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Jon Thunqvist

En gång i månaden
Japanpodden är en svenskspråkig podcast som handlar om allt som har med Japan att göra. I redaktionen ingår japan-veteranerna Göran Edman, Hans Rhodiner och Lars Vargö. Poddens producent är journalisten Jon Thunqvist.
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Welcome to "Wake up podcast with Viv Trader" I named the podcast "Wake up" as I am a curious person with the desire to discuss a topic from different perspectives. Different experts and people have different opinions and knowledge about a topic. What is right and what is wrong? I like to explore different viewpoints. I want to contribute to a better world. I am passionate about our environment, health and well-being. I am also the founder of Vivalicious Food which produces vegan baby food wi ...
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show series
Sista avsnittet innan sommarlovet ger vi oss i kast med alltifrån klimatoro och möjligheten att samla miljöpoäng via appar till nya chocksiffror som visar att födelsetalet för Tokyo nere på 0,99. Dessutom säkerhetspolitik - hur agerar Japan i Ukrainafrågan och varför. Landet har en minst sagt problematisk relation till grannen i väster Ryssland. Re…
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Vi uppmärksammar att det i år är 60 år sedan det japanska snabbtåget Shinkansen gjorde sin jungfrutur. Bara dagar innan Tokyo-olympiaden invigdes i oktober 1964 susade det första tåget fram i smått fantastiska 210 km/t mellan Tokyo och Shin-Osaka. Sedan dess har mer än sex miljarder passagerare åkt med Shinkansen och hittills har linjerna varit för…
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Podden läser en nyutkommen bok som benar ut varför man i Japan är närmast besatt av skönheten i det obeständiga. Boken heter “Obeständigt - kontraster i japansk kultur” och är författad av Japanpoddens Lars Vargö. Dessutom om att det nu är Golden Week - den årliga semesterperioden då Japan i princip stänger ned. Samt varför man ändå ska passa på at…
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Japanpodden på plats i stadsdelen Naka-meguro i Tokyo för årets viktigaste högtid, i varje fall den mest efterlängtade. Körsbärsblomningen är i full gång och vår utsände Hans Rhodiner befinner sig mitt i blomsterprakten. Miljoners miljoner vita och rosa blommor bäddar in honom och resten av Japan i ett mjukt täcke.…
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Japanpodden kollar in nyinspelningen av tv-serien Shogun på Disney+ och pratar med Lisa Hellman, professor i global historia i Lund och expert på japansk medeltid. Dessutom, när resten av världen börjar snegla på att sänka räntorna igen gör Bank of Japan tvärtom. Efter 17 år av minusränta klipper centralbanken till med en rejäl höjning. Vi förklara…
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Zarah är expert på Kurera och skriver för ett stort antal av Sveriges Magasin. Hon arbetar som naturläkare, näringsterapeut, örtterapeut, hälsopedagog, kostrådgivare och är utbildad medicin- och hälsojournalist. Zarah driver en funktionsmedicinsk klinik och tar även emot för rådgivning via telefon eller videosamtal. Du kan bo var du vill i världen,…
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Podden ger sig ut på Tokyos gator medelst pedalkraft. En inte alldeles okomplicerad sysselsättning ska det visa sig. I synnerhet parkerandet av själva fordonet. Dessutom gör vår medarbetare Klara Gullström bokslut över ett händelserikt halvår i Japan. Okonomiyaki och bad i varma källor var upplevelser som stod ut lite extra. © Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd…
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Japanpodden reder ut begreppen och spanar dessutom in de senaste skandalerna samt tipsar om ett land som faktiskt blivit billigare för svenskar. Gissa vilket. Göran medverkar från Tokyo. Världens största megalopolis har äntligen fått soppåsar med mintsmak. De goda nyheten är att råttorna numera skyr soporna som pesten. Kyotos nye borgmästare vill h…
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The story of happy money Ken was 29 when he first “retired” to welcome his newborn daughter in the world. At the time, he thought he was “done” with work. He had owned a successful consultant and accounting business, so successful it had allowed him to close up shop and spend his days with the apple of his eye. Little did he realize his “second” ca…
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Dr. Nicole Avena AN EXPERT IN NUTRITION, DIET AND FOOD ADDICTION Dr. Nicole Avena is a research neuroscientist and a pioneer in the field of food addiction. Her seminal research work jump-started a new field of exploration in medicine and nutrition. She is an expert in diet during pregnancy and baby, toddler and childhood nutrition. She is also the…
