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Success Express

Big Blend Radio Network

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Welcome to Big Blend Radio’s ”Success Express” Channel featuring podcasts and interviews covering Business & Career, Leadership, Entrepreneurship, Law & HR, Education, Personal and Professional Development.
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L2 Capital


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Welcome to the L2 Capital Podcast, focuses on potential opportunities in the market, and brings to you industry leaders and intelligent conversation about their respective areas of expertise.
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Boldher Podcast

Cristina Correia

En gång i månaden
Do you want to achieve MORE in your CAREER? The mission of Boldher Podcast is to help determined women to raise their corporate voice and achieve recognition. By bringing together a diverse set of interviewees, you'll be able to connect with a variety of input, resources and perspectives that will power up your ambition to excel and get ahead. I'm Cristina Correia, your Career Acceleration Coach, creator of the Boldher Blueprint, and my mission is to empower women to thrive in their careers ...
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show series
From Age Discrimination in Employment Act to the Family and Medical Leave Act, this episode of Big Blend Radio's California Employment Law podcast with San Diego attorney Ward Heinrichs deciphers the "legalese" of some of the acts that pertain to employment law. Check out the list of acts and their meanings, here:…
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El catedràtic de la Universitat de Colúmbia Xavier Sala i Martín ha defensat els comptes del Barça i el valor dels jugadors formats a la Masia. També s'ha referit a la crisi que viu l'assignatura de matemàtiques: falten professors mentre baixa el nivell a les aules.Av El Matí de Catalunya Ràdio
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A partir d'avui als turistes que visitin Barcelona els sortirà més car. Hauran de pagar una taxa de quatre euros per persona i nit. Amb el catedràtic de la Universitat Colúmbia, Xavier Sala i Martín, hem analitzat les mesures que estan prenent les grans ciutats per limitar el turisme i evitar les molèsties dels veïns.…
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L’Oficina per a la Renda Bàsica Universal ha provocat un enfrontament entre el govern de Salvador Illa i Esquerra Republicana. Aquest projecte el va impulsar el govern de Pere Aragonès la passada legislatura i formava part de l’acord d’investidura de Salvador Illa, però el PSC sempre havia expressat dubtes sobre la seva aplicació.El catedràtic d'ec…
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On this episode of Big Blend Radio, filmmaker Mike Eisenberg discusses his latest documentary, THE PITCH: PATIENT SAFETY’S NEXT GENERATION, out now on VOD via Gravistas. The future of health care belongs to the next generation. A follow up of the documentary "To Err Is Human: A Patient Safety Documentary" (2018) , "The Pitch" gives viewers a glimps…
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This episode of Big Blend Radio's SUCCESS EXPRESS Business & Career Show features author, professional coach, and organizational trainer Rita Sever who discusses the good, the bad, and the possible when it comes to human resources. Topics of discussion include: - What does a good HR department cover? - What are some traits of a good HR person? - Wh…
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El catedràtic d'economia de la Universitat Colúmbia defensa que "no hi ha tantes diferències" entre els candidats a la presidència dels EUA perquè "han dit que abaixaran impostos i que continuaran la guerra comercial amb la Xina""No hi ha tantes diferències entre Trump i Harris". Així ho ha afirmat el catedràtic d'economia de la Universitat Colúmbi…
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Welcome to the first quarterly episode of Big Blend Radio's "Life Lessons" Show focusing on lessons from Baby Boomers. After all, August is Boomers Making a Difference Month! in case you're wondering, Baby Boomers are preceded by the Silent Generation and followed by Generation X. So. people born between 1946 -1964 during what is known as the mid-2…
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This "Medical Insider" episode of Big Blend Radio features author Marschall Runge, M.D., PhD, who is the executive vice president for Medical Affairs at the University of Michigan, dean of the Medical School, and CEO of Michigan Medicine. He earned his doctorate in molecular biology at Vanderbilt University and his medical degree from Johns Hopkins…
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This episode of Big Blend Radio's California Employment Law podcast with San Diego attorney Ward Heinrichs covers California's new Workplace Violence Prevention Act and why employers need to be aware of it, and most importantly put a plan in place. Based in San Diego, California, Ward represents both employers and employees in almost all areas of l…
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Celebrate National Pinot Noir Day with our Big Blend Radio "Winemaker Insider" Conversation with Dave Specter, who along with his wife Sara, owns and runs Bells Up Winery in Willamette Valley, Oregon. After more than a decade of success as a corporate tax attorney in Cincinnati, Ohio, Dave was emotionally and physically spent. Sara, a freelance mar…
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From organ donor leave to voting leave, this episode of Big Blend Radio's California Employment Law podcast with San Diego attorney Ward Heinrichs focuses California's various laws regarding Workplace Leave of Absence. Read his article about it here: Based in San Diego, Cal…
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This episode of Big Blend Radio features photographer Steve Piacente, a reporter turned speechwriter, university professor, author, and life coach. You'll rarely find him without a camera is always at his side. Hear about his photography, what and who inspires him, his world travels, and more, plus, check out his editorial Q&A with us here: https:/…
