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Life@All for One - Der Podcast

All for One

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Life@All for One ist der erste offizielle Podcast der All for One. In diesem Podcast haben wir viele spannende Themen zusammengestellt, die euch einen Einblick in die IT-Consulting Welt vermitteln sollen. Wir schauen gemeinsam auf unsere Unternehmenskultur, stellen euch unsere Kolleginnen und Kollegen, attraktive Jobs sowie Geschichten aus der All for One Welt vor. Moderation: Antonia Markert & Rafael Wedemeyer Die All for One: Wir, die All for One, sind eine führende Consulting- und IT-Grup ...
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All For The One Podcast

First Christian Church

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Welcome to the All For the One Podcast, presented by First Christian Church (located in Canton, Ohio). This podcast features stories and conversations about life, Jesus, and what happens when they come together. FCC exists to help people find hope, experience community, and live with purpose as we reach out with unconditional love to all people and lead them to be all in disciples of Jesus. To learn more, visit
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All in One Podcast for Middle School Language Arts Teachers

Linda from "All in One Middle School"

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Calling all middle school language arts teachers! Teaching has become so overwhelming. It can be isolating at times, and it is sometimes difficult to get help when you need it. In this podcast, we will discuss the many complexities that middle school language arts teachers face. There will be tons of actionable ideas to help you simplify your planning, streamline your teaching, and enjoy more free time.
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One Pod For All


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From the comfort of her couch, Isabel will share her thoughts on anything she finds interesting. There will be so many different kinds of topics involved, you won't even know how to keep track of them. The One Pod for All podcast is aimed at everybody, so tune in every week to find out if it is for you!
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One Voice For All

