show episodes

The All-Design Podcast

Jaan Orvet, Jesper Bylund

En gång i månaden
The All-Design Podcast is back for a 5th season! This is not your usual design podcast. Get an alternate take on all things design, full of surprising insights and unexpected connections. And exploration of theories from first flourish to festive finalé or flounder. Join Jaan Orvet and Jesper Bylund for an All-Design conversation. Send us your comments or questions at [email protected] * Previously the 'design, Design, DESIGN, design!' podcast.
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Researching Peace - en podd från Uppsala universitet

Institutionen för freds- och konfliktforskning

En gång i månaden
Varför blir det väpnade konflikter? Hur kan vi få en varaktig fred? I podden Researching Peace träffar du de främsta forskarna inom freds- och konfliktforskning. Vi bjuder även in aktuella gäster så som politiker, journalister och andra kunniga inom området. Det här är podden för dig som vill veta mer och förstå din samtid. Researching Peace produceras av institutionen för freds- och konfliktforskning vid Uppsala universitet i samarbete med Alva Myrdal-center för kärnvapennedrustning. Åsikte ...
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Dags för franska

Dags för franska

En gång i månaden
Dags för franska är för dig som vill lyssna lite på franska varje vecka! Det är en podd gjord av två franska kompisar som bor i Stockholm och Umeå. Vi ringer varandra varje vecka och diskutera olika aktuella ämne! Vi lägger även upp en ordlista för dig som lär dig franska. Vi släpper ett nytt avsnitt varje måndag. Dags för franska est un podcast pour les suédois qui apprennent le français. Nous sommes deux amis, Elodie et Christian. L'un habitant à Umeå l'autre à Stockholm, on se téléphone c ...
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show series
Designer, don't forget about yourself! How to stay grounded in who you are and what experience and skills you bring to your work. We call it self-anchored design. - - - The All-Design Podcast This is not your usual design podcast. Get a quick, spirited and alternate take on all things design. Full of surprising insights and unexpected connections. …
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In this episode, Johan Brosché helps us navigate the complexities and horrors of the civil war currently raging in Sudan. Johan works as associate professor at our department and is one of Sweden’s leading experts on Sudan. A quick glance at Johan’s CV reveals his academic interest in Sudan, but during our conversation his engagement and empathy fo…
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The Parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems, and neurotransmitters. And why together they can be like leaving hammers, saws, and clamps strewn all over a workbench. Or a path to creativity. - - - We talk 1990s logos on the It'll Be Alright In The Nineties podcast with the lovely Stu and Alex (on Apple, Spotify and everywhere else)! - - - Th…
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AI-world is heading toward peak acronym! Which ones do you need to know about, and be comfortable using, as a designer? We share our top five! Oh, and… Happy Christmas/Holidays/New Year! Season 5 continues in January! - - - The All-Design Podcast This is not your usual design podcast. Get a quick, spirited and alternate take on all things design. F…
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Ludovica Castelli is an expert on the history of nuclear weapons in the Middle East. In the latest episode of our podcast Researching Peace, Ludovica takes us on a fascinating journey covering oft-overlooked nuclear politics in the region and offers her take on recent events in light of this complex history. This episode is presented by the Alva My…
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Why does a rebrand and a pink concept car make people (and Jesper) so angry? - - - The All-Design Podcast This is not your usual design podcast. Get a quick, spirited and alternate take on all things design. Full of surprising insights and unexpected connections. And exploration of theories from first flourish to festive finalé or flounder. Join Ja…
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Around the world – in both mature and young democracies, elections continue to be a flashpoint for violence. Researchers at our department recently released a model for forecasting violence related to elections, which could help inform the work to protect and promote democracy and electoral integrity around the globe. In this episode we interview D…
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What will make a client renew their €1m+ contract with your agency over and over and over again? We've been finding out with the help of some past and current clients and colleagues. In this episode, three solid tips for large and small agencies alike. - - - The All-Design Podcast This is not your usual design podcast. Get a quick, spirited and alt…
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What happens when the client suddenly tells you to go all in, no restrictions? One thing is certain: It's good for absolutely everyone involved, including the client's organisation. Have you been asked to not hold back? Are you about to nudge clients in that direction? Let us know at [email protected] - - - The All-Design Podcast This is not …
