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Signature Books Podcast

Signature Books

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Signature Books, founded in 1981, publishes some of the best books in Mormon studies. We specialize in narrative and documentary history, biography, fiction, poetry, and Western Americana. Our books have received numerous honors over the years from the Mormon History Association, the John Whitmer Historical Association, the Utah State Historical Society, and the Evans Biography Award. This podcast will include interviews with Signature Books authors from both our new releases and some of the ...
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USask Signature Series

USask Research Profile and Impact

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World-leading research and innovation - right in the heart of Canada. The USask Signature Series explores the cutting-edge research taking place at the University of Saskatchewan across the university's Signature Areas of Research.
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Time Signatures with Jim Ervin

LCC Connect

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Time Signatures, hosted by Jim Ervin, features conversations with musicians, industry professionals, and others connected to the blues genre. Primarily focused on the blues, the program occasionally delves into other linked genres (ie. jazz, rock, soul, funk). Many of the episodes are recorded before a live audience at various venues in and around Mid-Michigan. The program is presented by the Lansing's Capital Area Blues Society, a non-profit blues organization dedicated to the promotion of, ...
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Les Signatures d'Europe 1 - Eugénie Bastié est le rendez-vous incontournable pour tous ceux qui souhaitent approfondir leur compréhension de l'actualité politique française. Chaque mardi, mercredi et vendredi dans la matinale de Dimitri Pavlenko, Eugénie Bastié, journaliste et essayiste reconnue, décrypte les grands enjeux du moment avec son style incisif et argumenté. De l'analyse des politiques gouvernementales aux débats de société les plus brûlants, en passant par les enjeux internationa ...
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Signature Buzz

Brandon Roberts

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Want to become the trusted agent for your friends, family and community? Want the latest real estate news, trends and legal developments for Nevada and Utah? Want to connect with the rest of the Signature Real Estate family? Then Signature Buzz is YOUR weekly sales meeting! Join us each Tuesday as Brandon and Chris dive into the issues you care about, equipping you with the latest information, and giving you actionable insights, tools and skills. Our goals are to help you sell more homes and ...
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Build a Signature Empire | The Estela Kelley Show | Online Business with Focus, Strategy, and Systems

Guiding ambitious women as an Online BusinessWoman to profit with strategy, action, and flow

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Welcome to The Estela Kelley Show | Build a Signature Empire, the go-to podcast for ambitious, purpose-driven women ready to simplify their online business journey and build their Signature Empire with focus, strategies, and systems. Hosted by Estela Kelley, a seasoned online business coach and entrepreneur this podcast is designed for women entrepreneurs seeking to: • Overcome overwhelm in their online business ventures. • Discover and harness their authentic brand to stand out in their fie ...
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The Signature Life Show

Signature Wealth Group

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Signature Life is a place where making financial decisions becomes easier, learning about financial tools doesn’t leave you confused and where you develop the plan to live your best life…with the help of seasoned professionals.
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Signature Selling

Kenneth Holden

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Signature selling is dedicated to enabling sales potential for people who are either self-employed, or are direct sellers. I have developed a lot of unique nuanced insight into direct selling over the past 23 years that will help lift your game up to a new level..
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If you are looking for help on the critical subject of Purpose, this podcast is dedicated for that. In addition, you will get inspiration about Productivity as well are Resilience. I am positive that you will find this content worthwhile and inspiring. This is a daily show where the host teaches about these subjects. However, each Wednesday, we have conversations with passionate people to learn about their purpose in life.
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🔸Do you want to be able to show up for any event in your life feeling 100% like yourself? 🔸Are you sick of wondering why the outfits that look good on other people look or feel weird on you? 🔸Do you feel like you should already know how to create your own style? Like there was a cute girl outfit class that everyone else took but you didn’t know about? You know how most women are self-conscious about how they look? I was too! Now I have a process for discovering your Style DNA so you and I ca ...
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The Signature Boss

Nadia Meli

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This is an introduction to TSB Podcast! What makes a SB? A SB is someone who is not afraid to create their own box, working and living to never compromise their integrity. I believe integrity IS a sexy word and more relevant than ever.
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My Signature Dish

Ollie Horn for Pona

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A culinary podcast that shares the sweet, sour and just plain delicious stories from home kitchens around the world. Whether you're passionate about cooking, or just enjoy good food prepared by others, this is the show for you. Hosted by stand-up comedian and eating enthusiast Ollie Horn.
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House Talk with Signature Home Inspection

