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Welcome to HerArt bilingual podcast, a project for art lovers, especially art created by women. Every month I record two episodes (Romanian and English) about a woman artist, telling you seven curious facts about her life and career.
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show series
Disclaimer: Episodul a fost inregistrat si publicat initial in primul sezon al podcastului, pe data de 10 septembrie, 2018. Salut si bine ai venit la HerArt podcast, un proiect pentru iubitoarele si iubitorii de arta, in special arta creata de femei. In acest episod o sa vorbim despre Grace COSSINGTON SMITH - artista care a pus bazele picturii mode…
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Disclaimer: Episodul a fost inregistrat si publicat initial in cel de-al doilea sezon al podcastului, pe data de 18 aprilie, 2019. Salut si bine ai venit la HerArt podcast, un proiect pentru iubitoarele si iubitorii de arta, in special arta creata de femei. În cel de-al patrulea episod vom vorbi despre Maria SIBYLLA MERIAN - artista care a transfor…
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Disclaimer: Episodul a fost inregistrat si publicat initial in cel de-al doilea sezon al podcastului, pe data de 18 martie, 2019. Salut si bine ai venit la HerArt podcast, un proiect pentru iubitoarele si iubitorii de arta, in special arta creata de femei. În cel de-al treilea episod vom vorbi despre Yayoi KUSAMA, cea mai rebela eretica din lumea a…
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Disclaimer: Episodul a fost inregistrat si publicat initial in primul sezon al podcastului, pe data de 9 aprilie, 2018. Salut si bine ai venit la HerArt podcast, un proiect pentru iubitoarele si iubitorii de arta, in special arta creata de femei. In acest episod o sa vorbim despre Rosa Bonheur - femeia noua a secolului XIX. Mie imi spune Nata Andre…
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Disclaimer: Episodul a fost inregistrat si publicat initial in primul sezon al podcastului, pe data de 10 decembrie, 2018. Salut si bine ai venit la HerArt podcast, un proiect pentru iubitoarele si iubitorii de arta, in special arta creata de femei. In acest ultim episod din primul sezon, o sa vorbim despre Diane ARBUS - fotografa si scriitoare ame…
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Disclaimer: Episodul a fost inregistrat si publicat initial in cel de-al doilea sezon al podcastului 11 februarie, 2019. Salut si bine ai venit la HerArt podcast, un proiect pentru iubitoarele si iubitorii de arta, in special arta creata de femei. În cel de-al doilea episod vom vorbi despre Nalini MALANI, care a apărut pe scena artei locale, domina…
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Disclaimer: Episodul a fost inregistrat si publicat initial in cel de-al doilea sezon al podcastului 23 ianuarie, 2019. Salut si bine ai venit la HerArt podcast, un proiect pentru iubitoarele si iubitorii de arta, in special arta creata de femei. Sunt foarte încântata să încep acest nou sezon! Am pregatit 12 istorii uimitoare cu artiste din întreag…
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Salut și bine ai venit la HerArt podcast, un proiect pentru iubitoarele și iubitorii de artă, în special artă creată de femei. În 2021 am decis să iau o pauză de la tot ce ține de HerArt și noi artiste. Am avut câteva idei, dar mi-am dat seama că nu mai simt pasiune și inspirație pentru acest proiect. Asta nu înseamnă că nu am de lucru. Trebuie să …
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Disclaimer: Episodul a fost inregistrat si publicat initial in primul sezon al podcastului 11 iunie, 2018. Salut si bine ai venit la HerArt podcast, un proiect pentru iubitoarele si iubitorii de arta, in special arta creata de femei. In acest episod o sa vorbim despre Maria Prymachenko - artista din Ucraina in fata careia s-a inchinat Pablo Picasso…
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Welcome to HerArt podcast, a project for art lovers, especially art created by women. In our seventh episode, we will talk about Zinaida SEREBRIAKOVA - one of the first Russian women who entered the history of painting. My name is Nata Andreev and I am going to tell you seven curious facts that you didn’t know about the artist that depicted very ca…
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Welcome to HerArt podcast, a project for art lovers, especially art created by women. In our seventh episode, we will talk about Hannah HÖCH - one of the originators of photomontage. My name is Nata Andreev and I am going to tell you seven curious facts that you didn’t know about the artist that was an early feminist and questioned conventional id…
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Welcome to HerArt podcast, a project for art lovers, especially art created by women. In our seventh episode, we will talk about Doris SALCEDO - one of the most influential artists in Latin America. My name is Nata Andreev and I am going to tell you seven curious facts that you didn’t know about the artist that makes sculptures and installations th…
