Bernard Kelvin Clive brings you Personal Branding daily, tips, tricks and strategies to build your personal brand. Uncut, unedited, solutions to your branding needs.
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Join my weekly discussions and interviews on Personal Branding | Personal Development | Publishing | Providing inspiration and teachings on branding, social media and authoring. I'm your host Bernard Kelvin Clive.
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Personal Branding, Leadership, and Business Coaching tips every week! The Brands On Brands podcast with Brandon Birkmeyer is a top 10 branding podcast for executives, consultants, coaches, content creators & entrepreneurs! Learn how to build authority and position yourself as #1 in your industry from the world's top personal branding and content marketing experts. Want more? Get our personal branding and creator economy newsletter, Brands On Brands Weekly at: Y ...
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Personal Branding Podcast for high achievers. Package Your Genius delves into personal branding, business, personal development, and career topics like overcoming imposter syndrome, pitching your brand to the media and speaking up at work to take credit for your accomplishments.
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Award-winning image consultant, author and personal branding pioneer Jon Michail spent over 32 years helping executives, entrepreneurs and changemakers to build, grow and monetise their personal brands. As he helped them, now it's time to help YOU with this podcast. This platform will introduce leading-edge concepts and tools to maximize your career, business and personal life. The show has two types of episodes: one based on conversations with personalities that will share their stories and ...
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The Power of Personal Branding & Manifestation is your go-to guide to driven content & entrepreneurs girlies ready to grow their income, community, clientele & start manifesting all the things. Breaking down everything you need to become the magnet in business to attract your dream clients & reality. If you're ready to take your mind, content & business to the next level, this is for you ! Don't forget to support the podcast: subscribe, rate & review !
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„Be your brand“ ist der Podcast, der sich mit dem Thema Personal Branding beschäftigt. Etwas, das in der heutigen Zeit immer mehr an Bedeutung gewinnt. Sichtbarkeit und das Sichtbarmachen der eigenen Stärken, Kenntnisse und Leidenschaften ist absolut essenziell. Denn wenn wir selber nicht wissen, für was wir stehen, welchen Mehrwert wir für Andere schaffen und wo wir hin wollen… Wie sollen es dann unsere Mitmenschen wissen? Beim Personal Branding geht es darum, deine Positionierung zu finden ...
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Personal Branding ist der Weg, dich mit deiner Persönlichkeit sichtbar zu machen, um Menschen anzuziehen, die dich und deine Arbeit wertschätzen. Im "Branding Barista"-Podcast von Julian Heck bekommst du regelmäßige Impulse, Inspiration und Ermutigung, dich auf deine Art und Weise als authentische Marke zu etablieren. Julian, Personal-Branding- & LinkedIn-Stratege, zeigt dir in Form konkreter Tipps, inspirierender Geschichten und interessanten Einblicken, wie du eine klare Positionierung era ...
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Real Personal Branding Podcast - Business Building for Keynote Speakers, Personal Brand, Personal Development, Coaches, Consultants, and Entrepreneurs
Lauren V Davis
The Real Personal Branding podcast is your behind-the-scenes look at how thought-leaders, speakers, authors, and coaches have built their businesses, elevated their personal brands, and created lives that truly make them happy. My name is Lauren V. Davis and I am not interested in the fluff, I want to know everything it took to get there. The highs and lows, the celebrations and the messy middle. which is why I believe in bringing you honest conversations with the people I interview and the ...
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Markenaufbau mit Jens Schlangenotto - Personal Branding für Experten und Unternehmen
Jens Schlangenotto
Willkommen zu „Markenaufbau“ – deinem neuen Begleiter auf dem Weg zur erfolgreichen Marke. 🎙️ In meinem Podcast teile ich über 30 Jahre Erfahrung aus der Welt des Marketings und der Markenentwicklung mit dir. Ich bin Jens Schlangenotto, und ich lade dich ein, mit mir gemeinsam in die spannende Welt des Markenaufbaus einzutauchen. Hier erfährst du alles über Prinzipien, die dich in den Flow des Erfolgs bringen können, und bekommst handfeste Tipps und Impulse für den Aufbau von Personen- und U ...
