What God Gives Us
Manage episode 356801372 series 2916492
93,10-3, SHOW NOTES & COPYRIGHTS, (Scheduled 3/2/2023)
Revised 2/26/2023
Today we will be reading and discussing poems about what God gives us.
AS ONLY YOU CAN (Living In God’s Rhyme, pg. 116)
I look at the clouds and I wonder aloud
What lies beyond the skies?
What ever can be though looking I cannot see.
I look at the wonder of it all and I hear your call.
Beyond the skies is Heaven above,
Where there are no whys, just your love.
But first we share in this world of ours
For what we care in each day’s hours.
The mountains, the valleys,
The meadows, the deserts,
And the vast deep waters,
They all exist inside of us.
You spoke the earth into existence,
You breathed your breath into man,
Your power knew no resistance.
It was only and is only you who can.
May we live in your glory,
Be a part of your story.
May we every day strive
To have you in our lives.
May we see the splendor,
Of all you do, of who we are
As we shine brighter than the stars
When we let you, Lord, be who you are.
THE WONDER OF GOD’S WAY (Living In God’s Rhyme, pg. 182)
God’s love is shown and Jesus is known
As the words of King David are heard
Many years after and many years before,
After the creation and before the resurrection.
In times of grace and in time of waste
God’s love for us never falters, never fails.
His is a love we may never understand,
While on this earth we are merely man.
David writes:
the LORD is compassionate and gracious,
slow to anger; abounding in love.
He will not always accuse,
nor will he harbor his anger forever;
he does not treat us as our sins deserve
or repay us according to our iniquities.
For as high as the heavens are above the earth,
so great is his love for those who fear him;
as far as the east is from the west,
so far has he removed our transgressions from us.
(Psalm 103:7-12)
How can we on this earth understand this love?
We live our lives struggling for love
While we struggle at times to give our love.
We shake our neighbor’s hands with winter gloves.
If we have fear for the Lord, the awe and respect he deserves,
We have opened the door to our hearts to receive his grace,
If we truly believe and accept this and are not reserved
In our faith, he is faithful to forgive and remember never.
Be thankful that as Isaiah writes of God,
For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways.”
declares the LORD .
As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts.
(Isaiah 55:8,9)
Live in awe filled wonder and his voice will not thunder
Because of who he is, as we live, he forgives.
By faith through his grace, we have the gift to forever live
Through the death of his Son, who took upon himself our sin.
Be thankful God is who he is and always will be,
Be thankful God loves you and loves me,
Be thankful God created us in love
So by believing we will see him in heaven above.
God so loves us that he sent his only Son to die for our transgressions.
If his ways were our ways, we would still be dying in those transgressions.
Be thankful and accept his love, the gift of his son
So one day you will be with him when with this world you are done.
Discussion: As I was putting together the show notes after copying the first two poems and reading the last four lines of the last poem this from Psalm 46:10 came to me: Be still and know that I am God. I couldn’t help but think the times I have had to tell myself to let go, God has this, He is in control. Be still and quietly, patiently wait for Him. He is always, in al ways there for us. Be still, listen and wait for God’s blessing.
WHO AM I? (God Still Rhymes, pg. 130)
Jesus asked his disciples,
“Who do you say I am”?
Who did they think he was?
And in times of doubt I ask myself,
“Who do I think I am?”
At these times in my life
I know I must reply,
I am reborn,
I am saved,
I am forgiven,
I am redeemed,
I am made holy in his sight,
I am blessed,
I am loved,
I am a child of God!
And there, without words,
Is the rhyme of who I am,
I am one with God!
Forever in his sight
I am now made right.
Though I may stumble and fall,
My name he will always call,
Always and forever,
He will leave me never.
Yes, I am a child of God.
That is who he says I am.
Dave brings up the last poem in God Still Rhymes on page 131, Concluding Prayer. We discussing using it as part of our podcast concluding prayer.
But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you,
my power is perfect in weakness.” (2 Cor 12:19)
At the beginning and at the end
And every moment in between,
May our strength be for His strength
So His perfection may be seem.
As we come to the end of today’s podcast, let us pray.
Dear Heavenly Father we come to you in prayer as we end today’s podcast. Dave and I thank You for leading us through the day and into tomorrow. We thank You for all you have led us to and through.
We pray for our listeners and viewers; for their needs, healing and the salvation of those who have not yet accepted the gift of Your grace by faith.
We pray, Lord, for this world in which we live. Father, as Christians lead us to proclaiming the gospel where ever we are. May we do so in a loving way. Lead us to the truth of the days we are living in.
Dear Lord, prepare us and our listeners and viewers for the coming week. We pray that it is You we live for and You who leads us. As we walk with you this week, may it be Your hand clasped around our hand so we may feel the grasp of Your love.
We pray in the name of Jesus, our Savior and Redeemer.
Amen (12/1/2022)
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Tim and Dave
"If you give Him the times As you live His word rhymes "
"We are the King’s kids and you’ll never get rid of us because we are His with Jesus."
If you give
Him the times
As you live
His word rhymes
And don’t forget, “We are the Kings kids and you will never get rid of us for we are His with Jesus.”
Living In God’s Rhyme ©2018 by Tim Carter
God Still Rhymes ©2019 by Tim Carter
God’s Rhyme ©2019 by Tim Carter
101 episoder