The version of me that does all the things that I want to do. Apparently she walks totally different, which to me is such an unconscious way of embodying yourself, right, of showing up as yourself. And there are times when I talk to the ladies in the navigate method, and you’ve probably heard this before, but if you want to change your state, your internal state, you can simply change your physical aspects, and it will impact your internal state. There’s a loop, right? So my brain and my body are connected. And I know you’ve heard that, but if I am feeling sad, I want you to think about, like, a time you felt really sad and then just picture yourself in that sadness.
Betsy [00:25:32]:
Are you kind of slumped over? Are you kind of looking down? Right. Are you, are your shoulders kind of slumped? Like, if you’re sitting, are you kind of, like, dumpy sitting? I call it, you know? Or are you, like, looking up? Are your shoulders back? Like. No. So we, our physical body shows up as our internal being. And this is how come when you walk up to somebody you’re like, oh, are you okay? You just seem a little down. Well, what seems down? It’s the way they’re presenting. Right? So the version of me who does all the magical things apparently is embodying a totally different way of being. And I knew because I saw her walk, and it just occurred to me, as I say, that, that that’s all she needed me to know.
Betsy [00:26:18]:
She didn’t need me to know how it all went down. She just needed me to know who she was being, and that’s who she was being. And so I said to my daughter, like, okay, well, how do I walk different? Because I want to embody something different. So let’s play around with it. Let’s see if I can change the way I’m walking, if it’ll start changing the way I’m thinking, right? Absolutely it will. This is how come Tony Robbins has you put your hands in the air and jump up and down right when you’re at his event, because it moves you to a different state of being. And so my daughter was like, well, let’s check some reddits for people that are trans, that are trying to learn how to walk more feminine, which was such a brilliant idea. I have gone down the rabbit hole.
Betsy [00:27:04]:
I have watched so many YouTube videos. I have watched. I have found people on Instagram that teach elegance. I am not successful just yet, although I feel like I have a heightened sense of awareness around it. And I’m starting to notice that this shift, if I am not bad, which, think about it. If you think you’re bad, and I’m not saying men think they’re bad, and that’s why they walk like that. But if you think you’re bad, you’re probably looking down, right? You’re probably walking more blocky because you want to be ready to fight, right. Nervous system wise, I felt like that made a lot of sense.
Betsy [00:27:41]:
And so I have gone down the rabbit hole to adjust my walk and see if it begins to shift who I think I am. I will tell you that the idea now that I have about me not only not being bad, but being good, it almost felt weird to say that. Like, embarrassing to being good, but I. But not. But not totally. I think maybe a couple weeks ago it would have felt more weird. But what I’m noticing now is, like, my standards for myself are totally changed. Like, the level of things that I deserve are much different.
Betsy [00:28:17]:
Like, the things I’m willing to tolerate has absolutely changed. What I think I’m worthy of and capable of has absolutely changed. This has been actually such a dramatic thing, and I have always believed in hypnosis. You’ve heard me talk about it over the years, but it’s been such a dramatic thing that I think I’m gonna. So I have inside the navigate method. When people complete the navigate method, what happens is they go into our alumni group, which is a free group, so they can stay in that group. And I meet with those people every month. I always joke that it’s for me because I love everybody and I don’t wanna not see them or not keep up with what’s going on.
Betsy [00:28:59]:
So sometimes people come every month. Sometimes people just come when they need extra help, but that is always, always available to them. But what I found was a lot of people wanted to go to the next level, right? They were like, I want to keep doing this work. I want to keep. So we launched last month. It’s something called Voyager Circle. It’s a year long mastermind, and that’s for people that have come through the navigate method and want to keep going. But I think, and if you’re listening and you’re a Voyager, let’s do this.
Betsy [00:29:27]:
Let’s do custom hypnosis for everybody that comes into Voyager, and let’s do something to get to the Root. Let’s do a workshop to get to the root issue and then get you a custom hypnosis. Because I feel like this has been entirely game changing. And I think you’ve got to go through navigate. I think you’ve got to learn these basic principles of operating in the world in a totally different way. And then I think you’re ready for, like, that next big transition. So, anyway, I’m excited to kind of do a little experiment with some of the folks that are inside Voyager and, like, test this out, right? Because I’m all about experimenting and testing things and seeing, like, can we make a really big shift? Do you feel really stuck in some certain thing? And how is it showing up? And, you know, like I said, for me, it was showing up because I was getting so much shame around these comments and Instagram. And what I have found to be so fascinating is that I don’t even want to open up the apps in the morning.
Betsy [00:30:30]:
Like, before. I used to anxiously open so that I could, I don’t know, take care of whatever I saw. But now I. It’ll be like, I’ll be already getting my coffee and moving on with my day, and then I’ll be like, oh, I haven’t even checked, so I’m not even unconsciously scanning for danger in that area at all anymore. It’s like, people can write whatever they want. Like, I don’t. It’s not my job to even respond to them all the time now, other than I know the algorithm likes it. So sometimes I’ll say, hey, thanks for commenting.
Betsy [00:31:04]:
You know what I mean? Like, whatever. I don’t care. I don’t care. Oh, I can’t even tell you how amazing, amazing it is. So I’m super excited to see what continues to happen over the next year. If you see a video of me and I’m walking like a damn princess, you let me know, and I will keep you posted on how this continues to unravel and how I notice the external starting to impact the internal. And of course, I’m going to keep some stats on anything we do inside Voyager because I feel like there can be some really cool outcomes here. I’ll keep you guys posted on what’s working.
Betsy [00:31:43]:
So. All right, I hope this is helpful. I hope it gives you some new ideas of what you can do for your life. And I love you guys so much. Thanks so much for being here. I’ll see you next week. Hey, thanks so much for listening to today’s show, and thank you for sharing the show with your friends. I love when you guys do that.
Betsy [00:32:04]:
I appreciate it so much. And thank you for leaving leaving me a review on iTunes. I know that it matters because when I go to find a podcast, I always look to see what the reviews are. So it really means a lot to me that you take a minute to, like, figure out how to even make that happen. Now, if you want to find me, find me on social media. I’m usually on Instagram starting out on TikTok. It’s just my name, Betsy Pake. And that’s my website, too, betsypake.com.
Betsy [00:32:32]:
and you can find out all about the work that I do, having me speak for an event that you might be helping to plan or getting trained inside my alchemy institute. But to make it really easy, if you want me, just shoot me a dm. Shoot me a direct message on Instagram, and I will be at your service. Thanks again for listening, and I will see you all next week.
376 episoder
Alla avsnitt
1 381: Walking into the next version of you 32:57

1 377: Unlock Your Mind: How Your Strongest Thoughts Shape Your Reality 27:24

1 376:Unlocking Your Unstoppable Self: Two steps to change 26:43

1 375: Imposter syndrome with Lea Ann Slotkin 44:12

1 374: Mens work with Dr. Jonathan Brajtbord 32:04
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