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Do you see the narrative shifting? We seamlessly went from years of covid tyranny to the Ukraine war. And now that the Ukraine war has been lost (with American taxpayers losing hundreds of billions of dollars) the narrative is shifting again; this time to Iran. This is how the U.S. has been bankrupted by endless war(s) for 100+ years. The senses of…
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The US Secret Service has presented a novel solution to former President Trump after the recent assassination attempt: stop holding large outdoor rallies. Does limiting Trump's ability to reach potential voters seem like a good solution? Or maybe should the Secret Service do its job better? Also today: Is the Secret Service Cheatle era the high-wat…
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The "Alternative for Germany" (AfD) party shocked Europe recently, scoring big wins in the recent EU Parliamentary elections. Brussels is terrified of the supposed "far right" gaining more power in Europe. But is AfD really "far right"? Today, AfD economist and regional spokesman Christopher Kofner joins the Liberty Report to explain what all the p…
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"Unity” is complementary to limited government, not interventionist government and empire. An interventionist government perpetually creates victims, and no one wants to be a victim. Politicians often use the word “unity” to blunt opposition to their interventions. Wars are easier to wage when there’s “unity,” instead of mass protests. America’s bi…
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And...there goes hope of a more sane foreign policy, as Trump's VP pick JD Vance comes out swinging with the "brilliant" idea of REALLY attacking Iran, not just those "little bombing runs." What Vance doesn't understand is that this is not the world as it was ten years ago. A war on Iran could well bring in China and Russia, and at the least would …
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Former President Trump shocked and surprised both supporters and opponents with his decision to name US Senator JD Vance (R-OH) as his running mate. While Vance is no non-interventionist, his approach is vastly different than Trump's last VP choice. Is Trump signaling a generational and ideological shift in the Republican Party away from the neocon…
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America's Founders didn't create a democracy; yet here we are with "our democracy." John Adams explicitly said: "Remember, democracy never lasts long...There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide." American citizens are finding out that anyone who crosses the border can vote. Proof of citizenship not required. Is America fulfilling …
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The mainstream media that had been telling us for three years that Joe Biden is perfectly fine, has turned on a dime and tossed him under the bus. Now they are all in for a Kamala Harris candidacy. Is this a winning strategy? Would anyone pop popcorn for a Kamala/Donald debate? Also today, two new polls show Europe is tiring of "Project Ukraine."…
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The Democrat panic over their repeated lawfare own-goals has descended into the realm of madness, as they line up to suggest Biden can, in response, "take out" the entire Supreme Court. What's wrong with these people? Also today...US bases on "high alert" a week after US missiles kill sunbathing kids in Crimea. Who's the victim?Get your tickets to …
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Former President Donald Trump caught a major break from the Supreme Court today in a ruling that the president has broad immunity from prosecution for acts committed while exercising the office of the president. Also today: January 6th protesters also get a big break, as the "insurrection" is downsized.Get your tickets to the RPI summer conference!…
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Suddenly that segment of the country that depends on the mainstream media for its news has made a horrific discovery: They've been lied to again. Biden really is...that bad. Now that same elite media is desperately struggling to put the toothpaste back in the tube. What's next for the presidential campaign? Also today, our four takeaways from the d…
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Are you going to watch the debate tonight? It's billed as the battle of the ages, but with all the rules and biases built in, how much actual drama can we expect? Will anyone change their minds? Also today: How did the Left and Right both get the Supremes so wrong on Murthy v. Missouri?Av Ron Paul Liberty Report
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A new article in Politico reports that senior Biden Administration officials have warned Lebanon that if Hezbollah retaliates to any Israeli attack in Lebanon, the US will become involved. Thus the Biden Administration commits the US to a possible major war in the Middle East while Congress blissfully sleeps. Also today: House GOP moves to negate l…
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There is a new antiwar coalition building outside the uniparty doupoly, with rebels in the US House on "Left" and "Right" joining together to oppose US hyper-interventionism and lurching toward World War III. Former US Congressman, current candidate, and lifetime peace activist (and RPI Board Member) Dennis Kucinich joins today's Liberty Report to …
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US-supplied cluster bombs were used on beachgoers in Crimea yesterday, killing at least six and injuring more than 100. Moscow has warned that "such actions will not go unanswered." Is this a NATO attempt to provoke a Russian reaction to justify further involvement? Next moves?Av Ron Paul Liberty Report