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Building your LeaderBrand - Personal Branding, Social Media Marketing, Sales, Leadership & Expert Business for the Modern Entrepreneur
Bob Gentle Personal Branding & Monetization Coach
Building a business around your personal brand comes with its unique set of challenges, but it’s also an opportunity to create massive impact. Join Bob Gentle as he sits down with leading Entrepreneurs, Consultants, Creators, Leaders and Marketers from around the globe to uncover the strategies behind their successful Personal Brand Businesses. You’ll hear real stories of what it takes to thrive in today’s market—without the fluff. This isn’t just another podcast about business success. Ever ...
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Hi, I am harsh Vardhan ,had exposure on personal branding , how's creating the value in your life for building your personal branding.
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Are you someone embarking on a journey of personal transformation, ready to unleash your inner boldness, brand your different, and position yourself as the go-to… for what you love, your message for the world, and how you serve the world? Are you a person re-inventing themselves? You’re in an in-between stage and are desiring a new life? You want to go for it and are ready to be brave and bold and step into the spotlight so you can change your life and the lives of others? Yet, you may feel ...
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An diesem Personal Branding Podcast kommt niemand vorbei, der heute als Marke erfolgreich sein will. Die Ben Schulz & Partner AG ist die erfahrene Personal Branding Agentur aus Deutschland, die zeigt, wie Personenmarketing erfolgreich funktioniert – und wie Sie mit Ihrer Persönlichkeit den Unterschied machen. Die Troubleshooter und Allrounder liefern Strategie und Umsetzung über alle Kanäle hinweg – ob digital oder print. Hören Sie rein und lassen Sie sich von Personal Branding begeistern. A ...
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Helping professional services folks with tips, tricks & strategies to build and manage a successful personal brand.
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Doing Business Gently: Business Clarity and Personal Branding for Women with Online Service Based Businesses
Marta Goertzen | Gentle Business Coach | Business Clarity | Personal Branding for Women
Business Clarity, Alignment & Personal Branding for Women. ** Do you ever wonder if there is a different way to do business? ** Have you ever felt like something was wrong with you because your business feels so hard? ** Or have you ever asked yourself, shouldn’t I know what I want to be when I grow up by now? Maybe you’re a massive introvert, shy, or considered an HSP, a highly sensitive person, or maybe you feel like you’ve never really fit into what and who the standard online business co ...
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Everyone has a personal brand. The only difference is some people understand how to leverage their abilities and skills better than others. This podcast focuses on strategies and methods for entrepreneurs to use their personal brand to bring value to the world. The goal of this show is to teach you how to reach that next level of impact using your podcast. Enjoy interviews from top experts in business and Action Episodes from Coach Chris every single week!
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This is my first podcast where I'll be telling you about personal branding, please have fun listening and give feedback :)
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Welcome to Powerful Personal Branding. The highest quality, value driven, go-to personal branding podcast. You will hear from celebrity personalities, entrepreneurs and business owners with the top strategies and tactics to help you succeed on your journey. Brought to you by Hyperocket & Ethan Smith. Please remember to subscribe and write a 5 star review if you have received any sort of value from the podcast.
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Hi! Ich heiße Sofia Drenko. Ich bin Marketing-Spezialistin und Brand Managerin. Das ist mein Podcast "Personal Branding". Hier erzähle ich, wie jeder mithilfe Marketingkenntnisse im Alltag und Beruf erfolgreich werden kann. Hast du schon mal gedacht: - Wie kann ich mehr verdienen? - Wie kann ich meinen Traum-Mann/-Frau erobern? - Wie kann ich nützliche Kontakten knüpfen? - Wie kann ich mehr Freunde haben? Die Antwort auf alle Fragen: PERSONAL BRANDING
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Welcome to the Personal Branding Mastery podcast where loan officers and real estate agents who want to build a referral based business so they can have a career an life they love come to learn how to elevate their brand and influence! Support this podcast:
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Welcome to The #TheGirirajAsarPodcast Show! The #TheGirirajAsarPodcast Show is a Personal Branding Podcast in Hindi hosted by Giriraj Asar. In this podcast, I share my knowledge and Experience of Personal Branding & Digital Marketing. I also Interviewed Personal Branding Expert, Marketing & Sales Expert, Digital Entrepreneur, and Internet Influencers on this Podcast Show. This is the Only Personal Branding Podcast in Hindi. Subscribe to my Podcast to stay updated on Personal Branding & Inter ...
