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Meelypod Hobby Podcast


En gång i månaden+
Meelypod is the newest hobby podcast that covers all things sports cards, memorabilia, hobby news, TCG (Pokemon, etc) & all things collectible! Jeff & Jameel will have weekly guests & memorable segments, so don't forget to tune in!
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De Meeloper


En gång i månaden
In 2018 liep Qmusic-dj Sam De Bruyn de legendarische marathon van New York. Een jaar eerder stond hij nog bekend als de minst sportieve radiopresentator van Vlaanderen. Tegenwoordig loopt Sam de vaste route mee van een sportieve BV. Samen maken ze, al lopend, een podcast over de voor- en nadelen van een atletischer leven. Sportschoenen strak gestrikt? Steek de allereerste al lopend opgenomen podcast van Vlaanderen in je oren, loop mee en word zelf ook een meeloper!
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Sel korral räägime, miks Tifa on midagi enamat kui kena näolapp, miks mängude tasakaalustamisele keskendumine on mõttetu, miks peaksid arendajad demosid välja laskma, Assassin’s Creed Shadowsist ja paljust muust. 00:28 Tasakaalustamine võib mängu ära rikkuda03:45 Demod aitavad mängu müüa, meie teame seda, Valve teab seda, aga mänguarendajad? 13:47 …
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LEGO hakkab videomänge tegema, Final Fantasy seeria on müünud üle 200 miljoni eksemplari, Pokémon Go vahetab omanikku ning Robloxi tegevjuht soovitab vanematel oma lastel seda mängu mitte mängida. Kas uus Xboxi konsool võib ilmuda juba sel aastal? Microsofti AI lubab olla mänguri parim kaaslane, Disco Elysium saab TikToki versiooni ning Warhammer 4…
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EP. 35: Jason Williams (NBA Champion) Jeff and Jameel welcome on one of the most prolific passers in the history of basketball - Former Florida Gator and All-Star NBA PG: Jason Williams! Meelypod is the newest hobby podcast that covers all things sports cards, wax, memorabilia, hobby news, TCG (Pokemon, etc) & all things collectible! Jeff & Jameel …
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EP. 34: Joanna Baldridge (Meelypops SC) Jeff and Jameel welcome on the head honcho from Meelypops SC, Joanna Baldridge! Joanna brings us unique stories from the industry, and tells us what it's like to run the shop! Meelypod is the newest hobby podcast that covers all things sports cards, wax, memorabilia, hobby news, TCG (Pokemon, etc) & all thing…
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Räägime Monster Hunter Wildsi rekordmüügist, PlayStationi uuest beetast, stuudiote sulgemisest ja Nintendo järgmistest sammudest piraatide ja erootika vastu. Lisaks tuleb juttu Fortnite skandaalidest, EA Playst ja paljust muust. 00:00 Algus 00:25 Monster Hunter Wilds 22:32 PlayStation vajab sinu abi 24:30 Sony teeb puhastustööd 26:35 Pac-Man 45 29:…
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EP. 33: Stephanie Garcia (Mama Breaks) Jeff and Jameel welcome on Stephanie Garcia A.K.A. Mama Breaks! They get into her love for the Dodgers, who the best Jedi is, and why Pokemon is bigger than ever! Meelypod is the newest hobby podcast that covers all things sports cards, wax, memorabilia, hobby news, TCG (Pokemon, etc) & all things collectible!…
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Erakorraline hoiatus Meile Meeldib Mängida saates! Arstid üle maailma teatavad šokeerivast haiguspuhangust – järsk haigestumiste tõus on tabanud inimesi üle maailma. Süüdlaseks peetakse midagi, mida me kutsume MHW viiruseks ehk Monster Hunter Wilds’i epideemiaks! Pärast mängu ilmumist on tuhanded inimesed helistanud tööandjatele, et teatada ootamat…
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Pokémon Go fännid on mures. Sony vallandas mängustuudio juhi, kes mängus alluvatega “tõde või julgustükk” mänge. Rockstar tahab GTA 6-ga teha midagi Robloxi stiilis. Epic otsustas otsustas teistele hoiatuseks üht Fortnite’i mängijat avalikult alandada. PlayStation prindib raha. Marvel Rivals on jätkuvalt populaarne. Vihjed Tony Hawk’i Pro Skaterile…