Justin Martes

All Sports All The Time!!!! Many people out there want to have their voices heard on many huge sports related topics out there and sometimes they dont know how to get their point across...Here Is Where I Come In To Help Those Incredible Souls Follow this podcast on facebook A Voice One Voice One Voice For All Yours Truly Just In Time The Great Support this podcast:
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show series
If you are struggling with how to plan your year or just need some fresh ideas, then you are in the right place! Join me for a 10-month mini-series on creating an ELA curriculum map for your middle school classes. This month, we will focus on creating a novel study. We will discuss: Why novel studies are important What type of novels work well How …
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In dieser Folge sprechen wir Christian Mayrhofer, einen Experten im Bereich Corporate Learning und Talentmanagement. Christian bringt nicht nur eine beeindruckende Expertise mit, sondern auch eine faszinierende Lebensgeschichte, die von der Unterstützung jugendlicher Gangmitglieder in Lateinamerika bis hin zur Entwicklung hochrangiger Diplomlehrgän…
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Join me in this year-long series on classroom management. Each month, we will look at tips and tricks for creating a better classroom management plan. This is the eighth in the series, with a focus on classroom updates. It's the middle of the year and the honeymoon is long over. The routine feels, well, routine. Kids are getting antsy, and your cla…
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If you are struggling with how to plan your year or just need some fresh ideas, then you are in the right place! Join me for a 10-month mini-series on creating an ELA curriculum map for your middle school classes. This month, we will focus on a social issues reading unit that incorporates literacy circles. We will discuss: How to get prepared for a…
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New year, new beginnings! In our first episode of 2025, we welcome our new co-host Antonia. Together, our hosts dive into an engaging conversation with Franka, the driving force behind All for One's new employer branding campaign. Franka shares the story behind this passion project, providing insight into the challenges she overcame during the two-…
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Join me in this year-long series on classroom management. Each month, we will look at tips and tricks for creating a better classroom management plan. This is the seventh in the series, with a focus on motivating students. It’s the middle of the year and motivating students is tough. You are probably noticing that many are not turning in their best…
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If you are struggling with how to plan your year or just need some fresh ideas, then you are in the right place! Join me for a 10-month mini-series on creating an ELA curriculum map for your middle school classes. This month, we will focus on opinion writing. We will discuss: Why kids need a solid unit on opinion writing A step-by-step plan that in…
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Join me in this year-long series on classroom management. Each month, we will look at tips and tricks for creating a better classroom management plan. This is the sixth in the series, with a focus on interventions for struggling students. You’ll experience many types of learners throughout your teaching career. Although some students seem to always…
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It's the middle of the school year and we are continuing with curriculum mapping! If you need some help or fresh ideas, then you are in the right place! Join me for a 10-month mini-series on creating a curriculum map for your middle school ELA classes. This month: Informational Text We will discuss: How to get prepared for a month-long unit on info…
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Stifte raus und mitgeschrieben, denn diese Folge ist voll mit spannenden Hacks zum Thema Kommunikation. Sei es auf LinkedIn, auf der Bühne oder in Präsentationen. In unserer aktuellen Folge haben wir unsere Kollegin Romy Stehle zu Gast. Romy ist leidenschaftliche Moderatorin und bei uns in der All for One mitverantwortlich für die Interne Kommunika…
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Join me in this year-long series on classroom management. Each month, we will look at tips and tricks for creating a better classroom management plan. This is the fifth in the series, with a focus on constant tardiness and absenteeism. You know how it is. You plan your lessons. You get to school early so that you are prepared for the day. You grade…
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The school year is under way and it's time for curriculum mapping! If you need some help or fresh ideas, then you are in the right place! Join me for a 10-month mini-series on creating a curriculum map for your middle school ELA classes. We will discuss: How to get prepared for month 5 A step-by-step plan for your students to write a literary essay…
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In dieser Folge haben wir Elena Lustin zu Gast, Data Analyst bei All for One Analytics. Sie erzählt, wie sie als Quereinsteigerin und Mutter nach einer längeren Familienpause den Sprung in die IT geschafft hat. Erfahre, wie Elena ihren Alltag zwischen Familie und Job meistert, welche Skills sie aus ihrem Mathematik Studium und ihrer Mutterrolle in …
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Join me in this year-long series on classroom management. Each month, we will look at tips and tricks for creating a better classroom management plan. This is the fourth in the series, with a focus on parent-teacher communication. Parent-teacher communication is so much more than newsletters and report cards. Having good classroom management, is, b…
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The school year is under way and it's time for curriculum mapping! If you need some help or fresh ideas, then you are in the right place! Join me for a 10-month mini-series on creating a curriculum map for your middle school ELA classes. We will discuss: How to get prepared for month 4 Everything you need for a successful historical fiction unit Le…
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Wie sieht der Arbeitsalltag eines Channel Sales Managers aus, und welche Herausforderungen bringt die Pflege strategischer Partnerschaften mit sich? In unserer aktuellen Folge sprechen wir mit Tom Bajonczak (Channel Sales Manager bei Blue-Zone) über seine vielfältigen Aufgaben. Wir erhalten spannende Einblicke in die strategische Betreuung seiner P…
