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Researching Peace - en podd från Uppsala universitet

Institutionen för freds- och konfliktforskning

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Varför blir det väpnade konflikter? Hur kan vi få en varaktig fred? I podden Researching Peace träffar du de främsta forskarna inom freds- och konfliktforskning. Vi bjuder även in aktuella gäster så som politiker, journalister och andra kunniga inom området. Det här är podden för dig som vill veta mer och förstå din samtid. Researching Peace produceras av institutionen för freds- och konfliktforskning vid Uppsala universitet i samarbete med Alva Myrdal-center för kärnvapennedrustning. Åsikte ...
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In this episode we discuss the link between science and policy with Florian Krampe, who works as Director of Studies, Peace and Development at the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI.) Florian has rich experience working at the interface between science and policy and offers valuable perspectives and examples of how successfully…
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In this episode we look at current threats to democracy and ask if the internet and social media have turned against democracy? Joining us from Norway is Espen Geelmuyden Rød, who is a former researcher at our department. Espen has done research on the social and political causes of autocracy and democracy as well as the political impacts of digita…
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In this episode, Johan Brosché helps us navigate the complexities and horrors of the civil war currently raging in Sudan. Johan works as associate professor at our department and is one of Sweden’s leading experts on Sudan. A quick glance at Johan’s CV reveals his academic interest in Sudan, but during our conversation his engagement and empathy fo…
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Ludovica Castelli is an expert on the history of nuclear weapons in the Middle East. In the latest episode of our podcast Researching Peace, Ludovica takes us on a fascinating journey covering oft-overlooked nuclear politics in the region and offers her take on recent events in light of this complex history. This episode is presented by the Alva My…
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Around the world – in both mature and young democracies, elections continue to be a flashpoint for violence. Researchers at our department recently released a model for forecasting violence related to elections, which could help inform the work to protect and promote democracy and electoral integrity around the globe. In this episode we interview D…
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In this episode of Researching Peace, we welcome Sabine Otto, who discusses her project focusing on the civilian aspects of UN peacekeeping operations and their role in promoting human rights. She explains the transition towards multi-dimensional peacekeeping operations and reflects on future steps to enhance the effectiveness of civilian component…
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In this episode of Researching Peace, we continue to explore the impact of artificial intelligence on peace research with Paola Vesco, a post-doctoral researcher at the Department of Peace and Conflict Research. Paola's research connects the dots between climate variability, food production, and conflict risk, providing essential insights in a worl…
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How does artificial intelligence (AI) affect peace and conflict research? Meet Jim Dale and Mert Can Yilmaz, who, in this episode, will explore the role of AI in peace and conflict research. Jim, a Programmer at the Violence & Impacts Early Warning System (VIEWS), explains the power of machine learning models in forecasting organized violence on a …
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In this episode, we welcome Stefan Döring, a researcher specializing in the intersection of water and conflict. Drawing from his interdisciplinary research, Stefan sheds light on the issue of water conflicts. He unpacks the spatial dynamics of communal violence and introduces a seemingly counter-intuitive argument: water scarcity can foster coopera…
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In this episode, Associate Professor Nina von Uexkull talks about the intricate relationship between climate change and conflict. She explains how the two are interconnected and how resource scarcity plays a pivotal role. She emphasizes that environmental stressors can trigger competition for limited resources, leading to tensions and conflicts. Sh…
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Join us in this episode as we delve into the intricate relationship between water, climate, and conflict. Our guest, Professor Ashok Swain, a leading expert in international water cooperation, unravels the complexities of how these factors intersect and impact global dynamics. Discover the challenges of climate migrants, insights into regional wate…