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EP. 32: Chris Costa (Card Vault by Tom Brady) Jeff and Jameel welcome on Chris Costa - co-founder of Card Vault by Tom Brady! Chris gives insight on what it means to be a pioneer in the industry. Meelypod is the newest hobby podcast that covers all things sports cards, wax, memorabilia, hobby news, TCG (Pokemon, etc) & all things collectible! Jeff …
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Kui põnevaks ja rikkaks pühapäev saab, kui sulle sõbrad külla tulevad! Sõbrapäev oli ja sel puhul korraldasime sõbrapäeva loosi ning tänases saates kuulutame välja selle õnneliku, kes PlayStationi Astro Bot puldi omale saab. Loomulikult ei puudu saatest ka põnevad mänguteemad. 00:32 Sõbrapäevaloosi info 02:25 Infinity Nikki stuudio Papergames teeni…
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Enneolematu sündmus mängumaailmas – nii uskumatu, et me ei suuda seda ikka veel uskuda! Olime kindlad, et enne tõuseb päike solgiämbrist kui… Sellest kõigest lähemalt tänases saates. 00:40 PSN oli maas 04:20 Insomniac Games tahtis teha Resistance 4 05:35 Square Enix oli müügitulemustega rahul 13:06 Football Manager 25 jääb ilmumata 15:58 Steam hoia…
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Ep. 31: Darren O'Day (15 year MLB Veteran) Jeff and Jameel welcome on 15 year MLB Vet and curfrent radio color commentator for the Atlanta Braves: Darren O'Day! Meelypod is the newest hobby podcast that covers all things sports cards, wax, memorabilia, hobby news, TCG (Pokemon, etc) & all things collectible! Jeff & Jameel will have weekly guests & …
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Uurime mis kisa selle ämblikmehe ümber toimub, millal saavad PlayStationi kasutajad Forza Horizon 5 mängima hakata, natsidest (ei, mitte Muskist) Prantsusmaal ja paljust muust põnevast. 00:30 Tarmo siunab Metat… 07:10 Arvutikasutajad pole Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 arvutiversiooniga rahul 09:00 Sony loobus PSN konto nõudest nelja arvutimängu puhul 10:55…
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Vabandame audioprobleemide tõttu saate alguses. Kas GTA 6 võib tuua kaasa 110-euroste mängude ajastu? Lisaks räägime videomängude digitaalsest arhiivist, viskame pilgu peale viimasele Xbox Developer Directile, uurime miks EA pole Dragon Age ja FC 25 müügiga rahul, mida uut Minecraft ja Call of Duty pakuvad ning mida striimerid on nõus tegema, et te…
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Ep. 30: Alex Fung (King of Collectibles) Jeff and Jameel welcome on Alex Fung from the hit Netflix Series 'King of Collectibles'! Alex shares personal stories from his experiences in the industry. Meelypod is the newest hobby podcast that covers all things sports cards, wax, memorabilia, hobby news, TCG (Pokemon, etc) & all things collectible! Jeff…
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Sel ajal kui Sony mänge tühistab, on Microsoft terve konsooli ära tühistanud? Nintendo aga usub jätkuvalt konsooliturgu ja näitas meile uut konsooli. Lisaks uurime, mis juhtus Marvel Snap mänguga, räägime Genshin Impactist, Fortnite’ist, Assassin’s Creed Shadows’ist ja paljust muust. 00:25 Meile Meeldib Mängida aga Sony muudkui tühistab mänge 05:40…
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Ep. 29: DJ Lagway (Florida Gators QB) Jeff and Jameel welcome on Star Florida Gators QB, DJ Lagway! DJ shares insight on having an exclusive card deal and his favorite memories of playing in The Swamp as a freshman! Meelypod is the newest hobby podcast that covers all things sports cards, wax, memorabilia, hobby news, TCG (Pokemon, etc) & all thing…
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Recap from the first 14 episodes of the Meelypod Hobby Podcast! Meelypod is the newest hobby podcast that covers all things sports cards, wax, memorabilia, hobby news, TCG (Pokemon, etc) & all things collectible! Jeff & Jameel will have weekly guests & memorable segments, so don't forget to tune in! Please LCS... Like Comment & Subscribe! ...Also d…