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Welcome to HerArt podcast, a project for art lovers, especially art created by women. In our seventh episode, we will talk about Alma Woodsey THOMAS - the joy of color. My name is Nata Andreev and I am going to tell you seven curious facts that you didn’t know about the artist that was a force of encouragement, growth, and inspiration. As she advis…
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Welcome to HerArt podcast, a project for art lovers, especially art created by women. In our seventh episode, we will talk about Laura Knight - the first woman to be elected to full membership of the Royal Academy of Arts. My name is Nata Andreev and I am going to tell you seven curious facts that you didn’t know about the artist that painted peopl…
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Welcome to HerArt podcast, a project for art lovers, especially art created by women. In our seventh episode, we will talk about Toyin Ojih ODUTOLA - the artist who reimagines black experience. My name is Nata Andreev and I am going to tell you seven curious facts that you didn’t know about the artist that is best known for her multimedia drawings …
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Salut și bine ai venit la HerArt podcast, un proiect pentru iubitoarele și iubitorii de artă, în special arta creată de femei. În luna aceasta îți fac cunoștință cu Nicoleta Vacaru. Din păcate, nu am reușit să înregistrăm direct interviul. Acest episod apare în perioada COVID-19, așa că am hotărât să stăm ambele acasă. Eu i-am trimis întrebările si…
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Welcome to HerArt podcast, a project for art lovers, especially art created by women. In our sixth episode, we will talk about Pan YULIANG - one of the first female graduates of the Shanghai Art Academy. My name is Nata Andreev and I am going to tell you seven curious facts that you didn’t know about the artist that overcame the obstacles faced by …
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Salut și bine ai venit la HerArt podcast, un proiect pentru iubitoarele și iubitorii de artă, în special arta creată de femei. În luna aceasta îți fac cunoștință cu Cristina Golovatic. Din păcate, nu am reușit să înregistrăm direct interviul. Cristina trebuia sa vina la Chisinau, dar COVID-19, ne-a schimbat planurile. Astfel am lucrat fiecare din c…
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Welcome to HerArt podcast, a project for art lovers, especially art created by women. In our third episode, we will talk about Marisol ESCOBAR - the forgotten star of pop art. My name is Nata Andreev and I am going to tell you seven curious facts that you didn’t know about the artist who fused Pop Art imagery and folk art in assemblages and sculptu…
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Привет и добро пожаловать на подкаст HerArt, проект для любителей искусства, в особенности искусства, созданного женщинами. В этом месяце я познакомлю тебя с Наташеи МАКРИЙ. К сожалению, мы не смогли записать интервью напрямую. Причиной этому стала эпидемия COVID-19, поэтому мы решили остаться дома. Наташа записала свои ответы на мои вопросы, и я н…
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Welcome to HerArt podcast, a project for art lovers, especially art created by women. In our third episode, we will talk about Laila SHAWA— a prolific and revolutionary artist from Palestine. My name is Nata Andreev and I am going to tell you seven curious facts that you didn’t know about the artist that is known for her use of bold colors and illu…
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Salut și bine ai venit la HerArt podcast, un proiect pentru iubitoarele și iubitorii de artă, în special arta creată de femei. În luna aceasta îți fac cunoștință cu Vasiluța Vasilache. Din păcate, nu am reușit să înregistrăm direct interviul. Acest episod apare în perioada COVID-19, așa că am hotărât să stam ambele acasă. Vasiluța a răspuns la într…
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Welcome to HerArt podcast, a project for art lovers, especially art created by women. Agnes MARTIN - the artist mystic who disappeared into the desert. My name is Nata Andreev and I am going to tell you seven curious facts that you didn’t know about an artist possessed of perceptive powers that have transformed her style into a fierce visual experi…
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Salut și bine ai venit la HerArt podcast, un proiect pentru iubitoarele și iubitorii de artă, în special arta creată de femei. In luna aceasta iti fac cunostinta cu Eva Mocanu. Chiar mai devreme ai avut ocazia sa asculti un mic fragment din povestea ei. M-am bucurat enorm cand Eva a acceptat sa inregistram interviul la ea acasa. O urmaresc de foart…
