#19 Tracking health with technology and AI - demystifying digital biomarkers
Manage episode 428686710 series 3585389
Dev and Doc deconstruct digital biomarkers! This is a fascinating and nascent field in the world of medicine, how have biomarkers transformed the way we practice medicine, and how will AI and wearables, sensors and digital fingerprints transform the way we practice in the future?
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find us on youtube- @Dev and Doc 📙Substack: https://aiforhealthcare.substack.com/👨🏻⚕️Doc - Dr. Joshua Au Yeung - https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-joshua-auyeung/🤖Dev - Zeljko Kraljevic https://twitter.com/zeljkokr🎞️ Editor- Dragan Kraljević https://www.instagram.com/dragan_kraljevic/🎨Brand design and art direction - Ana Grigorovici https://www.behance.net/anagrigorovici027d
Timestamp 00:00 highlights 01:50 intro 02:40 how biomarkers evolved in the last century 6:02 what is the definition of a biomarker 10:00 biomarkers can be very biased depending on who you are testing 12:31 when does a test become a biomarker 17:30 the digital age and measurements - AI vision in retina scans, digital stethoscopes 23:50 what is an “analog” biomarker vs digital biomarker? 30:10 where do biomarkers fail in evidence based medicine? 34:55 Biomarkers are pretty poor for mental health 47:57 can AI predict depression better than humans? 51:21 Digital biomarkers to detect movement disorders 01:00:04 this can change clinical trials forever
- variable definitions of biomarkers https://informatics.bmj.com/content/31/1/e100914
-digital biomarkers convergence nature paper https://www.nature.com/articles/s41746-022-00583-z
-digital stethoscope for heart failure https://www.thelancet.com/pdfs/journals/landig/PIIS2589-7500(21)00256-9.pdf
-touch screen typing depression paper https://www.nature.com/articles/s41746-022-00583-z
- Duchennes body suit biomarker https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-022-02045-1#Sec9
- Friedreichs ataxia body suit https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-022-02159-6?fromPaywallRec=false#Sec9
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