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Zarah är expert på Kurera och skriver för ett stort antal av Sveriges Magasin. Hon arbetar som naturläkare, näringsterapeut, örtterapeut, hälsopedagog, kostrådgivare och är utbildad medicin- och hälsojournalist. Zarah driver en funktionsmedicinsk klinik och tar även emot för rådgivning via telefon eller videosamtal. Du kan bo var du vill i världen,…
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Japaninstitutets chef Patrik Ström hoppas att fler ska få upp ögonen för Japan. Redaktionen granskar den att-göra-lista för Japan som OECD har satt ihop. Bland annat pekar OECD på att japaner ligger alldeles för länge på sjukhus och på att momsen på tio procent måste höjas rejält om man ska få ekonomin att gå ihop.…
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How to become awesome and thrive? Becoming Awesome is for people ready to actively move towards their Ascension. Humanity is undergoing a transformational uplift into a Golden Age. Listen in if you’re looking for more in your life. Together, let's you may be embrace the new energies of Benevolence. A native of Colorado, DeBenedittis earned a doctor…
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What are E.T's are they real? AND does life exist after our life here on Earth? In 1980 we were 4 billions people on the planet and now 2023 we are over 8 billions of people. How does that make an impact on mother earth, our lives, the environemnt and our overall well-being? Are we human beings close to collapsing our survival existence with climat…
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Podden tar sig an japansk whisky tillsammans med en expert i ämnet, Henrik Aflodal. Det blir provning av exklusiva buteljer från Suntory och Nikka med flera och Henrik berättar den märkliga och fascinerande historien kring hur whiskyn en gång för mer än hundra år sedan hamnade i Japan. Dessutom blir det julklappsutdelning. Japanpodden delar ut hård…
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In this episode we are talking about "Insecure attachment" and how we human beings are all affected by this feeling weather you had a great childhood or not. None of us can escape feelings of insecurity in realationships and why do we all suffer jealousy more or less. What is the root? I am Susan Anderson, psychotherapist and founder of Abandonment…
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Can using aromatherapy oils every night help improve memory? Being regularly exposed to multiple scents—or olfactory enrichment—has shown promise in enhancing cognitive abilities in older adults. A new study found that using aromatherapy essential oils such as lavender and rose nightly boosted word recall by 226% and improved the functioning of a k…
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Japaner har fördomar om västerlänningar. Vi är stökiga, högljudda och allmänt oborstade. Men hur står det till med våra egna fördomar om japaner? Panelens medlemmar slår sina kloka huvuden ihop och svarar bland annat på frågan om varför japaner aldrig blir arga. Eller blir dom det? Klara testar wagyuburgare i Tokyos nya supercoola stadsdel Azabudai…
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Early Years Born Emanuel Swedberg in Stockholm, Sweden, on January 29, 1688, he was the second son of Jesper Swedberg, a pastor in Sweden’s Lutheran state church. At the age of eleven Emanuel entered the University of Uppsala, where his father was a professor. Although Jesper left the university to become bishop of Skara a few years later, Emanuel …
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I Japan ser man så här års fram mot korandet av årets så kallade buzzwords, alltså ord och uttryck som kännetecknar det gångna året. Japanpodden har förhandsinfo om några av årets nominerade buzzwords och givetvis vill du veta vad “akogareru no o yamemashō” betyder och varför det visade sig så viktigt att "sluta idolisera andra". Hur ska man annars…
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Eating disorders - What Does the Mando Method Mean for Independent Recovery? With Michael Leon, Ph.D, Professor Emeritus, Neurobiology and Behavior, School of Biological Sciences There is evidence that the Mando method, a treatment which focuses on normalising eating behaviours, works better than CBT for eating disorders as tested in existing clini…
