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Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Hochschulkommunikation

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Zugespitzt und wissenschaftsnah – das ist der „Hypothese“-Podcast der Uni Bonn. Jeden zweiten Donnerstag stellen sich renommierte Gäste einer zugespitzten Hypothese zu einem gesellschaftlich relevanten Thema. Moderiert von dem Journalisten Denis Nasser wägt jeweils eine Expertin oder ein Experte den Wahrheitsgehalt der Titelaussage ab und gibt abschließend ein Votum ab, ob die finale Einschätzung eher in Richtung „verifiziert“ (also als „wahr bestätigt“) oder falsifiziert (als „unwahr“ bestä ...
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The Hypothesis

Luke Crane & Christopher Badell

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From the brains in jars behind Ludological Alchemy come words for your ears! The Hypothesis is a monthly podcast about the whys and wherefores of games, how they're designed and developed, and what they mean. We release episodes the final Wednesday of each month at 11 AM, Eastern time.
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Salut! ici Frédérik Lacharité, courtier hypothécaire dans la province de Québec, Canada. Ce balado parle de finance personnelle, d'argent, d'astuces pour atteindre l'indépendance financière et d'hypothèques. Je m'adresse aux personnes qui, comme moi, veulent sortir du métro boulot dodo et prendre le bon chemin financier vers une vie où il y a plus de choix. Salarié en informatique pendant 20 ans, l'indépendance financière m'a permis de quitter mon 9@5 et suivre ma passion de la finance perso ...
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HI! Welcome to Hypothetically Intentional! Where we ask the question: What if we set intentions with everything we do? Season 2 brings changes and Michelle hosts solo to... well... hang out with guests and learn more about their purpose. Together, they talk about life, wisdom, spirituality, and healing. Among other things. They critically evaluate pop wisdom. They share stories. They laugh. They cuss. (tastefully) Join us every Sunday! BYE! (Be You Everyday) Michelle Aalbers
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Ihai (zaa_solid)

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Terima Kasih sudah mampir di beranda. Suka cerita tapi kadang bingung mau cerita dimana, Ekstrovert yang paling Introvert. email saya di sitikhadijah8655@gmail.com
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David Gutsche, Emily Dussault, Michael John

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"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one less traveled by, and listening to the Hypotheticast made all the difference." - Robert Frost
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Rundfunk Media AB

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En podd om hälsoångest, skam samt verkliga och inbillade symptom, från Kronans Apotek. Vår programledare Håkan Iwar och farmaceuten Ynette Gustavsson bjuder in spännande gäster för personliga samtal om känsliga ämnen.
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Health with Hashimoto’s - Autoimmune Disease, Hypothyroid, Thyroid Problems, Woman’s Health

Esther Yunkin - Registered Nurse, Hashimoto’s Coach, Holistic Health

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Tired of feeling exhausted and overwhelmed by your Hashimoto’s or thyroid problems? The Health with Hashimoto’s podcast is your resource for holistic, root-cause solutions to regain your energy and create lasting wellness. Hosted by Esther Yunkin, a registered nurse, holistic health educator, and Hashimoto’s warrior, this podcast covers everything you need to know about Hashimoto’s and thyroid problems, including: * What is Hashimoto’s? * Why do people get Hashimoto’s? * How to address the r ...
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Dieser Podcast beschäftigt sich mit Themen unseres Alltags. Wir werden uns u.a. mit Feminismus, Sexismus, Diskriminierung, Vorurteilen und Stereotypen auseinandersetzen - dabei gibt es sowohl persönliche Anekdoten als natürlich auch einen pädagogisch wertvollen Anteil, der aus Informationen inkl. Quellen bestehen wird. Das mag jetzt erstmal langweilig klingen, aber nur indem wir über solche Themen sprechen, können wir einander verstehen. Und natürlich sind auch Eure Meinungen gefragt. DMs wi ...
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If you have Hashimoto’s or Hypothyroidism - YOU ARE IN THE RIGHT PLACE. You have probably seen a doctor (or two) to help you improve energy, lose weight, reduce brain fog, help hair loss and many other symptoms. You may have tried medication and maybe even diet changes and supplements. However even with that, you may still not feel completely supported or back to your old self. Instead you are likely feeling discouraged, dismissed, and lost. Sound familiar? When it comes to dealing with your ...
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Hypoluxo Car Wash

