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Matěj Schneider

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Redneck je podcast Matěje Schneidera o politice Spojených států. Nejen o té vrcholové probíhající mezi Bílým domem, Kongresem, lobbisty a thinktanky ve Washingtonu DC, ale i o té lokální v jednotlivých státech a o organicky vznikajích hnutích – USA zespoda i svrchu. Podcast vzniká za podpory komentářového webu A2larm a projektu Voxpot.
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Roots Rednecks and Radicals

Will Houk

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The Roots, Rednecks, and Radicals podcast features in depth interviews with musicians, giving insight into their creative process. Guests include: Amanda Shires, Todd Snider, Charley Crocket, Frank Turner, and Dave Alvin.
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Rednecks Rising

Rednecks Rising

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Rednecks Rising Podcast is hosted by a loud-mouthed, Southern Appalachian woman that is excited to bring you along on this journey as I dive into the rich history behind the evolution of revolution across Appalachia and sit down for interviews with all of the best hillbilly hellraisers that call these hollers their home. Find us at
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Redneck Ingenuity is that single-minded determination that never lets obstacles get in the way, completing a job till it’s done with marked perfection, true creativity, and striving to always improve yourself, while lending a hand to others in need. Our missions is to provide an outlet: -for the expression of true Christian American family values. -where the concerns you have about your community can be voiced and heard by your neighbors. -where you can have an impact for the preservation of ...
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redneck warrior Podcast


The redneck warrior hosts redneck warrior, a podcast featuring car talk and advice on working on a vehicle and tips and tricks on cars also i have been a tech with for ford for 10 years talking mostly about the industry what to expect and what you possibly might face in the field with dealerships to service managers to co workers so sit back relax rev up and lets run this podcast at 100 plus mph !!!!!!
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My adventures with my amazing boyfriend, talking about dip, cigars, cigarettes, alcohol, and stories about crazy exes Support this podcast:
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Hightech Redneck

ghost cell

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If Outdoor and survivle style pod casts is what your looking for then you found the place. Support this podcast: /support
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Redneck Garage

Shane Douglas

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Two brothers, drinking whiskey and talking crap, everyday events from what we see or do on our side of the tracks! Support this podcast:
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Redneck Tech Podcast

Caleb Copeland

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I am a redneck that fell in love with filming a long time ago and I made it my job. I am going to use this podcast platform to try and help as many guys out there that are thirsty for the information on Outdoor Video and Content Creation. Contact me by email at or on Instagram at @Rednecktechpodcast
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Redneck Nation Podcast

Bobby Naklicki

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Redneck Nation is a #1 selling global apparel company that celebrates the southern heritage and outdoor lifestyle. Redneck Nation is also an independent Record label featuring country and hick hop artists. Support this podcast:
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Redneck Hustler

Redneck Hustler

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Welcome to my channel and my name is redneck hustler. I will talk about side hustling from food delivery to reselling and just about anything that comes to mind. My experience in it has been a few years so I want to share with all of you. I will have opinions on just about everything on this podcast so everyone is welcome. Support this podcast:
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The Armed Redneck Podcast

Sam Mowday

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If you like listening about guns, taking about guns, or just pretty much anything about guns. And maybe a little dip and hunting. Then this is the podcast for you. If you have any comments or suggestions email me at Support this podcast:
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Redneck Country's Podcast

Real Rednecks

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A weekly podcast from some of the Real Rednecks of Redneck Country and various guests from week to week - - Just a bunch of Outdoors Folk sittin' round a campfire tellin' stories, cuttin' up and have a blast! Hoping to draw you in and be right there with us as we share our fun from afield - whether it's huntin' deer, turkey, ducks or even fishin'!! Tune in to listen to the weekly antics and hopefully learn a little to use while you're afield!
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Thoughts From a Redneck Viking

C. Hagen Radick

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Hi, I'm C. Hagen Radick (@SonOfOdin on most social media). I live in Kentucky, listen to heavy metal, drink beer, and watch random stuff on various streaming services. I podcast when I feel like it, and you might find it interesting -- but no promises. Support this podcast:
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Redneck Matinee

Jackie & Dunlap

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Jackie Broyles and Dunlap have been watching Southern movies their whole lives, and now they're watchin' 'em for you, podcast-style. They ain’t film critics— Jackie’s the grizzled old proprietor of Jackie’s Market in Murfreesboro, TN, and Dunlap’s half-high and mostly drunk — but they know art when they see it. If you love truckdrivin’, shinerunnin’, stickhittin’, bareknucklin’, bootleggin’, carchasin’, bridgejumpin’, dirtbikin’, yes-ma’amin’, monkey-havin’, CBin’, beerdrinkin’, Jerry-Reedin ...
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Redneck Redemption!