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Join me in this year-long series on classroom management. Each month, we will look at tips and tricks for creating a better classroom management plan. This is the third in the series, with a focus on class participation. As a teacher of over thirty years, I’ve mentored many new teachers both officially and unofficially. By far, the biggest question…
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The school year is under way and it's time for curriculum mapping! If you need some help or fresh ideas, then you are in the right place! Join me for a 10-month mini-series on creating a curriculum map for your middle school ELA classes. We will discuss: Independent Reading Planning and teaching a literary analysis essay Let's connect! Membership: …
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Coaching - ein Buzzword, das jede:r benutzt, aber viele nicht genau erklären können. Geht es dir insgeheim genauso und würdest du gerne erfahren, was ein Business Coaching ausmacht? Dann ist die neueste Podcast-Folge genau die richtige für dich. Denn diesmal haben wir unsere Kollegin Alexa Dierks, Senior Expert People Development und erfahrene Coac…
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Join me in this year-long series on classroom management. Each month, we will look at tips and tricks for creating a better classroom management plan. This is the second in the series. As a teacher of over thirty years, I’ve mentored many new teachers both officially and unofficially. By far, the biggest question and concern I’ve heard is getting a…
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If you are struggling with how to plan your year or just need some fresh ideas, then you are in the right place! Join me for a 10-month mini-series on creating a curriculum map for your middle school ELA classes. We will discuss: Integrating Grammar Integrating Vocabulary Main Unit - Character Analysis Starting First Chapter Fridays Let's connect! …
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Join me in this year-long series on classroom management. Each month, we will look at tips and tricks for creating a better classroom management plan. This is the first of the series. As a teacher of over thirty years, I’ve mentored many new teachers both officially and unofficially. By far, the biggest question and concern I’ve heard is getting a …
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If you are struggling with how to plan your year or just need some fresh ideas, then you are in the right place! Join me for a 10-month mini-series on creating a curriculum map for your middle school ELA classes. We will discuss: Getting Started - Back to School Main Unit - Personal Narrative Starting First Chapter Fridays Let's connect! Membership…
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In einer Welt, in der Zeit das wertvollste Gut ist, haben wir alle manchmal das Gefühl, Superkräfte zu benötigen, um alles unter einen Hut zu bekommen. Wer kennt es nicht? Gerade jetzt, wo die Urlaubszeit beginnt und wir alle bereits wissen, wie stressig die Vorbereitungen für die wohlverdiente Auszeit aussehen kann. Einkaufen, Koffer packen, Leben…
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Wie viele Paragraphen muss ich auswendig lernen, um beim nächsten Familientreffen als Anwalt durchzugehen??? Das wissen wir auch nicht, darum haben wir genau diese Frage unserem Gast zu Beginn des Interviews gestellt. In unserer aktuellen Folge haben wir unseren Kollegen John Erdmann zu Gast. John ist Rechtsanwalt und arbeitet im Bereich Legal & In…
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The end of year countdown is on! You feel like you should be winding down, but as every educator knows, this is crunch time. You are working harder than ever, yet your list keeps getting longer and longer. How to handle it? Read here for your end of year countdown with 1 week left of school. We will discuss: Finishing grading Getting your room in o…
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It’s the end of the school year, and you are feeling frazzled. You are trying to get things done on your end-of-the-year teacher checklist, but it somehow just keeps getting longer and longer. The answer? A solid plan where you map out your end-of-the-year teacher checklist a month before school ends. Read here for your plan with 2 weeks left of sc…
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It’s the end of the school year, and teachers everywhere are feeling the pressure. You are tending to your end-of-year teacher checklist, but it seems to be growing rather than shrinking. The answer? A solid plan where you map out your end-of-year teacher tasks a month before school ends. Read here for your plan with 3 weeks left of school. We will…
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It’s the end of the school year, and teachers everywhere are feeling the pressure. You are tending to your “to-do” list, but it seems to get exponentially bigger even while you are working hard. The answer? A solid plan where you map out your end-of-year teacher tasks a month before school ends. Listen here for your plan with 4 weeks left of school…
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April is National Poetry Month, but it doesn't have to be April to introduce your students to novels in verse. Novels in verse appeal to students because they tend to move quickly and are told in rhythmic, interesting ways. Introducing your students to quality novels in this genre is a great addition to your poetry unit, and in my opinion, a great …
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Exciting times at the All for One Group! We're delighted to share our latest podcast episode with our CHRO, Ursula Porth, who joined us in November 2023. Dive into this episode to discover the impactful projects she has already intiated and the further projects, that are yet to come. Ursula's vision for personal growth and career development is a t…
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If you teach poetry in your middle school ELA class, you know it can be a struggle. Kids often go into your poetry lessons with the attitude that poems are not interesting, they are hard to write, and that it’s too difficult to understand poems. It's therefore imperative to begin with poems that are engaging and will hook them right away. I have 10…
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If you teach poetry in your middle school ELA class, you know it can be a struggle. Kids often go into your poetry lessons with the attitude that poems are not interesting, they are hard to write, and that it’s too difficult to understand poems. The answer? Start with songs for poetry analysis. Since I’ve never met a middle schooler who hasn’t obse…