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Welcome to HerArt podcast, a project for art lovers, especially art created by women. Joan MITCHELL - the last abstract expressionist. My name is Nata Andreev and I am going to tell you seven curious facts that you didn’t know about the artist that didn’t want to create recognizable images of landscape, nature or poetry, but to convey all of them i…
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Salut și bine ai venit la HerArt podcast, un proiect pentru iubitoarele și iubitorii de artă, în special arta creată de femei. Sunt foarte încântată să încep cel de-al treilea sezon al proiectului! Pentru varianta în limba engleza am pregătit 12 istorii uimitoare cu artiste din întreaga lume. În noul sezon, veți avea ocazia să ascultați și 12 inter…
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Welcome to HerArt podcast, a project for art lovers, especially art created by women. I am so excited to start this new season! I got 12 amazing stories about distinct female artists, from all over the world. For the third season, I will do my best to introduce you to not only the ultimate OGs of the art world but encourage you to meet new amazing …
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Welcome to HerArt podcast, a project for art lovers, especially art created by women. In our tenth episode, we will talk about Louise BOURGEOIS - one of the most imaginative sculptors of the 20th century. My name is Nata Andreev and I am going to tell you seven curious facts that you didn’t know about the artist who pursued her own course with wit,…
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Welcome to HerArt podcast, a project for art lovers, especially art created by women. In our tenth episode, we will talk about Dr. Esther MAHLANGU - the first person to transfer the traditional Ndebele style of mural painting to canvas. My name is Nata Andreev and I am going to tell you seven curious facts that you didn’t know about the artist that…
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Welcome to HerArt podcast, a project for art lovers, especially art created by women. In our tenth episode, we will talk about Zaha HADID - the first woman to receive the Pritzker Architecture Prize. My name is Nata Andreev and I am going to tell you seven curious facts that you didn’t know about the artist that was known for experimenting with the…
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Welcome to HerArt podcast, a project for art lovers, especially art created by women. In our ninth episode, we will talk about Tarsila DO AMARAL - one of the leading Latin American modernist artists. My name is Nata Andreev and I am going to tell you seven curious facts that you didn’t know about the artist that led Brazilian art into modernism. In…
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Welcome to HerArt podcast, a project for art lovers, especially art created by women. In our eighth episode, we will talk about Amy SHERALD - the first black woman to paint an official portrait of the First Lady. My name is Nata Andreev and I am going to tell you seven curious facts that you didn’t know about the artist that explores the ways peopl…
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Welcome to HerArt podcast, a project for art lovers, especially art created by women. In our seventh episode, we will talk about Frida KAHLO - the artist that never painted dreams, just the reality. My name is Nata Andreev and I am going to tell you seven curious facts that you didn’t know about one of the most iconic artists of the 20th century wi…
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Welcome to HerArt podcast, a project for art lovers, especially art created by women. In our sixth episode, we will talk about Olga ROZANOVA - one of the few women attached to movements such as Cubo-Futurism and Suprematism. My name is Nata Andreev and I am going to tell you seven curious facts that you didn’t know about an exemplary artist of her …
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Welcome to HerArt podcast, a project for art lovers, especially art created by women. In our fifth episode, we will talk about Amalia LINDEGREN - the first Swedish woman to be awarded a scholarship to study abroad. My name is Nata Andreev and I am going to tell you seven curious facts that you didn’t know about this quietly modest and brilliantly t…
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Welcome to HerArt podcast, a project for art lovers, especially art created by women. In our fourth episode, we will talk about Maria SIBYLLA MERIAN - the woman who turned science into art. My name is Nata Andreev and I am going to tell you seven curious facts that you didn’t know about the woman that combined art with science and was recognized as…
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Welcome to HerArt podcast, a project for art lovers, especially art created by women. In our third episode, we will talk about Yayoi KUSAMA - a heretic of the art world that identifies with no one movement, calling her style “Kusama art.” My name is Nata Andreev and I am going to tell you seven curious facts that you didn’t know about the woman tha…