Todd and Andrew Reed

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Father and son sharing their real everyday (or sometimes not so “everyday”) stories and sharing the gospel through the events of their lives. With adventures ranging from things as common as mowing the yard and hunting, to things as crazy as playing with electric fences and nail gun mishaps, these two rednecks always seem to find their wild encounters leading them back to scripture and learning lessons of how God works, even when they aren’t planning on it. So relax, pull up a seat and find ...
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Howdy y'all! Welcome to the very first episode of "Front Porch Sitting With Uncle Bo: A redneck podcast." I'm your host, Uncle Bo, just a simple, God-fearing, loyal, patriotic country boy who loves his country, state, family, and way of life. I'm thrilled to have you here with me today. So, grab yourself a patch of front porch, settle into a rocker, and pour yourself a glass of sweet tea. We're gonna have a good ol' chat about everything from the great outdoors to modern business trends. Now ...
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show series
Elon Musk nevtrhnul s povolením Donalda Trumpa do Bílého domu sám. Přitáhnul sebou chuchvalec v Silicon Valley vykvašených ideologiích, ve kterých se paradoxně spojuje kontrakultura 60. let i technoreakcionářství. Rozplétá je 146. díl podcastu Redneck. Elon Musk na sebe od nástupu Donalda Trumpa zpátky do Bílého domu strhává veškerou pozornost. Je …
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Donald Trump se s tím v prvním měsíci v úřadě nemaže. Zastaví ho někdo? Právě stav americké opozice zkoumá 144. díl podcastu Redneck. Donald Trump by po návratu do Bílého domu možná rád zapíchl americkou vlajku všude možně od Panamy až po Grónsko. Na domácí scéně by raději škrtal a v tom je mu alespoň zatím nejlepším pomocníkem Elon Musk. Společně …
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The last few years have been pretty wild when it comes to the influence of women in music. In the world of Pop, Taylor Swift led the way with her Eras Tour. But there were so many others out there making incredible music and changing the face of pop. Sabrina Carpetner has developed her own sense of who she is. And Chappell Roan is bringing Drag to …
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Donald Trump šokoval mnoho státníků ostrými výroky na účet Ukrajiny a jejího prezidenta. O tom, z čeho tento rozkol vyplývá a jestli je vůbec překvapení na místě, je 145. díl podcastu Redneck. Před čtvrtrokem se evropští politici uklidňovali, že je Trumpův nominant na post ministra zahraničních věcí prý vlastně dost konvenční. Teď jsou zaskočení tí…
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TopHouse is a folk/roots music band from the great state of Montana! Well, they live in Nashville now but their roots in the beautiful state are very evident on this new record. The band blends folk, bluegrass, Americana, and Western motifs into their sound and create style all their own. Their new EP is a follow up to a release from last year fini…
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For our second episode of the year, we spend our time (maybe predictably?) on a soapbox almost entirely about Hurricane Helene. Chelsea sits down with our friend Alice to vent about the social infrastructure that was already failing prior to the catastrophe caused by the storm, and which was almost entirely wiped out by the storm's impact. Alice sh…
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V dnešní epizodě podcastu Redneck & Beneš se dozvíte, jak moc a zda je vůbec správné toto překotné politické dění v USA vnímat především jako vliv enigmatického konzervativního Projektu 2025. Rodící se počátky ústavní krize, rapidní rozšiřování exekutivní moci Bílého domu, čistky federálních zaměstnanců, paralýza regulačních úřadů... To vše a mnoho…
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It's Black History Month and I wanted to bring you some of the best shows I've done about contributions to roots music from Black musicians. I did this interview last year with Gangstagrass, an incredible band that blends elements of roots music with hip hop. We had a great conversation, these guys were a blast to talk to. So brilliant. Here you go…
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It's Black History Month and this month we'll be taking a look at contributions to roots music by Black musicians. I spoke with Dom Flemons a few years ago at the Father's Day Bluegrass Festival. He sat down with me and chatted about roots music, the banjo, Mexican music and all sorts of fun things. Dom has an incredible catalog of music that inclu…
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Donald Trump sliboval spustit po své inauguraci „masové deportace“ migrantů. Projevilo se to třeba v jeho šarvátce s Kolumbií, která se zdráhala přijmout americká vojenská letadla s migranty. O tom, že vše nedopadlo tak jednoznačnou Trumpovou výhrou, jak se tváří Bílý dům, je 143. díl podcastu Redneck. Donald Trump je prý zklamaný z nízkého množstv…
