Dale and Tamson discuss Dale's song "Resurrection Power." Lyrics below and lyrics video can be found on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmI7JdoaLqs Resurrection Power Written and performed by Dale Riddle Verse 1: One time a troubled family called a friend. “Come and help our sickly brother,” they cried, “For death’s about to do him in.” But before he could arrive, their sickly brother took the dive And death had claimed its victim once again. Well a few days later, their friend arrived on the scene. “Where is your sickly brother?” he asked, “I want to see him once again.” “Why, he’s dead, they began to cry; Ah, you’re too late; you’ve let him die. Why, he’s rotting in the tomb; there is no life.” Well, this friend named Jesus, He looked them right straight in the eye And he said, “I am the resurrection and the life!” And Jesus cried, “Come forth, my friend!” And from this tomb walked a living man. For Jesus is the Son of God and death has no power over him! Chorus: This Jesus, is the resurrection power. Yes, Jesus, He’s the very source of life. And one day Christ will say to me, “Come forth, my friend!” and I’ll be free. Oh, praise God resurrection power is liberty. Verse 2: Now a little while later this same Jesus Christ was slain Upon an old rugged cross He died; His blood was shed for sinful man. Everyone said, “Evil’s won again; Now with Jesus dead, no hope remains.” And they sealed Christ’s battered body in a grave. Well, three days later, some women, they went to see If they might show their last respects For a man who used to be. But inside an open tomb They found an angel, not deathly doom. “He is risen from the dead!” Resurrection power set him free! Chorus: This Jesus, He’s the resurrection power. Yes, Jesus, He’s the very source of life. And one day Christ will say to me, “Come forth, my friend!” and I’ll be free. Oh, praise God resurrection power is liberty. Verse 3: Now resurrection power is from God and it’s for you and me Christ gives it to all who trust Him and it provides our liberty. One day death will surely claim me, but Christ has won the victory Oh, praise God resurrection power is for eternity! Chorus: This Jesus, He’s the resurrection power. Yes, Jesus, He’s the very source of life. And one day Christ will say to me, “Come forth, my friend!” and I’ll be free. Oh, praise God resurrection power is liberty. Yes, praise God resurrection power is for eternity! Praise God resurrection power is liberty . . . Praise God resurrection power is liberty . . .…