Hypoluxo Car Wash

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Hypoluxo Car Wash offers touch free car washes that remove all dirt and grime like nobody can. Our Top Wash features RAIN-X complete car protectant. Our car wash is a touch free automatic open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
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Welcome to hypothetically speaking, with James, Finn and the weekly Special Guest. We spend our free time imagining any situation from getting superpowers to how we would die if we could pick. Stop on by for some smart responses, constant bickering and plenty of laughter.
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Staal - SDU Studenterradio - Oliver Orup Kristensen & Mark Tolstrup Christensen

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Debatterende, underholdende og faglig fodboldpodcast 🎧 I hvert afsnit tager vi fire aktuelle emner op. Til hvert emne stilles der tre hypoteser, som de to eksperter skiftevis besvarer med kun et enkelt ord i form af ja/nej. Efterfølgende zoomer vi ind på hypotesen, der er mest diskuterbar, hvor eksperterne får lov at begrunde deres besvarelse. Programmet indeholder også en indlagt quiz og til sidst en lille udfordring til jer lyttere. I skal nemlig gætte vores "Hemmelige fodboldspiller" via ...
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Hypothetical Humans

Hypothetical Humans

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Each week Nick and Casey discuss a hypothetical situation that could potentially plague the world - and how they think it’ll play out. Lightly researched, highly entertaining. Hypothetically. Listen to us on iTunes, Google Podcasts, Spotify, and other major platforms!
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We go through my hypothesis' and sift through them while looking at relevant information drawn from todays society on mind body medicine, eastern/western outlooks and beliefs and how they compare and what we should be focusing on for the body and the mind for a well society.
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THE HYPONEYSTAL' PROJECT (TH'P) пропагандирует уважение к общечеловеческим моральным и этическим ценностям, равенство народов, заботу об окружающей среде и любовь к Миру. Группа возникла в начале нового тысячелетия и некоторое время существовала под разными названиями, а с 2003 года стала именоваться The Hyponeystal' Project (THP, TH'P, DaHyponeystalProject). Название образовано от экологического термина "Гипонейсталь" - обозначающего границу водораздела океана с атмосферой, введённого в нач ...
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Absurd Hypotheticals

Chris Yee, Marcus Lehner, Ben Storms

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Absurd Hypotheticals is a comedy podcast where co-hosts Chris Yee, Marcus Lehner, and Ben Storms answer ridiculous questions in funny ways. What if you had the ability to perfectly train whales? What if all paper disappeared? Tune in to find out. New episode every Monday.
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Opinions and hypotheses


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I’m just another individual trying to survive mean while Im sharing a few words with the people that might need to hear them. The question I want to ask you and myself is How are we going to impact the world ?
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Wrestling Hypothesis

