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Nexus Church

Jon Purkey

Varje vecka
Welcome to the podcast of Nexus Church led by Pastor Jon Purkey. Nexus Church is all about spreading the love of Christ to a lost and dying world. Our mandate is to destroy the misconceptions that Religion has put in the minds of people concerning the true nature of God. To learn more visit our website at or download the Nexus Church app.
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show series
Many problems persist because we're not claiming the authority Christ has given us. The Devil thrives when we stay in the arena of reasoning, but victory is ours when we stand firm in faith! - Faith is 100% certainty - Know the Word, trust it and speak with authority. - Guard your mind, heart and mouth - Don't let negative thoughts or words give th…
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Do you live your life walking in authority? Or are you jumping from panic to panic and in a constant “freak out” mode? Ephesians shows us the power given to us by Christ and helps us to see that because of this power Satan’s rule over our lives should be OVER! Let’s set aside our victim vocabulary and pick up our crown of confidence. God has given …
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The Apostle Paul reminds us that the sufferings of this present world are not worthy to be compared to the glory that shall be revealed in us! Maybe you’re in a season of pain, heartache, and trials. Maybe you’re trying to make sense out of the nonsensical difficulties you’re finding yourself in. But we serve a God who knows how to make his people …
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If you are waiting for the noise to stop before you move forward, you will always remain right where you are! The enemy wants you to be paralyzed. You can’t wait for the enemy to leave you alone before you move forward! The apostle Paul said I’m not where I want to be, but I’m forgetting those things that are behind me and I’m pressing on! You gott…
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The influence of the Antichrist is subtle and demonic. This spirit is seductive and active right now, pulling people away from their first love of Christ. There is a rebellion against the authority of God’s Word. There is a consequence for lawlessness and sin. Full obedience to the Word is a requirement, partial obedience is disobedience and will l…
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The enemy loves nothing more than to give you things that look and sound true, but Jesus says, “I am THE way, THE truth, and THE life!” In our world, truth has become a feeling, or an ideology, or a perception; it’s no longer looked at as an absolute. The majority will tell you that the truth is inclusive and tolerant, or that you can have YOUR tru…
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Have you ever gone after what God has placed in your heart, but because of the obstacles along the way, your hope began to shrink? I believe the devil can see the writing on the wall when breakthroughs are about to happen in our lives and when God is about to unleash the very thing the enemy has been trying to prevent! Devil’s whole mission is to d…
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Every good and perfect gift comes from our Heavenly Father, and he has graced you for this time and this season! There may be people lying about you, dragging your name through the mud, and turning their back on you, but God says my grace is sufficient for you! His grace is unmerited favor, gives you what you don’t deserve and cannot earn, and is a…
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There is nothing that Satan wants more than for you to live in deception! Satan’s motive is for you to experience physical, spiritual, and eternal death, and he does that by getting you to believe his lies. The enemy will sow thoughts that God isn’t good, what God says isn’t true, and that living right doesn’t matter. Those lies will start to sound…
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Abiding in Christ is the ONLY way to love a fruit filled life!!!! Jesus is the true source, the vine, when we are connected to him we become branches that produce fruit. God is the gardener, who takes care of us by pruning and cutting the things that will keep us from continually bearing more and more fruit!!!! Don’t be discouraged during seasons a…
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Many people are trying to live in Christ when they’ve never died with Christ! Do you want Jesus to live inside you but not through you? We’re called to love what He loves and hate what He hates! Don’t live a life where Jesus is your savior but not your Lord. When we’ve died to ourselves and it’s Christ who lives in us, we’ll live in obedience to Hi…
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Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus and not on confusion, chaos, and uncertainty! We live in a world of know-it-alls, but sometimes the best thing you can do is to admit that you don’t know what to do. In those moments, throw your hands up and trust that Jesus will see you through! Keep your eyes on the Lord, even when it’s not fun, even when it’s not ex…
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Comparison is one of the biggest stumbling blocks to living a joyful and fulfilled life. When we compare ourselves and our lives’ to other people we will either puff up in pride or sink down in insecurity. The temptation to compare will come, just remember that no one has a perfect set of circumstances, and everyone experiences pain. Instead of liv…
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The Lord has something greater in store for you, and it’s time for you to stop wearing yourself out by searching for the wrong thing! The devil wants to discourage you by getting you to believe that your constant struggling and adversity are normal. You’ll never seek freedom when Satan has robbed your knowledge of what you’re supposed to have! In t…
