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zenith - Der Nahost-Podcast

Aline Abboud, Robert Chatterjee

En gång i månaden
Die Lage im Nahen Osten ist unübersichtlich und aus westlicher Perspektive nur schwer zugänglich. Welche politischen Interessen verfolgen die einzelnen Länder und Protagonisten, welche Entwicklungen gibt es und wie schätzen international renommierte Experten die Sicherheitslage und die politische Zukunft der dortigen Länder ein? zenith gibt Antworten, steht dem Leser mit seiner Fachredaktion als kompetenter Berater zur Seite und verdeutlicht die Hintergründe. Autoren und Redakteure von zenit ...
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Welcome to Swift Coaches Academy, a platform dedicated to bringing Health Professionals real, raw and uncensored stories and strategies for their coaching and experience. Each episode, I invite you behind the scenes to learn the truth behind what it takes to succeed in your own career and in business through thought provoking conversations with industry leaders. As an Accredited Exercise Physiologist and the Founder of Swift Coaches and Swift Movement Academy, I’m on a mission to transform t ...
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Stoic Zenith Path

Anders Abjorn

Varje vecka+
Welcome to Stoic Zenith Path, your daily beacon of wisdom and strength in the journey of self-improvement. Here, we delve into the timeless philosophy of Stoicism, offering daily insights, profound quotes, and transformative principles to cultivate a stoic mindset. Our content is designed to inspire and motivate you, fostering a deep bond with the stoic principles that have guided countless individuals toward personal evolution and resilience. Join us as we explore the path to achieving your ...
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Niko Leppänen & Antti Vanhanen

En gång i månaden
Zenittäjät on kahvipöytäkeskustelu kahden henkisen valmentajan, Niko Leppäsen ja Antti Vanhasen, välillä. Jokaisessa jaksossa Niko ja Antti antavat näkemyksensä ihmisenä olemisen ja ihmiselämän perusteisiin. He pyrkivät oman vakavan humoristisen tyyliinsä mukaisesti tuomaan lisää selkeyttä ja yksinkertaisuutta niin oman itsensä, toisten ihmisten kuin laajempien elämän ilmiöiden ymmärtämiseen. Zenittäjät haastaa pohtimaan omaa maailmankuvaa uusista suunnista.
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Welcome to the world of SAFIR – where cutting-edge technology meets vibrant community spirit. At SAFIR Group International Ltd., we’re not just about the business of technology; we’re about bringing people together to innovate, inspire, and lead in today’s dynamic digital era.
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We are extremely grateful for your love and support. Our mission here is to create an environment where we are able to grow, express and learn core values on mindfulness and self love. Feel free to reach out to us anytime! 🐚@Eyezenity
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Zenith: A Blake's 7 Podcast