Aba Ibragimov

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Hi there! Welcome to the Wrestling Hypothesis Podcast, where you will want to kick back and listen to a group of friends discuss all things pro wrestling! We talk about the latest wrestling news, review the latest wrestling shows and PPVs, and even crack some jokes along the way!
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show series
What happens when we "lose ourselves" in creativity? Is it a gateway to the soul? Michelle talks about creating space to "get lost" in a moment and connecting with your soul. Join our free Facebook group and tangle your way to your soul with the Zentangle® Method. https://www.facebook.com/share/g/1G2LrPpUQ4/ Learn more about the Zentangle Method at…
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Dans cet épisode je discute de 10 actions concrètes pour devenir indépendant financièrement. J'explore la différence entre vouloir et souhaiter l'indépendance financière, l'importance de fixer des objectifs financiers SMART, de tenir un budget mensuel, de créer un fonds d'urgence, et d'éliminer les dettes coûteuses. J'aborde aussi comment automatis…
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What if managing your health felt more like tending a garden—completely in your control and full of potential? In this episode, I share why YOU are the CEO and the gardener—nurturing and choosing what works for your unique health "garden." We'll explore how to select the right "seeds" for your health, influenced by personal circumstances like your …
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Dearest listener, Here we present to a special episode. Normally, we limit such special episodes to paid subscribers, but we enjoyed this discussion so much we wanted to share it with everyone. Please enjoy and if you’re so compelled, put a few goldberries in our yellow hat. TOM BOMBADIL. Merry old Tom is a denizen of the Old Forest, northeast of t…
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Tarot and the fear around it have been coming up a lot lately. Join Michelle as she talks off the cuff about her Tarot journey - starting with The Fool. Send us a text This podcast is provided for educational, informational, and entertainment purposes only and does not constitute providing professional medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, or profe…
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Aujourd'hui, je partage mes podcasts québécois favoris pour 2025. Ces six podcasts actifs offrent un contenu varié sur les finances personnelles, l'investissement et le développement personnel. Je présente d'abord 'Finance Fondamentale', qui résume des livres sur les finances avec un épisode hebdomadaire, et 'Financièrement parlant de Québec', qui …
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In this episode, I sit down with Steve Anderson, a compounding pharmacist and owner of The Apothecary, to explore the potential of Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) in managing autoimmune conditions like Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. LDN has been a game-changer for me personally, helping me feel “normal” again after years of struggling. If you’ve been curious a…
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Join Inna's 10-Day Hashimoto’s Weight Loss Jumpstart here: https://innatopiler.com/jumpstart/ In this episode, Inna offers a fresh perspective on health planning for 2025, focusing specifically on how you, with Hashimoto’s can set yourself up for success in a way that works with your unique needs. While everyone else is talking about business goals…
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GPS, Internet, Navigationssysteme, Bargeldabhebungen und sogar die Stabilität unserer Stromnetze hängt von weltraumbasierter Technologie ab. Damit bietet der Weltraum einen verletzlichen Angriffspunkt für die moderne Kriegsführung. In der neusten Folge des Hypothese-Podcasts diskutiert Dr. Enrico Fels, Geschäftsführer des Center for Advanced Securi…
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In this episode, Michelle and Cat dive into the transformative process of self-awareness and the challenges it often brings, including discomfort and self-criticism. They explore how recognizing habitual behaviors can spark the desire for change, and Cat emphasizes the importance of practice and time in developing new skills to navigate situations …
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Je parle de faire son bilan annuel de l'indépendance financière pour l'année 2024. Je souligne l'importance d'évaluer sa situation actuelle, de fixer ou ajuster des objectifs financiers, d'identifier des fuites financières, et de planifier les grandes étapes à venir. Je propose aussi de renforcer les bonnes habitudes financières et d'optimiser les …
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When people talk about the "root cause" of Hashimoto's, what do they really mean—and what does that mean for you? This episode unpacks the concept of root causes, showing you how to uncover what’s driving your symptoms without relying on expensive lab tests. Whether it’s stress, diet, or environmental triggers, you’ll gain practical insights to tak…
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Drop into the moment with Michelle. You can revisit this any time you are feeling the need to "leave everything at the door" and create some space and ease, even if for just a moment. Send us a text This podcast is provided for educational, informational, and entertainment purposes only and does not constitute providing professional medical advice,…
