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Podcasten Säkerhetsrådet leds av Anna Rennéus Guthrie, chef för Frivärld och Patrik Oksanen, resident senior fellow. I podden samtalar de tillsammans med experter, opinionsbildare, företagare och beslutsfattare om de mest relevanta utrikes- och säkerhetspolitiska frågorna. Fokus ligger på det dagsaktuella, liksom på ämnen som hamnat i medieskugga. Säkerhetsrådet görs av tankesmedjan Frivärld. Podden redigeras av Dino Ekdal. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Welcome to "Wake up podcast with Viv Trader" I named the podcast "Wake up" as I am a curious person with the desire to discuss a topic from different perspectives. Different experts and people have different opinions and knowledge about a topic. What is right and what is wrong? I like to explore different viewpoints. I want to contribute to a better world. I am passionate about our environment, health and well-being. I am also the founder of Vivalicious Food which produces vegan baby food wi ...
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Noah Barkin, senior advisor Rhodium Group, visiting senior fellow with the German Marshall Fund and editor of the monthly newsletter Watching China in Europe, joins Anna Rennéus Guthrie and Patrik Oksanen for a discussion on Europe's relationship to China. They discuss the importance of companies and governments working closer together with regards…
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Anna Rennéus Guthrie, chef för Frivärld, är nyligen hemkommen från en resa till Taiwan. I ett samtal med Patrik Oksanen, senior fellow, delar hon med sig av sina intryck av Taiwan som ett utvecklat och demokratiskt samhälle. Men ett samhälle under hårt tryck av kinesiska militärövningar och hotet från fastlandet. Spelades in den 28 oktober 2024 Hos…
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In this episode Anna Rennéus Guthrie, director of the think tank Stockholm Free World Forum, speaks to Glenn Tiffert. Glenn is a distinguished research fellow at the Hoover institution and Stanford University, a historian of modern China. They discuss examples of growing Chinese influence globally through the so-called United Front work department …
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I detta avsnitt om det akuta läget i världen, hybridkrigföring och ryska påverkansstrategier deltar: Gunnar Hökmark, ordförande Frivärld och f.d. europaparlamentariker. Oscar Jonsson, doktor i krigsvetenskap och aktuell med boken Försvaret av Sverige. Karen-Anna Eggen doktorand vid Institutt for forsvarsstudier, Försvarshögskolan i Norge. Patrik Ok…
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Heather Ashby, principal consultat at Corner Alliance. Ashby focuses on the risk of AI to democracy and elections. She has been the associate director for the US institute of peace program on disruptive technologies and artificial intelligence. In this episode Anna Rennèus Guthrie, director of Stockholm Free World Forum, and Patrik Oksanen, senior …
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Karl Lallerstedt är förste analytiker på Totalförsvarets Forskningsinstitut (FOI) och kom tidigare under året ut med rapporten The China Challenge: The Inherent Difficulty in Balancing Security Concerns against Economic Interests. I det här avsnittet samtalar Anna Rennéus Guthrie, chef Frivärld, och Patrik Oksanen, senior fellow, med Karl om den ti…
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Kina har de senaste åren trappat upp sina militärövningar i Taiwans närhet. Detta samtidigt som Xi Jinping lovar att ”återförena” Taiwan med det kinesiska fastlandet, med våld om så krävs. Ett kinesiskt angrepp på Taiwan kommer att medföra svåröverskådliga, farliga och omfattande konsekvenser av global karaktär, alldeles oavsett utfallet av själva …
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Detta avsnitt handlar om Kinas relation till omvärlden och särskilt till Ryssland. Chef för Frivärld, Anna Rennéus Guthrie, gästas av Lars Fredén som är kina- och rysslandkännare, tidigare verksam som ambassadör vid svenska ambassaden i Peking och även som andreman vid ambassaden i Moskva. Lars är mångspråkig och talar bl.a. ryska och kinesiska och…
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Kina & forskning, Kina är världsledande på allt fler forskningsområden, men det blir komplicerat när den akademiska friheten i väst konfronteras med den kinesiska statsmaktens intressen. I detta avsnitt samtalar Anna Rennéus Guthrie, chef för tankesmedjan Frivärld, och Patrik Oksanen, senior fellow med Erik Mo Wellin, analytiker vid nationellt kuns…
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In this episode Anna Rennéus Guthrie interviews Anne Stevenson-Yang, Co-Founder and Research Director at J Capital Research. Since moving to China from New York in 1993 Anne has become a China economic and business analyst. Her areas of expertise include China’s political economy, Internet, property, and alternative energy - as well as fast-develop…