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Als systemische Coach arbeite ich mit vorwiegend weiblich gelesenen Personen an ihrer Sichtbarkeit. Nicht fehlendes Know-how, sondern Selbstzweifel sind dabei oft als Grundsätze aus sexistischer und struktureller Diskriminierungen tief im Unterbewusstsein verankert. Dieses Audioformat liefert dir Impulse und Erfolgsgeschichten, warum auch du Feminist*in sein darfst und wie dir ein Perspektivenwechsel mehr Sichtbarkeit für deine Marke "ICH" bringt. "Feminismus bedeutet nicht, den weißen Männe ...
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You’re brilliant at what you do, but are others noticing? Whether advancing your career, growing your business, or establishing yourself as a recognized authority, standing out can feel overwhelming. You might be wondering: > How do I find my voice and confidently put myself out there? > How do I clearly define and communicate my unique value? > How can I grow my visibility and build authority in my field? If this sounds familiar, you're in the right place. Own Your Lane® - The Personal Bran ...
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Marketing hat das Ziel Produkte und Persönlichkeiten so zu vermarkten, das sie sich von alleine verkaufen. Seit 25 Jahren unterstütze ich Unternehmerpersönlichkeiten dabei, sich mit Personal Branding wirkungsvoll zu positionieren. Mein Ziel ist, dass Sie dabei aus Ihren eigenen Ressourcen schöpfen. Nur dann ist Ihr Außenauftritt authentisch, vertrauenerweckend und überzeugend. Wer etwas besser kann als die meisten anderen, verdient auch ein angemessenes Honorar. Dafür braucht es eine starke ...
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HEY, I'M DAULAT HUSSAIN I’m here to bring a lot of new guides and information about branding, health, and business
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Life in Focus with Sandy Grigsby: Personal Branding, High Performance, Confidence, Self Worth, Entrepreneurship
Sandy Grigsby | Brio Five, LLC | |
Personal Branding Photographer, Certified High Performance Coach, and Confidence Catalyst, Sandy Grigsby, will help you overcome any fears, doubts, and worries that may come up when branding and marketing yourself online. Get your Life in Focus with Sandy Grigsby. |
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Welcome to The #AskGirirajasar Show. The #AskGirirajasar Show is a Personal Branding & Digital Marketing Podcast in Hindi hosted by Giriraj Asar. In this Podcast I share my knowledge and Experience of Personal Branding & Digital Marketing. I also Interview Personal Branding Expert, Marketing & Sales Expert, Digital Marketing Experts and Internet Influencers on this Podcast Show. This is the Only Personal Branding & Digital Marketing Podcast in Hindi. Subscribe to my Podcast to stay updated o ...
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Relax quickly and fall asleep faster with ASMR (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response) Experience a variety of soothing sensations (tingles, calmness, sleepiness) due to a combination of gentle stimuni (whispering, soft talking, light touches, methodical sounds).
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This podcast will help you build your personal brand so you can get found and recognized as an influencer in your area of expertise. When the podcast was active I interviewed personal branding and social media experts, career coaches, recruiters, and LinkedIn specialists to uncover the latest tips and insights to help build your personal brand, so you get recognized for your expertise. All of the lessons from the podcast have been packaged to create the Personal Branding System. You can lear ...
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Complete Digital Marketing & Personal Branding in Hindi || Thepsdigitals Show by Prabhashankar Khare
Prabhashankar Khare
This is Prabhashankar, a Digital marketer guy who's been into this field for more than one and half years. I am sure that you'll definitely get some value from my content when it comes to Digital Marketing, Personal Branding & tips, and tricks, and that too completed in Hindi. So, if you're looking for Digital Marketing & Personal Branding in Hindi then definitely this is the best place for you.