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Ever been quick to call out someone else's faults? Jesus reminds us to look at our own flaws first. It's a wake-up call for all of us. "Why worry about a speck in your friend's eye when you have a plank in your own?" This challenges us to lead with humility and grace. We often think we’re clean, but let’s face it—we all have our mess. We saw how th…
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Jesus has a great blessing for us, but it isn’t always what we think and it doesn’t come without a cost! To be blessed is to have a deep rooted joy and peace, unmoved by our external circumstances. The only way we can have that is to surrender, we must admit we are helpless without Christ!!! Without humbly understanding only He can save us we will …
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God's promises are not just words on a page but a living, breathing testament to our inheritance as His children. It's time to rise up and claim God's Word over every area of our lives! Keep praying according to God's will. When we align our prayers with His promises, we are not only affirming our faith but also activating His power in our circumst…
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Do you hunger and thirst after the Lord and His Word?! Are you seeking after Him and His truth? God’s supply never runs out, He is always willing to fill you up. Just remember, you can never be filled past the space you create for Him in your life!!!! Make more time for Him in your daily life, invite Him in, give Him full reign to disrupt your sche…
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Do you know who you are? Before God can bless you, you have to be able to face yourself! It’s only when you admit who you are that God can change you into who you’re supposed to be. Get alone with God and wrestle with Him! Seclusion helps rid us of distraction so we can focus on what the Lord wants to do in our lives. Don’t get discouraged when you…
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The false thinking that your life can’t or won’t get any better is a lie from the pit of hell! By faith, whatever situation you’re in can change. The Word tells us that faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen, and that faith come by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. Faith activates the very real things G…
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Did you know God had a plan in place for your life before you were even born?! Whether or not you know what it is yet or not, doesn’t change the truth that He does!!! God wants us to lean in to Him, to give Him all of our fears and concerns and weaknesses, so that He can show us the calling He has for our lives and equip us to walk it out on a dail…
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The devil may want to distract, demotivate, and discourage us, but we’re shouting hallelujah anyhow! The enemy doesn’t know what to do when you respond to your pain with praise. A hallelujah allows us to boast in God and give a joyous praise in song, but maybe you’re still stuck in the mess you’re in because you’ve never bothered to raised up a hal…
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Do you allow God’s Word to settle into your life so that it can produce change? Just because people sit in church and hear the gospel doesn’t mean change will take place! The parable of the sower shows us that not only were hearts created by God to bring forth fruit when God’s Word is planted in it, but that not all hearts can be receptive to the t…
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Recognizing that something is wrong in our lives doesn’t automatically change that thing! The Bible tells us in James we must set aside and repent of all of the filthiness that sin brings into our lives. True freedom is found in submitting to Gods ways above our own!!!! Then we will be able to eliminate distractions as we make the decision to conti…
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It’s time to flip the script! Too many times we get stuck in memories, regrets, and the pains of the past. Paul instructs us in Philippians to press forward, to keep our eyes focused on what’s ahead, and to forget the past!!!! Holding on to unforgiveness, towards ourselves and others, chains us up and places us in bondage. In Christ, we can break f…
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Be careful about momentary pleasures that end up becoming a permanent destination! When you want to do your own thing instead of God’s thing, it eventually will bring a great famine to every area of your life. The prodigal son didn’t ask for his inheritance to have a higher standard of living — he was born into the money, he already had servants, h…
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In Christ, we are deserving of abundance, provision, and breakthrough, but He won’t bless people He can’t move things through. God wants us to trust Him when it comes to managing the fruit He has brought into our lives! So many things are promised to us in the Word, and there is a choice on our part attached to every one of those promises. God need…
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Are you looking for the right thing in the wrong place? The angels asked the women who came to the tomb looking for Jesus, “Why do you seek the living among the dead?” What God wants to do in your life will not happen in a dead place. Yoh have to stop trying to go back to the past and fix what used to be! Stop putting your resources into things God…
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The Holy Spirit wants to do a mighty work in your life, and God’s going to get rid of everything in your life that’s bringing pollution to your soul! The hardest thing to do is to get people to change — even after God had delivered the Israelites out of Egypt, they were still acting more like Egyptians than Hebrews. You become what you are around! …
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When you’re feeling weary of continually telling the Lord “I’ll do better next time,” it’s time to ask Him to do a work in you from the inside out! Until you get a miracle on the inside, you’ll never have any power, joy, fulfillment, or freedom in your life. What good is any external blessing without God’s peace and joy in your heart? The Bible cal…
