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Manage episode 346044093 series 3298938
“Step inside, walk this way…”
The world just wouldn’t be the same without Dave Mustaine and MEGADETH. No one else in metal embodies the same snarling, vengeful angst against the psychopathic “powers that be” as Mega Dave, and the band’s 16th studio offering, “THE SICK, THE DYING…AND THE DEAD!” once again proves it. With topics running the gamut from space travel, war, and (actual) plague to nuclear disaster and shameless celebrity selfie queens, Dave has once again masterfully unleashed his passionate disgust and contempt for everything that has negatively tainted our world with furious thrash-tactical precision that is intricately woven together with thin threads of progressive metal grandeur.
Go ahead and get your “cortisone shart” out of the way before you slip into your “finger pants” and “request a to-go box” while preparing for the imminent “air horn frenzy” that awaits as you indulge in “a handful and a mouthful” and JOIN US for a dive into MEGADETH: THE SICK, THE DYING…AND THE DEAD!
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
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Follow us on the Socials:
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Email: [email protected]
Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Metal Nerdery Munchies on YouTube:
MEGADETH on the InterWebs: WEB
Show Notes:
(00:01): “That’s not what I was gonna say…” / #GrandmaBeavis / #theuncorking (“That was a wet one”) and a #bigmouth / #cortisoneshart and the joy of #superfarts / #thisepisodesclinkyoftheepisode #SinEater (Cinnamon flavored whisky) #itleaked because of #thebigmouth / ***WARNING!!!*** #listenerdiscretionisadvised ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!*** #tainttightener / What dimension did you materialize from? / #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode #layoff #adderalldeficitdisordermoment #WickedWeedBrewing from #Asheville #FreakOfNature (excellent #albumcover) #highgravitybeer and #properdaydrinking tips. / “That’s the loudness that you taste…” / #eightpointfivepercentABV (aka #loudbeer) / ***Shoutout to local boys #ActusReus*** / #whatsthat #didyoumarkthat #TheyDidSomeTool #ultramegaremix #pitchshiftedhilarity
(09:11): “Be teased…” #psychicblueballs (or you could just read further down in the show notes) / “Blair Witch meets Evil Dead…” / #DeadStream #spoileralert / “Man, her tits were I-rated…” / (Russell says #boobs the best.) #Wokeshitsucks especially in #horrormovies and #RussellsReflections and an #editorial regarding the mass #boobdeficit in horror / #thevoicemailsegment ***GIVE US A CALL AND LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL AT 980-666-8182!!!*** #thereturnofthepost “How do #guitarsolos affect you?” (NOTE: the answers may vary between guitarists and non-guitarists…) / The emotional (and sometimes physical) impact of songs and/or guitar solos are very similar / “That was recorded in one single take!” #onetakewonder #Xanadu / “Damn I wish I could play guitar…” / And now, a rebranding: there’s #bassguitar and #trebleguitar / #onemorevoicemail #thereheis #numberonepodcast (thank you for that, Johnny-O) #thatmanisablessin / NO ONE is handing out the #goodcandy to children on #Halloween…even in the #legalweedstates (because it’s too expensive!). / Teachable moments…
(24:46): No #shittah from those of you in the tri-county area, but a recommendation… / #KingVolumeRecords (Not sure of the artist). #stonerdoomgoodness #artistunknown #fuzzy #fuzztease / #JurassicWitch “BLACK MASSES AND ASHES” VELOCIREAPER (“Someone needs to load a bowl for this…”) ***You can also find this on #bandcamp*** #killersongtitles (Not really #WellPlayYourShittah but also, kinda…) / “It’s time to get the band back together…I want to scream again…”
(31:45): #TheDocket MEGADETH “THE SICK, THE DYING, AND THE DEAD” / Quick first impressions and Dave’s uncanny gift for picking gifted guitarists to be part of #Megadeth / Production critiques / “Maybe that’s why it’s fun…” / #guitarbliss #awwwmannn and the evolution of Dave’s vocal style over the years / “Is it just as easy as asking for a to-go box?” #Poorlytimedrimshot and #poorlytimedlaughter #sadtrombone and that absurdly annoying buzzer siren noise (see also #airhorn) / #themostobnoxiousnoiseintheworld #thatnoise #homemadelube
(41:53): Excellent #MontyPythonReference (NOTE: Actually, it’s from #TheHolyGrail) #killeropener THE SICK, THE DYING…AND THE DEAD! (The riff with the harmonies is total #guitarbone) #yeah #killerharmonies / Remember when you first figured out how to play #complexicated riffs? / “Yours is #moreannoying…” / #pastawithattitude / The first Megadeth album without David Ellefson / LIFE IN HELL #oldschoolthrash (Wait…#fingerpants?)