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Akash Chaudhary is a Performance-driven Google Certified Marketing Professional with a successful track record of Delivering 3.5billion INR business in the last 12 years for B2B & B2C groups. Please keep in touch to learn free of cost that I've learned from Industry Experts.
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Legendary Entrepreneurs Podcast | Digital Marketing, Business, Personal Branding
Patrick Benske & Rohan Sheth
Welcome to the Legendary Entrepreneur's Podcast. This podcast is for entrepreneur's playing the long game, no window shoppers. On this podcast, we work on developing specific skills and techniques to launch and grow our businesses, but we also talk about mindset and the path to excellence in each entrepreneur's respective field. We believe every entrepreneur out there is legendary because they are on a mission to make a change in this world.
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Anuraj Dwivedi brings you "Anuraj Dwivedi Show" which is an audio version of his daily experience in Branding, Digital Marketing, and Motivation. It’s FREE to learn here! You don’t have to have a coding bone in yourself to do digital marketing. Every single successful marketer out there is a practitioner and has some of the other motivational routines as well. Learn, Execute, and Share every single day with Anuraj Dwivedi Show when it comes to Branding and Digital Marketing, and Motivation. ...
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Welcome to Digital Pratik Show which is one of the most practical & truthful Digital Marketing Podcasts by Digital Pratik streaming since Oct 2017. Here you get to learn & apply branding & marketing which work in the now to take your career & business to the next level. New episodes go live every single day.
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Artists and creatives have the power to heal, transform and elevate lives. But too often, fear or a lack of knowledge holds us back from living our true purpose. Join personal branding coach Diane Foy as she shares strategies from her Superfan Attraction Method. Diane draws on her three decades of experience as a multi-passionate creative entrepreneur. Her journey includes arts and entertainment PR, journalism, photography, makeup and creative psychology. With her guidance, you can overcome ...
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The Branding With Video podcast is about helping you use a YouTube podcast to position yourself as THE authority people think of in your space. I want to help you to use a video podcast to build your YouTube channel, brand and business to make an impact and get paid to do what you love!
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Communities, both online and offline, can be valuable, but if they hinder your growth, suppress your potential, or hold you back, they’re not worth staying in. – Bernard Kelvin Clive
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Episode 32: From Corporate to Craft Beer to Coaching - Always a Bold Leader, Finding my Next Adventure, and Embracing my Bold Entrepreneurial Journey
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13:37In this episode, Kimberly Gayle shares her personal journey of transformation and finding purpose through multiple career shifts. She opens up about breaking free from corporate "golden handcuffs," following her passion across the country, starting her blog and personal brand, and discovering her true calling as a coach for women entrepreneurs. Wan…
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Write Your Way to Premium Clients: The Minimalist Approach to Book-Based Marketing, with Anita Henderson
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46:35In this episode, I had the pleasure of speaking with Anita Henderson, known as "The Author's Midwife," who coaches entrepreneurs and C-suite executives to write, publish, and leverage books as powerful marketing tools. As business owners, we often hear about writing a book but struggle with actually completing one. Whether it's feeling overwhelmed …
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Aligning Your Personal Branding with Your Leadership
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13:12Discover how to align your personal brand with impactful leadership in this episode. Jon shares four actionable steps to define your values, lead with integrity, and harness the power of storytelling. Learn how to build trust, inspire change, and leave a lasting legacy. Ready to elevate your brand? Tune in now! Do you want Jon's help to elevate you…
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#040 - Under-Promise & Over-Deliver: Das Prinzip für langfristigen Erfolg
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22:03Willkommen zur neuen Episode des Markenaufbau Podcasts. In dieser Folge spreche ich über einen oft unterschätzten, aber entscheidenden Erfolgsfaktor: die Erwartungshaltung deiner Kunden. Warum ist das so wichtig? Weil Kunden nicht nur Produkte oder Dienstleistungen kaufen – sie kaufen das Ergebnis einer Vorstellung. Wenn diese Vorstellung nicht erf…
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183 So wirst du Top-Speaker:in - Frank Asmus