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This episode of Big Blend Radio's "Success Insider" spotlight features Clifford Garstang, author of six works of fiction including the novels “The Last Bird of Paradise,” “Oliver’s Travels,” and “The Shaman of Turtle Valley,” and the short story collections “House of the Ancients and Other Stories,” “What the Zhang Boys Know,” and “In an Uncharted …
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L'endemà de la celebració a Madrid amb l'afició de la quarta Eurocopa de la roja, en què el futbolista Lamine Yamal ha estat un dels blaugranes decisius en la victòria de la selecció espanyola, el catedràtic d'economia de la Universitat Colúmbia, Xavier Sala i Martín, ha expressat la seva preocupació sobre la sobreexposició mediàtica del jove de 17…
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This episode of Big Blend Radio's SUCCESS EXPRESS Business & Career Show features author, professional coach, and organizational trainer Rita Sever who discusses HR in small organizations. Along with sharing her career background in HR, she talks about: * When a small organization should invest in HR * What are some of the dangers if they don't hav…
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El catedràtic de la Universitat de Colúmbia i col·laborador del programa Xavier Sala i Martín recorda que any rere any el dèficit fiscal voreja el 10% del PIB català, xifra que equival a 22.000 milions d'euros. Ho explica des dels estudis de Catalunya Ràdio.- Link to the 3CatAv El Matí de Catalunya Ràdio
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El catedràtic d'economia de la Universitat Colúmbia assegura que el monopoli de Visa i Mastercard "és un perill"El 64% de les transaccions amb targeta a Europa es fan a través de les plataformes de pagament nord-americanes Visa i Mastercard. En aquest context, la Unió Europea vol posar en marxa l’euro digital, una moneda digital emesa pel Banc Cent…
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There was once a Tennessee whiskey that dwarfed Jack Daniel's, and a powerful man was behind it: V.E. "Manny" Shwab. Until now, virtually nothing has been written about either. This shared episode of Big Blend Radio's EAT, DRINK & BE MERRY Show features Clay Shwab, who discusses his biography about his great-grandfather, "Manny Shwab and the George…
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This episode of Big Blend Radio's California Employment Law podcast with San Diego attorney Ward Heinrichs focuses on paid vacation time and minimum wage. Read his article outlining the laws: Based in San Diego, California, Ward represents both employers and employees in almost all ar…
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It's all about attention to detail and exemplary customer service on this special Hospitality Insider episode of Big Blend Radio's 4th Saturday “Palm Springs Sunshine Stays” Show. Hear about the unique guest experiences provided by the boutique hotels that are part of Palm Springs Preferred Small Hotels. FEATURED GUESTS: * Robert Hunt - General Man…
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El catedràtic d'economia de la Universitat Colúmbia assegura que, com diu el tenista Roger Federer, per aconseguir l'èxit cal una combinació del talent innat i el treball molt dur"El tenista Roger Federer assegura que una de les lliçons que ha après del tenis és la importància que té l’esforç i el treball. El vuit cops campió de Wimbledon i de 20 t…
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Tot apunta que aquest dijous el Banc Central Europeu farà la primera baixada dels tipus d’interès en els últims vuit anys. És molt esperada per part de les empreses i també les famílies que paguen una hipoteca. Podria ser de 0,25 punts. El catedràtic d'Economia de la Universitat Colúmbia, Xavier Sala i Martín, ha explicat al Versió RAC1 de Toni Cla…
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This episode of Big Blend Radio features Ivan Flowers, a 5-Star Chef and Culinary Instructor at Temecula Valley High School in Southern California. Hear about the school's Hospitality, Tourism, and Recreation program that educates students in culinary arts and hospitality management to set them up for career and/or college success. Plus, cooking an…
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Celebrate Small Business Month (May) and National Travel & Tourism Week (May 19-25, 2024) with this episode of Big Blend Radio's "Historic Jefferson Highway" Show that focuses on the Jefferson Highway Association's efforts in Oklahoma which includes new road signage, the first state chapter, and the upcoming 2025 Conference in McAlester (June 4-7, …
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In honor of Small Business Month (May) and National Travel & Tourism Week (May 19-25, 2024), this Big Blend Radio panel discussion focuses on the connections between small businesses and the travel, tourism, and hospitality industries. FEATURED GUESTS: - DONNETTE SILVA CARTER - CEO of Tulare Chamber of Commerce & Board Member of the Sequoia Tourism…
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From Lawyers and Artists to Writers and Educators, this Big Blend Radio "Women Making History" Podcast Panel Discussion focuses on How Women Can and Do Have Multiple Successful Careers in their Lifetime. FEATURED GUESTS: * Writer & Editor Eva Eldridge: * Nature Photographer Margot Carrera:…
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With the Louisiana Sports Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony and Celebrations coming up (June 20-22, 2024), this episode of Big Blend Radio's 3rd Tuesday "Go to Natchitoches" show is all about the sports history, culture, and impressive athletes of Natchitoches and the state of Louisiana. Featured guests are K. Nicole Connell, Communication Manager of…
