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LeoniFiles: le interviste

Istituto Bruno Leoni

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Una serie di interviste agli esperti del settore per andare alla radice dei cambiamenti della politica, dell'innovazione e della società. Un podcast dell'Istituto Bruno Leoni con Serena Sileoni, Carlo Amenta e Carlo Stagnaro www.brunoleoni.it
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Analyse Asia with Bernard Leong

Bernard Leong

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Analyse Asia with Bernard Leong is a weekly podcast dedicated to dissecting the pulse of technology, business and media in Asia. We interview thought leaders, and global & regional leading industry players and gain their insights into how we perceive and understand the market.
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The Heal Deal Podcast is dedicated to helping you achieve more freedom in your health and your life. Your host, Dr. Leona Allen, will share real deal, eye-opening conversations based on over 20 years of personal and clinical experience. Podcast episodes will include a range of topics that will take you on a journey to heal your mind, body, and soul.
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Vision LEON

Orlando J Alvarez

Orlando J Alvarez explores the significance of leadership, work ethics, and personal development. He provides practical methodologies, inspiring narratives, and invaluable insights to assist you in unlocking your full potential. Whether you are a seasoned leader or embarking on your journey, this podcast is your guide to achieving success step by step.
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Leonardo Plus

Český rozhlas

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Setkání s významnými českými vědci a odborníky, kteří umí zaujmout. Všechny díly podcastu Leonardo Plus můžete pohodlně poslouchat v mobilní aplikaci mujRozhlas pro Android a iOS nebo na webu mujRozhlas.cz.
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Rev Leon's Podcast

Leon Bailey, Jr.

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Regardless of your faith tradition, we speak to the higher self in each of us. Take what serves you from these messages for inspiration and encouragement. We can all use a bit of that. God Bless.
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Weekly podcast on the events, policies and ideas that will shape the world.World in 30 minutes is curated by Mark Leonard, Director of the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR), and features top-level speakers from across the EU and beyond to debate and discuss Europe’s role in the world. It was awarded “Best podcasts on EU politics” by PolicyLab in 2019.Member of the EuroPod network. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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On a weekly basis, Podcast Host Heather Leonard is sharing Season 3 of Simply Healed with Heather Leonard, in a season entitled: Why You’re So Close, But Not There Yet. This inspiring podcast tackles so many topics around wellness of the mind, body and spirit. The opinions shared are a refreshing change from the usual, with personal experiences sprinkled into researched-backed scientific facts. Be sure to follow, as this podcast may just shatter your core beliefs and take you on an unexpecte ...
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Ciberdiálogos con León Krauze

Letras Libres

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El galardonado periodista León Krauze conversa con los protagonistas de la política, la ciencia, la cultura y las artes. Diálogo y urgencia para un mundo en busca de sentido. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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Léon Blum, une vie héroïque

France Inter

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Dans cette série en 9 épisodes, Philippe Collin retrace le destin du leader du Front populaire, figure emblématique du socialisme en France. Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir des milliers d'autres podcasts.
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Join Jess Leone (Your No B.S. Bestie) for a fresh, unfiltered take that cuts through the noise to dive DEEP into the raw & real aspects of healing! 💥💣 Each episode will feature candid conversations, personal stories, & bold insights that ”challenge the norm” & change the conversation around your physical, emotional, & spiritual well-being. A note to our listeners: this is a ✨community-driven podcast✨, where REAL conversations take center stage. Since not all contributors can record in person ...
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Leon La Grey Podcast

Leon La Grey

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A weekly tech show I talk and rant about the weeks in tech. The podcast also includes Gaming, Software, Gadget reviews and various other topics revolving around tech in society throughout our daily lives. leonlagrey.substack.com
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The Art of Catholic with Matthew Leonard

Matthew Leonard

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Join internationally-known Catholic evangelist & founder of ScienceOfSainthood.com, Matthew Leonard, for joyful, passionate (and often humorous) explanations of the deep truths of the faith and interesting interviews with Catholic luminaries. This is the art of living. This is the Art of Catholic. ScienceOfSainthood.com.
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Have you ever wanted to go on a heartfelt journey in the lives of your loved ones and newfound acquaintances? Do you enjoy listening and engaging in uplifting discussions that leave you motivated and inspired to take action in your own life? This podcast is a space where we have in depth conversations on family, health, spirituality, entrepreneurship, and well…just plane “ole” life. Join Jesse de Leon on a walk into the fascinating narratives and meaningful conversations that shape our exper ...
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Leonovski podcast

Dusan Leonovski

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These sounds are to be listened with closed eyes and an open heart. Preferably at night when the world outside is quiet. It will be in english, but in serbian also. 🙂❤️
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En "Esto es... GROOVE" (Madrid-Leon) disfruta de la mejor música negra de ayer, de hoy y de mañana. Un cóctel refrescante elaborado con artistas de siempre, los temas más actuales, y las nuevas promesas del panorama black. Y como siempre, las mejores secciones: Back In Time (lo mejor de la música negra de los años 80 y 90), Rap Americano, The Black House (los ritmos más bailables dance y al club con tintes negros), La Tuerca Que Faltaba (arañando las raíces del Funk y del Soul), Hip Hop en C ...
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Here's the week's business, finance and economics news - in just 30 minutes. In the meantime you can catch me on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. And if you want leave a comment. Wishing you all a safe and healthy week. And looking forward to bringing you Talking Business next week Follow my socials on: https://twitter.com/leongettler https://www.instagram.com/leongettler/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/leongettler/ https://www.linkedin.com/company/leongettler/ https://www.facebook.com/talkingbu ...
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Pittore, scultore, ingegnere, architetto, urbanista. Leonardo da Vinci è un artista poliedrico che ha coltivato la bellezza e l'ingegno studiando i segreti della natura e gli strumenti dell'uomo. Milano è una città che cambia continuamente, una Grande Milano in continua espansione, dove il Genio Universale ha vissuto e lavorato, contribuendo più di ogni altro a definirla e reinventarla. In "Genius - Leonardo nella Grande Milano" faremo un viaggio attraverso il tempo, per conoscere meglio la ...
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Ars Leonardocast