(50:56): NIGHT STALKERS (feat. ICE-T) #sickriff (definitely thrashy, old school style!) / (NOTE: the part in question is actually after the acoustic, interlude part) / #ilovethehelmet / “Mites grow on a chicken’s ass”/ DOGS OF CHERNOBYL #justkiddingASMR #softintro #killeracousticintro #MegaProg / “Let’s say you had an amazing butt recipe…” / A word about Kiko’s genius / “What are you doing with your life?” / #vaginahaircuts and #genitalbeards
(1:00:24): SACRIFICE #thatriff / Amazing guitarists and the power of influences / Speaking of #guitarbone (#dualguitarbone) #markthetime / “So that’s a yes…” and more #adderall please / “They’re made from a mold…” / JUNKIE (“Is this Def Leppard?”) #Fuckyoubolth because “you can’t unhear it…ever!” #gothim / #MegaLeppard / PSYCHOPATHY #spokenwordpart (and the different kinds of #psychopathy) / “I’m not laughing at the fact; I’m laughing at the delivery…”
(1:09:35): KILLING TIME / Guitarists (like Kiko) with multi-tentacled tentacles who take home the gold in the #guitarolympics / #motivationalmoments / SOLDIER ON! (Very old school sounding…) #killeroutro (#DrillSeargentMustaine calling cadence…) / “Handful of pussy and a mouthful of ass…” / CELEBUTANTE (and a flashback to 1983…) and #weirdrifftiming (“Where’s the 1?”) / #perfectsegue into the next…
(1:19:36): MISSION TO MARS (“It’s got a lot of bottom…”) / Cool middle part…and a #catalogcallback / #supernaturaltentacles / “Dave would make a killer #voiceactor…” / Update regarding #TheShroomChronicles / #nogagcomplex (or #gagreflex) / #weirdlegaldumbness / WE’LL BE BACK #killercloser / “He might be A.I.” / ***BONUS TRACKS (on the #digitaledition of #TheSickTheDyingAndTheDead)*** #boneustracks POLICE TRUCK (#DeadKennedys cover) / WTF is that voice anyway: maybe #LarsDamone or #NewYorkLars? / THIS PLANET’S ON FIRE (BURN IN HELL) #SammyHagar cover / Favorite tracks / Released September 2, 2022 / ***THANK YOU FOR JOINING US!!!*** #untilthenext #timetoemptytheballs / ***PLEASE VISIT OUR 33RD FLOOR I.U.B.P. GIFT SHOPPE AND MAKE A PURCH OF SOME MERCH AT metalnerdery.com/merch ***) / #outroreel #hehahuh #longlivemetalnerdery
292 episoder
Manage episode 346044093 series 3298938
“Step inside, walk this way…”
The world just wouldn’t be the same without Dave Mustaine and MEGADETH. No one else in metal embodies the same snarling, vengeful angst against the psychopathic “powers that be” as Mega Dave, and the band’s 16th studio offering, “THE SICK, THE DYING…AND THE DEAD!” once again proves it. With topics running the gamut from space travel, war, and (actual) plague to nuclear disaster and shameless celebrity selfie queens, Dave has once again masterfully unleashed his passionate disgust and contempt for everything that has negatively tainted our world with furious thrash-tactical precision that is intricately woven together with thin threads of progressive metal grandeur.
Go ahead and get your “cortisone shart” out of the way before you slip into your “finger pants” and “request a to-go box” while preparing for the imminent “air horn frenzy” that awaits as you indulge in “a handful and a mouthful” and JOIN US for a dive into MEGADETH: THE SICK, THE DYING…AND THE DEAD!
Visit www.metalnerdery.com/podcast for more on this episode
Leave us a Voicemail to be played on a future episode: 980-666-8182
Metal Nerdery Tees and Hoodies – metalnerdery.com/merch
and kindly leave us a review and/or rating on the iTunes/Apple Podcasts - Spotify or your favorite Podcast app
Listen on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, Google Podcasts or wherever you get your Podcasts.
