Der Polit-Talk im ZDF mit Moderatorin Maybrit Illner
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100 chefs-d'œuvre littéraires.
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100 Great Audiobooks of Literary Masterpieces!
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This Week in Tech is the top-ranked flagship tech podcast from Every Sunday, Leo Laporte and a roundtable of insiders explore the week's hottest tech news from AI to robots, and PCs to privacy. When it comes to tech, TWiT is IT. Records live every Sunday at 5:15pm Eastern / 2:15pm Pacific / 22:15 UTC.
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Nobilis writes erotic science fiction stories and shares them with you in audio format.
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A strange letter. An impossible sender. Secrets hidden in the ground. From STUDIO5705, a scripted fiction podcast set in present-day Washington State about a man’s journey to unlock a family mystery—and find things long ago buried. 1.5+ million downloads. Season 4 now underway. Part of the Fable & Folly Network.
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La Biblia en Audio. Voz: Merari Medina
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B2 | Deutsch für Fortgeschrittene: Verbessert euer Deutsch mit aktuellen Tagesnachrichten der Deutschen Welle – für Deutschlerner besonders langsam und deutlich gesprochen.
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Democracy Now! is an independent daily TV & radio news program, hosted by award-winning journalists Amy Goodman and Juan González. We provide daily global news headlines, in-depth interviews and investigative reports without any advertisements or government funding. Our programming shines a spotlight on corporate and government abuses of power and lifts up the stories of ordinary people working to make change in extraordinary times. Democracy Now! is live weekdays at 8am ET and available 24/ ...
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Listen to professionally narrated audio from each issue—just for subscribers, from The Atlantic.
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Die 20 Uhr Nachrichten von heute zum Nachhören. Hier findet ihr immer, was am Tag aktuell und wichtig ist in den News. Die tagesschau ist Deutschlands erfolgreichste Nachrichtensendung im Fernsehen.
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Because there's a war on for your mind.
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Politische Berichte, scharfsinnige Analysen, verständliche Erklärungen
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CFR Events Audio
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Immer donnerstags live um 17 Uhr sprechen Anna Kalinowsky, Malte Kirchner und Volker Zota von heise online bei YouTube über die Tech-Themen der Woche. Zum Nachhören gibt es die #heiseshow auch als Podcast.
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Are you looking for a convenient way to review medicine on the go? Look no further, as we have found the perfect solution for you! AudioBoards! What sets AudioBoards apart is its accessibility and convenience. You can simply plug in your headphones and listen while you go about your day. This means you can review cases and topics while doing household chores, running errands, or even during your daily workout.
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Este perfil postará audiobooks marxistas, visando a publicização de textos de ciência política pouco debatidos ou acessíveis. Até a vitória! Esse projeto é do coletivo Soberana.
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Die Nachrichten von heute und immer die Frage: Was bedeutet das? Die tagesthemen liefern Erklärung und Analyse sowie Beispiele von vor Ort. Sie bieten weiterführende Informationen und Kontext zu dem, was aktuell in den News ist. Hier zum Nachhören als Audio-Podcast.
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The Audio Long Read podcast is a selection of the Guardian’s long reads, giving you the opportunity to get on with your day while listening to some of the finest longform journalism the Guardian has to offer, including in-depth writing from around the world on current affairs, climate change, global warming, immigration, crime, business, the arts and much more. The podcast explores a range of subjects and news across business, global politics (including Trump, Israel, Palestine and Gaza), mo ...
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The focus of these audio interviews is the deeply personal challenges of UFO contact. There is a Patreon series with the same name, hosting special content for members. This podcast is hosted by Mike Clelland.
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The world-famous audio guide for the Annabelle H. Godfrey Historic Estate and Museum. Please do not touch the art. This is for your own safety. New episodes released monthly. Though this is a self-guided tour, the Estate recommends that you start at the beginning.
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C1 | Deutsch für Profis: Hier findet ihr spannende Audiofeatures zu verschiedenen Themen aus dem deutschen (Sprach-)Alltag.
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Welcome to The GaryVee Audio Experience, hosted by entrepreneur, CEO, investor, content creator, and public speaker Gary Vaynerchuk. On this podcast, you'll find a mix of the Podcast With Friends episodes, WineText TV recaps, Keynote Speeches on marketing and business, interviews, and fireside chats I've given. Enjoy!
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Where and how is waldo
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DAB | Der Audiobeweis ist der regelmäßige Podcast zur ADMIRAL Bundesliga und den Sporthemen von Sky Sport Austria. Hier werden aktuelle Sportthemen besprochen und kritisch aber auch humorvoll diskutiert. Die Sky Sport Austria Redaktion spricht hier abwechselnd mit Gästen aus der Welt des Fußballs. Audiobeweis RSS Feed:
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Populárny denný spravodajský newsletter Ranný brífing denníka SME prinášame aj v audio verzií. Prehľad najdôležitejších správ dňa tak môžete každé ráno počas pracovného týždňa nielen čítať, ale aj počúvať. Text načítava syntetický neurálny hlas.
