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Manage episode 385344243 series 3298938
Before CORROSION OF CONFORMITY gifted us with their signature “Southern Fried Sabbath” sound, the metal world was first introduced to BLIND, a unique blending of thrash, doom, and stoner metal tempered with heavy foundations built on straight-up Sabbath worship. Clearly a progression from the punk & hard-core centric sound of earlier COC and their maiden voyage into thrash metal territory, BLIND sounds as if Black Sabbath time traveled and came to power in the early 90’s as a modern-day thrash band complete with all the darker, doomier elements that were such an integral part of their signature sound back in the day. Surely, COC’s release of BLIND was pivotal in fostering the resurging popularity of Sabbath’s legendary, groundbreaking 70’s output.
Prepare to receive some sage “exercise” advice and understand why glasses aren’t always suitable for certain situations. Remember to never “fake your fartgasms” and don’t be a “dry handy jacker” after learning what “U.F.C.” actually stands for. Discover the latest metal conspiracy theory regarding the “source of the YEAH”, go ahead and invite “Pee-Paw” and any “homies that are chicks” over to give thanks, and be sure to tell them to JOIN US after Thanksgiving dinner as we give thanks for CORROSION OF CONFORMITY’s 1991 groove doom thrash classic, BLIND.
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, Google Podcasts or wherever you get your Podcasts.
Follow us on the Socials:
Facebook - Instagram - Twitter
Email: [email protected]
Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Metal Nerdery Munchies on YouTube @metalnerderypodcast
COC on the InterWebs: https://www.corrosionofconformity.com/
Show Notes:
(00:01): “Let me see if I can get another one off the list…” / #censored #grandfatherjoke #metalnerderyjokehour / “It was at #Sweetwater in Duluth…”/ “I just wanna see if it’s as uncomfortable as I think it’s gonna be…” / The joke that broke the host… #childhoodchristmases / “That looks like #Trogdor on the can…”/ #internetmeme / “Trogdor the Burninator…”/ ***WARNING: #listenerdiscretionisadvised ***/ #thisepisodesclinkyoftheepisode / “This is a safe one…”/ #milkbags / #TrogdorTheBurninator / #triptapes / ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST #NOSOBERNOVEMBER EDITION!!!***/ #Rivulet (“That sounds Fraunch”) #artisan / #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode (“The word is ‘tangentional’”) / “That’s where they sell dicks…”/ #AkademiaBrewing from #AthensGeorgia #nationalchampionshipsportsdogs / #TheBlackAlbum #albumcover / #fivepointfivepercentABV / #TheVerdict (“Not like downstairs…like the smell of #brandnewcarpet …”) / “Dude, you like #Winger ?”/ #laughtrack / #NapoleonASMR / #Grungeist #OvWolfAndGrungeist / “Pointing at YOU…” / ***IF YOU WANT TO SKIP AHEAD AND MISS ALL THE PRE-FOREPLAY, JUST CHECK THE #SHOWNOTES AND GO RIGHT TO THE DOCKET…*** / “You’re a dry handy jacker?” / “I don’t dabble…”/ “A #wetdryjack …”/ “Spit on it, pee-paw…”/ #LMAO / #stickaround / #RussellsReflectionsASMR / “Whatever you call your girlfriend’s butthole…”/ #sexwithglasses (“I sweat a lot…”) / “The only reasons I exercise anymore…”
(15:36): ***IF YOU’D LIKE TO GIVE US A CALL AND LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL, YOU CAN DO SO AT 980-666-8182!!!*** / #TheVoicemailSegment (Long time listener, first time caller…) #TheGreatSouthwest #wordsofencouragement #iconic #MauiWowieASMR #textcorrect #malwareboy (“A.I. is sentient…”) / #HailAndThankYou / “The ultimate fisting championship?” / #UFC / The rise of #OnlyFans / “We should save that one…” / #voicemailcompilation / #netherregions / #unfiltered and #unredacted / “That’s not the same dude…”/ #markthetime / “He’s raised the bar for enthusiasm…”/ #morningsickness / #RussellsReflectionsReprise #HailAndFarewell #RIP / #RussellsTVReflectionsASMR / #AussieSnakeWranglers #BrownSnake #SnakeDundee / “Are there degrees of dead?”/ Antivenom vs Antivenin / “A weird euphemism for…”/ #DaylightSavingsTime #timetravel / “Dude, that works for everything…” / “Would you use them if they were cock shaped?”/ #TheChangeUp #RussellsReflectionsMovieEdition #NoHardFeelings #dicksoftener