Follow us on the Socials:
Facebook - Instagram - Twitter
Email: [email protected]
Can’t be LOUD Enough Playlist on Spotify
Metal Nerdery Munchies on YouTube:
MEGADETH on the InterWebs: WEB
Show Notes:
(00:01): “That’s not what I was gonna say…” / #GrandmaBeavis / #theuncorking (“That was a wet one”) and a #bigmouth / #cortisoneshart and the joy of #superfarts / #thisepisodesclinkyoftheepisode #SinEater (Cinnamon flavored whisky) #itleaked because of #thebigmouth / ***WARNING!!!*** #listenerdiscretionisadvised ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!*** #tainttightener / What dimension did you materialize from? / #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode #layoff #adderalldeficitdisordermoment #WickedWeedBrewing from #Asheville #FreakOfNature (excellent #albumcover) #highgravitybeer and #properdaydrinking tips. / “That’s the loudness that you taste…” / #eightpointfivepercentABV (aka #loudbeer) / ***Shoutout to local boys #ActusReus*** / #whatsthat #didyoumarkthat #TheyDidSomeTool #ultramegaremix #pitchshiftedhilarity
(09:11): “Be teased…” #psychicblueballs (or you could just read further down in the show notes) / “Blair Witch meets Evil Dead…” / #DeadStream #spoileralert / “Man, her tits were I-rated…” / (Russell says #boobs the best.) #Wokeshitsucks especially in #horrormovies and #RussellsReflections and an #editorial regarding the mass #boobdeficit in horror / #thevoicemailsegment ***GIVE US A CALL AND LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL AT 980-666-8182!!!*** #thereturnofthepost “How do #guitarsolos affect you?” (NOTE: the answers may vary between guitarists and non-guitarists…) / The emotional (and sometimes physical) impact of songs and/or guitar solos are very similar / “That was recorded in one single take!” #onetakewonder #Xanadu / “Damn I wish I could play guitar…” / And now, a rebranding: there’s #bassguitar and #trebleguitar / #onemorevoicemail #thereheis #numberonepodcast (thank you for that, Johnny-O) #thatmanisablessin / NO ONE is handing out the #goodcandy to children on #Halloween…even in the #legalweedstates (because it’s too expensive!). / Teachable moments…
(24:46): No #shittah from those of you in the tri-county area, but a recommendation… / #KingVolumeRecords (Not sure of the artist). #stonerdoomgoodness #artistunknown #fuzzy #fuzztease / #JurassicWitch “BLACK MASSES AND ASHES” VELOCIREAPER (“Someone needs to load a bowl for this…”) ***You can also find this on #bandcamp*** #killersongtitles (Not really #WellPlayYourShittah but also, kinda…) / “It’s time to get the band back together…I want to scream again…”
(31:45): #TheDocket MEGADETH “THE SICK, THE DYING, AND THE DEAD” / Quick first impressions and Dave’s uncanny gift for picking gifted guitarists to be part of #Megadeth / Production critiques / “Maybe that’s why it’s fun…” / #guitarbliss #awwwmannn and the evolution of Dave’s vocal style over the years / “Is it just as easy as asking for a to-go box?” #Poorlytimedrimshot and #poorlytimedlaughter #sadtrombone and that absurdly annoying buzzer siren noise (see also #airhorn) / #themostobnoxiousnoiseintheworld #thatnoise #homemadelube
(41:53): Excellent #MontyPythonReference (NOTE: Actually, it’s from #TheHolyGrail) #killeropener THE SICK, THE DYING…AND THE DEAD! (The riff with the harmonies is total #guitarbone) #yeah #killerharmonies / Remember when you first figured out how to play #complexicated riffs? / “Yours is #moreannoying…” / #pastawithattitude / The first Megadeth album without David Ellefson / LIFE IN HELL #oldschoolthrash (Wait…#fingerpants?)
(50:56): NIGHT STALKERS (feat. ICE-T) #sickriff (definitely thrashy, old school style!) / (NOTE: the part in question is actually after the acoustic, interlude part) / #ilovethehelmet / “Mites grow on a chicken’s ass”/ DOGS OF CHERNOBYL #justkiddingASMR #softintro #killeracousticintro #MegaProg / “Let’s say you had an amazing butt recipe…” / A word about Kiko’s genius / “What are you doing with your life?” / #vaginahaircuts and #genitalbeards
(1:00:24): SACRIFICE #thatriff / Amazing guitarists and the power of influences / Speaking of #guitarbone (#dualguitarbone) #markthetime / “So that’s a yes…” and more #adderall please / “They’re made from a mold…” / JUNKIE (“Is this Def Leppard?”) #Fuckyoubolth because “you can’t unhear it…ever!” #gothim / #MegaLeppard / PSYCHOPATHY #spokenwordpart (and the different kinds of #psychopathy) / “I’m not laughing at the fact; I’m laughing at the delivery…”
(1:09:35): KILLING TIME / Guitarists (like Kiko) with multi-tentacled tentacles who take home the gold in the #guitarolympics / #motivationalmoments / SOLDIER ON! (Very old school sounding…) #killeroutro (#DrillSeargentMustaine calling cadence…) / “Handful of pussy and a mouthful of ass…” / CELEBUTANTE (and a flashback to 1983…) and #weirdrifftiming (“Where’s the 1?”) / #perfectsegue into the next…
(1:19:36): MISSION TO MARS (“It’s got a lot of bottom…”) / Cool middle part…and a #catalogcallback / #supernaturaltentacles / “Dave would make a killer #voiceactor…” / Update regarding #TheShroomChronicles / #nogagcomplex (or #gagreflex) / #weirdlegaldumbness / WE’LL BE BACK #killercloser / “He might be A.I.” / ***BONUS TRACKS (on the #digitaledition of #TheSickTheDyingAndTheDead)*** #boneustracks POLICE TRUCK (#DeadKennedys cover) / WTF is that voice anyway: maybe #LarsDamone or #NewYorkLars? / THIS PLANET’S ON FIRE (BURN IN HELL) #SammyHagar cover / Favorite tracks / Released September 2, 2022 / ***THANK YOU FOR JOINING US!!!*** #untilthenext #timetoemptytheballs / ***PLEASE VISIT OUR 33RD FLOOR I.U.B.P. GIFT SHOPPE AND MAKE A PURCH OF SOME MERCH AT metalnerdery.com/merch ***) / #outroreel #hehahuh #longlivemetalnerdery
292 episoder
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