Day 3 :: Lightness
Manage episode 309899572 series 3044801
For Day 1, I asked you to get deep.
I mean answering the questions about what you value, labels and of course the doozy of what you stand for. Ya, crazy pants.
Those questions are meant to ground you, to create an earthy, heavy feeling (in a good way) to get you embedded back into what has meaning to you, and why you do what you do.
This is all well and good but hanging out there for too long can be too much.
I know when I spend time playing in the DEEP for too long of a time, I kinda get tired :)
For today’s playcercise it’s all about keeping it light baby!
PLUS, it’s Monday….
You’ll be going into your daily life AND pop-culture.
I’ll pose the questions and you gotta go to the PURE EXCITEMENT, and I’ll do my best to give you examples.
1. What do you eat or drink that makes you soooooooooooo thrilled that you have a mouth.
You only need to share ONE but if you get all wound up, then for goshes sake go for it.
NOTE: with all of these there will be a lot more to the audio, so if you wanna get a clear idea of what I’m looking for listen!
Here are a few of mine: Enjoy Life Semi-Sweet Chocolate Mini Chips, Beau Jo’s Pizza in Idaho Springs, my morning coffee, paleo mini matcha muffins from the East End Food Co-op.
I want you to get SUPER clear about the food.
If you love chocolate cake, what kind of chocolate cake? From a box? The cake your grandma baked for you when you were 5? The cake from a particular little restaurant down your street?
And I want you to get as descriptive as you can about these.
How does the food smell? taste? look like? feel?
You get the gist - use all your 5 senses to describe as much as you possibly can.
Aaaaand if a story happens to come out of it, BONUS.
Employ this tactic for the following question as well.
2. What do you LOVE LOVE LOVE to watch? T.V., Netflix, YouTube, Podcast, Movies, Ballet, Shakespeare Theater, the rain…
Again, you really only need one.
Here are some from me: Sherlock and Apple Events.
You are going to have to listen to the audio to hear why!!!
I hope that you get why we are doing this.
When you just LOOOOOOVE something just because YOU love it, because it touches you in a particular way, it evokes a whole body experience - even if you’re just watching or even if you’re just thinking about it.
That’s the space of magic.
That’s where creativity comes from. It comes from when you whole self is wrapped up into it.
I will leave you today thinking about these wonderful things that just rock your world.
For today and tomorrow dive deep into the lightness of the world around you and the things that you love, that make you feel like you are a 3 year old that finally recognizes that they get presents for their birthday.
Gather all the stuff that you love, the stuff that makes you giddy, and see how many stories you could tell about each thing.
And tell the stories.
Tell the stories as if you are sharing these incredible discoveries with someone that is always ready to listen to you with their whole selves.
And record yourself.
I’m gonna plant the seed…I’d love for you to share what’s come up for you with these exercises, which includes possibly sharing some of your audio!!! Day 5 will be more about connection…just planting the seeds!!!
Send me an email to [email protected] with or without an audio note, send me audio feedback via SpeakPipe, or tag me in the Facebook Group! I’m here to help!
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