Kenneth A. Azurin

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Unscripted interviews conducted on location with Leonardo collaborators as well as creators in the arts, sciences and technology. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ars-leocast/support
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show series
So nice, I had to post it twice. There are a few episodes I always go back and listen to—because the message hits every time. And this is one of them. Whether you missed it the first time or need a reminder, this episode with Barbara Yager is packed with insights that will hit differently depending on where you are in your journey. Barb is an intui…
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Discover the hidden connection between your thoughts and physical health with Dr. Simone Alicia Ph.D., known as "The Self-Esteem Doctor." In this eye-opening episode, Dr. Leona and Dr. Simone reveal how toxic thinking and low self-esteem create actual chemical changes in your body that can lead to disease and chronic health issues. Learn why many o…
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David Rieff es un notable escritor, analista político y periodista estadounidense que desde hace décadas cubre conflictos internacionales y política humanitaria. Rieff se encontraba en Ucrania hace unos días, cuando se cumplieron tres años del inicio de la guerra iniciada por Rusia contra ese país europeo. A propósito de ese aniversario, León Krauz…
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Join us for the upcoming episode of the Vision Leon Podcast, where we eagerly invite feedback and suggestions from our dedicated listeners. Whether you prefer English or Spanish, we welcome your ideas for future episode topics. As a bilingual podcast, we cherish the diversity of our audience and aim to deliver content that resonates with everyone. …
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Dario Valenza, founder of Carbonix 1:51 Carbonix helps the electricity operator monitor everything in their infrastructure, travelling over hundreds of kms with drones to stop blackouts, saving them the cost of sending out operators. 3:41 Carbonix does it with about 2% of what a helicopter or fixed wing aircraft would do. The fuel tank could fit in…
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Una vez más, nuestra selecta oferta musical orbita alrededor del más puro mainstream sonoro haciéndola impactar directamente en el corazón del mismo. Hoy disfrutarás de una refrescante selección de la mejor música negra de ayer, de hoy y de mañana. Artistas de la talla de The Weeknd, Craig David o Timbaland se mezclarán con soplos de aire fresco co…
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Today's Podcast features Michael J Burgess a technologists & blog founder - Circuitry Hub Insights one of the most fascinating interviews and people I have talked for so long, the interview goes on in depth on web 3.0, NOSTR, & AI and other topics I go further throughout this over 2hr 20min interview! It was a long one, but I hope you enjoy it! htt…
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Europeans face major challenges in maintaining transatlantic relations amid Trump’s withdrawal of US support for Ukraine; now ECFR has declared a policy emergency. Over the next month, Mark Leonard will host a 15-minute long emergency podcast ECFR’s Emergency Room every Monday and Wednesday, alongside our regular Friday episodes. To kick things off…
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Esta semana la tertulia política de "Hoy por HoyLeón" se desplaza hasta Astorga, desde donde, por supuesto, nosinteresamos por la situación municipal de la ciudad, sin olvidarnos de asuntosde calado y recorrido provincial, como las primarias del Psoe leonés, el enfadosindical por la tibia respuesta política a la manifestación del 16-F y lacreciente…
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Pese al casi nulo arraigo de este deporte en nuestraprovincia, el leonés Eduardo de Paz es, desde hace años, una indiscutibleestrella nacional del curling. Recién conseguido su octavo título como campeónde España junto a su equipo, el Txuri Berri donostiarra, charlamos con él ennuestra sección semanal de "La otra cara del deporte leonés", junto aCa…
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Are we fighting for a cause, or is there a little pull inside of all of us to be the winner? The interesting thing about winning an argument when someone is expressing their feelings is that there can only be one winner. We're all entitled to our feelings. Even if something, being stated as a feeling, is inaccurate and not a truth, it's their feeli…
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Aprovechando su presencia en León para presentar su nuevolibro y para participar en las deliberaciones del premio "Leonés delAño", recibimos en nuestro "Hoy por Hoy León" a la astronautaSara García, con quien no sólo conversamos sobre el contenido de las páginas de"Órbitas", sino también acerca de sus dos últimos y vertiginosos añostras su entrada …
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Con la ayuda de los periodistas Ana Gaitero (Diario deLeón), Carlos J. Domínguez (Ileón) y David Rubio (La Nueva Crónica), abordamoslas claves informativas del momento en León. En esta ocasión, analizamoscuestiones de actualidad como las primarias próximas a celebrarse en el Psoe deLeón, la concesión del premio "Leonés del Año" al ingenieroinformát…
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Manteniendo la tediosa línea meteorológica del mes defebrero, tanto marzo como la primavera han comenzado también bajo la hegemoníade las nubes y el cielo cubierto. Es una consecuencia de la inestabilidad queviene presidiendo las dinámicas del Anticiclón de las Azores, como nos cuentannuestro expertos en la materia, Miguel Iglesias y Santi Parrado,…
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Giants free agent wide receiver Darius Slayton joins Talkin' Ball with Pat Leonard to tell Pat and Bennie Fowler about his free agent market, his priorities guiding where he'll sign, his development from Year 1 to Year 7, the skills that make him so 'valuable' to suitors and much more. Slayton and Fowler have fun sharing stories as former teammates…
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