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On this episode of Big Blend Radio's "California Employment Law" podcast with attorney Ward Heinrichs, hear why California employers should carefully consider how to fire employees and be aware of California severance, non-compete and defamation issues. Read Ward's article outlining it all here:…
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El catedràtic d'Economia de la Universitat Colúmbia ha repassat els inicis de la companyia nord-americana ara que celebren la 30a convenció anual a Barcelona.Un concert privat de Dua Lipa i The Killers tancarà la convenció de McDonald's a Barcelona. Serà el punt final de la 30a convenció anual de la companyia nord-americana, que per primera vegada …
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From litigations and depositions to counterclaims and pleadings, this episode of Big Blend Radio's "California Employment Law" podcast with attorney Ward Heinrichs Employment Law Office of Ward Heinrichs gives a fun and informative overview of various legal terms that relate to court cases. Hear Part One & Two in this "Understanding Legalese" Serie…
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L'economista i catedràtic de la Universitat de Columbia, Xavier Sala i Martín, lamenta que any rere any l'Estat incompleixi les inversions promeses a Catalunya. En el primer semestre del 2023, l'execució del pressupost a Catalunya va ser del 16% del previst i el grau de compliment en el tancament de l'exercici del 2022 és del 43%. Sala i Martín tam…
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This episode of Big Blend Radio features transformational life coach Shelley Whizin and mindset mentor Susan Rosenthal who share tips on how to transform challenges to joy and bridge one's personal and professional lives. Read Shelley's article about it here: WATCH THIS PODCAST O…
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This episode of Big BlendRadio features Sharon K. Kurtz, a world traveler, travel writer, and award-winning photographer. We are thrilled to have Sharon join our Big Blend Radio family of expert contributors! Sharon is dedicated to exploring the world and sharing her adventures through compelling storytelling. Her travels have taken her to more tha…
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This episode of Big Blend Radio's California Employment Law podcast with San Diego attorney Ward Heinrichs focuses on California Non-Compete Agreements and Contract Clauses, and why employers should not use them given that the state has dramatically increased the penalties for having non-compete clauses in employment-related agreements. Read Ward's…
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El nou índex de referència del lloguer que ha publicat avui el Ministeri d'Habitatge podria rebaixar substancialment els preus a les zones més cèntriques de Barcelona. En cas que Catalunya decideixi aplicar aquests topalls, a partir del 13 de març la mesura afectaria els propietaris de cinc o més habitatges i els contractes nous a les zones tensade…
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L'economista i catedràtic de la Universitat Colúmbia Xavier Sala i Martín no és partidari de regular el preu del lloguer perquè considera que reduirà encara més l'oferta de pisos. També ha analitzat per què cada vegada hi ha més persones que compren pisos al comptat. A les comarques de Girona, segons els APIs, ja són gairebé la meitat del total.- L…
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Shein és la marca de roba que rep més visites en línia mensuals del món. La seva aplicació és la més descarregada a Europa i és una de les deu marques amb més m'agrada a Instagram. Aquesta empresa xinesa ha aconseguit vendre els seus productes a més de 220 països (entre els quals no hi ha la Xina), sense tenir botigues, fàbriques, ni cap planta de …
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This episode of Big Blend Radio features Dr. Shaan Patel, MD, MBA, best-selling author and founder of Prep Expert. Hear about his new book, "Digital SAT Playbook: Winning Strategies to Achieve Your Dream Score." Since appearing on Shark Tank and striking an investment deal with billionaire Mark Cuban, Dr. Shaan Patel has turned Prep Expert into the…
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L'economista i col·laborador del programa Xavier Sala i Martín analitza els diferents models econòmics dels clubs de futbol i la crisi que arrosseguen, i analitza les protestes i les demandes de la pagesia. Al Matí de Catalunya Ràdio, amb Ricard Ustrell.- Link to the 3CatAv El Matí de Catalunya Ràdio
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El catedràtic d'Economia de la Universitat Colúmbia assegura al Versió Rac1 que "no sabem si és un Lehman Brothers o no", i es pregunta si el partit comunista sabrà gestionar aquesta crisi. "La liquidació d'Evergrande és el principi d'una situació que pot ser catastròfica", ha dit Sala i Martín.La justícia de Hong Kong ha decretat la liquidació del…
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This episode of Big Blend Radio's SUCCESS EXPRESS Business & Career Show features author, professional coach, and organizational trainer Rita Sever who discusses how to lead, create, and cultivate a compassionate workplace. Points of discussion include: * What is compassion at work? * How are compassionate workplaces different? * What does compassi…
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El professor i catedràtic de la Universitat Colúmbia Xavier Sala i Martín valora la presentació del nou circuit de Fórmula 1 de Madrid i les conseqüències d'una possible marxa de Catalunya. L'economista també analitza els resultats de l'últim informe PISA i les mesures del govern espanyol i la Generalitat per revertir les males dades en matemàtique…
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This episode of Big Blend Radio's California Employment Law podcast with San Diego attorney Ward Heinrichs focuses on the legal issues surrounding "Bro Culture." Read his article here: WATCH THIS PODCAST ON YOUTUBE: Based in San Diego, California, Ward represents both employers and employees …
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