Manage episode 375774497 series 3447438
Eugene is asked the question: does the same spirit or soul reconstitute again?
He answers by saying that there are various views which can only be resolved “by returning to very abstract principles of mathematics.” He firstly, defines ‘soul’ as “an encapsulated zone of Sentient Power.” As such, it could “reincarnate into many different situations.” Each situation would result in that soul becoming characterised by its experiences. Such a soul would be able to recognise itself if it were able to assemble the same pattern of responses that it had before. He gives the example of a person suffering amnesia after concussion. “Now if you forget any of your characterising structures can it be said that you are the same soul? And does it matter if you are, if you cannot remember it?” He gives the example of an Aries who can go through an incarnation and arrive back in the next world knowing no more than it had when entering.
“The question of reincarnation is really this: Has a given zone of Sentient Power sufficient formal, reflexive, self-knowledge to be able to identify himself if he does reincarnate?” If not, then reincarnation is useless. We have all been reincarnated many times but if we have not learned the lessons and remembered them we will keep repeating “the same stupid things over and over again and not learning the lesson.” “It is not enough to be a soul, you have to be a structured soul.” “You have to know that you are you, otherwise reincarnation is meaningless.”
We can choose to become a different person from the one we presently are. We can change our name, change our outlook, and create a different internal structure than the one we had imposed upon us by our parents and educators. Which is now the real soul? If we choose to create a structure of ideas within us and unify this at death, then we can take it through the Bardo and choose our next life rationally and deliberately, rather than accidentally on a pleasure/pain basis. In this way we can continue to develop our ideas in a life which will provide the best opportunity for us. If you can gather yourself together at death “and define yourself as you will to be, that definition…will persist between death and rebirth so that you can be reborn again as you.”
He then ties in this idea with another question about the development of women. He says that all through history the role of women has been primarily that of wives and mothers. According to the ancient Greeks, only men could survive death, because men could be self-determinant, but women, at death, simply dissipated back into space. This was because they had devoted themselves to nurturing and raising children. “They did not bother to structure their consciousness.”
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With the exception of the 12 episodes of 'Conquest of Anxiety' read by Zero Mahlow.
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