(34:14): #TheDocket METAL NERDERY PODCAST PRESENTS: CORROSION OF CONFORMITY – BLIND / #MetalNerderyPresents #COC #CorrosionOfConformity #Blind / The next wave of thrash (with doom & stoner elements) / #SouthernFriedSabbath / “This album is straight up thrash…”/ The evolutionary transition from punk to hard-core to metal / #bassplayermeme / “What box does it go in?”/ If #BlackSabbath was a thrash band…/ ***Go check out our earlier COC episode…circa October 2021.***/ “There’s something wrong with you…”/ #WrathSAZ (“The #ludicrosity increases with each episode…”) / “People look different…squirrels don’t.”/ “I’ve got bone…” / THESE SHROUDED TEMPLES… / #doommetal #stonermetal #doomermetal (“Sounds like a church…”) #evilocityASMR (“That’s Sabbath and Slayer, mashed up…”) #Slabbath (“Black Slayer?”)/ DAMNED FOR ALL TIME (“Very 70’s sounding drums…”) #alltheballs / “This is groove metal…” / #ModernDaySabbath
(46:50): “This was their hit…” / DANCE OF THE DEAD (“This was their Enter Sandman…”) #breakthroughhit / “Now that song sounds like straight up #SabbathWorship “/ BURIED (“Never look back, just move ahead…”) / “We were blessed…” / BREAK THE CIRCLE (#GrooveSabbath) / “I would say this is a #groovemetal album…” / “This one is solid, front to back…”/ PAINTED SMILING FACE (“This is almost like funky Sabbath…”) / The comparison of Blind to Deliverance & Wiseblood / “Just let this one play…” MINE ARE THE EYES OF GOD (“It sounds like you’re in the jamroom…”) / “It’s like an ungritty Pepper…” / #moresalty
(56:07): SHALLOW GROUND (“Dude, just reload it and put some fresh in there…”) / “Here it comes…those are #flahns …”/ “That was the fridge…”/ VOTE WITH A BULLET #balls (“We do not promote…politics.”) / “He sounds like Gene Simmons…” / “Pepper’s too good of a guitar player to be a bass player…”/ “You’re getting good at that…” / #ShaneGillisASMR / GREAT PURIFICATION #Sabbathness (“I almost wonder if this got people back into Sabbath…”) / “Sometimes gifted people are…”/ #Queebeque / WHITE NOISE #oldschoolthrash / “Try and count that…”/ ECHOES IN THE WELL (“Do you fake your #fartgasms …?”) #verydoomy #verystoner #bonghitASMR / JIM BEAM AND THE COON ASS (“Sounds like Folsom Prison…”) / “Listen to the MC5 cover…” FUTURE/NOW / #bolthree / “Is that gonna be the newest #metalconspiracytheory …#thesourceoftheYEAH “/ No tracking changes / …REMAIN #thefinalword / “Let’s do it again…start at the beginning.” / “It looks like an old…component stereo system.”/ ***THANK YOU FOR JOINING US!!!***/ #untilthenext / #PerfectChongLaugh #HappyThanksgiving #HappyTurkelDay / #markthetime / #hotdogwater (“That sounds like bad pee…”) / #DoomPsickle ***HEAD ON DOWN TO THE BUNKERPOON GIFT SHOPPE AND PURCHANDISE YOUR #METALNERDERYPODCASTMERCHANDISE AT metalnerdery.com/merch ***/ #outroreel / #PeePaw
294 episoder
Manage episode 385344243 series 3298938
Before CORROSION OF CONFORMITY gifted us with their signature “Southern Fried Sabbath” sound, the metal world was first introduced to BLIND, a unique blending of thrash, doom, and stoner metal tempered with heavy foundations built on straight-up Sabbath worship. Clearly a progression from the punk & hard-core centric sound of earlier COC and their maiden voyage into thrash metal territory, BLIND sounds as if Black Sabbath time traveled and came to power in the early 90’s as a modern-day thrash band complete with all the darker, doomier elements that were such an integral part of their signature sound back in the day. Surely, COC’s release of BLIND was pivotal in fostering the resurging popularity of Sabbath’s legendary, groundbreaking 70’s output.
