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Dr. Shawn Michael Greener, The Ninja Pastor discusses the fact that The Storms of the World seem to be brewing. Disaster visited our shores in Texas and another, even more devastating storm is off of our shores, but sadly, the greatest danger to our country comes from within. How do you prepare for that kind of risk? Wednesday, September 6, 2017 5:…
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With a weather catastrophe like Hurrican Harvey devastating Texas and the 24/7 negative news cycle coverage demoralizing folks all over the country, it is obvious; some places 'get it' and others don't. You hear a lot about "Texas Pride." Do you understand what that is if you have never spent much time in Texas? Probably not. Why is Texas Texas? Be…
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We have a special guest, Cheryl Chumley of the Washington Times Online, and hundreds of television appearances. Cheryl is an author, writer, and speaker, passionate about topics related to Christianity and the country’s Judeo-Christian roots, the Constitution, politics and policy, United Nations and sovereignty issues, Congress and Capitol Hill – p…
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This is a message on a topic that most folks would rather just not think about, talk about... But they sure will lie about it! Seven Levels of Lyin... Yeah, Christians like you and me could do with a dose of two by four in the face on the topic of lyin. At some point, as Followers of the Way, we have to be truly honest, with ourselves, and with eac…
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Christian Movie Producer Kathy Amidon is on LIVE at 10am EDT to tell us what really is going on in Hollywood and secular movies. You will be SHOCKED! And, you will hear about the exciting Christian 3D movies Kathy Amidon is working on and how YOU can get involved TODAY! Pretty powerful and amazing hour starting at FRIDAY 10am EDT! Listen and tell y…
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ADVANCE TO 4 MINUTES DUE TO COMPUTER CRASH! After this show you may never listen to me again... Cannibis, the Truth! Her name is Janie Maedler and her whole life changed because of one thing... One controversial thing. POT. She's the President of Rylie’s Smile Foundation which is a non profit 501c3 that her young daughter Rylie founded. She is a fo…
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Coming up this Sunday! Sunday, 8/13/17 AT 5:30pm EDT!! WORK is a Four Letter Word! Part Two! Thank you all out there in radio land! Last week and the week before were the most active Sunday downloads we have ever had and I have you all to thank for commenting and sharing with your friends and family and on Social Media! Here is your opportunity to …
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WORK is a FOUR Letter word! Part Two Thank you all out there in radio land! Last week was the most active Sunday download we have ever had and I have you all to thank for commenting and sharing with your friends and family and on Social Media! Here is your opportunity to listen LIVE to part two! You've all heard the J O B being called "my passion, …
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“Hey! I believe I have the smartest and funniest audience listening to the Ninja Pastor. I need your help on behalf of our good friend, Hilary Clinton, and our President, President Donald Trump! Mrs. Hilary Clinton needs help naming the chapters in her new book, that she’s tentatively entitled, “What Happened!” President Donald Trump’s tentative ti…
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You've all heard the J O B being called "my passion, pursuit, calling, drive, joy, career..." You've also heard the saying, "If you love what you do you'll never work a day in your life!" You've also heard people; (maybe your own self) say, "I am just trying to find my calling, my passion, etc and when I do find my calling passion drive pursuit, I …
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Low Friends in High Places Friends and Family can really be the best you know? Or, the worst... You know. You know that because you are a friend to some folks and family to others. We all live in families and we all live around friends and most of us would agree that sometimes friends and family are the toughest to live with or around. Sometimes Fr…
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TONIGHT'S POWERFUL MESSAGE! “Why Should I!?” “Why is it so hard to get people to study the Scriptures? Common sense tells us what revelation commands: 'Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God'--'Search the Scriptures'--'Be ready to give to every one a reason of the hope that is in you.' These are the words of the inspired writers, an…
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There are many times when I wonder, "What in the world is going on with this world?" Have you ever wondered that? I wonder which is more important: To know WHAT is wrong, or... How did it get so screwed up? How to FIX what is wrong, or... If we/I should fix it at all? Some people in some places, sometimes focus TOO MUCH on stupid stuff... SELF-cent…
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Mercy is not demanded of God… It is God’s option. God doesn't have to show mercy... Does He? Look, in this society many folks believe God owes us something, anything... but God definitely owes us Mercy... Right? No. Instead of getting depressed when you realize this, experience joy instead! Sounds crazy, I know... Don't let it bother you. Let it dr…
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Unexpected Redemption. My friend Mike Brock will tell his powerful but simple story of his redemption and you will be moved and inspired... Trust me on this. The Daily Struggle of chronic and critical illness of your child will break most people... Not Bryn Sellers, oh sure, it was a kick in the gut... daily, but Bryn called upon her faith and fami…
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Look, in this society many folks believe God owes us something, anything... but God definitely owes us Mercy... Right? No. Instead of getting depressed when you realize this, experience joy instead! Sounds crazy, I know... Don't let it bother you. Let it draw you! I will explain Sunday evening at 5:30pm EDT! SHARE! Join us! Shawn…
