Episode 074 - Author/Playwright Dyanna Morrison Returns To Discuss LIBERTY (Part 2 of the JUSTICE Trilogy)
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Picking up where JUSTICE left off is author and playwright Dyanna Morrison’s LIBERTY, which the second in a trilogy of currently unproduced plays that she’s published in literary form. In LIBERTY, Judge Grace Porter Haverhill - now married and about to become a mother - will try a case that puts another one of this country’s highly revered yet constantly contested rights under a harsh microscope: the right to bear arms.
Unlike the fact-based trials presented in JUSTICE, the dispute that Morrison presents in LIBERTY is fictional but no less relevant to the gun violence epidemic. In LIBERTY, two litigants confront each other in an emotional case that carries criminal implications: former Second Amendment advocate-turned gun control campaigner Jackson Owens, whose family was killed during a rally organized by the National Rifle Association, and the fictional president of the powerful organization, named Dwayne LaFollette, who is accused of inciting the violent attack through his increasingly zealous speech at that rally.
Morrison places this hypothetical trial in the current context of America’s unending gun violence crisis, while adding the invaluable historical perspectives of the Founders who observe this dramatic litigation and debate the Second Amendment’s ramifications from a one-way window: John Adams, Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and George Washington.
Though he is not historically mentioned as one of the Founding Fathers, Hamilton’s bitter enemy (and later assassin) Aaron Burr, is also part of these conversations, and his rivalry with Hamilton brings further intensity to LIBERTY’s drama, a story that’s all the more timely - and urgent - given the lack of legislative action to address gun violence in America.
On a much lighter note, Morrison will also discuss her other major literary project, a book that celebrates the love that she and all of us have for our pets - including her own: FOR THE LOVE OF BUDDY. That and much more now on this week’s Viewfinder Podcast.
Dyanna Morrison’s official web site:
Purchase LIBERTY on Amazon:
LIBERTY is also available from Barnes and Noble:
Purchase FOR THE LOVE OF BUDDY on Amazon:
FOR THE LOVE OF BUDDY is also available from Barnes and Noble:
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