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54:26Frank Asmus ist einer der führenden Keynotespeaker und Coach für Vorstände, Geschäftsführer und Unternehmer:innen. Er ist Bestsellerautor und Experte für strategische Kommunikation. In dieser Episode sprechen wir über seinen Weg in die Sichtbarkeit, die Kunst des Public Speakings und warum die Bühne die beste Schule für Persönlichkeitsentwicklung i…
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How You Can Be More Memorable and Get Recognized | Ep. 297
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10:48How to Build Personal Brand Recognition at Events. In this episode, get insightful tips on how to create a memorable personal brand, especially when attending events where no one knows you. We discuss the importance of being bold, using unique fashion statements, and initiating conversations to stand out. Learn strategies such as networking before …
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Want to speak more? Experts weigh in at National Speaker Association Conference
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47:51On this episode of the Real Personal Branding podcast, Lauren interviews several experienced speakers who attended the National Speakers Association (NSA) conference. The speakers include Mimi Brown, a motivational speaker and transformational leadership coach; Robbie Samuels, a book launch strategist, business growth coach, executive Zoom producer…
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90 || 4 Key Components of Building a Personal Brand for a Gentle Business
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18:124 Key Components of Building Personal Brand for a Gentle Business Do you find personal branding overwhelming? In this episode, I share my approach to personal branding for gentle businesses. I explain why personal branding doesn't have to feel heavy or complicated. Instead, it can be an authentic way to connect with your audience. You'll learn my f…
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Working Harder Isn’t the way to your Massive Success : working smarter & abundance
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16:21If hustling harder was the key to your success , you’d be drowning in it by now. But instead, you’re stuck in survival mode: stressed, overworked, and trading time for money. Real success isn’t about doing more; it’s about shifting how you think & go about running your business. Aligning with abundance and letting your business work for you. Not be…
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How To Get Your Thought Leadership/Business Book Out Into the World with Emily Crookston, PhD
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22:29Tired of overthinking that big idea, project or business book you want to write to amplify your authority and thought leadership? Good news: this episode will get you unstuck and on your way to writing your business book. Each episode of the Own Your Lane® Personal Branding Podcast highlights one of the four steps of the Own Your L.A.N.E. personal …
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10x Strategy to Scale your Silent Brand
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4:25The ten times ten strategy: creating a silent brand army “True influence starts small; ten committed individuals can quietly create a movement that echoes across industries.” — Bernard Kelvin Clive Today, I continue with the emergence of silent brands. Businesses and brands doing remarkably well but unseen in the digital sphere, devoid of clear sig…
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"Your gift is meant to be seen, heard, and experienced. Don’t stay gated when you were designed to impact the world." – Bernard Kelvin Clive
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You don't stumble into greatness, you strategize into greatness. No try and error, you plan and work your plan consistently.--- Bernard Kelvin Clive
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Sometimes, the only way to keep moving forward and giving our best is by harnessing our imagination and believing in a better future. --- Bernard Kelvin Clive
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Episode 31: Is Your Personal Brand an Untraveled Trail? Why Building Your Personal Brand is the Ultimate Adventure
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31:37In this captivating episode, Kimberly Gayle draws a powerful parallel between hiking adventures and personal branding journeys. Drawing from her own experience transitioning from corporate life to entrepreneurship in the Pacific Northwest, she reveals how both paths require preparation, resilience, and a willingness to document the journey. Want to…
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How to be the Signal in the Noise, with Mark Schaefer
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33:37As leaders and creators in today's digital landscape, we're all facing the same challenging question: How do we stand out when AI can create endless streams of content? In this episode, I speak with marketing legend Mark Schaefer about his groundbreaking new book "Audacious: How Humans Win in an AI Marketing World." If you've ever felt the pressure…
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“Your work should speak so well for you that even in silence, your brand grows.” --- Bernard Kelvin Clive Silent Brands UnGoogleable Brands
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Keep building, keep doing your best daily. For the future belongs to those building their brand today.