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Dans cet épisode, je parle de l'importance de la gratitude et son lien avec l'indépendance financière. La gratitude, définie comme une reconnaissance consciente et sincère des bienfaits que nous recevons, nous aide à nous concentrer sur les aspects positifs de notre vie, réduisant ainsi les dépenses impulsives et renforçant la discipline financière…
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Are you ready to make real progress in your Hashimoto’s wellness journey this New Year without feeling overwhelmed? If you’re feeling stuck trying to improve your health while managing Hashimoto’s, this episode is your fresh start. Discover how simple, sustainable habits can help you feel better, regain energy, and create lasting wellness. Learn th…
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Join Inna's 10-Day Hashimoto’s Weight Loss Jumpstart here: https://innatopiler.com/jumpstart/ In this episode, Inna Topiler is joined by gut health expert Dr. Vincent Pedre to explore the hidden connections between coffee, fatigue, and Hashimoto’s. They dive into Samantha’s story—a busy mom of three who relied on coffee to power through her day but…
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We know that for many, today is a day known as "Christmas Day", however, we here at Ludological Alchemy celebrate a more esoteric event: the final episode of our podcast The Hypothesis for the year 2024. Our first year of podcasting and blogging has been tumultuous, perilous, enlightening, frustrating, joyous, fraught, and entirely worthwhile, by o…
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It was a great conversation with Tara Elizabeth Gush. You can find her at instagram.com/tara_elizabeth_gush/ Michelle welcomes Tara to discuss their experiences with breathwork and its connection to other wellness practices. Tara, a breathwork facilitator, explained that breathwork is a series of breathing techniques used to shift the state of the …
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J'explore le chapitre 4 du livre 'Breaking free from broke', qui traite des prêts étudiants. Je discute de la problématique croissante de l'endettement étudiant, en particulier aux États-Unis, et offre des solutions pour éviter ou gérer les prêts étudiants. Le podcast propose des stratégies pour encourager l'éducation sans endettement, en soulignan…
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Fasting can cause increased stress. The low blood sugar that happens during fasting can be a root cause for some people’s Hashimoto’s and thyroid problems. Other people say nearly the opposite. They claim that fasting can help the immune system and can help your body heal. Which is true? Find out in this episode. JOIN THE COMMUNITY Unlock your well…
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Dr. Cat is back and we discuss the importance of creativity in navigating challenging times, particularly during the holiday season. Breaking free from autopilot and making intentional choices to care for oneself can do wonders. They discuss finding ways to balance service with self-care. Send us a text This podcast is provided for educational, inf…
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Dans cet épisode, je discute du livre 'Breaking Free from Broke' et j'explore le chapitre trois intitulé 'La carte de crédit'. Le livre explique les dangers des cartes de crédit et démystifie les fausses croyances à leur sujet. Le chapitre revient notamment sur l'historique des cartes de crédit, les différentes sources de revenus des compagnies de …
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What are the best supplements for Hashimoto’s? With over 20,000 products available to you, how do you know what vitamins or herbs are helpful if you have Hashimoto’s disease? In this episode, Esther guides you through what is most important to support your body if you have an autoimmune disease. Support your health by following this simple plan. I …
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Join Inna's 10-Day Hashimoto’s Weight Loss Jumpstart here: https://innatopiler.com/jumpstart/ In this episode, Inna sits down with Emily Sadri to explore a case from her Thyroid Mystery Solved program. Meet Janet. Janet is a devoted advocate for natural living, who found herself facing symptoms that didn’t align with her healthy lifestyle. Despite …
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Josh was missing from our layover episode, so we connected to hear about his experience in Chiangmai. Josh described the trip as magical and complete in itself and expressed his intention to return to Chiangmai for more experiences with the local people, animals, and culture. Send us a text This podcast is provided for educational, informational, a…
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Dans cet épisode, nous explorons la théorie moderne du portefeuille, un concept clé pour optimiser vos investissements en fonction du rendement et du risque. Je partage mon parcours et mon expérience en utilisant cette théorie pour atteindre l'indépendance financière en faisant le lien avec la formule en cinq étapes pour y parvenir. Je discute égal…
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Weight loss medications like Ozempic, Semaglutide, Wegovy, Mounjaro, and Zepbound have been gaining popularity. They seem like the perfect answer for people with Hashimoto’s or hypothyroid and who are struggling to lose weight. Are they the right option for you? It can be hard to find factual answers because people have OPINIONS on this topic! This…