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Sharon Sananda Kumara words I'll share a little about how I came to where I am Now. As a child I was able to see beyond the veil, seeing people and other beings whom I didn't realize others could not see. I was also able to see some future events. I realized later on in life that I was also able to feel other peoples emotions and hear their thought…
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Dr. Lotte N.M.D., Award Winning Author, Evidential Psychic Medium, Medical Medium, Ancestral Healer And International Keynote Speak Lotte's words: Through my personal odyssey, I have discovered our profound connection within a divine tapestry of existence. I have traversed the realms of illness, healing, and transformation, propelled by two Near-De…
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My name is Shelley Rahim and I am a mother, daughter, wife, birth doula, Ayurvedic Postpartum Caregiver, Postpartum chef and educator. Birthing a baby and becoming Mother is a journey of embodied awakening, seeded with potential for great personal healing and empowerment, especially with the support of wise elders and a Sisterhood tribe. By providi…
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Franco A. Romero, MA, MPH Franco is a Top 10 bestselling author, clairvoyant, spiritual coach and speaker. His first book is titled “The Closet Spiritualist” which was inspired by a near death experience which left him clairvoyant. Abilities he was unwilling to recognize until an Awakening in 2010 where he was re-introduced to a collective consciou…
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About Dr Toni Reilly Dr. Toni Reilly is Australia’s top Past Life, Reincarnation and Afterlife Specialist. She is the best-selling author of Awake The Purpose Of Life And Why You Are Here, and founder of the Toni Reilly Institute. With her visionary, intuitive approach to personal development, Toni has helped thousands of clients and students world…
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Dr. Vera Ingrid Tarman is a world-renown food addiction expert, who writes, speaks, and treats people who suffer from sugar addiction, food addiction, and who seek food recovery. Dr. Tarman has conducted numerous workshops, spoken as a guest, and has been the co-host of two TV addiction call-in series (Addictions Unplugged, and Toronto Speaks: Addi…
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Den här gången fokuserar Japanpodden helt och hållet på Maia Hirasawa - en av våra mest folkkära artister som dessutom lyckats med konststycket att bli minst lika stor i Japan som hon är i Sverige. Vi pratar om hur det är att växa upp med dubbla kulturer, hur det är att turnera i Japan och inte minst om hur Maias låt "Boom" blev något av en kampsån…
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Let's change the food industry together! Sweden Foodtech was formally founded in 2016 when several long-timers within food and food tech decided to join forces and build Sweden into one of the world’s leading hubs for food tech. Our sister company is Smaka Good Food Festival, one of the world’s largest food festivals and the prime yearly event for …
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Dr. Howard Eisenberg, M.Sc. (Psych), M.D. With a masterful suite of qualifications, real-world experience and unique skills, Dr. Howard Eisenberg, is a performance-enhancing powerhouse for personal and business success. Dr. Eisenberg is the Founder of SYNTREK® Inc. and the Center for Mind Enhancement©. He is internationally noted for his pioneering…
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DR. EDI BILIMORIA Born in India and educated at the universities of London, Sussex and Oxford, Edi Bilimoria presents an unusual blend of experience in the fields of science, arts and philosophy. Professionally, Edi is an award-winning engineer and consultant to the petrochemical, oil and gas, transport, and construction industries. He has been Pro…
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Julie Ryan's words: I’m a psychic and medical intuitive. I can sense what medical conditions and illnesses a person has, I can facilitate energetic healings, I can see energy fields—and I can communicate with spirits both alive and dead. I can work from anywhere; it’s rare I’m with someone while scanning them. In addition, I can scan animals, acces…
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Meet Jan Christenson that experienced a Near Death Experince and how it changed her life in a very profound and meaningful way, finding her purpose in this life. Magnificent MIND This book will help you understand your thinking. You are never broken inside; you just need to take yourself, your thinking, and your life less seriously. There is a divi…