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I've come to a difficult conclusion that I'd like to share with you tonight. I've concluded that We care less what other men may think of us than what we even think of ourselves. It has been said, "We are each one hanging up pictures in the chambers of our own souls, which we shall have to look at when we sit in the shadows." Jn 1:22 (CJB) So they …
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This week's odd message is a compelling result of reading Dr. Arthur 'Skip' Moen's work this week and a devotion on what the Bible says about sleep... Free Sleep... We don't sleep because we don't live FREE! SHARE and Join us! If you are in the MD, DE, NJ, PA area, JOIN us in Newark, DE at 5pm and we will feed you homecooked great food! Then we go …
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Today is a day in which today's show will be an uncensored, fiery, truth filled radio show that with shootings of Congressmen and Police Officers and Corrections Officers and the ATTACK on OUR President, Donald J. Trump, one cannot argue any longer; WE ARE AT WAR... And WE are LOSING! If you are squeamish or you think we should soft pedal the truth…
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Plant a tree for me… twenty years ago. “There is never a better day to plant a tree than twenty years ago.” - Chinese Proverb.. and just common sense. What are you most afraid of? Change? One of the reasons for our suffering, in all walks of life, no matter who, wealthy or poor, is our resistance to life’s inevitable changes. Even in, no, ESPECIALL…
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The General Election, by any reasonable measure was a rousing success! We WON BIGLY all across the country all the way to the White House! President Donald J. Trump is blazing a trail back to Conservative Values which the alleged conservatives permanently residing in congress for decades couldn't find with a compass! #DrainTheSwamp #LockHerUp were …
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Death is scary for most people, but not for me. Lest you think I will passively roll over in a fight for my life situation, I will fight with all I have and am. I have been and will be fierce in fighting for Life and Peace. However; when my time comes, I have no fear. Why? Dr. George H. Hepworth recently said that we must recover from some of our b…
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Captain Austin Roberts, decorated Army Ranger Officer, Patriot, Entrepreneur, and Friend and I are going to solve the problems of the World... We might not finish today, all in one show... Topics on the Table are, but not limited to; Rules of Engagement, Mission Objectives, #45's Recent Trip, Press and Leftists Conduct; Including Kathy Griffin... M…
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In modern society we somehow think we are evolved above needing to fight and go to war. Because of war we have deaths of good men and women in battle. Why? What does the Bible actually say about war? What does the Bible say about Warriors? You will learn today. Join us! Rev. Dr. Shawn M. Greener {PLEASE SHARE!]…
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Today's Radio Show will be about Memorial Day 2017 and our Gold Star Families and those Soldiers they lost. It will also deal with the recent Terror Attack in UK. We will also talk about how NOT to deal with this in America... and around the world. We may have an on the ground report from our UK Brother, Mark Sutherland. Join us after sharing this!…
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Naomi was Naomi, until she became Mara... Call me not Naomi, call me Mara... The word Mara means "bitter." Naomi was bitter and her name didn't reflect her condition... So, Naomi said, call me not Naomi... Call me Mara. The Why in the road can often be THE most important decision you ever make. Which land to go travel to? The land of your enemies a…
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I am doing something I have NEVER done in the few years I have been doing a broadcast… I asked my audience what YOU would like to hear today… ? What questions would YOU like answered? What topics would YOU like covered? REAL questions from REAL People, answered Openly. Honestly. Directly. WITHOUT Political Correctness. Today is YOUR day! Join us an…
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You can't run away from your problems (trust me on this, I know this from painful personal experience,) but here we are introduced to a man named Elimelech who tried. Elimelech and his family lived during the days of the Judges and when hard times hit he chose to walk out on Yahweh and go to the natural world to have his needs met. As a result of h…
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Have you ever rocked out to the Scooter Brown Band? Yeah, me too. They shred and they are Veteran's USMC and Pro Veteran and Pro America! Great songs, Great Stories, Great Guys. You will like this... A Lot! Thank you Sean Mac for connecting us! I am going to go off book and talking frankly a…
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Confessions of an Idiot, from THE Idiot. Andy Stumpf is no idiot... How deeply do you value Life? How deeply do you value YOUR Life? Life does NOT happen. No, it doesn't just happen. Life is LIVED! How well do YOU LIVE? What is your excuse? There are many excuses to NOT living fully. We will dispel some of those excuses and we will chat frankly abo…
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Have you ever noticed how preachers are all the time repeating themselves? All the time, preachers say things over and over, multiple times, repeatedly. Why? Why do they do that? The reason just might stun you... No, I KNOW the reason will STUN you! Not kidding! I know it will STUN you when you learn WHY preachers repeat themselves over and over...…
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Jesus Who: Tortured for Love. "Surely This Man Was the Son of God!" To my in person audience and to those listening via the broadcast, I humbly ask you... If you are wearing a cross as jewelry right now, please remove it and place it in your strongest hand. Don't put it down. Hold it. Yeshua knew the Disciples could not bear the full truth… They kn…