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The group gathers at our gate to fly home and we recap our experiences in Chiangmai, Thailand. We spent 18 days together in my favorite city! It was a magical experience for Dan and I. I think it's safe to say our guests felt the same in their unique ways. The sound on this one could be better, but we did this in real-time while waiting to board th…
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Dans cet épisode, je reçois Raphael Delamarre, un conseiller en sécurité financière, pour discuter des cinq étapes clés vers l'indépendance financière. Raphael décrit son parcours et nous guide à travers les stratégies pour rembourser les dettes, accumuler une mise de fonds, acheter une propriété, investir pour l'indépendance financière et enfin re…
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Are you throwing away the most powerful healing ingredient on your Thanksgiving table? Transform your leftover turkey carcass into a potent elixir that could potentially reduce inflammation, support your immune system, and heal your gut – all while creating a delicious, nutrient-dense liquid that your body craves. By listening to this episode, you'…
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Join Inna's 10-Day Hashimoto’s Weight Loss Jumpstart here: https://innatopiler.com/jumpstart/ In this episode, Inna dives into the complex relationship between stress, insomnia, and Hashimoto’s, sharing why so many struggle with sleepless nights and Hashimoto’s flares and what can be done to change it. She highlights Amanda’s story—a Hashimoto’s pa…
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Mehr als 1,8 Millionen Menschen in Deutschland sind an einer Demenz erkrankt, davon rund 1,2 Millionen an Alzheimer. Seit einigen Jahren wird darauf hingearbeitet, mit sogenannten Biomarkern das Risiko zu ermitteln, mit dem jemand in den nächsten Jahren an Alzheimer-Demenz erkrankt. Wollen wir unser Demenzrisiko wirklich wissen? Welche Auswirkungen…
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We return to undertake a challenge. What rules must one adhere to when crafting roleplaying games? We develop a list of ten of them. Listen to follow our journey! Technical note for our listeners: Recording this episode seems to have triggered some mild curse. Christopher appears to have angered some kami of audio, a gremlin of podcasting. Thus the…
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Sisterhood: Sacred or Scarring? Or both! Spoons returns and we invite our good friend Sharon to the room. We talk about making friendships and how childhood experiences might be carried forward to make that extra challenging. We are talking specifically about making friends with other women as adults and how the challenges of our childhood play int…
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Dans cet épisode, je présente les six phases de l'investissement performant tirées du livre 'Gagner son indépendance financière et protéger son patrimoine: Les 12 règles d'or' d'Etienne Brois. J'explore la manière dont l'auteur structure les étapes de l'investissement, en commençant par l'épargne active et la capitalisation, en passant par l'invest…
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Are you tired of feeling like Hashimoto’s controls your life? This episode dives into the unique struggles women with Hashimoto’s face and reveals how a holistic approach can help you reclaim your energy, clarity, and confidence. You’ll learn the key to addressing root causes instead of just masking symptoms, discover how to cut through conflicting…
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Cat and Michelle discuss the concept of shadow work and its impact on personal growth. Cat shares her recent experience of going on a hermitage, where she read through her old journals from adolescence to early adulthood. This opened the door to an unexpected but welcomed shadow work experience. The conversation concludes with Cat expressing a sens…
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Dans cet épisode, je réponds aux questions d'un auditeur sur les pièges de l'immobilier locatif et l'utilisation de l'équité de sa maison pour investir. Je mets également en garde contre les partenariats et donne des recommandations pratiques pour réussir en investissement immobilier. Pour télécharger le PDF du plan en 5 étapes : https://www.freder…
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Do you ever feel like your Hashimoto's symptoms get worse in the fall? What if there’s a reason you start feeling off around this time of year? Many of us feel the seasonal shift, especially if you’re managing something like Hashimoto’s. In this episode: The Autumn Slide – Why it affects so many of us each fall. S-L-I-D-E Explained – How seasonal c…
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Join Inna's 10-Day Hashimoto’s Weight Loss Jumpstart here: https://innatopiler.com/jumpstart/ In this episode, Inna discusses why it is often very difficult to lose weight with Hashimoto’s. Restricting calories and working out more will only take you so far and in order to really see results, it's about looking at the whole picture. Inna discusses …
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Was haben Elitesklaven mit Profi-Fußballern gemein? Diese Frage hat Geschichtswissenschaftler Dr. Alexander Rothenberg in seiner Doktorarbeit am Exzellenzcluster Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies (BCDSS) der Universität Bonn untersucht. In der neuen Folge des Hypothese-Podcasts diskutiert er mit Moderator Denis Nasser die These „Profi-…
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