Elevate Your Day : Feb 7 2024
Manage episode 399738050 series 3549925
Elevate Your Day with Andi and Brian Hale
February 7, 2024
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Oh, good morning. Good morning. How about that? It is what? February 7th, 2024 and it's time for
Elevate your day, which is the buzz our devotional and this day in history
So let's get going on the buzz and that is what we have going on at hail multimedia what we're going to be working on
So what's your day looking like? Well, I received a call yesterday from Taylor museums
And I've got the go ahead to finish that up and
Another job for them. I'm gonna create them a logo. So I'm gonna make making a logo today
That's in Loop County, Nebraska
Taylor museums yeah the town of Taylor if you've ever
Been up in those parts and you've seen those cut out people the villagers. Yes, that's the town
Where you where you see those yeah, so it was pretty fun pretty fun, and there's a story behind that
So Andy I'm sure you're gonna have a beautiful website you got to go ahead on the look and just putting it together
And so you're gonna finish up the logo and launch that baby
Yep, probably by the end of the week super. What do you have? I have Troyer auctions talk to Harley Troyer yesterday
They've got a sale coming up actually two sales. Yeah, he sells horses. He's an auctioneer
That's been doing this for over 40 years. He has two sales coming up the one we're really working on right now
Is that mile high select sale at mile high select sale calm another website that we did did I do that or did you?
I think we worked on that one together. All right, so go to mile high select sale and see a collaborative effort there
Yes, we also worked very closely with mr. Troyer with a back end where he can control everything
And in fact if you're looking for a site for an auction or for a fundraiser or for your business of any kind
We've been in the business for 25 years. So that's why we're telling you what we have going on today here at Hale Multimedia
Over a thousand website projects in 25 years. So we're keeping busy. Oh, yeah, but that's it for our website work
And I'm sure we're working on a lot of other things too
Podcasting is going crazy and speaking of podcasting we have our daily devotional next
So if you're listening to this segment and you want to hear that make sure you jump on over or continue on with elevate your day
We're on day three of let go of the guilt
Yeah, that's from Valerie Burton. Yes, she says stop beating yourself up and take back your joy
How do you do that? Well yesterday?
We said you need to pinpoint the guilt trigger. Ah, yes, we did today you need to examine your thoughts
So our title is what matters to you?
Yeah point here is examine your thoughts
We can declare our values and rattle off an impressive sounding list in conversation with others
But the true test of our values is easily revealed in what we choose to do every day
Hmm you live your values even if you don't know what your values are
Values are an expression of what you really believe
When you put your phone down to look your loved ones in the eye and talk to them
It is an expression of your values
When you scroll your social media feed while your loved ones are trying to talk to you
It is also an expression of your values guilt ensues when our values are out of alignment with our actions
When your actions do not line up with what you say is important
You must reckon with the fact that in that moment your values are a lie
It is that lie that creates the guilt
But what if your values aren't even your values? What if the values were told to you?
What if you've adopted others values and never stopped to really question whether you agree with them?
That's an excellent point
Owning your values means accepting the fact that you might be different from those around you and not feeling guilty about it
Your values guide your thoughts decisions and actions
The process of letting go of guilt requires evaluating the origin of a thought by clarifying the value that created it
Mmm when you recognize you're holding on to values rooted in beliefs that are unhealthy unhelpful
And in some cases spiritually misguided you can let go of false guilt and embrace authentic values that reflect the life of joy and freedom
That you want without apology
Self coaching can help you figure out which values drive your guilt
Using powerful questions to peel back the layers to find the values that lead to your thoughts
Will help you determine what core values you really want to hold on to?
And what values you need to adjust
Asking questions helps you identify false assumptions and even faulty information that is driving your thoughts and feelings of guilt
Even though your thoughts may be honest that doesn't necessarily mean they are true
Questioning your thoughts helps you determine if your value is based on truth
Finally brothers whatever is true whatever is honorable whatever is just whatever is pure
Whatever is lovely whatever is commendable if there is any excellence if there is anything worthy of praise
Think about these things
Philippians 4 8 as you clarify your values as you clarify your values
You can own them as you see the truth in what you value
You can articulate what you believe make decisions accordingly and shed the guilt
Mm-hmm when you take a stand and reject guilt for things you know are right for you
You own your own values
When you find yourself feeling defensive or guilty about something because someone else thinks it's what you should do
But you don't pause and examine your thoughts
Again use that peel method to uncover the truth about your own values
Owning your values is empowering and freeing
Don't miss it slow down and really get this
Take a deep breath
Pray for clarity and courage
And then watch the confidence that comes in truly becoming who you are
Because you are someone who understands their values their expectations of themselves
Their boundaries with others and the power of god to move when they operate in faith instead of fear
How do your actions reflect your values?