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Kina är en stormakt vi behöver prata mer om. Det här avsnittet handlar om de olika sätt som Kina påverkar oss i Sverige och i väst. Samtalet leds av Anna Rennéus Guthrie, chef för tankesmedjan Frivärld och Patrik Oksanen, senior fellow. Deltagare: Frederick Fooy, Myndigheten för psykologiskt försvar Alexis von Sydow, Nationellt kunskapscentrum om K…
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Det här avsnittet handlar om Kina och stormaktens påverkan på det fria samhället, politik och näringsliv genom högteknologiska verktyg. Anna Rennéus Guthrie, chef för Frivärld leder samtalet. Deltagare: Björn Weigel, medgrundare och VD för cybersäkerhetsföretaget C-Resiliens. Hanna Linderstål, cybersäkerhetsrådgivare och grundare av Earhart Busines…
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Zarah är expert på Kurera och skriver för ett stort antal av Sveriges Magasin. Hon arbetar som naturläkare, näringsterapeut, örtterapeut, hälsopedagog, kostrådgivare och är utbildad medicin- och hälsojournalist. Zarah driver en funktionsmedicinsk klinik och tar även emot för rådgivning via telefon eller videosamtal. Du kan bo var du vill i världen,…
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Det som en gång var en sprudlande frihetskamp och rörelse mot demokrati i Hongkong under paraplyprotesterna har tystnat och staden fogats in i övriga Kina. Vad hände egentligen med demokratirörelsen i Hongkong? I detta andra avsnitt av Säkerhetsrådet: Drakens år gästas Patrik och Anna av en gäst med ett starkt engagemang för Hongkong. Simona Mohams…
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Det första avsnittet av Frivärlds specialpodd Säkerhetsrådet: Drakens år handlar om kinesiska företag och investeringar i Sverige och Europa. Deltar gör Oscar Almén, forskare och senioranalytiker FOI och Hanna Carlsson, analytiker NKK. Programledare är Anna Rennéus Guthrie, chef för Frivärld. Hosted on Acast. See for more informat…
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The story of happy money Ken was 29 when he first “retired” to welcome his newborn daughter in the world. At the time, he thought he was “done” with work. He had owned a successful consultant and accounting business, so successful it had allowed him to close up shop and spend his days with the apple of his eye. Little did he realize his “second” ca…
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Dr. Nicole Avena AN EXPERT IN NUTRITION, DIET AND FOOD ADDICTION Dr. Nicole Avena is a research neuroscientist and a pioneer in the field of food addiction. Her seminal research work jump-started a new field of exploration in medicine and nutrition. She is an expert in diet during pregnancy and baby, toddler and childhood nutrition. She is also the…
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Zarah är expert på Kurera och skriver för ett stort antal av Sveriges Magasin. Hon arbetar som naturläkare, näringsterapeut, örtterapeut, hälsopedagog, kostrådgivare och är utbildad medicin- och hälsojournalist. Zarah driver en funktionsmedicinsk klinik och tar även emot för rådgivning via telefon eller videosamtal. Du kan bo var du vill i världen,…
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How to become awesome and thrive? Becoming Awesome is for people ready to actively move towards their Ascension. Humanity is undergoing a transformational uplift into a Golden Age. Listen in if you’re looking for more in your life. Together, let's you may be embrace the new energies of Benevolence. A native of Colorado, DeBenedittis earned a doctor…
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Den 13 januari är det val i Taiwan - ett ödesval i egen rätt som också inleder ett 2024 av enormt viktiga val runt om i världen. Inte minst i USA och till Europaparlamentet. Taiwan tillverkar en majoritet av världens avancerade halvledare och är en stark demokrati - det som händer i Taiwan angår alltså oss i Sverige i allra högsta grad. Anna Rennéu…
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Patrik Oksanen och Anna Rennéus Guthrie blickar tillsammans med Gunnar Hökmark tillbaka på ett händelserikt 2023. Vilka var årets höjdpunkter och lågvattenmärken? Vad finns att se fram emot och vilka risker tornar upp sig på horisonten? Vi på Frivärld önskar er alla ett gott nytt år! Redigering och voice-over av Dino Ekdal Hosted on Acast. See acas…
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What are E.T's are they real? AND does life exist after our life here on Earth? In 1980 we were 4 billions people on the planet and now 2023 we are over 8 billions of people. How does that make an impact on mother earth, our lives, the environemnt and our overall well-being? Are we human beings close to collapsing our survival existence with climat…
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In this episode we are talking about "Insecure attachment" and how we human beings are all affected by this feeling weather you had a great childhood or not. None of us can escape feelings of insecurity in realationships and why do we all suffer jealousy more or less. What is the root? I am Susan Anderson, psychotherapist and founder of Abandonment…