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When you treat people like humans first and customers second, they’ll remember you long after the transaction ends." --- Bernard Kelvin Clive
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#039 - Klarheit schaffen: So triffst du bessere Entscheidungen
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25:50Willkommen zur neuen Episode des Markenaufbau-Podcasts! Heute dreht sich alles um ein Thema, das über Erfolg oder Stillstand entscheidet: Klarheit und Entscheidungsfindung. Warum ist Klarheit so wichtig für den Aufbau deiner Marke? Ganz einfach: Unentschlossenheit ist ein Wachstums-Killer. Was im Innen unklar ist, wird im Außen nicht besser. In die…
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Psychology of First Impressions: Using Image Consulting to Influence Success
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15:45Join Jon as he dives deep into the Psychology of First Impressions, uncovering the science and strategies behind how we’re perceived in those critical first moments. From the pillars of image consulting to actionable tips for aligning your appearance with your goals, this episode is packed with insights to help you craft a congruent and compelling …
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Is Your Personal Brand Helping or Hurting Your Career | Ep. 296
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11:40Is Your Personal Brand Helping or Hurting Your Career? In this episode, we dive into the importance of personal branding and its impact on your career. We discuss how to assess whether you have a personal brand, the significance of expressing your ideas, managing relationships, and adding value to your organization. Tune in to learn how to build a …
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89 || 5 Steps to Get to the Root of Your Business Overwhelm
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21:05Ever feel like your business is too noisy? Learn how to "hush" it just like you would a cluttered room. In this episode, we explore the concept of "business hushing" - a simple but powerful way to deal with recurring overwhelm in your business. Just like decluttering a room can bring peace to your home, quieting different aspects of your business c…
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Businesses exist to meet specific needs and wants of clients and customers, but not every need and want. Once you understand this, you won't overburden yourself with every customer demand. — Bernard Kelvin Clive
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Character transcends content, work on the container (you) well. --- Bernard Kelvin Clive
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Major Mindset Shifts that changed my Entrepreneurial Success
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24:48The way you think is the reason you’re either stuck… or thriving within your business & entrepreneurship. The truth is, success isn’t just about strategy, your mindset plays a MAJOR part. These are the mindset shifts that changed *everything* for me as a creative entrepreneur !! If you wanna kiss goodbye to your doubts & fears, stop feeling stuck a…
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Sometimes just take it in, relax and absorb the current happening. so you can better learn from it and restratigize to build a better brand.
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Episode 30: Bold Vision: Crafting the Vision You Want To See
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23:12In this powerful episode of Brave & Bold: The Personal Branding Podcast, I address the "Vision Crisis" - where those with the biggest hearts for positive change are often playing too small. I challenge purpose-driven entrepreneurs and leaders to break free from limited thinking and craft world-changing visions that match their true potential. Want …
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Linkedin Content That Connects and Converts, with Nicole Osborne
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50:43Many of us know we should be more active on LinkedIn, but the thought of putting ourselves out there can feel overwhelming. In this episode, I talk with LinkedIn strategist Nicole Osborne about creating content that connects with potential clients rather than just collecting likes from peers. Nicole shares her framework for creating balanced conten…
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"Go out and create meaningful connections with people. Don't treat relationships as transactions, seeking only personal gain. Instead, be kind and genuine, and you will be rewarded in unexpected ways. Authenticity is key - simply be yourself." --- Bernard Kelvin Clive
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"A brand doesn’t have to be visible to be powerful—it just needs a dedicated few to make it unstoppable." — Bernard Kelvin Clive
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"Building your brand and career requires flexibility and adaptability. Even with well-laid plans, change is inevitable. Oscillate, adjust, and keep moving forward." — Bernard Kelvin Clive
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#038 - Vertrieb aus einer anderen Perspektive: Druck raus, Sog rein