Decorative Vegetable

En gång i månaden
Blake’s 7. The quintessential British Science Fiction Show, depending who you ask. And now, two regular guys who’ve driven themselves a bit mad watching Doctor Who are here to dedicate themselves to podcasting their way through it. Filled with “laughter”, the barest of surface level analyses, and a total inability to take anything seriously, Zenith is the premiere Blake’s 7 podcast.
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show series
Get the Inside Scoop on Building a Profitable Physio Clinic with Mike Gray! 🎙 Here's what we'll cover: 👉🏻 Setting up your physio clinic from scratch 👉🏻 Scaling from sole trader to employing a team 👉🏻 Nailing your niche and creating partnerships Are you ready to start your mentorship journey? Join the Health Biz Academy, where we guide you through t…
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Eine Audio-Reportage aus dem und über den Irak von Josefin Herrmann Wie gestaltet der Irak inmitten einer Krisenregion seine Beziehungen zu seinen Nachbarn und auch zum Westen neu? Und wie blickt das Land auf den Krieg in Gaza angesichts der Sorge, dass sich der Konflikt zu einem größeren regionalen Krieg ausweiten könnte? Dazu hat Josefin Herrmann…
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🎙In this insightful episode, we talk about: 👉🏻 The power of proximity and networking 👉🏻 Strategies for fast-tracking success 👉🏻 The secrets of accountability and accelerating your business growth Ready to begin your journey with mentorship? Join the Health Biz Academy and let us show you the exact steps we’ve used with over 172 coaches to achieve s…
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Get ready to level up your wealth game with Lloyd Ross in this episode! 🎙In this enlightening episode, we talked about: 👉🏻 Diving into the world of money mindset for business mavericks 👉🏻 Smart investments: You, stocks, and beyond 👉🏻 Entrepreneurial wealth hacks and winning habits Ready to propel your business forward? If you're a personal trainer,…
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Das Gespräch zur zenith-Ausgabe 1/24 Über den Krieg in Gaza und dessen Auswirkungen auf den Globalen Süden, aber auch die Frage, wie der Krieg dort gesehen wird, spricht Josefin Herrmann mit zenith-Chefredakteur Daniel Gerlach und dem Stellvertretendem Chefredakteur Robert Chatterjee. Hier gibt's die neue zenith-Ausgabe 1/24 zu kaufen:https://shop.…
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Discover the Keys to Building a Successful Health Business with the Health Biz Academy! 🎙Today’s episode offers key insights into: 👉🏻 Comprehensive growth strategies for health professionals 👉🏻 The three pillars: Clarity, Sales, and Scaling 👉🏻 Mastering mindset for business success Interested in learning more? Join the Live Masterclass on Clarity, …
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Unlock the secrets to living your best life with Morgan T Nelson, Australia’s fastest-growing personal development coach! 🎙The must-know gems from this episode include: 👉🏻 The journey to personal development mastery 👉🏻 The 4 laws to unleash your potential 👉🏻 Productivity hacks for success Don't miss out on our LIVE Clarity, Sales, and Scaling MASTE…
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Thinking about launching your first online course? Avoid these common missteps and set yourself up for success! 🎙 In this insightful episode, you'll learn about: 👉🏻 Ensuring your idea works before diving into development 👉🏻 Creating a buzz around your course 👉🏻 Making sure your course shines with clear value Wanna hit 6 figures in your first online…
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This is a heartfelt birthday letter from a mother to her newborn child, expressing her profound love and joy for her little one. The mother reflects on the overwhelming emotions she experiences as a new parent, seeing her child as a masterpiece and a miracle. She also acknowledges the inevitable challenges and sleep deprivation that come with mothe…
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Know you need to scale your health biz but not sure where to start? 🎙This episode dives into the very first (and often forgotten) step to scaling effectively where we talk about... 👉🏻 How my Ops Manager leaving prompted a re-evaluate my business needs 👉🏻 How I scaled without needing a large team (and why I recommend this to other Health Biz owners …
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Give me 30 minutes and I’ll give you my Exact Lead to Sales Process that will generate you more $$ and have you helping so many clients that you need to start a waitlist (we love creating “good problems” to have)! 🎙The golden nuggets in today’s episode include: 👉🏻How to manage and follow up leads without feeling like you’re pestering them 👉🏻Why sen…
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Welcome to today's episode where we dive into the Stoic philosophy to combat the often overpowering desires of lust and greed. We'll unpack how these passions can hold us back and discuss Stoic strategies to gain personal freedom and lasting contentment. Join us as we explore actionable insights and reflect on our life choices, aiming for a deeper …