Signature Home Inspection

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This podcast follows Scott Knudson, Signature Home Inspection, located in Orange County, California, as he interviews experts from the real estate, home renovation, and repair industries around Southern California to take a deeper dive into topics homeowners really need to know. Typical guests will be contractors, electricians, plumbers, real estate agents, insurance agents, and many more. Thanks for tuning in!
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Signàture Podcast

Elijah Elvis Kraftzmann

En gång i månaden
In order for us to make the most of our calling in life, and fulfil our God ordained purpose, we must set and align ourselves with the principles that govern the results we seek. This podcast is about helping us discover, develop, deploy and maximise our greatest potentials. Sit back, plug in and listen to our condensed soul lifting and life changing words recorded just for you. You'll have testimonies!
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L'humour est un art… Et Gaspard Proust est un véritable maître en la matière ! Trois fois par semaine, il croque l'actualité française et dépeint avec son humour si particulier tout ce qui fait la Une des médias. Qu'ils s'agissent des hommes et femmes politiques invités de la matinale d'Europe 1, ou des faits de société, l'impertinence de Gaspard Proust, son ironie et son franc-parler ne sont pas en reste. L'actualité vous angoisse ? Face aux mauvaises nouvelles, vous avez besoin d'une bonne ...
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Embark on a transformative journey of 21st Century Woman EmpowerCast | Reimagine Your Life: Heal, Envision and Live Everyday Destiny'. This podcast, hosted by the insightful Dr. Mikayla, is dedicated to guiding you through the process of reimagining your life's potential. Each episode is a steppingstone towards healing past wounds, envisioning a future filled with possibilities, and taking actionable steps to fulfill your destiny. Join us as we explore diverse perspectives, empowering strate ...
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show series
Success in business takes time, patience, and persistence. In this episode, I discuss why pushing through challenges is the key to success and how to stay motivated when results feel slow. Tune in for real talk, encouragement, and proven strategies to keep going. Plus, don’t miss my Connect Coffee Chat on March 25, 2025! Find the corresponding BLOG…
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In this episode, Becca Stevens, an author, speaker, Episcopal priest, and social entrepreneur, discusses the profound impact of Thistle Farms—a global movement she founded to support women survivors of trafficking, addiction, and sexual exploitation. Becca shares the origins of Thistle Farms in Nashville, her personal journey of overcoming trauma, …
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If you were dropped into a brand new market today, what would you do to get your first deals, build your client base and start making money? The truth about succeeding in real estate is it’s not the market you’re in, it’s all about your activities, and how consistent you are. So even if you’re completely unknown in an area, and you have no database…
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Today on episode 73 of the Signature Style Systems podcast, we'll explore what Jungian persona really means and why developing a healthy relationship with your persona is essential for expressing yourself through style. Understanding Jungian persona work reveals that having different ways of presenting yourself isn't inauthentic - it's necessary. I…
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Nationally acclaimed author and journalist Alex Beam joins marketing specialist Beth Brumer-Reeve to talk about his new biography, Wallace Stegner: Dean Of Western Writers. Stegner had a prolific career that spanned half a century, including fourteen novels and seventeen works of nonfiction. He won the coveted Pulitzer Prize for his 1972 book Angle…
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The University of Saskatchewan (USask) is home to Canada's only synchrotron. The Canadian Light Source at USask gives researchers at the university and around the world an opportunity to explore scientific questions down to the molecular and atomic level with the help of the synchrotron's beamlines. But what exactly does a synchrotron do, and how d…
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This week on Time Signatures with Jim Ervin, Erv welcomes 2022 People’s Choice winner and 2023 Solo/Duo winner of the Capital Area Blues Society’s Blues Brawl, Justin Deason. Justin drops in to chat about his wins in Lansing, his trip and competition in Memphis, Tennessee as part of Dedfoot Duo, and branching out on his new venture with his band, ‘…
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Eugénie Bastié revient sur la question de la régularisation des travailleurs sans-papiers dans certains secteurs en tension, notamment la restauration. Ils débattent des enjeux économiques, sociaux et éthiques de cette mesure, qui soulève des interrogations sur le rôle de l'État et les valeurs de la société française. Notre équipe a utilisé un outi…