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36:10Willkommen zur neuen Episode des Markenaufbau-Podcasts. Mein heutiger Gast ist Frank Frielingsdorf, ein erfahrener Vertriebsexperte, der eine ganz eigene Sicht auf das Thema Sales hat. Viele haben Hemmungen, ihre Dienstleistung oder ihr Produkt anzubieten, weil sie sich nicht „anbiedern“ wollen. Doch Vertrieb muss nicht unangenehm oder aufdringlich…
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182 KI, Personal Branding & die Kunst der Umsetzung - Christoph Magnussen
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45:43🎧 In dieser Folge erfährst du:🔹 Warum Christophs Tag vor 5 Uhr beginnt – und warum er das genießt🔹 Wie er seit über 30 Jahren technologische Entwicklungen beobachtet – und welche er für bahnbrechend hält🔹 Warum es nicht auf die Idee, sondern auf die Umsetzung ankommt🔹 Wie KI, ChatGPT und asynchrones Arbeiten unsere Art zu arbeiten revolutionieren🔹 …
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Wardrobe Reimagined - Visual Identity in Remote and Hybrid Workspaces
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19:07In this episode, Jon explores how your wardrobe shapes your professional presence in today’s hybrid world. Learn practical tips for aligning your style with your personal brand, adapting for virtual and in-person settings, and using the psychology of colors to leave a lasting impression. Do you want Jon's help to elevate your personal brand? Get in…
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3 Secrets to Build Authority Without Feeling Like an Imposter
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9:03In this episode, discover three essential secrets to establishing authority without experiencing imposter syndrome. We address common concerns about credibility and authenticity, and offer actionable advice including embracing authenticity over perfection, sharing knowledge generously, and building credibility through small wins and consistent acti…
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Email Marketing Secrets That Make Money with Liz Wilcox
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56:30In this episode of the REAL Personal Branding podcast, Lauren sits down with Liz Wilcox, known as the Fresh Princess of Email Marketing. Liz has a remarkable track record, having grown and sold a successful blog, been bought out of her second company, and built her third into a multiple six-figure business. She's the creator of the 20-minute newsle…
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'Mastery isn’t about doing something once; it’s about doing it so well that it sticks.” — Bernard Kelvin Clive
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88 || 4 Simple Ways to Deal With Overwhelm as an Entrepreneur
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17:50Feeling stuck and overwhelmed in your business? You're not alone. In this episode, we tackle the common problem of feeling overwhelmed as a business owner. Many entrepreneurs struggle with too many tasks, endless to-do lists, and the pressure to keep all the plates spinning. I’m sharing four simple, practical ways to handle overwhelm when it hits -…
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STOP GIVING A F*CK & POST: show up confident & bold
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31:43Struggling to hit 'post' or show up as that 100% authentic badass leader ? Your fear of being seen & bold are keeping you stuck, invisible, and playing small. But the people who actually succeed online? They show up with confidence, unapologetically, and without waiting for approval. Let’s break down how you’ll finally be confident in front of the …
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Episode 29: Why Think Like a Media Company: The Secret to Building an Unstoppable Personal Brand
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14:41In this game-changing episode of Brave & Bold: The Personal Branding Podcast, I reveal why adopting a media company mindset is crucial for modern business success and personal brand building. Want to hop on a call to discuss building your personal brand? Request your FREE brand call with me below, and we can set up a personal-brand planning strateg…
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“Attention is one of the most prized assets in this age” – Bernard Kelvin Clive. In this digital age, attention is indeed one of the most valuable assets. The ability to capture and hold attention determines the success of brands, businesses, and individuals. To illustrate its true worth, let’s examine the Super Bowl halftime show, a prime example …
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Holy Shift! Productivity... but not as you know it, with Grace Marshall
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49:41In this episode, I dive deep into a refreshing conversation about productivity with Grace Marshall, a Productivity Ninja, speaker, and author of multiple books including "Struggle: The Surprising Truth, Beauty, and Opportunity Hidden in Life's Shittier Moments." If you've ever felt overwhelmed by your to-do list or questioned whether you're being "…
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"The true measure of a moment’s impact isn’t the applause it receives but the value it leaves behind." - Bernard Kelvin Clive
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Instead of begging to be picked by others, you have the choice to pick yourself and build your brand. --- Bernard Kelvin Clive
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