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Swapping time for money is keeping you stuck, coach! Step into the world where we trade money for results. 🎙After a decade as an Exercise Physiologist, I’ve learnt how to stop trading time for money. In this episode I’m sharing my secrets on… 👉🏻 Why telling people how much you charge per session is a trap (and what to say instead) 👉🏻 How a long-ter…
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I made $46,000 in 7 days using the DM Strategy I lay out step by step in the episode. If that isn’t compelling enough to wanna listen - I hope you already have enough money. 🎙For those who would like more money AND to help create a greater impact this one’s for you: 1️⃣How to get out of your own head about DM Convos (PSA: They don’t have to feel gr…
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Walking the gym floor but not turning conversations into clients? Or maybe you’re not having enough conversations yet? 🎙Today I break down how to… 👉🏻Approach gym members in a super casual way 👉🏻Give value AND leave them wanting more so that you can… 👉🏻Transition 10min convos into sale opportunities with confidence ➕Not waste 20+ mins of your precio…
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Teil 3 der Podcast-Reihe über Südafrikas Sicht auf Gaza-Krieg und Nahostkonflikt von Journalistin Josefin Herrmann Scheich Abduragmaan Alexander, Imam der Masjidul Quds Moschee in Gatesville, einem Vorort von Kapstadt, vertritt offensiv eine von den Fakten widerlegte Haltung: Er ist der Meinung, dass das Massaker am 7. Oktober in Israel nicht von d…
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Are you struggling with negativity or toxicity in your life? You might be dealing with one of the seven types of people that Stoicism warns us about. Hi everyone, in today's video, we're diving into the ancient wisdom of Stoicism, a philosophy that doesn't just teach us about individual resilience but also about the types of people who can challeng…
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Stoicism is a philosophy that originated in ancient Greece and has gained popularity in modern times for its practical approach to life. Stoicism emphasizes the importance of self-control, resilience, and virtue in facing life's challenges. Keywords related to Stoicism include "Stoicism," "Stoicism philosophy," and "practical Stoicism." These keywo…
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"ACT AS IF NOTHING BOTHERS YOU | The Power of Stoicism & Buddhism" distills the essence of stoic and Buddhist principles into a guide for cultivating a stoic mindset. This concise exploration emphasizes emotional resilience, offering insights into stoic wisdom and practical steps for integrating stoic philosophy into everyday life. Readers learn to…
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"ACT AS IF NOTHING BOTHERS YOU | The Power of Stoicism & Buddhism" distills the essence of stoic and Buddhist principles into a guide for cultivating a stoic mindset. This concise exploration emphasizes emotional resilience, offering insights into stoic wisdom and practical steps for integrating stoic philosophy into everyday life. Readers learn to…
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9 Things I Do (and recommend) when creating workshops to generate clients 🎙️In this strategy sesh with new to business - Academy student Ash we discuss: 👉🏻 Why partnering on workshops is the GOAT of referrals 👉🏻 How to leverages other people’s audience and boost your credibility 👉🏻 Why you need a compelling reason for people to attend your workshop…
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Teil 2 der Podcast-Reihe über Südafrikas Sicht auf Gaza-Krieg und Nahostkonflikt von Journalistin Josefin Herrmann. Israel versuche, den Verlust von Menschenleben in Gaza zu begrenzen, meint Daniel Bloch, Executive Director des Cape South African Jewish Board of Deputies. Er erzählt , dass am 7. Oktober eine Schockwelle durch Südafrika ging und erk…
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Not getting enough leads? Wanting to get in front of other businesses clients (who could become your clients too)? Creating Partnerships to add value to other businesses audiences is one of the fastest ways to grow credibility AND your own client list… But you’re probably thinking “That sounds great Zenia, but I don’t even know where to start”. I’v…
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Teil 1 der Podcast-Reihe über Südafrikas Sicht auf Gaza-Krieg und Nahostkonflikt von Journalistin Josefin Herrmann. Was im Gazastreifen passiere, ist ein Völkermord, der vor unseren Augen verübt wird, meint der jüdische Südafrikaner und Politiker Andrew Feinstein. Im Interview zieht er Vergleiche zwischen der Apartheid in Südafrika und der Situatio…
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Lead Generation isn’t complicated when you follow a proven method. 🎙️Today’s Episode dives into the specifics of exactly what to do to generation 30 leads today as a Health Coach with tangible steps for you on: 1️⃣Who to speak to 2️⃣How to find them 3️⃣Exactly what to say to them 4️⃣How to get out of your own way and go TAKE ACTION! P.S. It’ll take…
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$61,900 in my first ever course launch (Steal my exact process) 🎙️ Let me walk you through everything I did (and still do) when launching courses and group offers for major success 👉🏻 Even if you don’t have a big audience 👉🏻 Even if you haven’t created a course yet 👉🏻 Even if you just have an idea All you need are these 5 things! ⚠️P.S. This episod…