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Ep. 28: Meelypops Grading (Justice Evans) Jeff and Jameel welcome the Meelypops Shops very own card grader, Justice Evans! Justice fills us in on what makes a card a true PSA 10, and what to look for to grade cards yourself! Meelypod is the newest hobby podcast that covers all things sports cards, wax, memorabilia, hobby news, TCG (Pokemon, etc) & …
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Meelypod Christmas Episode Jeff and Jameel bring you all the latest news and notes from around the industry heading into the holiday season! Meelypod is the newest hobby podcast that covers all things sports cards, wax, memorabilia, hobby news, TCG (Pokemon, etc) & all things collectible! Jeff & Jameel will have weekly guests & memorable segments, …
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Ep. 27: Ryan Lochte (12x Olympic Medalist) Jeff and Jameel welcome on 12x Olympic Medalist - Ryan Lochte! He tells us about what it takes to stay motivated even at the top, times he was star struck when meeting other athletes, and what it was like to see himself on a Sports Card! Meelypod is the newest hobby podcast that covers all things sports ca…
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Ep. 26: Tom Hart (ESPN/SEC Network) Jeff and Jameel welcome on Play-by-play commentator for ESPN and SEC Network, Tom Hart! Tom tells us how he manages to fill air time during one-sided contests, he also shows off a ton of memorabilia he has in his man cave! Meelypod is the newest hobby podcast that covers all things sports cards, wax, memorabilia,…
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Ep. 25: Clint Anderson (Zion Cases) Jeff and Jameel welcome on Clint Anderson, CEO of Zion Cases! They talk about the massive sales Zion Cases have made, setting up for card shows, and how to turn a profit! Meelypod is the newest hobby podcast that covers all things sports cards, wax, memorabilia, hobby news, TCG (Pokemon, etc) & all things collect…
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Ep. 24: Patric Young (Florida Gators & New Orleans Pelicans) Jeff and Jameel welcome on former Gator Basketball standout & author of the motivational book "Sit to Rise", Patric Young! Patric tells the guys about what it was like to go on an 18-0 run with the Gators, as well as what it means to keep going in the face of adversity. We even get a chan…
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Jeff and Jameel welcome on 10x Olympic medalist (9x gold) Caeleb Dressel! Caeleb tells us about being one of the most dominant olympians of all-time, as well as being a Pokemon fanatic! Caeleb will also be doing an autograph signing at the shop in a few days and we share in that as well! Meelypod is the newest hobby podcast that covers all things s…
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Ep. 22: Brady Singer (Gators/Royals) This week Jeff and Jameel welcome on Florida Gators College World Series Pitcher, and Kansas City Royals ACE, Brady Singer! Brady remembers a few key moments from his time at UF, and talks about what it's like to be a pro player while navigating the collecting industry! Meelypod is the newest hobby podcast that …
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Ep. 21: Javy Lopez (MLB) This week Jeff and Jameel welcome on Legendary MLB player from the great 90s Braves - Javy Lopez! He shares stories about being in the league, including what it was like to see himself on a baseball card for the first time. Meelypod is the newest hobby podcast that covers all things sports cards, wax, memorabilia, hobby new…
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Ep. 20: Sal Amezcua (Kickstradomis) This week Jeff and Jameel welcome on "Kickstradomis" himself - Sal Amezcua! Sal tells us what it was like to break into the industry, making custom shoes for Karl-Anthony Towns, and more about tons of custom projects he's done over the years! Meelypod is the newest hobby podcast that covers all things sports card…
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Ep. 19: Rob Veres (Burbank Sports Cards) This week Jeff and Jameel welcome on The "Cardfather" - Rob Veres of Burbank Sports Cards! Rob tells stories about being an OG in the industry, and how to stay on top. Meelypod is the newest hobby podcast that covers all things sports cards, wax, memorabilia, hobby news, TCG (Pokemon, etc) & all things colle…