Prepare to receive some sage “exercise” advice and understand why glasses aren’t always suitable for certain situations. Remember to never “fake your fartgasms” and don’t be a “dry handy jacker” after learning what “U.F.C.” actually stands for. Discover the latest metal conspiracy theory regarding the “source of the YEAH”, go ahead and invite “Pee-Paw” and any “homies that are chicks” over to give thanks, and be sure to tell them to JOIN US after Thanksgiving dinner as we give thanks for CORROSION OF CONFORMITY’s 1991 groove doom thrash classic, BLIND.
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, Google Podcasts or wherever you get your Podcasts.
Follow us on the Socials:
Facebook - Instagram - Twitter
Email: [email protected]
Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Metal Nerdery Munchies on YouTube @metalnerderypodcast
COC on the InterWebs: https://www.corrosionofconformity.com/
Show Notes:
(00:01): “Let me see if I can get another one off the list…” / #censored #grandfatherjoke #metalnerderyjokehour / “It was at #Sweetwater in Duluth…”/ “I just wanna see if it’s as uncomfortable as I think it’s gonna be…” / The joke that broke the host… #childhoodchristmases / “That looks like #Trogdor on the can…”/ #internetmeme / “Trogdor the Burninator…”/ ***WARNING: #listenerdiscretionisadvised ***/ #thisepisodesclinkyoftheepisode / “This is a safe one…”/ #milkbags / #TrogdorTheBurninator / #triptapes / ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST #NOSOBERNOVEMBER EDITION!!!***/ #Rivulet (“That sounds Fraunch”) #artisan / #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode (“The word is ‘tangentional’”) / “That’s where they sell dicks…”/ #AkademiaBrewing from #AthensGeorgia #nationalchampionshipsportsdogs / #TheBlackAlbum #albumcover / #fivepointfivepercentABV / #TheVerdict (“Not like downstairs…like the smell of #brandnewcarpet …”) / “Dude, you like #Winger ?”/ #laughtrack / #NapoleonASMR / #Grungeist #OvWolfAndGrungeist / “Pointing at YOU…” / ***IF YOU WANT TO SKIP AHEAD AND MISS ALL THE PRE-FOREPLAY, JUST CHECK THE #SHOWNOTES AND GO RIGHT TO THE DOCKET…*** / “You’re a dry handy jacker?” / “I don’t dabble…”/ “A #wetdryjack …”/ “Spit on it, pee-paw…”/ #LMAO / #stickaround / #RussellsReflectionsASMR / “Whatever you call your girlfriend’s butthole…”/ #sexwithglasses (“I sweat a lot…”) / “The only reasons I exercise anymore…”
(15:36): ***IF YOU’D LIKE TO GIVE US A CALL AND LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL, YOU CAN DO SO AT 980-666-8182!!!*** / #TheVoicemailSegment (Long time listener, first time caller…) #TheGreatSouthwest #wordsofencouragement #iconic #MauiWowieASMR #textcorrect #malwareboy (“A.I. is sentient…”) / #HailAndThankYou / “The ultimate fisting championship?” / #UFC / The rise of #OnlyFans / “We should save that one…” / #voicemailcompilation / #netherregions / #unfiltered and #unredacted / “That’s not the same dude…”/ #markthetime / “He’s raised the bar for enthusiasm…”/ #morningsickness / #RussellsReflectionsReprise #HailAndFarewell #RIP / #RussellsTVReflectionsASMR / #AussieSnakeWranglers #BrownSnake #SnakeDundee / “Are there degrees of dead?”/ Antivenom vs Antivenin / “A weird euphemism for…”/ #DaylightSavingsTime #timetravel / “Dude, that works for everything…” / “Would you use them if they were cock shaped?”/ #TheChangeUp #RussellsReflectionsMovieEdition #NoHardFeelings #dicksoftener