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I might be in the minority, but I absolutely love teaching poetry. I especially love having kids write poems because I get to know my students on a deeper and more meaningful level. One of the steps to becoming a good poet is to be a good reader of poetry. However, many middle school kids don’t know where to start. Therefore, you need a good plan o…
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Teaching poetry...we either love it or hate it. I'm in the "love" category. Why? Poems are simply songs without the music...and middle schoolers love music. Once they understand that, and once we simplify the poetry writing process, they usually are in the "love" category as well. One way to simplify the process is by giving kids specific types of …
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Sportrichterin, Rechtsanwältin und nun Executive Director Legal & Integrity. Hört sich nach einer außergewöhnlichen Laufbahn an? Das ist der Weg von unserer Kollegin Maria Caldarelli. Ihre Reise ist ein leuchtendes Beispiel dafür, wie vielseitige Erfahrungen zu einer dynamischen und erfolgreichen Karriere führen können. Was erwartet dich in dieser …
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Teaching poetry to middle schoolers might seem complicated, but there are so many ways to do this simply and effectively. I have found that my kids (and I) enjoy this unit more than any other unit. And, I love to incorporate poetry throughout the year so that kids will understand it better and see how valuable it is. If you’re ready to get started,…
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When you think of centers, you typically think of little kids, glue, construction paper, and a big mess. As a former first-grade teacher, I can certainly tell you that this is the absolute truth! But centers are NOT just for elementary school. In fact, one of the best literacy center ideas for middle school is for teaching reading skills and strate…
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Your teacher performance assessment can feel dreadful. Maybe it’s planned, and maybe you know there is one more left. Either way, you’ll need a shift in mindset will get you to understand how to showcase your strengths to your administrator. Although teacher observations can be very stressful, these "no fail” tips will help you to impress your admi…
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Let's embark on the third and final adventure (not quite, this is part I of part III) of this year's Academy Awards series. I had so many thoughts and had to share them with you in all the details. Have fun! Thanks for listening - to stay updated, follow me on Instagram @genuinelyisabel !Av Isabel
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CS.. Was? Ganz richtig gelesen. CSO - der Chief Strategy Officer. In dieser Podcastfolge dürfen Rafael und Sharina den CSO der All for One begrüßen. Christian Hopfner ist schon lange Teil der All for One Group - doch seit diesem Geschäftsjahr dürfen wir ihn zu seiner neuen Rolle beglückwünschen. Doch was macht ein Chief Strategy Officer eigentlich?…
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While Oppenheimer and Barbie are part of my Oscars 2024 series and while I'm probably the last person on this earth to review the two gigantic hits of the summer, I had to do them justice and give them their very own episode. Enjoy! Thanks for listening - to stay updated, follow me on Instagram @genuinelyisabel !…
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Hi guys! I'm back. What a shock, right? I'm so happy to have returned and we're starting this podcast season with a bang - or continuing just as strong as I've left you. Today we're chatting about the Oscars 2024, or Academy Awards, and the first 3 nominees: The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar NYAD Maestro Enjoy! Thanks for listening - to stay updat…
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If you are a middle school language arts teacher, then you teach reading skills. There is a certain "finesse" that you will need to do this well at the middle school level. This is the seventh and final episode in a mini-series on teaching reading skills to our middle schoolers. This episode focuses on how to teach theme. Teaching theme in literatu…
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Wie weiblich ist die IT Branche? Diese Frage haben wir uns in unserem Podcast schon einmal gestellt. Doch wer sind die Frauen, die bei uns tätig sind und unsere Gruppe tagtäglich prägen und erfolgreich machen? In unserer neuen Podcastreihe "Breaking Tech-Barriers" wollen wir euch einige von ihnen vorstellen und zeigen, wie sie die All for One Grupp…
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If you are a middle school language arts teacher, then you teach reading skills. There is a certain "finesse" that you will need to do this well at the middle school level. This is the sixth in a mini-series on teaching reading skills to our middle schoolers. This episode focuses on teaching point of view and perspective. Teaching point of view and…
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If you are a middle school language arts teacher, then you teach reading skills. There is a certain "finesse" that you will need to do this well at the middle school level. This is the fifth in a mini-series on teaching reading skills to our middle schoolers. This episode focuses on teaching dialogue and internal monologue. Teaching dialogue and in…
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If you are a middle school language arts teacher, then you teach reading skills. There is a certain "finesse" that you will need to do this well at the middle school level. This is the fourth in a mini-series on teaching reading skills to our middle schoolers. This episode focuses on teaching symbolism. Teaching symbolism in literature is a skill y…
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If you are a middle school language arts teacher, teaching reading skills is a must.There is a certain "finesse" that you will need to do this well at the middle school level. This is the third in a mini-series on teaching reading skills to our middle schoolers. This episode focuses on teaching conflict in literature. Understanding types of conflic…
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If you are a middle school language arts teacher, then you teach reading skills. There is a certain "finesse" that you will need to do this well at the middle school level. This is the second in a mini-series on teaching reading skills to our middle schoolers. This episode focuses on teaching character analysis. Teaching a deep understanding about …
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