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This week on Time Signatures with Jim Ervin, it’s another fantastic discussion with one of the biggest names in Blues promotions, Paul ‘Mr. Blues’ Benjamin. Join Erv and Paul as they discuss Paul’s work establishing the Rockland-based North Atlantic Blues Festival, his work with the Blues Heaven Blues Festival in Denmark and four other U.S. based e…
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In this episode, we sit down with Heather Middleton, the Chief Marketing Officer for Visit Music City. Throughout the conversation, Heather shares insights into Nashville's booming tourism industry, touching upon the economic impact of visitors, including astonishing stats like the $29 million spent daily in Nashville. Heather sheds light on the ro…
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If there’s one thing real estate agents often forget, it’s that we’re at the center of the transaction because ultimately the consumer wants us there. The honest truth is: Sellers know what their homes are worth, and buyers know the homes they like. There’s a lot of the buying/selling process they can do themselves, but they don’t because of the va…
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When my daughters were growing up, we developed a concept we called the "permanent wardrobe" - pieces we would always like and want to keep, even if just for special occasions. Today on the Signature Style Systems podcast episode 72, we'll explore how to identify and build your own collection of personal classics that truly last. The percentage of …
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Eugénie Bastié analyse le retour de la liberté en France et en Europe, après une période marquée par les restrictions liées à la pandémie de Covid-19. Elle évoque notamment la montée du courant libertarien, incarné par des personnalités comme Ravier Milei en Argentine, et s'interroge sur la possibilité d'une telle émergence en France. Bastié soulig…
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Catherine Nay analyse les conséquences du désengagement américain sous la présidence de Donald Trump et les efforts du président français Emmanuel Macron pour préserver les intérêts européens. Elle décrypte les stratégies de Macron pour convaincre Trump et les enjeux de la nouvelle donne géopolitique, marquée par les tensions entre la Russie et l'U…
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Eugénie Bastié analyse en profondeur le rapport de deux députés proposant la légalisation du cannabis en France. Elle remet en question la position de la gauche sur ce sujet, qu'elle juge davantage idéologique que pragmatique. Bastié souligne les dangers de la drogue et invite à une réflexion plus large sur le mal-être de la société, plutôt que de …
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Struggling to turn online visibility into real sales? In this episode, we break down the marketing funnel, social media strategies, and the power of clear CTAs to help you create a marketing strategy that converts. Plus, don’t miss my Connect Coffee Chat on March 25, 2025! 🎧 Tune in now and grab the free companion worksheet if applicable on my BLOG…
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Dans cet épisode, Eugénie Bastié revient sur le rôle du Conseil constitutionnel français, une institution qui a pris une dimension politique au fil des années. Elle explique comment les juges constitutionnels se sont progressivement arrogé un pouvoir de contrôle et de censure des lois, remettant en cause la séparation des pouvoirs. Eugénie Bastié a…
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This week on Time Signatures, host Jim Ervin welcomes the Founder and Chief Bottle Washer (CBW) of the National Women in Blues, Michele Seidman. Seidman founded the 501 c3 to support, edify, mentor and promote women in the Blues music genre. Join us for a sober look at the state of the music business, and what this dedicated woman is doing to foste…
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Rikki Harris, CEO of Tennessee Voices, joins the conversation to discuss the pressing mental health issues Tennesseans face and the state's unique preventive measures. The episode delves into Tennessee Voices' mission, emphasizing collaboration and community-focused care, while also exploring the challenges of nonprofit leadership. Harris shares in…
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At its core, real estate is a relationship and conversation business. You’re not going to get anywhere if you’re not proactively reaching out to people and talking to them. Phone prospecting is a proven lead generation method many times over, but most agents have a problem. They just can’t bring themselves to pick up the phone and call people. Mayb…
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Eugénie Bastié revient sur le discours controversé du vice-président américain J.D. Vance à Munich, qui a suscité de vives réactions en Europe. Elle analyse les accusations d'ingérence et de recul de la liberté d'expression, en s'appuyant sur des exemples concrets dans plusieurs pays européens. Eugénie Bastié souligne les paradoxes et les contradic…
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Classic style emerged in the early-to-mid 20th century, shaped by designers like Claire McCardell and Coco Chanel. They created investment pieces for post-WWII American prosperity: neutral colors, simple silhouettes, quality materials. Today on The Signature Style Systems podcast, we'll explore how classic style looks different for every personalit…