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This episode kicks off 2025 by continuing to explore the saga of the Cop Nation, a continuation of the conversation that was catalyzed in episode 33 on Cop City in Atlanta. In this episode, we shift our focus North to Hershey, Pennsylvania -- the so called "sweetest place on Earth" -- where nearly $400 MILLION is being spent to develop another mili…
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The history and culture of the West is alive and well. There has been a resurgence over the last few decades of artists throughout the West celebrating Cowboy Culture. It is much more diverse and fascinating than many people think. Poetry, music, storytelling, saddle making, it's incredible what there is to see. The National Cowboy Poetry Gathering…
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I had an idea last week that I'd really like to use this podcast to connect with people on a human level. So I made a video and put it on my social media. I told all the people who interacted with that would get mentioned in a special "shoutout" episode of my podcast. So here it is! Thanks to everyone who listens, and follows along with me on this …
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První letošní díl podcastu Redneck & Beneš přichází i s videem! Amerikanista Jan Beneš náš redaktor Matěj Schneider se v něm vypořádávají s razantním nástupem do funkce znovuzvoleného Donalda Trumpa. Ukazuje se, že inauguraci není nejlepší sledovat z Washingtonu, ale z Brna. Donald Trump se rozhodl se startem svého druhého funkčního období nemazat.…
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What goes into the making of a folk hero? There has been a lot of discussion about the killing of a United Healthcare CEO and Luigi Mangione. There is a history of making figures like this into folk heroes through music. Jesse James is a great example. Woody Guthrie and other sang about him. And now the same thing is happening with Luigi. Today we …
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Město Los Angeles zachvátily obří požáry, které zničily tisíce domů a vyhnaly z nich statisíce Američanů. O tom, jak k tomu došlo a do jakých politických hádek se ve světle nástupu Donalda Trumpa vše rychle zvrtlo, je 142. díl podcastu Redneck. Město Los Angeles se vzpamatovává z požárů, jaké zatím nezažilo. Co je přesně způsobilo a jakou roli v ni…
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Last week we took a look at modern Americana/Roots artists who are changing the game. The list was too long to fit them into one episode! So this week we're taking a look at another group of insanely talented women. This week all the artists were featured in a group called Our Native Daughters which is made up of black women banjo players. Rhiannon…
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I've been noticing a trend over the last few years, women in music are absolutely killing it! I wanted to do a breakdown of the women I see making incredible music and changing the game in their own ways. This is the first part of two episodes I'll be doing on the world of Americana and Folk music. Today we take a look at Sierra Ferrell, Amanda Shi…
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První Redneck roku 2025 je ještě trochu sváteční, ale do minulosti se příliš neohlíží. 141. díl podcastu přináší tipy na poslech i četbu, které vám mohou pomoci porozumět americké pravici, levici a snad i geopolitice. Také v něm najdete spoustu nových plánů. Jaká média můžete sledovat, jaké knihy číst a jaké podcasty poslouchat, abyste vnikli do my…
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The new biopic of Bob Dylan is out and people are once again talking about him. However I wonder, does he get more credit than he really deserves? With so many other incredible folk artists, why is he the only one we talk about? Pete Seeger, Joan Baez, Ramblin' Jack, there are so many. So why does he get all the credit? And why is he venerated like…
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Už je to tu zase: ve Washingtonu se republikáni hádají o tom, jak financovat federální vládu a hrozí její uzavření. O tom, co to může prozradit o začátku druhého funkčního období Donalda Trumpa je 140. díl podcastu Redneck. Elon Musk opět zasahuje do republikánské politiky. Pustil se do boje s šéfem Sněmovny reprezentantů Mikem Johnsonem – kvůli sn…
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Dolly Parton has had a one-of-a-kind career. She recently put out a record that explores her families vast musical legacy on this release. It's an incredible look into her family history. Any fan of Dolly is going to love this record. I take a deep dive on this episode and explore Dolly Parton's Smoky Mountain DNA!…
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První povolební díl podcastu Redneck & Beneš vám nepřinese zhodnocení Trumpových nominantů na posty v jeho vládě, ale spíše věcnější debatu. A to o tom, co dál s Demokratickou stranou. Demokraté se postupně po volbách pouští do analýz příčin svého volebního neúspěchu, navrhují budoucí kroky vedoucí k napravení image strany a k návratu nejen do Bílé…
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