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Fortunately, for the sake of our remaining freedom, the idea and implementation of “vaccine passports” failed miserably. The desires of our corporatist and special-interest run government was laid bare for all of us to see. We American citizens should never rest on our laurels though. The “war on cash” is another angle for achieving the same goals.…
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As the Israeli operation in Gaza continues to miss achieving its goals of eliminating Hamas, in-fighting inside the government is heating up. Recently an IDF spokesman said it was "unachievable" to defeat Hamas, as the IDF rushed to "clarify" his statement. Meanwhile Netanyahu BLASTED the US in a new video complaining that weapons were being withhe…
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Ireland's Ryanair CEO has blasted as "fake" the refugees pouring into Ireland on his airline. They're coming from the UK and France - they are not economic refugees. Do we have a similar scam going in the US? Also today: Germany moves to ban the second most popular political party...for "democracy." Finally, Maryland's Governor seeks to pardon past…
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Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach has filed a lawsuit against the Big Pharma heavyweight Pfizer over alleged false claims by the company over the safety and effectiveness of its mRNA Covid-19 shot. Are the floodgates about to open? Also today: the US Surgeon General wants to put cigarette-like warning labels on social media...for the children!…
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This year's National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) has a little surprise for males between 18-26 in the US: Automatic registration for the military draft! As the US moves closer to war with Russia, will a new generation of Americans say, "hell no, we won't go"? Also today: NATO claims to have placed half a million troops on "high readiness" for …
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Faced with broad outrage after a US government-linked Ukrainian NGO published an "enemies list" containing the names of several Members and Senators, the US House GOP moved yesterday to ban any further funding to the NGO. But...they will leave the rest of the funding for Ukraine intact. That's DC partisan smoke and mirrors for you. Also today: NATO…
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As Ukraine continues to run out of soldiers, the US government has just announced that it will lift the US ban on sending arms to a Ukrainian military unit notorious for its embrace of symbols from Nazi era Germany. The State Department claims that the group is reformed and thus acceptable for the US to support. Does this smack of desperation? Also…
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Tech entrepreneur Nicole Shanahan burst into the American political scene when Robert F. Kennedy, Jr announced her as his running mate in what may be the most significant third-party run in recent memory. She joins today's Liberty Report to discuss the ideas that animate her campaign and the hurdles faced by "outsiders" in the duopoly called the Am…
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The USAID and State Department-affiliated Ukrainian NGO "TEXTY" has just released an "enemies list" of hundreds of prominent Americans, including Ron Paul, Rand Paul, Donald Trump, the Ron Paul Institute, Tucker Carlson, and many more. Should Americans be forced to pay money to fund foreign NGOs that threaten American citizens? Also today: The US m…
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When Americans look outward, they don't see foreign military bases circling the nation. No occupying troops. No one is sending missiles to Mexico or Canada that can be fired into U.S. territory. And yet, America’s foreign policy is the exact opposite. Endless wars with 800+ military bases peppered all over the world, surrounding major nuclear power…
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Remember the salacious details of Trump grabbing the steering wheel and demanding his Secret Service driver take him to the Capitol on January 6th, 2001? The story relayed by a former Trump White House staffer? All fake. Now we know how they tried to keep it from us. Also today: Israel to buy more F-35s...with our money. Finally: Here's a real mili…
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As Russia continues to advance in eastern Ukraine, NATO continues to escalate toward direct conflict. F-16 trainers from Greece arrive in Kiev, Netherlands and Denmark green-light Ukraine F-16 attacks deep inside Russia. No one is asking the central question: Why? Is Ukraine worth WWIII? Also today: New York City is turning into a third world migra…
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As more and more is released to the public about the deep - and deadly - corruption under Fauci's Covid tyranny, the former NIH official finds himself before a US House panel today. Is it all unraveling for Tony? Also today: Are they charging Hunter Biden with the wrong crimes? Finally today, Israeli official threatens to "finish" West Bank Palesti…
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The U.S. has developed a very bad habit of getting into wars it shouldn’t get into; wars that having nothing whatsoever to do with defending the United States. But then, to add insult to injury, the bad habit is exacerbated when the government doubles-down, and triples-down, on the failure of the war. Wars that shouldn’t have taken place are strung…
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“Our Democracy” has reached a point where both sides in the upcoming presidential election are claiming that freedom will end if the other side wins. If that were really true, it certainly makes clear that "our democracy" has some serious problems. But where did all this “our democracy” stuff come from anyway? The word “democracy” is nowhere to be …
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