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Should a designer save every file and photo, or would keeping less make us better designers? Hoard or heave? Let us know at [email protected] - - - The All-Design Podcast This is not your usual design podcast. Get an alternate take on all things design, full of surprising insights and unexpected connections. And exploration of theories from f…
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Can you make art with AI tools? And what is the act of making art? Where does the artist end and the tool begin? It’s complicated… Your comments are very welcome indeed at [email protected] - - - The All-Design Podcast This is not your usual design podcast. Get an alternate take on all things design, full of surprising insights and unexpected…
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Love From, – the design firm co-founded by Jonathan Ive – has designed a button for Italy's Moncler. And we are... a bit perplexed. What are your thoughts on this? Send us your comments or questions at [email protected] - - - The All-Design Podcast This is not your usual design podcast. Get an alternate take on all things design, full of surp…
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Layout, what an old dusty word! What is it good for in 2024? And AI's lack of context is its biggest failing. Send us your comments or questions at [email protected] The startup Jesper mentioned: - - - The All-Design Podcast This is not your usual design podcast. Get an alternate take on all things design, full of surprising ins…
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A rested mind is a smart mind! With summer vacations coming to an end it's time to harness all the valuable ideas and insights that have percolated in the minds of your team members over the past few weeks and months. Use these insights to power the rest of your year. It's like being handed a magic booster pack! Send us your comments or questions a…
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The All-Design Podcast is back for a 5th season! This is not your usual design podcast. Get an alternate take on all things design, full of surprising insights and unexpected connections. And exploration of theories from first flourish to festive finalé or flounder. Join Jaan Orvet and Jesper Bylund for an All-Design conversation. Send us your comm…
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Vi har sett Yorgos Lanthimos hyllade film Poor Things (2023). Vi pratar om textila strukturer, bortglömda tekniker, långt hår och det ruttnande äpplets färgskala. Gå in på vår instagram @siluettochideal för att se bilder på det vi pratar om. Under #soi_poorthings ligger de bilder som handlar om just det här avsnittet.…
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In this episode of Researching Peace, we welcome Sabine Otto, who discusses her project focusing on the civilian aspects of UN peacekeeping operations and their role in promoting human rights. She explains the transition towards multi-dimensional peacekeeping operations and reflects on future steps to enhance the effectiveness of civilian component…
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Vi har sett Ridley Scotts storfilm om Napoleon (2023). Vi pratar om revolutionsmode, uniformer och skiftet mellan den gamla världen till den upplysta nya. Gå in på vår instagram @siluettochideal för att se bilder på det vi pratar om. Under #soi_napoleon ligger de bilder som handlar om just det här avsnittet.…
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Let's see what the year has in store for us all; designers, clients and audiences. (This episode is guaranteed to be 100% free from "trends" and "top 5/10/whatever" lists!) The ‘design, Design, DESIGN, design’ podcast is where we – designers Jesper Bylund and Jaan Orvet – poke, prod, analyse and share our opinions on design. The everyday, the munda…
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In this episode of Researching Peace, we continue to explore the impact of artificial intelligence on peace research with Paola Vesco, a post-doctoral researcher at the Department of Peace and Conflict Research. Paola's research connects the dots between climate variability, food production, and conflict risk, providing essential insights in a worl…
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The way iA Writer 7 treats AI generated content and human collaboration makes Jaan happy. And Jesper makes an excellent case for AI-as-OS. The ‘design, Design, DESIGN, design’ podcast is where we – designers Jaan Orvet and Jesper Bylund – poke, prod, analyse and share our opinions on design. The everyday, the mundane as well as the exceptional. We …
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E : Alors, on est de retour avec Dags för franska ! Ch : Oui, c’est vrai ! Ça fait longtemps ! E : Oui, un peu mais nous sommes de retour maintenant ! Ch : Oui, nous sommes de retour, avec le même format. D’abord le niveau 1, le niveau débutant, avec un manuscrit de 5 minutes environ. Ensuite le niveau 2, le niveau intermédiaire, de 10 minutes. Enf…