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Ep. 18 : Todd Golden (Florida Gators Men's Basketball Coach) This week Jeff and Jameel welcome on Head Basketball Coach of the Florida Gators, Todd Golden! Todd shares a huge haul of cards, talks about stories from his hobby life as well as his coaching life, and talks about opening packs with his son. Meelypod is the newest hobby podcast that cove…
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Ep. 17 : Michael Collins (ESPN) This week Jeff and Jameel have Michael Collins, Golf expert, from ESPN! He talks about his experience throughout the industry, including interactions with fans and superstar athletes like Tiger Woods! Meelypod is the newest hobby podcast that covers all things sports cards, wax, memorabilia, hobby news, TCG (Pokemon,…
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Ep. 16: Josh Luber (Ghostwrite inc.) This week Jeff and Jameel will bring on entrepreneur, Josh Luber, to talk about various projects his been involved in - including his sucessful business, Ghostwrite inc. Meelypod is the newest hobby podcast that covers all things sports cards, wax, memorabilia, hobby news, TCG (Pokemon, etc) & all things collect…
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Ep. 15: Kyle Kania (KKSportscards) Kyle Kania, founder and owner of KKsportscards, joined the program today to cover news and notes throughout the industry, as well as a look inside the life of a card shop owner! Meelypod is the newest hobby podcast that covers all things sports cards, wax, memorabilia, hobby news, TCG (Pokemon, etc) & all things c…
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Ep. 14: Zack Browning (Pokemon Collector) Zack Browning (IG: @gemmintpokemon) was on the show today to talk all about the world of Pokemon! Jeff and Jameel ask him about the industry, including ways to turn a profit from your collection! Meelypod is the newest hobby podcast that covers all things sports cards, wax, memorabilia, hobby news, TCG (Pok…
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Ep. 13: Chris Burke (MLB) Former Houston Astro and 2001 SEC Baseball Player of the Year, Chris Burke, joins us today and tells us about getting into the hobby: He shows off an exclusive autographed photo with Roger Clemons. Meelypod is the newest hobby podcast that covers all things sports cards, wax, memorabilia, hobby news, TCG (Pokemon, etc) & a…
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Ep. 12: Matt "Danger" Schnell (UFC Flyweight) UFC Fighter Matt Schnell joins Jeff & Jameel to talk about life in the UFC, and getting into the hobby! Meelypod is the newest hobby podcast that covers all things sports cards, wax, memorabilia, hobby news, TCG (Pokemon, etc) & all things collectible! Jeff & Jameel will have weekly guests & memorable s…
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EPISODE 11: Laura Rutledge (ESPN) Laura Rutledge joins Jeff & Jameel to talk football, the hobby, man caves & reminisces about her days back in college. We were honored to have the host of ESPN's NFL LIVE & SEC Nation on Ep. 11! Meelypod is the newest hobby podcast that covers all things sports cards, wax, memorabilia, hobby news, TCG (Pokemon, etc…
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EPISODE 10: Nate Flesher (Fanatics Collect) Our Guest this week is Nate Flesher from Fanataics Collect! Jameel and Jeff give a deep dive into news across the industry Meelypod is the newest hobby podcast that covers all things sports cards, wax, memorabilia, hobby news, TCG (Pokemon, etc) & all things collectible! Jeff & Jameel will have weekly gue…
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EPISODE 9: Chris McGill from Cardladder Today, our guest is Chris McGill, co-founder of Card Ladder. The tool used the most frequently this past week at The National Sports Card Convention for comps, Chris shares with Jeff and Jameel about his biggest pickups at the show, specs on the Card Ladder App & even dives into market manipulation. This is a…