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The Doctor Who Audio Dramas is the world’s longest running family friendly production of Doctor Who. Started in 1982, this series spans eight Doctors, a host of companions, and over 200 stories. Thousands of episodes are downloaded every month. New episodes appear on iTunes two weeks after they premier on the main website. Note that, due to the age of some of the material, quality will vary. or
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Chcete se udržet v obraze o možnostech aktuálních podnikových IT technologií a hledáte na to čas? Využijte volný prostor při rutinních činnostech, sportu či cestování a čerpejte inspiraci z podcastu českého lídra podnikového IT.
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Transcript is availlable on
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Myanmar Audiobooks Read by Win Ei 📚 🌃 New Episode Every Saturday Night 🌃 Listen on YouTube :
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Industry expert Mikah Sargent, brings you interviews from tech journalists who make or break the top stories of the week. Get the freshest perspective and in depth insight into the fast-paced world of technology from Tech News Weekly. Records every Thursday at 2:00pm Eastern / 11:00am Pacific / 19:00 UTC.
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Video Game Music and Retro Gaming Podcast
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Audio recordings by myself of the works of Rudolf Steiner. To search use volume number and 'Steiner'
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B1 | Deutsch für Fortgeschrittene: Was bedeutet es, wenn man einen Korb kriegt und wieso geht Liebe durch den Magen? Das sagt man so! stellt deutsche Redewendungen und Sprichwörter vor und erklärt den Kontext, in dem sie verwendet werden.
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Enjoying Everyday Life® is a daily TV and radio broadcast provided by Joyce Meyer Ministries.
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Estos son los mejores audios de Futuro.
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View all titles on one page by clicking the RSS button.
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Pendant Productions
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Archaeology and the Exploration of Human History
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Audio-Aufnahmen vom Corona-Ausschuss
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Oregon Public Broadcasting Newsroom
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Audios realizados para el desarrollo de la Iglesia de Dios (Israelita) y cualquier oyente que nos honre escuchando lo que queremos compartir.
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From the policy debates to the political fights, today's top newsmakers on Fox News Sunday, which airs weekly on Fox News Channel.
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One year. Every day. 365 days through the Bible chronologically in community with tens of thousands of others around the globe following the same quest.
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Podcast by kerksondermure Audio
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Cada día, entre 12.00 y 13.00 horas, Rainiero Guerrero y Luis Muñoz se toman la radio del rock para hacer un completo análisis deportivo y de todo lo que está en juego.
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Have you ever experienced guilt just for being tempted to do wrong? Find out why temptation itself isn't a sin and how resisting it actually strengthens your faith.
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From the archive: ‘In my 30 years as a GP, the profession has been horribly eroded’
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25:07We are raiding the Guardian Long Read archives to bring you some classic pieces from years past, with new introductions from the authors. This week, from 2022: As I finished the final house calls of my long career in general practice, it struck me how detached I am from my patients now – and that it was not always like this. Where did we go wrong, …
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Reddit’s not perfect, but it may be the best platform on a junky web. By Adrienne LaFrance From the April 2025 issue. Get more from your favorite Atlantic voices when you subscribe. You’ll enjoy unlimited access to Pulitzer-winning journalism, from clear-eyed analysis and insight on breaking news. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.f…
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Numbers 23-25Av [email protected]
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Oregon Field Guide’s Ed Jahn took a journey in search of silence, and found what could be the quietest place in Oregon.Av Oregon Public Broadcasting
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Clovis Bone Needles at the La Prele Site | SAAJ 79
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1:09:40The team is joined by Wyoming State Archaeologist Spencer Pelton to discuss the latest discoveries from the La Prele, Wyoming Mammoth kill site. The post Clovis Bone Needles at the La Prele Site | SAAJ 79 appeared first on Seven Ages.Av Seven Ages Research
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Panelists discuss the February German election results and their implications for Germany’s domestic policies, NATO commitments, and the broader European landscape, with insights into how Germany’s new leadership could reshape alliances and influence the continent’s future.CFR’s Stephen M. Kellen Term Member Program is pleased to be hosting this ev…
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Mit den Themen: Massiver Druck auf die Ukraine - USA setzen Militärhilfe aus; Schock für die Weltwirtschaft - Trump und die Zölle; Wiederaufrüstung Europas - Milliarden für die VerteidigungAv ZDFde
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Fico manipuluje ako z učebnice, Trump prehlbuje globálnu neistotu
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16:03Prečítajte si prehľad správ zo 4. marca 2025: Fico manipuluje ako z učebnice, Trump prehlbuje globálnu neistotu 1. Robert Fico a jeho stratégia mŕtvej mačky: Ako odvrátiť pozornosť voličov od ich peňaženiek 2. Konsolidácia podľa Kamenického: Energopomoc aj v budúcom roku a trikrát vyšší účet oproti plánu 3. Na fronte to pocítia už pred letom. Čo sp…
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A guacamole onion volcano looks cool but will ruin your guac
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tagesschau 20 Uhr
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Mobile home residents are worried about paying their rents
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5:32Mobile home residents are worried about paying their rentsAv Oregon Public Broadcasting
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In der 249. Folge unseres Podcasts "DAB I Der Audiobeweis" sprechen Moderator Otto Rosenauer, Kommentator Martin Konrad und Sky-Experte Alfred Tatar mit Rouven Schröder. Wir sprechen mit dem Geschäftsführer Sport des FC Red Bull Salzburg u.a. über den Frühjahrsstart der Salzburger. Wie spannend wird die Meistergruppe? Wer wird am Ende Meister in de…
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Extended conversation with the award-winning Indian writer Pankaj Mishra, author of the new book, The World After Gaza: A History.