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How to coach others, and oneself. And why productivity doesn’t matter at all. (Includes untimely and frankly quite cruel references to Summer and warm weather…) The ‘design, Design, DESIGN, design’ podcast is where we – designers Jesper Bylund and Jaan Orvet – poke, prod, analyse and share our opinions on design. The everyday, the mundane as well a…
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What's the most unique, niche design work you can think of? [Listening to you...] Yes that is niche. But not as niche as the design roles we cover in this episode 🤯🤩 The ‘design, Design, DESIGN, design’ podcast is where we – designers Jaan Orvet and Jesper Bylund – poke, prod, analyse and share our opinions on design. The everyday, the mundane as w…
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How does artificial intelligence (AI) affect peace and conflict research? Meet Jim Dale and Mert Can Yilmaz, who, in this episode, will explore the role of AI in peace and conflict research. Jim, a Programmer at the Violence & Impacts Early Warning System (VIEWS), explains the power of machine learning models in forecasting organized violence on a …
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In this episode, we welcome Stefan Döring, a researcher specializing in the intersection of water and conflict. Drawing from his interdisciplinary research, Stefan sheds light on the issue of water conflicts. He unpacks the spatial dynamics of communal violence and introduces a seemingly counter-intuitive argument: water scarcity can foster coopera…
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In this episode, Associate Professor Nina von Uexkull talks about the intricate relationship between climate change and conflict. She explains how the two are interconnected and how resource scarcity plays a pivotal role. She emphasizes that environmental stressors can trigger competition for limited resources, leading to tensions and conflicts. Sh…
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Join us in this episode as we delve into the intricate relationship between water, climate, and conflict. Our guest, Professor Ashok Swain, a leading expert in international water cooperation, unravels the complexities of how these factors intersect and impact global dynamics. Discover the challenges of climate migrants, insights into regional wate…
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Welcome to season 4! In this episode we planned to explore Notion AI. Instead, our minds wandered and we ended up talking about note taking workflows. And why having three apps to do one job makes perfect sense for us, and probably for you too! The coffee shop reviews are back! Flywheel in San Francisco gets a visit by Jesper. The ‘design, Design, …
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I det här mycket spännande avsnittet av Researching Peace- Alva Myrdal centrum välkomnar vi vår tidigare statsminister Stefan Löfven, som nu är ordförande för fredsforskningsinstitutet SIPRI. Vi pratar såklart om hur tiden efter att han lämnat sin post som statsminister varit, men också om NATO, nedrustning och kärnvapen. Dessutom får vi höra hur d…
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🎧 Why is the human act of being idle, and taking some time off, seen as an expression of subversive counter culture? Jaan and Jesper make a passionate case for the virtues of occasionally doing nothing in order to be a better designer. New You asked for it! In each episode we will highlight a reflection or advice from something we’ve recently encou…
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We explore the evolution of coffee shop design. And recall a very kawaii way to serve coffee. The ‘design, Design, DESIGN, design!’ podcast is where we – designers Jesper Bylund and Jaan Orvet – poke, prod, analyse and share our opinions on design. The everyday, the mundane as well as the exceptional. We also explore how people affect, and are affe…
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(De)fin(d)ing design, including when speaking with team members from other disciplines. Jesper and Jaan find a way to move from the abstract to the concrete. The ‘design, Design, DESIGN, design!’ podcast is where we – designers Jesper Bylund and Jaan Orvet – poke, prod, analyse and share our opinions on design – the everyday, the mundane as well as…
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Don't listen to this episode. Please. Unless you are a committed bag and backpack geek. Or you like deep geekery in general. If so, this is the episode for you! Jesper's most recent bag is from @sandqvistbags Jaan's backpack is made by @timbuk2 The tote maker in Manchester, aka @the_ancoats_bag_company The ‘design, Design, DESIGN, design!’ podcast …
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Brutalism in architecture, it's a bit rubbish. So why has it transitioned in to digital design? The answer is simple: Traditional UIs matter less. The ‘design, Design, DESIGN, design!’ podcast is where we – designers Jesper Bylund and Jaan Orvet – poke, prod, analyse and share our opinions on design – the everyday, the mundane as well as the except…
