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The Smart Life

Beacon Agency

En gång i månaden
The Smart Life is a podcast looking at all things Smart Home and IoT. From the latest tech to the bigger questions around the role tech has to play in our lives, each episode, hosts Jess and Thomas will be joined by industry experts to break down the news behind the headlines.
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The Smart Life Club

Smart Group Firm

En gång i månaden
Co-hosts Robin Helm and Karen Saxe take an inspirational, educational, and entertaining perspective on, well, just about everything. With a focus on health, wealth, and relationships, Robin and Karen have been known to take a "side trip" or two on other topics including frogs, hot air balloons, and a bad choice at a Bruce Springsteen concert. If you are looking for a fresh perspective on life, you will enjoy our podcasts. AND... for more FREE resources, including all of our podcasts, please ...
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The Smart Retirement Life podcast with host Mark Hager, industry expert and Founder of Learn More : | Maximize your free time, deal less with the stresses of the day and really get on with savoring your life after your career, you're in the right place. Great ideas, tips and inspiration to help make your life after all that work stuff richer, fuller and more of what you want.
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The Smart & Spiritual Life™

Nicole Berryhill PhD

En gång i månaden
If you're new here, Hi! I'm your host Nicole Berryhill. I am an ordained counseling minister and ministry educator of nearly 25 years. I'm a published author, public speaker, a closet foodie and most importantly, Mom to four amazing adult daughters. My life’s work has been focused on educating and empowering people to renew their minds, restore their souls and experience the fullness of joy and peace available to all of us. I'm here to tell you it's all so much better than we've been lead to ...
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Welcome to the Smart Better Life™️ Podcast where we talk about the challenges, obstacles, and questions that confront all of us trying to have the best human experience we can. You have a beautiful mind, innate wisdom and knowing, and unique creative gifts. Listen in and learn how to use them to bring vibrance, abundance, and possibility to your life so you can unleash the person you were meant to be. Coach and mentor, Annie Bauer, combines her own personal experiences, training, and years o ...
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Want to learn more about your dog in minutes? Understand how they think and why they do what they do? Communicate with them better? Train them efficiently? And have fun doing all that? That is what the My Smart Puppy Minute is about and more. Helping you help your dog is our motto and our mission. When you succeed, we all win! Host Sarah Wilson is a professional dog trainer, popular speaker, published author and a TV/radio personality. She holds a Master’s degree in the human-animal bond. He ...
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show series
Summary In this episode of the Smart Life podcast, the hosts discuss mental health in the context of managing stress in a deadline-driven environment and navigating the complexities of remote and hybrid work. They also explore the challenges of maintaining balance as working parents. The guests, Jonathan Curtis and Laura Bull, share their personal …
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Summary In this episode, Jess Hadleigh discusses how technology can be used to achieve water sustainability with Gert Jan Maasdam and Adam Williams. They explore the pressing challenges of water scarcity and the impact of climate change on water resources. The conversation highlights promising water-saving technologies and innovations, such as digi…
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Is Meditation Evil? Let's talk about it... Hello there! I'm glad you're here. Please be sure to like & subscribe if you find this episode helpful! ------------------------------------- Episode Sponsor: Berryhill Organics: ------------------------------------- My name is Nicole Berryhill. I serve people who struggle wi…
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Podcast je dostupný v plnej dĺžke! V tomto videu hovorím o tom, prečo by mali podnikatelia mať poistený svoj a majetok a ako postupovať, ak sa rozhodnete poistiť si svoj podnikateľský majetok resp. ak chcete prehodnotiť vaše exitujúce poistenie. Vo videu preberám tieto témy: Prečo potrebujú podnikatelia poistenie Typy poistenia Zodpovednosť za škod…
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#innerhealing #mentalhealth #selfcare What Are Basic Human Needs and How Do They Work? Hello there! I'm glad you're here. Please be sure to like & subscribe if you find this episode helpful! #innerhealing #mentalhealth #selfcare #relationship ------------------------------------- Episode Sponsor: Berryhill Organics: -…
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v dnešnom videu som veľmi rád, že vám môžem priniesť tému, na ktorú ste sa ma už dlho pýtali. Viacerí z vás ste už narazili na hypotekárny strop a pýtali ste sa ma, či a ako sa dajú nehnuteľnosti nakupovať aj na firmu. Vo videu nižšie je môj rozhovor, v ktorom sa so mnou Roman podelil o svoje know-how z tejto oblasti. Prebrali sme aj tieto otázky: …