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I det här mycket spännande avsnittet av Researching Peace- Alva Myrdal centrum välkomnar vi vår tidigare statsminister Stefan Löfven, som nu är ordförande för fredsforskningsinstitutet SIPRI. Vi pratar såklart om hur tiden efter att han lämnat sin post som statsminister varit, men också om NATO, nedrustning och kärnvapen. Dessutom får vi höra hur d…
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Det har blivit dags för säsongsavslutning i Researching Peace och vi avslutar på topp med universitetslektor Magnus Öberg. I det här avsnittet pratar vi bland annat om varför är det så viktigt med statistik kring konflikter och hur det går till när man samlar in fakta om världens alla pågående konflikter. Vi ska även prata om hur statistik kan påve…
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In this episode of Researching Peace, we welcome Robert Kelley, a veteran nuclear engineer at the US Department of Energy's nuclear weapons complex at Los Alamos. Kelley was involved in research and engineering operations before shifting to information analysis and disarmament in the 1980s. He worked for the International Atomic Energy Agency where…
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Kan forskning bidra till en fredligare värld? Det tror dagens gäst – professor Isak Svensson som redan som tonåring var fredsaktivist. I det här avsnittet ska han lära oss mer om hur forskning om förhandlingar kan förändra världen. Vi ska också prata om hur förödande kriget i Ukraina är för framtida förhandlingar med länder som har kärnvapen. Resea…
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Cecilia Wikström är inte bara en av Sveriges mest seniora EU-parlamentariker – hon är också ordförande i Alva Myrdal-centrums styrelse. I det här avsnittet blickar vi framåt och frågar oss vad centret egentligen kan åstadkomma på sikt. Och varför var det just Cecilia Wikström som fick frågan om att leda arbetet? Dessutom, hur har hon fått tag i en …
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Vem är det som kontrollerar om ett land har kärnvapen eller inte? Finns det verktyg för att ta reda på sanningen? Det har blivit dags att vässa geniknölarna i Researching Peace. I det här avsnittet träffar vi Sophie Grape, docent i tillämpad kärnfysik. Hon beskriver själv sitt jobb som ett detektivarbete. Researching Peace - en podcast från institu…
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I det här avsnittet träffar vi svenska Beatrice Fihn som leder antikärnvapenrörelsen ICAN, mottagare av Nobels fredspris 2017. Men hur är det att leda den globala kampen mot kärnvapen mitt under brinnande krig, när världen plötsligt står inför ett verkligt kärnvapenhot? Är hon själv orolig för framtiden? Och varför är hon så besviken på den svenska…
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Hur kommer Sveriges relation till Ryssland se ut i framtiden? Vad behöver hända efter kriget för att gå framåt? Och vad kan Alva Myrdal centrum spela för roll i det hela? I det här avsnittet av Researching Peace träffar vi Joakim Vaverka, toppdiplomat med lång erfarenhet från bland annat FN:s säkerhetsråd. Dessutom sitter Joakim Vaverka i styrelsen…
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Sedan kriget i Ukraina bröt ut har kärnvapenhotet trappats upp, bedömare menar att risken för att kärnvapen kommer att användas har ökat. I det här avsnittet möter vi Sveriges Radios utrikeskorrespondent Lubna El-Shanti som är född i Ukraina och som var på plats när kriget bröt ut. Hon är också en av de journalister som med egna ögon sett det fasan…
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Kan Sverige bygga upp en beredskap för en kärnvapenattack? Eller är enda vägen framåt att arbeta för nedrustning? I det här avsnittet möter du Vendela Englund Burnett, ordförande i Svenska läkare mot kärnvapen, som menar att den svenska sjukvården skulle stå maktlös vid en kärnvapenattack. Vendela Englund Burnett är dessutom en av få som besökt de …
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1945 fälldes två atombomber över Hiroshima och Nagasaki i Japan. Attackerna slog ut städerna och dödade över 200 000 personer. Kriget i Ukraina har återigen satt fokus på kärnvapenfrågan. Men vad har världen lärt sig av historien? Hur nära var det att kärnvapen avfyrades under Kuba-krisen? Och vad spelar sanktioner egentligen för roll? I det här av…
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För första gången sedan kalla kriget står världen inför ett reellt kärnvapenhot. Hur hamnade vi här och vilken roll kan Alva Myrdal center spela i nedrustningen? I det första avsnittet av vår andra säsong möter du Erik Melander, professor och föreståndare för det nystartade Alva Myrdal Center. Researching Peace - en podcast från institutionen för f…
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How is peace research perceived in different places around the world? Do the perceptions remain the same when we move from a research environment in the global north to another in the south? If there is variation, what is the reason behind it? In this episode, Pedro Valenzuela -Professor of International Relations at the Javeriana University- and A…