(34:14): #TheDocket METAL NERDERY PODCAST PRESENTS: CORROSION OF CONFORMITY – BLIND / #MetalNerderyPresents #COC #CorrosionOfConformity #Blind / The next wave of thrash (with doom & stoner elements) / #SouthernFriedSabbath / “This album is straight up thrash…”/ The evolutionary transition from punk to hard-core to metal / #bassplayermeme / “What box does it go in?”/ If #BlackSabbath was a thrash band…/ ***Go check out our earlier COC episode…circa October 2021.***/ “There’s something wrong with you…”/ #WrathSAZ (“The #ludicrosity increases with each episode…”) / “People look different…squirrels don’t.”/ “I’ve got bone…” / THESE SHROUDED TEMPLES… / #doommetal #stonermetal #doomermetal (“Sounds like a church…”) #evilocityASMR (“That’s Sabbath and Slayer, mashed up…”) #Slabbath (“Black Slayer?”)/ DAMNED FOR ALL TIME (“Very 70’s sounding drums…”) #alltheballs / “This is groove metal…” / #ModernDaySabbath
(46:50): “This was their hit…” / DANCE OF THE DEAD (“This was their Enter Sandman…”) #breakthroughhit / “Now that song sounds like straight up #SabbathWorship “/ BURIED (“Never look back, just move ahead…”) / “We were blessed…” / BREAK THE CIRCLE (#GrooveSabbath) / “I would say this is a #groovemetal album…” / “This one is solid, front to back…”/ PAINTED SMILING FACE (“This is almost like funky Sabbath…”) / The comparison of Blind to Deliverance & Wiseblood / “Just let this one play…” MINE ARE THE EYES OF GOD (“It sounds like you’re in the jamroom…”) / “It’s like an ungritty Pepper…” / #moresalty
(56:07): SHALLOW GROUND (“Dude, just reload it and put some fresh in there…”) / “Here it comes…those are #flahns …”/ “That was the fridge…”/ VOTE WITH A BULLET #balls (“We do not promote…politics.”) / “He sounds like Gene Simmons…” / “Pepper’s too good of a guitar player to be a bass player…”/ “You’re getting good at that…” / #ShaneGillisASMR / GREAT PURIFICATION #Sabbathness (“I almost wonder if this got people back into Sabbath…”) / “Sometimes gifted people are…”/ #Queebeque / WHITE NOISE #oldschoolthrash / “Try and count that…”/ ECHOES IN THE WELL (“Do you fake your #fartgasms …?”) #verydoomy #verystoner #bonghitASMR / JIM BEAM AND THE COON ASS (“Sounds like Folsom Prison…”) / “Listen to the MC5 cover…” FUTURE/NOW / #bolthree / “Is that gonna be the newest #metalconspiracytheory …#thesourceoftheYEAH “/ No tracking changes / …REMAIN #thefinalword / “Let’s do it again…start at the beginning.” / “It looks like an old…component stereo system.”/ ***THANK YOU FOR JOINING US!!!***/ #untilthenext / #PerfectChongLaugh #HappyThanksgiving #HappyTurkelDay / #markthetime / #hotdogwater (“That sounds like bad pee…”) / #DoomPsickle ***HEAD ON DOWN TO THE BUNKERPOON GIFT SHOPPE AND PURCHANDISE YOUR #METALNERDERYPODCASTMERCHANDISE AT metalnerdery.com/merch ***/ #outroreel / #PeePaw
294 episoder
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