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Sales calls in health are vital if you want to flick session by session to the curb for good. 🎙️We deep dive into the proven methods and frameworks that have been pivotal to the success in my businesses and those of our students inside the Swift Biz Academy: 👉🏻 My 7 Step Framework to Authentic Health Sales 👉🏻 Getting Comfortable Asking Why 5 times …
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🎙️How to Add a Guarantee to Health Services (when we know you usually can’t guarantee results in health) AKA The Legal Drug of Health Sales (The guarantee so good that clients are desperately wanting it, but rarely done because Health Pros don’t know how to execute it effectively) I dive into: 🤯 The crazy impact this one change has had on my own bu…
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I turned a paperclip into $145,000 in under 3 hours (My True Story) Imagine if all you had was a single paperclip and 3 hours to create as much value as possible. What would you do? My full whirlwind experience and what a 📎 taught me about: 🤯Business 🔥Opportunity 🔑and Partnerships 🚀Reminder: Our Biz Academy Program is still open for enrollment, but…
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If you’ve ever felt icky making money as a health pro… 🎙️Listen up! If you avoid these 9 Money Beliefs, they’ll limit your coaching potential. In this episode I discuss… 👉🏻 Why saving money is a slow death 👉🏻 Why buying a house isn’t a great investment 👉🏻 Why people who end up making more money… are the same people who help more people AND how we c…
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I didn’t grow up with money and wasn’t around people who had it. Everything I’ve created, I’ve done from scratch. 🎙️ This deeply personal episode exposes where I started with my money beliefs, what influenced them and how I’ve changed these over time. I uncover: 👉🏻 How checking the price of blueberries influenced me at a young age 👉🏻 Why I still dr…
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Most coaches suck at setting goals for themselves (so how the hell are we going to be able to set effective goals for our clients). 🎙️ In this podcast, we speak about... 👉🏻 Why SMART Goals are Dumb 👉🏻 WTF is an MIT and how does it help me? 👉🏻The difference between Process vs Outcome Goals (and how to use both effectively) ⚠️Reminder: Our Biz Mentor…
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Can you answer this question: What problem do you solve? This is so frikin important to nail if you want to get more dream clients on your roster. 🎙️In this episode I speak about: 👉🏻 Demographics vs Psychographics (and why Psychographics matter so much more) 👉🏻 Why understanding why their problem is a problem 👉🏻 How to articulate your ideal client’…
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THIS is keeping you from scaling, coach...🎙️ If you’re still trading time for money If you’re still charging session by session If you’re working crazy stupid hours every single week And you feel like you’re running on the hamster wheel with no end in sight… Then listen up because in this episode I take you through the action steps (in order) to sc…
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Lacking clarity on what you SHOULD be doing to grow your biz this year? 🎙️ Listen up! 👉🏻 What NOT to do when you’re not at full capacity yet (stop focusing on this) 👉🏻 3 Practical Strategies to generate more leads today 👉🏻 Exactly what to say to get your clients sending you referrals ASAP ⚠️To learn more about the Biz Mentorship and Apply HERE ⚠️ F…
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🎙️ In a little game we call “MORE of this, LESS of that”, Zenia divulges her Health Industry Predictions for Coaches and Health Pros in 2024 (plus what she’s changing in her biz + personally as a result) Zenia dives into the details behind why she’s confident we’ll be seeing MORE: ✅Subscription based models ✅In person events ✅Private Clients + Emph…
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The highs were higher than ever, but the lows came at a huge cost… 🎙️In 2023 Unwrapped, let me speak candidly about both my personal and professional highs and lows of 2023… and open up in a way I hadn't done before Personally… 👉🏻 Struggles with my own exercise 👉🏻 Where I'm investing my cash 👉🏻 The Era’s tour Professionally… 👉🏻 Me open up about the…
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Watch this episode on YouTube » Neville Goddard, a mystic and lecturer, emphasized the profound potential within each of us. His teachings centered on the concept of living in the end, the assumption of the feeling of the wish fulfilled. In this episode, we dive into Neville's teachings and the technique that will alter the course of your life. Tha…
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FROM WORDART EBOOK TO SUCCESS 🎙️ Turn Your Passion into Profit: Tune in as Jono Petrohilos @jono_petrohilos, Australia’s #1 Fitness Course Provider, reveals: 👉🏻 The secrets behind how he turned a 90 page WordArt eBook into the biggest CEC Company in Australia 👉🏻The biggest mistake most coaches make when creating their first course (and how to avoid…
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