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What are the ethical challenges of conducting field research in conflict-affected areas? In this episode, Prakash Bhattarai -the Founder and Executive Director of Center for Social Change- and Karen Brounéus - Associate Professor of Peace and Conflict Research at Uppsala University- talk about their experiences in the field, including in post-war N…
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Is it possible to forecast when and where violence will escalate in the future? In this episode, Håvard Hegre -Dag Hammarskjöld Professor of Peace and Conflict Research at Uppsala University and Research Professor at the Peace Research Institute Oslo- talks about how he approaches to the question of prediction in peace studies. As the leader of the…
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How can peace research play a role in the developments in international relations and diplomacy? How does the interaction between theory and practice work in the context of peace and conflict? In this episode, Jan Eliasson - Honorary Doctor of Uppsala University, former Deputy Secretary-General of the UN, and former Swedish Minister of Foreign Affa…
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How should peace researchers reflect on ethics in their studies? What are the key challenges that they are likely to face while investigating on the ground in the conflict zones? Are ethical review boards really necessary? In this episode of Researching Peace, Kristine Höglund -Professor of Peace and Conflict Research at Uppsala University- talks a…
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Why do we need data on conflicts in order to understand peace? The Uppsala Conflict Data Program (UCDP) has been collecting systematic information on organized violence around the world for almost 40 years. In this episode of Researching Peace, the UCDP’s program director Magnus Öberg and project manager Therese Pettersson explain the logic and pra…
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Do we need to study civil resistance to better understand war and peace? Does civil resistance even work? If so, when and how? In this episode of Researching Peace, Erica Chenoweth - Frank Stanton Professor of the First Amendment at Harvard Kennedy School and Susan S. and Kenneth L. Wallach Professor at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study- t…
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Civil society initiatives for peace are valuable in conflict-affected regions. Peace research learns a lot from the good practices and paves the way for practitioners and policy-makers to make them realize what works and what not when it comes to peacebuilding. In this episode, Hannah Tsadik – Advocacy Director for Open Society Foundation, Africa R…
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Peace research seeks to understand the causes, dynamics, and resolution of armed conflicts and organized violence. In this episode, Kjell-Åke Nordquist – Professor of International Relations at the University College Stockholm- is talking about the origins and the evolution of peace and conflict research in Uppsala. As a former Head of the Departme…
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Conflict-ridden areas are at the focus of peace research in academia. But how does it feel to be on the ground? In this episode, Jamie LeSueur -Head of Emergency Operations at the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) and Uppsala University Alumnus of the Year (2020)- shares some insights on his daily work as a pra…
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Is there a divide between research and policy? If so, how does this gap manifest itself? In this episode, Mimmi Söderberg Kovacs -Head of Research at the Folke Bernadotte Academy (FBA)- and Govinda Clayton -Senior Researcher in Peace Processes within the Center for Security Studies at ETH Zurich- talk about how to bridge the gap especially in peace…
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Department of Peace and Conflict Research at Uppsala University has been working on understanding organized violence since 1971. In this episode, Peter Wallensteen -Senior Professor of Peace and Conflict Research at Uppsala University and Professor Emeritus at University of Notre Dame- takes a look at this 50-year-long journey, talks about the foun…
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Building on his background in British Intelligence John le Carré’s The Spy Who Came in from the Cold was a global success. It has been followed by a series of other best-selling works, many of which have been filmed with prominent directors and actors. In this Philosophy Tea we focus on the role of the spies, particularly during the Cold War: Do th…
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This episode of the Philosophy Tea, focusing on Naomi Klein, was recorded and edited at Reginateatern, which also served as the host venue for the event on 3 November 2021. In our second Philosophy Tea we discuss Naomi Klein’s timely and controversial contribution to the climate change debate, This Changes Everything (2014). The book is a valuable …