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Can using aromatherapy oils every night help improve memory? Being regularly exposed to multiple scents—or olfactory enrichment—has shown promise in enhancing cognitive abilities in older adults. A new study found that using aromatherapy essential oils such as lavender and rose nightly boosted word recall by 226% and improved the functioning of a k…
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Sverige skickade in sin ansökan till Nato i maj 2022. Nu ett och ett halvt år senare väntar vi fortfarande i väntrummet, ännu inte ett medlemsland. Vad har Sverige att bidra med som medlem och hur lång tid kan ansökan tänkas ta? I vad som kan tyckas vara en negativ situation finns trots allt mycket positivt att ta fasta på. Om det och mycket mer sa…
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Ryska pengar har banat väg för påverkan och inflytande i hela Europa, även i Sverige. Fallet med den ryska oligarken Oleg Deripaska är en snårig och spännande berättelse. Sverige har accepterat miljardinvesteringar med ursprung i penningtvätt, utpressning, stöld och mord. I Sundsvall står Sveriges enda aluminiumsmälteri, förvärvat av Deripaska i 20…
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Early Years Born Emanuel Swedberg in Stockholm, Sweden, on January 29, 1688, he was the second son of Jesper Swedberg, a pastor in Sweden’s Lutheran state church. At the age of eleven Emanuel entered the University of Uppsala, where his father was a professor. Although Jesper left the university to become bishop of Skara a few years later, Emanuel …
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Eating disorders - What Does the Mando Method Mean for Independent Recovery? With Michael Leon, Ph.D, Professor Emeritus, Neurobiology and Behavior, School of Biological Sciences There is evidence that the Mando method, a treatment which focuses on normalising eating behaviours, works better than CBT for eating disorders as tested in existing clini…
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Sharon Sananda Kumara words I'll share a little about how I came to where I am Now. As a child I was able to see beyond the veil, seeing people and other beings whom I didn't realize others could not see. I was also able to see some future events. I realized later on in life that I was also able to feel other peoples emotions and hear their thought…
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Dr. Lotte N.M.D., Award Winning Author, Evidential Psychic Medium, Medical Medium, Ancestral Healer And International Keynote Speak Lotte's words: Through my personal odyssey, I have discovered our profound connection within a divine tapestry of existence. I have traversed the realms of illness, healing, and transformation, propelled by two Near-De…
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My name is Shelley Rahim and I am a mother, daughter, wife, birth doula, Ayurvedic Postpartum Caregiver, Postpartum chef and educator. Birthing a baby and becoming Mother is a journey of embodied awakening, seeded with potential for great personal healing and empowerment, especially with the support of wise elders and a Sisterhood tribe. By providi…
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Franco A. Romero, MA, MPH Franco is a Top 10 bestselling author, clairvoyant, spiritual coach and speaker. His first book is titled “The Closet Spiritualist” which was inspired by a near death experience which left him clairvoyant. Abilities he was unwilling to recognize until an Awakening in 2010 where he was re-introduced to a collective consciou…
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About Dr Toni Reilly Dr. Toni Reilly is Australia’s top Past Life, Reincarnation and Afterlife Specialist. She is the best-selling author of Awake The Purpose Of Life And Why You Are Here, and founder of the Toni Reilly Institute. With her visionary, intuitive approach to personal development, Toni has helped thousands of clients and students world…
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Dr. Vera Ingrid Tarman is a world-renown food addiction expert, who writes, speaks, and treats people who suffer from sugar addiction, food addiction, and who seek food recovery. Dr. Tarman has conducted numerous workshops, spoken as a guest, and has been the co-host of two TV addiction call-in series (Addictions Unplugged, and Toronto Speaks: Addi…
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Vilken betydelse omvärldens sanktioner haft på krigets Ryssland och hur ser det ekonomiska läget ut framåt? För närvarande förefaller ekonomin ha stabiliserats, men ingen signifikant tillväxt är att vänta i överskådlig framtid och den stora kapitalflykten kan leda till en ny plötslig kris. I det här avsnittet samtalar Anna Rennéus Guthrie, chef för…
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Let's change the food industry together! Sweden Foodtech was formally founded in 2016 when several long-timers within food and food tech decided to join forces and build Sweden into one of the world’s leading hubs for food tech. Our sister company is Smaka Good Food Festival, one of the world’s largest food festivals and the prime yearly event for …
