How to Deal with Dangerous Narcissists
Manage episode 317192595 series 3302197
In this Episode I will teach you how to identify Dangerous Narcissists and deal with them. Please send me questions and I will address them in future content.
Here is the transcription of the audio. It has errors ai generated.
Mike Stokes Wildlife education. today's podcast is how to deal with narcissists.So first,there's a lot ofideas about what a narcissist is. And so I'm going to make it moderately clinical and more appropriate for a layman's understanding.a narcissistis a very tactical term in psychology. And I think for most of us, that's kind of irrelevant. If you're a psychologist and you're dealing with very specific types of personality disorders, and you're trying to help them through those particular disorders, then it's very useful, but in our own life, and how to deal with the narcissists in our life. It's important it's not important. What's moreimportant is to recognize whether someone is dangerous to youor not. Sothe easiest way that you can define a narcissist is someone who lacks the ability to empathize, truly empathize and act on that empathy in a way that sort of puts themselves in your shoes.That's kind of the bottom line. Now I'm going to use narcissist in sort of the term in the broad sense that most people use narcissist and that's, that's really anybody who does that. Again, like I said, nice narcissists are very defined subset. What I'm mainly going to talk about today is how to deal with what are called in the technical term is a cluster B personality. And a cluster B personality is someone who again lacks that capacity to empathize with your feelings.Me seem like they do, but in reality, they really don't.So, you know, there's people who are antisocial that would fall into that category. There's people who arevolatile personalities, they would fall into that category. There's what we what the, what's called in the psychological literature, the borderline personality that would fall into that personality into that, that group and then the narcissistso I don't want to get into all the distinctions of all those because I really don't think they're helpful. But what's really important is how do you deal with one of these people that trulylacks the capacity for empathy.So,just a little bit about myexperience in this realm. I have always been a very specialwear my heart on my sleeve kind of person,open my heart to everybody. And for many years in the beginning of my personal development, growth world, what I did was just constantly open, open, open, open. And that had a huge amount of benefit, but one of the side effects is is that when you crack yourself that far open,you allow predatory narcissists into your life. So I allowed a coach into my life he was a predatory narcissist, and he you know, took advantage of my labor in the way you can tell you're with a narcissist is that you hurt yourself or they hurt you. And somehow it's justified or somehow it's glossed over somehow it's a thought of not thought of as not important.You know, when I was with this coach, I believeout my lower back I ruptured l four l five in the desk and got a slip desk by helping him in his work. Now, I can't blame that on him. And that's not the point. The point is to not blame narcissists for your life issues. The point is to know notice when you're likely to get in destructive situations when you're around certain people.And then fast forward. I have a family member who is married to a narcissist and he was a very wealthy man, a multi millionaire, and now he'sbasically living hand to mouth. First thing you need to do when you're dealing with a narcissist is you've got to identify them. That's the hardest part in the beginning, when I was waking up to the world of narcissists, you know, it's easy when you see you55 episoder