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Dr. Anna Stone Senior Lecturer at University East London Cognition and Neuroscience Research Group Department of Psychological Sciences School of Psychology I am a senior lecturer in the School of Psychology. I teach on undergraduate and MSc programmes and my main interests are the Psychology of Belief (religion, politics, morals, the paranormal) a…
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Sensommaren och hösten är festivaltid i Japan. Vi reder ut varför japanerna älskar att dra runt bärbara tempel på gator och torg mitt i värsta sommarhettan. Dessutom har poddens nya medarbetare Klara Gullström landat i Japan och hunnit med att klättra upp på en vulkan och låtit sig både imponeras och förskräckas (lite) av det japanska köket.…
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Meet Christian Thagard Let’s talk about the nature of reality – including who you are, why you are here, and how you might have an increasingly wonderful adventure here in “Earth Game.” If you can glimpse beyond the illusions brilliantly designed into this reality of ours, you can gain understanding of how it actually works — and in doing so achiev…
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Shaman Desjanée (Desjanée Threat) Is A Shamantic Practitioner And Intuitive Channeler & Seer. She Is The Boss Mystick (Owner) Of Divine Creative Visions™, LLC. A Spirituality Centered Business That Offers Spiritual Guidance And Spiritual Courses That Aid In People’s Spiritual Connectivity, Activations, Ascensions, Re-Awakenings, And Healing. All Cr…
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Franco A. Romero, MA, MPH Franco is a Top 10 bestselling author, clairvoyant, spiritual coach and speaker. His first book is titled “The Closet Spiritualist” which was inspired by a near death experience which left him clairvoyant. Abilities he was unwilling to recognize until an Awakening in 2010 where he was re-introduced to a collective consciou…
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ABOUT DR AVENA Scientist, Speaker & Consultant on Nutrition. Dr. Avena regularly appears on tv and radio and speaks at universities, government agencies, schools and special interest groups about her research on food, addiction and nutrition throughout the lifespan. She has appeared on the 'Doctor Oz Show' & 'The Doctors' and at numerous formal eve…
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When Colin Campbell’s two teenage children were killed by a drunk driver, Campbell was thrown headlong into a grief so deep he felt he might lose his mind. He found much of the common wisdom about coping with loss—including the ideas that grieving is a private and mysterious process and that the pain is so great that “there are no words”—to be unhe…
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Japanerna lever allt längre och är friska betydligt högre upp i åldrarna än tidigare. Den här gången handlar Japanpodden om hur Japan tar hand om sina äldre. Vi träffar Gustav Strandell - en expert med mer än 25 års erfarenhet av japansk äldrevård. En snabbt växande miljardindustri som ofta går under namnet “Age Tech”.…
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Rod's words: My Childhood Near Death Experience (NDE) In second grade, I had a near-death experience (NDE). I had a kidney infection and was treated with penicillin. From the penicillin, I had an allergic reaction to it and stopped breathing. As I floated out of my body, I knew I was dying. I went through a very dark tunnel towards a brilliant whit…
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Rev. Daniel Neusom is a channel for the Holy Spirit of God and Angelic Realms. He has served as a professional channel and spiritual teacher for thirty six years. Daniel’s work as a channel and spiritual teacher has an intense focus on inner transformation and the healing of the soul. In a private session with Daniel, he opens his channel and The H…
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Cindy Edison Is a Conscious Channel for the Collective Consciousness know as Josef. Josef speaks to us from the vibration of the New Earth, teaching the perspective that will move us forward in our evolution to the expanded realms of Consciousness. Their message is the evolved teachings of Seth and Abraham and is based on the Universal Truths and h…
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Wendy Rose Williams - Past Life Energy Healing Do you feel happy, healthy, & that your life has purpose? Let's get you there! Wendy Rose Williams had 2 Near-Death Experiences (NDEs) in August 1997 while pregnant She met her Angels for the first time while home alone, lying unconscious on the floor & again the night before surgery. Meeting the soul …
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