1x02 | ENEKO ATXA: From Grandma’s Kitchen to the Michelin Constellation
Manage episode 447455757 series 3606154
Eneko Atxa has many childhood memories linked to the kitchen. The kitchen used to be the heart of the home; a place to learn and listen to stories. Indeed, he would spend hours as a child listening to his mother and grandmother chatting, surrounded by delightful aromas.
Certainly, gastronomy holds immense significance in Basque culture: “In the Basque Country, everything happens around the table; it is something almost spiritual to us.” This is the belief of Atxa, who heads the renowned Azurmendi restaurant, which has three Michelin stars. In addition to the one in Larrabetzu, he also runs restaurants in Bilbao, Madrid, Seville, and even Tokyo.
What flavours and colours does the Basque Country have? How has Azurmendi achieved such success? Is the pressure of running a high-end restaurant manageable? The Basque chef has long considered the greatness of reaching the summit, and after achieving his goal, he recognises that the journey has been the most gratifying aspect. Now, he is focused on enjoying the moment.
Haurtzaroko oroitzapen asko ditu Eneko Atxak sukaldearekin lotuta. Sukaldea etxeen bihotza zen garai batean; ikasteko eta istorioak entzuteko tokia. Hain zuzen ere, orduak eta orduak ematen zituen txikitan amaren eta amonaren kontuak entzuten, usain ederrez inguratuta.
Izan ere, gastronomiak berebiziko garrantzia du euskal kulturan: “Euskal Herrian guztia mahaiaren inguruan gertatzen da; zerbait ia espirituala da”. Hala uste du chef zornotzarrak, hiru Michelin izardun Azurmendi jatetxe ospetsuaren arduradunak. Larrabetzukoaz gain, baditu jatetxe gehiago ere: Bilbon, Madrilen, Sevillan eta baita Tokion ere.
Zein zapore eta kolore ditu Euskal Herriak? Nola lortu du Azurmendik horrenbesteko arrakasta? Eramangarria al zaio goi mailako jatetxe baten presioa? Urte asko igaro ditu Eneko Atxak pentsatzen zein ederra izango zen gailurrera iristea, eta behin helburua lortuta, aitortu du prozesuak asebete duela gehien. Orain, momentuaz gozatzearen alde dago.
This podcast is produced by Ulu Media for Etxepare Basque Institute:
- Director: Oier Aranzabal
- Translation: Diana Draper
- Sound Design: Oier Aranzabal
- Sound mixed at Ulu Studio
- Producer: Cristina Tapia Huici
You can also explore more stories about Basque culture and creativity on our websites www.basqueculture.eus and www.etxepare.eus.
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