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Dr. Howard Eisenberg, M.Sc. (Psych), M.D. With a masterful suite of qualifications, real-world experience and unique skills, Dr. Howard Eisenberg, is a performance-enhancing powerhouse for personal and business success. Dr. Eisenberg is the Founder of SYNTREK® Inc. and the Center for Mind Enhancement©. He is internationally noted for his pioneering…
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DR. EDI BILIMORIA Born in India and educated at the universities of London, Sussex and Oxford, Edi Bilimoria presents an unusual blend of experience in the fields of science, arts and philosophy. Professionally, Edi is an award-winning engineer and consultant to the petrochemical, oil and gas, transport, and construction industries. He has been Pro…
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Julie Ryan's words: I’m a psychic and medical intuitive. I can sense what medical conditions and illnesses a person has, I can facilitate energetic healings, I can see energy fields—and I can communicate with spirits both alive and dead. I can work from anywhere; it’s rare I’m with someone while scanning them. In addition, I can scan animals, acces…
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Meet Jan Christenson that experienced a Near Death Experince and how it changed her life in a very profound and meaningful way, finding her purpose in this life. Magnificent MIND This book will help you understand your thinking. You are never broken inside; you just need to take yourself, your thinking, and your life less seriously. There is a divi…
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Dr. Anna Stone Senior Lecturer at University East London Cognition and Neuroscience Research Group Department of Psychological Sciences School of Psychology I am a senior lecturer in the School of Psychology. I teach on undergraduate and MSc programmes and my main interests are the Psychology of Belief (religion, politics, morals, the paranormal) a…
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Meet Christian Thagard Let’s talk about the nature of reality – including who you are, why you are here, and how you might have an increasingly wonderful adventure here in “Earth Game.” If you can glimpse beyond the illusions brilliantly designed into this reality of ours, you can gain understanding of how it actually works — and in doing so achiev…
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The Chinese communist party seeks to bolster an image of international attractiveness while maintaining nationalistic fervour domestically with the ultimate goal of positioning China as a global competitor to western liberal democracy. In this episode Patrik Oksanen and Anna Rennéus Guthrie speak to Dr. Una Aleksandra Bērziņa-Čerenkova about her la…
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Shaman Desjanée (Desjanée Threat) Is A Shamantic Practitioner And Intuitive Channeler & Seer. She Is The Boss Mystick (Owner) Of Divine Creative Visions™, LLC. A Spirituality Centered Business That Offers Spiritual Guidance And Spiritual Courses That Aid In People’s Spiritual Connectivity, Activations, Ascensions, Re-Awakenings, And Healing. All Cr…
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Franco A. Romero, MA, MPH Franco is a Top 10 bestselling author, clairvoyant, spiritual coach and speaker. His first book is titled “The Closet Spiritualist” which was inspired by a near death experience which left him clairvoyant. Abilities he was unwilling to recognize until an Awakening in 2010 where he was re-introduced to a collective consciou…
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ABOUT DR AVENA Scientist, Speaker & Consultant on Nutrition. Dr. Avena regularly appears on tv and radio and speaks at universities, government agencies, schools and special interest groups about her research on food, addiction and nutrition throughout the lifespan. She has appeared on the 'Doctor Oz Show' & 'The Doctors' and at numerous formal eve…
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When Colin Campbell’s two teenage children were killed by a drunk driver, Campbell was thrown headlong into a grief so deep he felt he might lose his mind. He found much of the common wisdom about coping with loss—including the ideas that grieving is a private and mysterious process and that the pain is so great that “there are no words”—to be unhe…
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Rod's words: My Childhood Near Death Experience (NDE) In second grade, I had a near-death experience (NDE). I had a kidney infection and was treated with penicillin. From the penicillin, I had an allergic reaction to it and stopped breathing. As I floated out of my body, I knew I was dying. I went through a very dark tunnel towards a brilliant whit…
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Rev. Daniel Neusom is a channel for the Holy Spirit of God and Angelic Realms. He has served as a professional channel and spiritual teacher for thirty six years. Daniel’s work as a channel and spiritual teacher has an intense focus on inner transformation and the healing of the soul. In a private session with Daniel, he opens his channel and The H…
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