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Creating a personal brand without getting our worth and identity wrapped up in our business can be challenging. How do we navigate business or creating work in the world and separating our worth from our work? It requires looking at your business through a different lens and doing the work on yourself to become a leader and business owner. The best…
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Toto video je pokračovaním série videí o mojich skúsenostiach s finančným sprostredkovaním. V tejto časti vám poviem o jednej zásadnej zmene, ktorú som aktuálne spravil. S viacerými z vás som už o tom hovoril, ale pre vás ostatných - dal som výpoveď v OVB a rozhodol som sa pre spoluprácu s Finportal-om. Veľmi dlho som túto zmenu zvažoval, napísal s…
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What if I told you that you don't have to perform, build anything, or make any amount of money to be worthy? One of the most important things you can do for yourself, your business, and your life is to separate your worth from your performance. In this episode, I'll give you evidence to believe in your worth, why it's important, and what you can do…
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Over 82 million dollars in sales earned in her business, digital course creator and entrepreneur, Amy Porterfield, will teach YOU how to make your own digital course. Have a hobby, skill, profession, or passion that you know a lot about? You could be turning all that knowledge into profit by sharing your expertise with others. The proof is out ther…
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Do you ever feel like your thoughts are keeping you from taking action every day? Reduce the stress, overwhelm, and frustration of not hitting your goals in your life and business with 7 simple tactics to manage your day. A Subtle Thought Shift™️, visualizing yourself accomplishing a challenging event or task, or using the placebo effect on your br…
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Welcome to the Introduction to The Smart Better Life Podcast! If you’re new here and starting with me from Episode 001, then follow this podcast as I share how to develop the beliefs, skills, and strategies necessary to start and grow your online business and also use what you learn to have a life you truly love. If you just found me, and you’re go…
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Ročné vyúčtovanie energií (a iných služieb) súvisiacich s prenájmom nehnuteľností je pre väčšinu investorov nočnou morou. Aj pre mňa. Manuálne prepočítať všetky položky, zistiť koľko vlastne nájomník minul vody, plynu či elektriny, zohľadniť, ak tam nebýval celý rok...Ak ste to niekedy v živote robili, viete presne o čom hovorím. K tomu všetkému je…
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Priznám sa, že keď sa povie slovo Networking a niekto ma pozve na nejakú networkingovú akcia, vždy z toho mám taký zvláštny pocit. Možno to poznáte - všetci postávajú okolo bufetového stolíka, väčšina ľudí sa nepozná, a tak je nadväzovanie kontaktov len pre tých najextrovertnejších resp. spíkrov z prednášok. Toto ale nie je spôsob, ktorý vám odporú…
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Having been our first ever guest on The Smart Life back in 2019, Delta Dore’s Senior Area Manager John Bradford is back to chat with us in the final episode of Season III. He reflects on how much the industry has changed since he last appeared on our podcast, when we were still pre-pandemic, pre-energy crisis, pre-cost of living crisis… Against thi…
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Throughout Adam Williams’ career has been an abiding passion for enabling technology that positively impacts on the way we live. Adam has over 25 years experience in delivering growth for new technology businesses across the UK and Europe. From a background with global companies including Samsung and Sony, he has broad expertise in the connected ho…
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John Steven has over two decades of experience in the home automation industry, and currently works as the EU Installer Channel Sales Director at tadoº, a leading smart thermostat and climate control company based in Munich. He has come a long way since his first job out of school, selling bikes in Halfords. But he says the spark that started there…
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With over 30 years working in the computer and electronics industry, Lino Notaro has seen first hand the inordinate amount of technological progress over the last four decades. We’ve come a long way, he says, from the early days of his career working in the then-up-and-coming computer games industry of the 90s where he had to convince consumers tha…
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A chemical engineer and project manager by background, Caroline Laurenson runs TL Tech with her husband. They are united in their mission to find new ways for smart tech to empower people to maintain independence in their own homes, and are passionate about breaking down barriers to help people access digital solutions. When the pandemic hit, they …
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Som veľmi rád, že vám môžem ponúknuť rozhovor s Vladimírom Gregorom o portáli Tento web je výbornou pomôckou pre prenajímateľov nehnuteľností na Slovensku. Marketing vášho bytu, príprava nájomných zmlúv či automatické vyúčtovanie spotreby energií je len pár highlightov tejto aplikácie. V rozhovore sme prebrali aj tieto otázky, pričom v záve…