What can you do to define and adjust your values so that they are based on truth?
And how can prayer and the power of god through his word and the Holy Spirit help you establish
authentic values and walk in faith instead of fear?
Well true values are based on his word
Not necessarily on what your family believes so
Owning your own values is by studying yourself
And that's how you can establish your values because your values are rooted in truth the word of god
Lord we pray for clarity and courage
And the confidence to know who you are
We pray to understand humility
Versus boldness so that we may represent you
Well in your kingdom values
Mm-hmm, Lord help us to do our own
Study into your word and reach deep into our hearts our minds and our souls to plant our values
In your word, Lord. We love you and we thank you for this devotional today
Jesus name would pray. Amen
Well today's February 7th
Let's dig in here and see what we can find in 1882 bear knuckle boxing ends
The last officially sanctioned world heavyweight bear knuckle boxing championship was fought in Mississippi between John L
Sullivan and
Patty Ryan Sullivan known as the Boston strong boy won the fight. He had a better name later on he became the first heavyweight
Champion of gloved boxing
That's where you remember the name John L Sullivan and he held the title for 10 years
Wow, that's a long time for a boxer, isn't it? Put the gloves on. Yes, that's true
There's that 1940 thing if you're not lying to me talk about it. Yeah, 1940 panochio premieres on the big screen
Ah, Pinocchio. Yeah. Well, your nose didn't get big so I guess you were telling the truth
I was I was Pinocchio premieres in 1940 on this day in history
1942 the auto makers were ordered to join the war
Interesting the government made it easier to comply by guaranteeing auto manufacturers profits regardless
Of the cost of production throughout the year so they bought him off said you're gonna be working on the war
1962 John F Kennedy begins the blockade of Cuba by banning all Cuban imports and exports
Well, you know, you'd think that would be a good move, but that made a lot of people messed up
It did. I think it started the fight didn't it? Yeah, yeah when you when you have people
That can't have their Cuban cigars. They go nuts
That's right, but anyway, sorry to our cigar smokers out there, but I think it's silly
It is
1974 the symbionese libertarian army claims responsibility for the kidnapping of patty herst
Also, none is the SLA they used her to rob banks named her be the face of it
so it was
quite the
Same year same day in history mill brooks western spoof film the blazing saddles premieres. Yeah
New York, New York
becomes the official anthem
New York City
Well one year before that um
This day in history in 1984 the first untethered spacewalk
Dude was out there with a backpack of jetpack on yeah
Thought he was George was he I can George Jetson. Yeah, I can believe that I can believe that
I can believe that we could be flying around in space with the space pack in the lower-earth
Atmosphere, I can believe that right right before I can believe that we actually walked on the lunar yes surface
in 1995
Shania Twain released her album the woman in me that was billboard number one in
1996 I had one of those that had like four or five number ones
And now in more modern day history in
Mississippi becomes the last state to officially certify the 13th amendment in
2013 wow the 13th amendment was that which outlawed slavery
And it took them until 2013 to get that signed huh?
They had originally formally ratified the amendment in 1995
What other kind of days do we have today?
It is national rose day stop and smell the roses people
Just don't get too close because they have thorns
Every rose has its thorn that didn't debut today did it no
Going back to 80s music
And it's also national greeting card day
So send a card to a friend and actually that fits in with our theme of mental health awareness
We want to always make sure that we reach out to our friends more
Than we have been because you just never know when you could make the difference in somebody's day
Between life and death. I've always said that if you feel the prompting to call somebody or
You haven't thought about somebody for a while and all of a sudden you think hmm. I wonder how they're doing
I should find out
Then maybe you need to do that before you forget. That's the holy spirit telling you something
Just like our devotional said take action. Yep take action. All right and our food
National feta cheany alfredo day
Yum yum. It's one of our favorite dishes. Yeah, we have a pasta family here. Yep
All right. I think that's gonna do it for our elevate your day, isn't it? It is all right
Hopefully we're able to do so for you out there. Thanks again for listening. I'm brian
And I'm andi. May god bless
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