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Democracy Now! 2025-03-04 Tuesday Headlines for March 04, 2025 Greenpeace on Trial: $300M Lawsuit over Standing Rock Protests Could Shutter Group & Chill Free Speech Winona LaDuke: DAPL Pipeline Lawsuit Against Greenpeace Aims to Silence Indigenous Protests, Too "Sugarcane": Oscar-Nominated Film Explores "Colonial Silence" Around Indian Residential…
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Support the show La Biblia en Audio - Rocío para el almaAv Merari Medina
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04.03.2025 – Langsam Gesprochene Nachrichten
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7:5804.03.2025 – Langsam Gesprochene Nachrichten – Trainiere dein Hörverstehen mit den Nachrichten der DW von Dienstag – als Text und als verständlich gesprochene Audio-Datei.Av DW
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AI, Social Shopping, and the Future of Media | GaryVee Q&A with New York Post
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48:01I sat down with Lydia Moynihan from the New York Post to dive into some of the biggest shifts happening in business, media, and technology. We get into the explosion of social shopping, how AI is changing the content game, and why traditional media is struggling to keep up. We also talk about: 📌 Social Shopping Takeover – Why TikTok Shop is the nex…
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Wie sieht die Stadt der Zukunft, die „Smart City“ aus? Wissenschaftler, Architekten und Stadtplaner arbeiten an Konzepten – auch mit Blick auf zunehmende Infrastrukturprobleme und zunehmenden Energiebedarf.Av DW
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Ever pondered the secret to winning the battle against temptation? Today, learn practical ways to recognize and resist life's temptations before they take hold.
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Numbers 21-22Av [email protected]
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Mit den Themen: Mann fährt in Menschenmenge - Zwei Tote nach Vorfall in Mannheim ; Sondierungen zwischen CDU und SPD - Ringen um große Schuldenpakete ; Bissig und politisch - Rosenmontagszüge am RheinAv ZDFde
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Fico sa rozhodol ešte viac škodiť, Šutaj Eštok sa ponáhľa a narazí
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15:02Prečítajte si prehľad správ z 3. marca 2025: Fico sa rozhodol ešte viac škodiť, Šutaj Eštok sa ponáhľa a narazí 1. Fico o summite v Bruseli: Čo pre nás Ukrajina robí? Len nám škodí 2. Šutaj Eštok sa chcel s voľbou predsedu parlamentu poponáhľať. Nepreveril si počty 3. Snaha vyzerať silný či obavy z Číny. Prečo sa Trump spája s Putinom? 4. Premárnen…
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tagesschau 20 Uhr
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Neue Mondmissionen: Athena und Lunar Trailblazer starten Am 27. Februar 2025 brachte eine Falcon-9-Rakete vier Raumsonden ins All. Athena soll mit zwei Rovern und dem Mondhüpfer GRACE den Südpol des Mondes erforschen. Lunar Trailblazer kartiert Wasservorkommen in Mondkratern. Zudem starteten eine Asteroidensonde und eine neue Transportplattform. We…
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Portland’s airport hypes sustainable timber, but those lofty claims are more complicated than they seem
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4:32Portland’s airport hypes sustainable timber, but those lofty claims are more complicated than they seemAv Oregon Public Broadcasting
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Cada día, entre 12.00 y 13.00 horas, Rainiero Guerrero y Luis Muñoz se toman la radio del rock para hacer un completo análisis deportivo y de todo lo que está en juego.
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