Let God Lead, Then Follow, #90
Manage episode 354902938 series 2916492
90, 9-10, SHOW NOTES & COPYRIGHTS, (Scheduled 2/10/2023)
Three poems today, one from each book. They all were inspired by thoughts of church.
The first one is from God Still Rhymes, and is found on pg. 67.
Everyday people
under the steeple,
bells are ringing,
voices are singing
songs of praise
for the life
he did raise,
Jesus Christ,
our savior and Lord
whose life we savor.
We live in God’s favor
whose love we have stored
in each and every heart
as we wake
and then make
the promise of a new start.
In his grace forgiving
the life we were living
with Jesus we are raised,
In worship he is raised.
Our God is good,
he understood
our fear of belief.
He gives us relief
in the trouble
of life’s rubble.
He loves us.
this Jesus,
God’s only son,
his holy one.
His life sacrificed,
we have been made right,
we will never die
so we sing,
the bells ring
because we are his people
gathered under the steeple.
With the cross
There is no loss.
The lost have been found
making a joyful sound.
The second poem is from Living in God’s Rhyme, on pg. 152.
The lost sheep,
Are we led,
Led to the way
Or led astray,
Are we fed
By the Bread of Life
Or captive to strife
There are random thoughts that cross my mind
That make me seek the words to find
That will feed me and lead me
To the right words to write
No questions,
No exclamations
Just the question,
As lost sheep are we led,
As lost sheep are we fed
To the truth, by the truth
Of who God is,
What Jesus has done
And the mission
Of the Holy Spirit?
Do we ever question God’s love?
Do we ever shout an exclamation?
Or do we just end with a period?
God’s love for us is never in question,
We should shout to the world in exclamation
That with God our lives will not end with a period.
I was driving to church, as the title says, one day and these thoughts came to me.
The next poem is from God’s Rhyme, on pg. 122.
The cornerstone, the first block laid,
upon which the foundation is made,
in which the line is straight and true,
the beginning holding the clue.
A clue of the temple
A view of the house
A pew of His church
The few
The blessed
The meek
The poor
The Spirit
The Son
The Father
All found in . . .
the cornerstone.
Old and new, we can read testaments
of the blocks which rest on the cornerstone;
so perfect in line, lest we lament,
lest we reject, lest we build on our own.
Jesus, the cornerstone on which we build our lives;
a temple, we as one become a church
building on His perfection we strive
through His life, we end our search.
Building on the cornerstone
we are no longer a stranger,
we no longer build alone,
not since that birth in the manger.
“We are members of His household,
Built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets,
With Christ Jesus as the chief cornerstone.” Ephesians 2: 19, 20, NIV
Before the beginning and beyond the end,
Jesus, our Savior, is our cornerstone;
building on a life, a death that God did send,
the house He builds becomes our own.
(Yes, He was the cornerstone the Psalms tell us the builders rejected.
But for those who believe, He is the cornerstone for all that is good.
In Him we have our faith, our hope, our joy, our eternal salvation.)
This is about the church I started attending while in Bible study. In researching "cornerstone" I was amazed how many songs have been written about it. I just wanted to express my gratitude for finding the Cornerstone.
Dear Heavenly Father we come to you in prayer as we end today’s podcast. Dave and I thank You for Your leading us through the day and into tomorrow. We pray that today has been pleasing to You and honors Your glory.
We pray for our listeners and viewers; for their needs, healing and the salvation of those who have not yet accepted the gift of Your grace by faith.
We pray, Lord, for this world in which we live. Father, as Christians lead us to proclaiming the gospel where ever we are. May we do so in a loving way. Lead us to the truth of the days we are living in. We pray for the nation of Ukraine and its people; its leaders, those who have fled the country to find safety, those who are still trying to leave the country and those who are staying to fight the invading army of their enemy. May their faith and determination be an example to the entire world.
Dear Lord, prepare us and our listeners and viewers for the coming week. We pray that it is You we live for and You who leads us. As we walk with you this week, may it be Your hand clasped around our hand so we may feel the grasp of Your love.
We pray in the name of Jesus, our Savior and Redeemer.
Amen 4/3/2022
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god rhyme tim carter | Barnes & Noble® (barnesandnoble.com)
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Tim and Dave
"If you give Him the times As you live His word rhymes "
"We are the King’s kids and you’ll never get rid of us because we are His with Jesus."
If you give
Him the times
As you live
His word rhymes
And don’t forget, “We are the Kings kids and you will never get rid of us for we are His with Jesus.”
Living In God’s Rhyme ©2018 by Tim Carter
God Still Rhymes ©2019 by Tim Carter
God’s Rhyme ©2019 by Tim Carter
101 episoder