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Twenty years ago life-long techie Nick Sutton picked up a book in his university library called ‘The Smart Home for Dummies’. Feeling inspired, he applied for jobs in this then-burgeoning industry and he has never looked back. Today Nick is the Smart / EV Charger Product Manager for the Luceco Group, a British-owned manufacturer and distributor of …
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Welcome to The Smart Life, a podcast from Beacon Agency that explores the latest in Smart Home and Internet of Things technology. Would you believe, we’re now in our third season? And Thomas and Jess have handed the hosting reins over to me, Sophie. A story forager and seeker of connection, I’m the Content Director here at Beacon. Ok, confession ti…
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V dnešnom videu vám porozprávam o mojich skúsenostiach s finančným sprostredkovaním v štrukturálnej firme po 12 mesiacoch. Za posledný rok som toho zažil a naučil sa veľmi veľa. O podnikaní, ľuďoch, víziách, rozdieloch v osobnostiach... Je toho veľa, preto je aj toto video dlhšie. Video je prístupné v plnej verzii. Hovorím v ňom o týchto bodoch: - …
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V tomto videu som zhrnul tie najdôležitejšie oblasti finančnej gramotnosti. Nájdete tam vzdelanie na úrovni základnej školy (napr. Míňaj menej než zarobíš a zvyšok investuj), ale nájdete v ňom aj témy z vysokej školy osobných financií (napr. globálna diverzifikácia či váš najväčší výdavok v živote). Moje odporúčanie je nasledovné. Najprv si prejdit…
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Som veľmi rád, že vám môžem ponúknuť tohtoročnú verziu Reportu realitného investora. Zvolil som formát videa, nakoľko sa mi tak ľahšie hovorí o tejto téme. V členskej zóne nájdete pri tomto videu aj report z roku 2022, kde si viete pozrieť konkrétny postup, ako kupovať investičné nehnuteľnosti "mimo vášho bydliska" či makro-faktory, ktoré sledujem …
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V minulosti som vám priniesol videá o investovaní do nehnuteľností v Španielsku, Dubaji a dnes mám pre vás video o investovaní do nehnuteľností na Francúzskej riviére. Pri oblasti Francúzska riviéra vás pravdepodobne napadne asi najznámejšie mesto tejto oblasti St. Trapéz, no riviéra je omnoho väčšia. Taktiež možností, kde na nej investovať, je tak…
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Toto video veľmi dobre zapadá do vzdelávania ohľadne moderného podnikania. Podcasty a videá sú z môjho pohľadu budúcnosťou marketingu a komunikácie so zákazníkmi. Klasický prístup typu – pustím jednu reklamu na všetkých ľudí, ktorí sledujú televíziu XYZ a snáď medzi nimi bude aj môj cieľový zákazník – funguje možno pre veľké firmy. I keď aj tam je …
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Na tento rozhovor som sa veľmi tešil. Elizeja som stretol na konferencii Forbes Money Summit a veľmi ma jeho životný príbeh a rozprávanie o zberateľských minciach zaujalo. Preto som sa rozhodol vyspovedať ho na túto tému a musím sa priznať, že to bol výborný rozhovor. Prebrali sme v ňom aj tieto otázky: - Ako si sa dostal k numizmatike a zberateľst…
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Dnes mám pre vás záznam z webinára, ktorý sme zrealizovali spolu s Norom Nepelom a Mariánom Ďuricom z Papučového investora. Témou bolo investovanie do individuálnych (najmä štátnych) dlhopisov a ich držanie do splatnosti. Na webinári sme prebrali aj tieto témy: - Ako fungujú dlhopisy - Durácia/ Konvexita dlhopisov - prečo sú dôležité - Od čoho závi…
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Tento príbeh by si mal vypočuť každý začínajúci podnikateľ. Je totiž odpoveďou na otázku: "Prečo skrachuje 99% podnikateľov do 10 rokov?" To hovoria štatistiky o podnikaní na Slovensku. Tých dôvodov je samozrejme viacero. Konkrétne sedem a ak vášmu podnikaniu chýba čo i len jediný, pravdepodobne skončí aj vaše podnikanie do 10 rokov neúspechom. O o…
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The truth is like a lion. You don't have to defend it. Let it loose. It will defend itself. - Saint Augustine - Vēritās līberābit vōs. The Smart & Spiritual™ Podcast - with Nicole Berryhill - Where smart and spiritual come together to reveal truly good news.™ Episode 10 - Love After Life, Part 1 Today's episode marks a bit of a change in format for…
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Program Smart-Life nie je len o investovaní, osobných financiách a podnikaní. Je aj o zdraví, pretože všetky investície vám budú zbytočné, ak nebudete mať zdravie. Verím, že ste počas týchto sviatkov príliš nezhrešili a ak áno, toto video vám môže pomôcť "napraviť sa". Dal som v ňom dokopy top zmeny v mojom živote práve z oblasti zdravého životného…
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Ak ešte nie ste prihlásený/á na odber mojich mailov, tu je link na prihlasovací formulár - Potrebuje sa poradiť o Vašej situácii? Tu je link na môj kalendár ____________________________ Asi druhou najčastejšou investičnou destináciou, na ktorú sa ma pýtate, je Dubaj. …
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The Smart & Spiritual™ Podcast - with Nicole Berryhill - Where smart and spiritual come together to reveal truly good news.™ Episode 9 - "In Jesus' Name?" Word of the Week: Onoma (Ancient Greek: ὄνομᾰ) When we pray for something "In Jesus' Name", what does that even mean? A huge majority of the westernized church has been taught and conditioned to …
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