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Wednesday April 12, 2017, FIVE year anniversary of my 92mph vs 51mph Fatal Head on Car Crash... It was and is quite a day. I will chat about that and we will also have a detailed conversation about the Lt. Governor of the State of Delaware inviting a Muslim IMAM to pray the invocation before the General Assembly at Legislative Hall in Delaware and …
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A Plea for Holy Living 1 Peter 1:13-16 (CJB) 1Pe 1:13 (CJB) Therefore, get your minds ready for work, keep yourselves under control, and fix your hopes fully on the gift you will receive when Yeshua the Messiah is revealed. 1Pe 1:14 (CJB) As people who obey God, do not let yourselves be shaped by the evil desires you used to have when you were stil…
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Internationally regarded Author and Historian, William J. Federer will be our guest talking about his new amazing book, Who is the King in America? And Who Are The Counselors to the King? So, WHO IS THE KING IN AMERICA? Before you answer, do you know what the most common form of government in world history? From the invention of writing around 3,30…
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The Bible often refers to the salvation experience as a hope. For instance, Sha'ul (Paul) was speaking of believers who had died, when he said we sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. (1 Thessalonians 4:13) Concerning the Christian, herein ever after referred to accurately as Hamashiachian the Bible speaks of, the hope of His calling. (Eph…
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FAULT LINE... More Americans than ever are counting themselves among the “nones”—the cohort of Americans who are not necessarily atheistic, but who do not claim allegiance to a particular religious system. The key question is: why? Consider that the nation’s three main educational systems—the mainstream media, entertainment, and the university syst…
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Have you ever thought about the different types of sanctification? Positional Progressive Perfect Who among us is perfect? Uh, not me, at all, even a little bit. Positional? I am always in the slowest lane on the road... You know how the lane will slow down? If I get in that lane! Progressive? You have to be kidding me! Have you ever heard ANY of m…
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Very Special Guest - Best Selling AuthorBilly Hallowell! Billy’s Fault Line is going to rock your world and show you how Hollywood, the media, and college campuses have worked together to crack the foundations of our children’s Christian faith. Thankfully (and thrillingly!) the foundations can and are now being repaired by a new breed of courageous…
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God's People are Scattered Kefa, an apostle of Yeshua Hamashiach, to the strangers scattered ... (1 Kefa 1:1) Not only are we strangers, we are scattered. The word scattered comes from the word diaspora and carries the idea of that which is sown. It was derived from a Hebrew word describing the farmer sowing seed in the field. I have to say, I love…
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So you thought if New York City elected someone like DeBlasio then NYC must be a lost cause? Well, not so fast! I bring you New York City Mayoral Candidate, Michel Faulkner! Frederick Douglass Republican, Michel Faulkner is absolutely someone you need to know! It is inarguable that New York City has been, for as long as I can remember, VERY liberal…
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The little book of 1 Kefa is a letter of hope and holiness. Kefa instructs his reader on how to have a holy walk in a hostile world. He encourages those who are suffering for Hamashiach to stay on course and forge ahead. In the first two verses Kefa gets right of the heart of the matter explaining that God's people are pilgrims passing through this…
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Do you remember our great guest from the UK, Mark Sutherland? Yes! I know you do because the response to our interview was very strong and we decided to have Mark back to discuss the issues that impact you and our country, as well as one of our oldest and best allies, the United Kingdom. In this LIVE broadcast we will discuss very powerful topics t…
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Rev. Dr. Shawn M. Greener; Internationally Recognized Expert on Islam, Illegal immigration and Counter-Terrorism will deliver the powerful & politically incorrect Truth about Islam, Illegal Immigration, and Sharia Law in a LIVE simulcast speech to a LIVE audience in Dover, DE at around 7;05 pm. Come early, get a great meal and enjoy great comfortab…
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The Tiny Giants... The dangerous, deadly, relentless Tiny Giants. We all know all about the Giant giants don't we? But oh the Tiny Giants, they seem to sneak up on us and really lay us low... Sometimes for a moment, sometimes for a lifetime. As Abraham Heschel said, "Something sacred hangs in the balance of every moment." I will remind you… Little …
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Rachel Fulton Brown is Assoc Professor of History at the Univ of Chicago. She's been a student of the medieval devotion to the Virgin Mary for over thirty years. She is the author of From Judgment to Passion: Devotion to Christ and the Virgin Mary, 800-1200 (Columbia University Press, 2002). and coming: Mary and the Art of Prayer: The Hours of the …
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What is the cause of my problem? What's my nature? I have my good side... I have my bad side... How many sides do I have? What's my REAL problem and how do I fix it? CAN I fix it? The truth is, my problem really is, I want to be God. You say, "Ninja Pastor! You must be crazy! You don't want to be God!" Maybe it's just me? Maybe it's just ONLY me...…
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