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This week with Ed the Sock and Liana Kerzner: the BS behind Conservatives who claim their countries "can't afford" social programs but can afford tax cuts for the super-rich; the love affair between rich Republicans and poor, uneducated voters; it's time for the Loud Left to STFU; how to beat a bully - and it's not with Pierre Poilievre; why pro-Pa…
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Eugénie Bastié analyse les enjeux du projet de loi sur la fin de vie, qui divise la classe politique. D'un côté, le président envisage un référendum, tandis que le Premier ministre souhaite dissocier les textes sur les soins palliatifs et l'aide active à mourir. Eugénie Bastié souligne les différences fondamentales entre ces deux aspects et met en …
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Catherine Nay analyse la course à la présidence du parti Les Républicains. Elle décrit les ambitions et les manœuvres des deux principaux candidats, Bruno Retailleau et Laurent Wauquiez, qui s'affrontent pour prendre la tête du parti. Elle examine leurs parcours, leurs personnalités et leurs stratégies, tout en soulignant les enjeux de cette électi…
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Stephen Lautens and Steven Kerzner discuss Trump's true endgame with Canadian tariffs, Poilievre's sinking ship, Carney's potential impact on Trump, how pro-Palestinian US progressives made life exponentially worse for Palestinians, the surrender of Americans to dictatorship, an interesting reason why Canada should not be instituting reciprocal tar…
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Struggling to connect with your audience? Learn how to create engaging content that builds trust, fosters relationships, and keeps people coming back. Tune in for storytelling tips, consistency hacks, and engagement strategies that grow your brand! Ready to Build Your Signature Empire? Let’s create a business that stands out, thrives and generates …
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Eugénie Bastié analyse le revirement de Google concernant ses politiques de diversité, d'équité et d'inclusion. Après avoir été l'une des entreprises les plus engagées dans ces questions, Google décide de revenir à une approche plus axée sur la méritocratie. Ce changement de cap soulève des questions sur l'équilibre entre égalité des chances et éga…
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This week, host Jim Ervin welcomes a truly legendary member of our Blues Royalty, a gentleman known affectionately as ‘Michissippi’ Mick, or as Christone ‘Kingfish’ Ingram calls him, ‘Uncle’ Mick Kolassa. Mick drops in to talk with Erv about his years on the board of the Blues Foundation in Memphis, his move to the home of the Delta Blues in Missis…
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In this episode, Drew D'Agostino, founder and CEO of Crystal, dives deep into the realms of AI and Bitcoin. Intended for Tennesseans by Tennesseans, the discussion explores Drew's journey in the tech space, from creating a popular Chrome extension for LinkedIn to navigating ethical dilemmas in AI application. Drew also shares insights on leveraging…
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There are many ways a real estate agent can generate a commission check. From buying online leads to cold calling, we have our pick when it comes to strategies for finding clients, but one stands above the rest. Repeat clients and referrals are two of the best lead sources in real estate. When we focus on the people who already know, like and trust…
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Eugénie Bastié analyse le débat autour du droit du sol en France. Elle revient sur les origines de ce principe, son utilisation politique et les différentes conceptions de la nationalité dans le monde. Une réflexion nuancée sur un sujet sensible qui touche à l'identité nationale. Notre équipe a utilisé un outil d’Intelligence artificielle via les t…
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I lost my husband in April 2022 after 33+ years of marriage. Recently I started joining the dating apps. In this episode, I tell how that is going and share what I know about what to wear on a date. Whether you are just meeting someone for the first time or have been married for a hundred years (happy anniversary, Mom & Dad!), there's something for…
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Some of you will probably be offended by the opinions expressed by Ed and Liana in this episode...which is no reason not post the podcast. In this episode, Ed the Sock and Liana Kerzner tackle the political motives behind the false claims of Israel committing "genocide", the Left's lack of principles, why the world ignores atrocities in African (Bl…
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Eugénie Bastié analyse un contraste saisissant : des grands patrons d'entreprises, comme le PDG de Renault, viennent donner une leçon d'économie à des élus français qui semblent ignorer les réalités du monde de l'entreprise. Ces dirigeants mettent en lumière les conséquences des décisions politiques sur la compétitivité des entreprises et la créati…
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