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Welcome to HerArt podcast, a project for art lovers, especially art created by women. In our second episode, we will talk about Nalini MALANI - a pioneer of video and performance art that emerged at a time when the Indian art scene was male-dominated. My name is Nata Andreev and I am going to tell you seven curious facts that you didn’t know about …
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Welcome to HerArt podcast, a project for art lovers, especially art created by women. I am so excited to start this new season! I got 12 amazing stories of various female artists, from all over the world. For season two I will do my best to introduce you to not only the ultimate OGs of the art world, but encourage you to meet new amazing and talent…
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Welcome to HerArt podcast, a project for art lovers, especially art created by women. In the last episode, from this season, we will talk about Diane ARBUS, an American photographer and writer noted for photographs of marginalized people, whose normality was perceived by the general populace as ugly or surreal. My name is Nata Andreev and I am goin…
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Welcome to HerArt podcast, a project for art lovers, especially art created by women. In this episode we will talk about Mimi PARENT, described by André Breton, leader of the Surrealist movement, as one of the "vital forces" of Surrealism. My name is Nata Andreev and I am going to tell you seven curious facts that you didn’t know about a vivacious …
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Welcome to HerArt podcast, a project for art lovers, especially art created by women. In this episode we will talk about Grace Albee, an artist that stands as an important American Regionalist printmaker of the twentieth century. Her career spanned more than sixty years, during which she produced more than two hundred and fifty prints from linocuts…
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Welcome to HerArt podcast, a project for art lovers, especially art created by women. In this episode we will talk about Grace Cossington Smith, an Australian artist and pioneer of modernist painting in Australia. My name is Nata Andreev and I am going to tell you seven curious facts that you didn’t know about the artist that was instrumental in in…
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Welcome to HerArt podcast, a project for art lovers, especially art created by women. In this episode we will talk about Tamara de LEMPICKA a Polish-born painter, and most active in the 1920s and 1930s, best-known for her polished Art-Deco portraits of aristocrats and the wealthy, and for her highly-stylized paintings of nudes. Famed for her innova…
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Welcome to HerArt podcast, a project for art lovers, especially art created by women. In this episode we will talk about Georgia O’KEEFFE - the American artist who was the leading figure of the artistic and cultural movement American Modernism, which started at the turn of the twentieth century. She is known for her revolutionary paintings especial…
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Welcome to HerArt podcast, a project for art lovers, especially art created by women. In this episode we will talk about Maria PRYMACHENKO - the Ukrainian artist that made Picasso bow down. My name is Nata Andreev and I am going to tell you seven curious facts that you didn’t know about the unique art of Maria Primachenko, a peasant woman from the …
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Welcome to HerArt podcast, a project for art lovers, especially art created by women. In this episode we will talk about Käthe KOLLWITZ - a true icon of pacifism and class struggle. My name is Nata Andreev and I am going to tell you seven curious facts that you didn’t know about the artist that could only be described by one term “Individualism.” H…
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Welcome to HerArt podcast, a project for art lovers, especially art created by women. In this episode we will talk about Rosa Bonheur - the “New Woman” of the 19th century. My name is Nata Andreev and I am going to tell you seven curious facts that you didn’t know about the artist that defined herself outside of the social and legal codes of her ti…
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Welcome to HerArt podcast, a project for art lovers, especially art created by women. In this episode, we will talk about Fede Galizia - an unrecognized pioneer in still life. My name is Nata Andreev and I am going to tell you seven curious facts that you didn’t know about one of the first female artists from Europe. She had the privilege to be cal…
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