Middletown, DE Sexual Harassment Lawyer
Manage episode 422792577 series 3394363
What is the difference between being sexually harassed and abused?
Sexual harassment and abuse are two separate but linked ideas. Sexual harassment is defined as uninvited sexual behavior that produces an intimidating, hostile, or unpleasant workplace atmosphere. This might include offensive remarks, discrimination, approaches, or gestures that interfere with a person's ability to work comfortably.
Sexual abuse, on the other hand, is defined as nonconsensual sexual behavior ranging from unwanted contact to assault or rape. Sexual abuse is a criminal violation that can cause serious physical and mental harm to the victim.
The Sharma Law Firm in Middletown, DE knows the complexity of these challenges. While we specialize in workplace sexual harassment, we can also give victims of sexual assault with counsel and support as they navigate the legal system and seek justice.
What are my legal rights during the investigation of a sexual harassment claim?
Several crucial rights exist while a sexual harassment accusation is being investigated. You have the right to a full, unbiased inquiry by your employer or other appropriate authorities. You have the right to present evidence, provide witness information, and give your version of events. Your confidentially should be upheld to the fullest degree feasible, and you should not face reprisal for making the claim. The Sharma Law Firm in Middletown, Delaware, will assist you in ensuring that your rights are safeguarded throughout the process. Our skilled attorneys will argue on your side, ensuring that the inquiry is performed fairly and properly, and will assist you in dealing with any retaliation or breaches of confidentially that may arise throughout the investigation.
Can I file a sexual harassment lawsuit after signing a non-disclosure agreement (NDA)?
You can still file a sexual harassment lawsuit even if you signed a non-disclosure agreement (NDA). While NDAs may contain language attempting to prohibit the exposure of workplace difficulties, these clauses do not often supersede your legal rights to report illegal conduct, such as sexual harassment. The enforceability of these clauses varies depending on the conditions and jurisdiction. The Sharma Law Firm in Middletown, Delaware, can analyze your NDA and advise you on your legal alternatives.
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The Sharma Law Firm
735 Mapleton Ave #203a
Middletown, DE 19709
(302) 209-9261
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