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A successful life is not measured by your popularity or possessions; it’s measured by discovering and working in the divine direction God has for you! God commands us to obey His voice and keep His covenant — you can’t get trapped in comparing yourself to others if you’re going to be used by God! God is calling you to discover His specific vision f…
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Are you missing out on the promises of God? The enemy is doing everything in his power to distract you from acting upon what is promised to us in God’s Word! The Bible calls us to fight the good fight of faith, which means we have to take action and refuse to be inactive concerning God’s promises! Plenty of folks know the Word of God, but you won’t…
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Before the confidence the Lord has for you can be found, the fear the enemy is using to confuse you must be crushed! The Lord has given you specific gifts and has a specific calling on your life, and there is a difference in being confident in God and being confident in what He’s called you to do. When we’re walking in faith and being both knowers …
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We pray because Jesus told us to! His whole life was a model for the intimate power of prayer. Not only does praying encourage us, but it is the foundation for our relationship with God and and is the way we request of the Lord what it is that we need. Jesus gives us instruction on how we should pray too, and all of it rooted in knowing God’s Word.…
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Stop letting the enemy build monuments out of things that were only meant to be moments in your life! Satan would love nothing more than for you to remain in a state of depression and hopelessness, and he attempts to keep you there by getting you to believe the lies of Hell. Don’t be a full-time babysitter for the devil’s thoughts! The Word tells u…
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Every setback you’ve experienced has prepared you for the mighty breakthrough about to happen in your life! In 1 Samuel, the Israelites reminded themselves that “up until this point the LORD has helped us!” The Lord has and will continue to help you. God never meant for you to lose! Daily we are in a spiritual fight, and the blessings and territory…
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The Lord is shifting the things that have deceived you and held you back and He's preparing to take you to another level! Moving into a season of preparation will bring new challenges — it may have seemed easy to fight battles in the valley, and as you move into new heights, it’s going to be harder to operate with less oxygen! But God wants you to …
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The Lord wants us to expand our territory, and enlarge our boundaries, so that we can have greater influence for Him!! Don’t fall in to the mindset that you are a benchwarmer but make up your mind to be a boundary buster! Speak only the truth of God’s word, refuse to remain in your comfort zone, and sing praises to Him at all times!!! God wants to …
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Just because God’s favor is on your life doesn’t mean you won’t visit some valleys, but there is a day coming where you will be overwhelmed by the promises God has given you, not the pain of your current situation! Something in your future will erase the pain of your past. God will bless you as you choose to stay in faith and refuse to walk in bitt…
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The Lord has a mighty plan for your life! God is trying to get you somewhere you’ve never been, and to get there, you can’t keep holding on to what God is calling you to move out of. Let loose of your grip on the past! Tune your ear to the voice of the Holy Spirit and operate in the wisdom that only comes from our Savior! He has a plan to sustain y…
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There is a light in the darkness that may be surrounding your life, and that light is Jesus! He is faithful in every season, no matter what it seems like! Jesus brings hope, love, joy and peace to those who are feeling discouraged, rejected, worn out, or in distress. Look to the light this season and every season and watch Him transform your life i…
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The Lord is calling you today to move out of your fear and back into faith! Just because you have mighty victories doesn’t mean you won’t visit low valleys, and the enemy of our soul will send messengers with an Ahab and Jezebel spirit to do whatever he can to keep you in fear, doubt, and despair. Take your eyes off yourself, be a hearer and doer o…
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If you haven’t noticed, this world has gone crazy!! Peace seems like it is hard to come by, but thankfully God’s Word shows us exactly how to have a perfect peace no matter what’s going on!!!! Having a peace that isn’t based on circumstance is worth more than anything the world can offer. The Bible tells us to pray, to set pride aside and tell the …
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Have you ever had a moment where you cried out to God because you didn’t know what to do? Are some of the pieces of your life scattered, and you’ve been trying to work out how to put them all together? Be encouraged!!! The Word of God tells us what to do, when we don’t know what to do! Stop talking up your current situation and problem, and start t…
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Don’t let the enemy’s tricks of discouragement work on you! He wants to get you in a place of discouragement so he can mess with your mind like never before. The devil wants you to give up! But praise God that our Father is always with us and has already gone before us in every situation! So many people never make it to their battle because they ca…
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