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EPISODE 8: Preparing For The National Sports Card Show Meelypod is the newest hobby podcast that covers all things sports cards, wax, memorabilia, hobby news, TCG (Pokemon, etc) & all things collectible! Jeff & Jameel will have weekly guests & memorable segments, so don't forget to tune in! Please LCS... Like Comment & Subscribe! ...Also don't forg…
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EPISODE 7: Ryan Bannister - RBICru7 Sports Cards - will join the show today! He will bring us stories from across the industry, as well as news to look forward to! Jeff and Jameel also bring news on new releases in the industry, details on a huge theft that happened at an industry event recently, as well as things to look for in the near future! Me…
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EPISODE 6: Matt LaPorta - Former SEC player of the year, and MLB standout In this episode Jeff and Jameel come to you live from studio! They bring on Former SEC Baseball player of the year, Matt LaPorta! Jeff and Jameel also bring news on new releases in the industry, details on a huge theft that happened at an industry event recently, as well as t…
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EPISODE 5: Al Teruel - Founder of Waxstat In this episode Jeff and Jameel come to you live from studio! They bring on Founder of Waxstat, Al Teruel to discuss tech, wax prices, SFF Giants and much more! Meelypod is the newest hobby podcast that covers all things sports cards, wax, memorabilia, hobby news, TCG (Pokemon, etc) & all things collectible…
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In this episode Jeff Cardozo comes to us from Spurriers Gridiron Grille, Jameel is at the Meelypop Shop in South Carolina! Guest this week is Jimmy Spence, from James Spence Authentication (JSA) Meelypod is the newest hobby podcast that covers all things sports cards, wax, memorabilia, hobby news, TCG (Pokemon, etc) & all things collectible! Jeff &…
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EPISODE 3: Dr. Kevin Farmer ~ UF Sports Physician In this episode Jeff Cardozo comes to us LIVE from Omaha as he and Jameel talk with Kevin Farmer about various topics from around the card collecting industry, as well as the Gators run in the College World Series! Meelypod is the newest hobby podcast that covers all things sports cards, wax, memora…
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EPISODE 2: Andy Albert Jeff & Jameel are joined by Andy Albert with the Indy Card Exchange. Filmed inside the podcast room of Spurrier's Gridiron Grille in Gainesville, FL, Coach speaks on his playing days, coaching days & of course football cards. Meelypod is the newest hobby podcast that covers all things sports cards, wax, memorabilia, hobby new…
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Meelypod is the newest hobby podcast that covers all things sports cards, memorabilia, hobby news, TCG (Pokemon, etc) & all things collectible! Jeff & Jameel will have weekly guests & memorable segments, so don't forget to tune in! In this episode: We are joined by The Head Ball Coach - Steve Spurrier! We take a close look at some of his most iconi…
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Meelypod is the newest hobby podcast that covers all things sports cards, memorabilia, hobby news, TCG (Pokemon, etc) & all things collectible! Jeff & Jameel will have weekly guests & memorable segments, so don't forget to tune in! In the first Episode: Jeff & Jameel give an introduction to the industry as well as a preview of things to come…
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In deze laatste Meeloper van dit seizoen eindigen we waar we begonnen zijn: aan de Leuvense vaart. Sam loopt met Sieg De Doncker, kinderheld, vriend van alle tachtigjarigen én lover van Qmusic-dj Maureen Vanherbergen. Samen vormen ze een BV-koppel, een term waar Sieg van huivert. Zo twijfelt hij zelfs of hij nog wel lang televisie wil blijven maken…
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