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In this Philosophy Tea we scrutinize the life, achievements and legacy of the icon of nonviolent action Mohandas K. Gandhi, better known as Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948). His work began with Asian resistance against White rule in South Africa and led to a number of campaigns for India’s self-determination in the 1920s and 1930s, contributing to the co…
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This episode discusses John Maynard Keynes’ important work of political economy, The Economic Consequences of the Peace. Critical of the harsh reparation payments imposed on Germany after World War I by the Treaty of Versailles (1919), Keynes argues that these will lead to increased suffering by the German people and to economic and political insta…
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This episode of the Philosophy Tea, focusing on Fredrika Bremer, was recorded and edited at Reginateatern, which also served as the host venue for the event on 9 March 2021. Producer: Paul Kessel Author Fredrika Bremer (1801-1864) is discussed in this pod, recorded at the Regina Theatre March 9, 2021 (producer: Paul Kessel) in front of a live audie…
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This episode of the Philosophy Tea, focusing on Martha Nussbaum, was recorded and edited at Reginateatern, which also served as the host venue for the event on 2 February 2021. Producer: Paul Kessel In their discussion on American philosopher Martha Nussbaum (b. 1947) Peter Wallensteen and Daniel Ogden focuses on Nussbaum’s book The Monarchy of Fea…
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In this Philosophy Tea we discuss Camus’ highly topical, The Plague (La Peste). Camus was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1957. The Plague has often been seen as an allegory of the Nazi Occupation of France during World War II. But it is also part of a longer tradition of plague literature, a genre pioneered by Daniel Defoe in his A Journa…
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Disarmament negotiator Alva Myrdal (1902-1986) was the focus in the Regina Theatre Philosophy Tea discussion on November 17, 2020 between Peter Wallensteen and Daniel Ogden and produced by Paul Kessel. Their discussion focuses on nuclear weapons, their impact on society (including Harry Martinsson’s Aniara) and the attempts to eliminate them. Alva …
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Inspired by George Orwell’s iconic dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-four, Margaret Atwood set about in 1984 to write a dystopia from, as she has said, “the female point of view”. That such a dystopia was needed can be seen by the popularity of the novel itself and the HBO TV series by the same name (2017-). In our first Philosophy Tea of autumn 2020…
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Nathan Söderblom and World Peace. In this episode we take up the Uppsala-based theologian, Archbishop Nathan Söderblom (1866-1931). We examine his ideas for forging cooperation between different Christian denominations and for using religion to promote peace. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1930. We discuss why he received the award and how…
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John Locke and Natural Law Our second philosophy tea discusses the groundbreaking ideas of the philosopher John Locke (1632-1704) on natural law in his Two Treatises of Government (1689) and the impact they had on the formulation of human rights in the American Declaration of Independence (1776), the French Declaration of the Rights of Man and the …
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Eleanor Roosevelt and the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) This season’s first philosophy tea discusses Eleanor Roosevelt (1884-1962) and the role she played in creating the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In chairing the committee that drafted the Declaration, Roosevelt drew upon her long involvement in human rights and so…
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On Perpetual Peace (1795) Immanuel Kant's Philosophical sketch for World Order. Immanuel Kant's Philosophical sketch for World Order became important to peace movements in the 19th century and inspired world organizations, such as the League of Nations and the United Nations, in the 20th Century. This Philosophy Tea discusses its role in the 21st c…
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30th October 2019 – Arundhati Roy The Ministry of Utmost Happiness (2017) The Tragedy of Kashmir and the Partition of India. Set in New Delhi and the troubled region of Kashmir, The Ministry of Utmost Happiness by award-winning novelist, social critic and political activist Arundhati Roy gives imaginative voice to lives affected by the traumatic ev…
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“War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.” The Nightmarish World of George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-four (1949). The legacy of Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-four is well established. Phrases such as “Big Brother is watching you”, and terms such as “doublethink” and “thoughtcrime” and “1984” itself have entered our political vocabulary. I…
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