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In last week's episode we predicted that Spanish design will be a major influence, globally, in 2023. Today we start scratching the surface of its attraction, elegance and relatability. As mentioned in the episode: Roberto Paparkone Manera Magazine The ‘design, Design, DESIGN, design!’ podcast …
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Nytt år och vi är äntligen tillbaka med ett nytt avsnitt. Vi har sett Austin Butler vara Elvis i Baz Luhrmanns filmkaramell med samma namn. Vi pratar om greasers, dekorerade kostymer och hur många skinnbyxor det egentligen behövs för att det ska vara snyggt från varje vinkel? Gå in på vår instagram @siluettochideal för att se bilder på det vi prata…
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It's 2023! We review design predictions from around the world for the year ahead. What's next for motion design in Kuala Lumpur? What do the Brits say about horror games? Honey onyx in the Americas? And is 2023 ready to be all about Spanish design? (In this episode we had some issues with the sound when recording. It’ll be sorted out for the next e…
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Do the lack of manuals lead to us not knowing what to do with new gear? Does freedom and mobility beat having access to lots of tools when traveling? This and more... it's Q&A time! We'll be back with new design musings between New Year and Lunar New Year. Have a joyful December! The ‘design, Design, DESIGN, design!’ podcast is where we – designers…
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Det har blivit dags för säsongsavslutning i Researching Peace och vi avslutar på topp med universitetslektor Magnus Öberg. I det här avsnittet pratar vi bland annat om varför är det så viktigt med statistik kring konflikter och hur det går till när man samlar in fakta om världens alla pågående konflikter. Vi ska även prata om hur statistik kan påve…
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No one needs another podcast episode about productivity. How that relates to progress and quality, however, that's very much needed. And here it is. The ‘design, Design, DESIGN, design!’ podcast is where we – designers Jaan Orvet and Jesper Bylund – poke, prod, analyse and share our opinions on design – the everyday, the mundane as well as the exce…
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Ideas. How to capture them, and what to do with them all? Is an "inbox zero" approach to ideas a good or horrendous way to deal with them? Help is at hand in episode four! The ‘design, Design, DESIGN, design!’ podcast is where we – designers Jesper Bylund and Jaan Orvet – poke, prod, analyse and share our opinions on design – the everyday, the mund…
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Does a hotel need a lobby, or even corridors? And is a hotel a home away from home if it's in the city where you live? We talk about how some hoteliers are rethinking what a hotel needs, and crucially, what it doesn't. The ‘design, Design, DESIGN, design!’ podcast is where we – designers Jaan Orvet and Jesper Bylund – poke, prod, analyse and share …
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In this episode of Researching Peace, we welcome Robert Kelley, a veteran nuclear engineer at the US Department of Energy's nuclear weapons complex at Los Alamos. Kelley was involved in research and engineering operations before shifting to information analysis and disarmament in the 1980s. He worked for the International Atomic Energy Agency where…
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There are fantastic collaboratively minded professionals everywhere. Agency side as well as client side. But then they are those who love putting on a show of collaboration theatre instead of actually, you know, collaborating. It's bad for everyone, and a bit scammy too. The ‘design, Design, DESIGN, design!’ podcast is where we – designers Jesper B…
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Welcome to season 3! Staying relevant. How do designers do it, and what constitutes relevance? The ‘design, Design, DESIGN, design!’ podcast is where we – designers Jaan Orvet and Jesper Bylund – poke, prod, analyse and share our opinions on design – the everyday, the mundane as well as the exceptional. We also explore how people affect, and are af…
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Kan forskning bidra till en fredligare värld? Det tror dagens gäst – professor Isak Svensson som redan som tonåring var fredsaktivist. I det här avsnittet ska han lära oss mer om hur forskning om förhandlingar kan förändra världen. Vi ska också prata om hur förödande kriget i Ukraina är för framtida förhandlingar med länder som har kärnvapen. Resea…
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Cecilia Wikström är inte bara en av Sveriges mest seniora EU-parlamentariker – hon är också ordförande i Alva Myrdal-centrums styrelse. I det här avsnittet blickar vi framåt och frågar oss vad centret egentligen kan åstadkomma på sikt. Och varför var det just Cecilia Wikström som fick frågan om att leda arbetet? Dessutom, hur har hon fått tag i en …
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