A 30-40 shiur on a Torah topic, every working day, from Yeshivat Har Etzion and the VBM.
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Bienvenidos a KMTI Podcast. Defensa personal, artes marciales, deportes de contacto y acondicionamiento físico. Pero principalmente un medio para buscar motivar a otros y lograr lo que desean.
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KMTT - Ki Mitzion Teitze Torah - sends a 30-40 minute Torah shiur every day, from the teachers at Yeshivat Har Etzion and the VBM. For commuters, joggers, everyone!
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Welcome to the KMT Apparel podcast, where you can hear all the latest news ! You can give us your feedback , get to know the movement & feel even closer to the family
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sbA kmtyw - "Towards Pan-African Economics" with Ambakisye Dukuzumurenyi, Ph.D. is a weekly one-hour podcast that discusses and analyzes pertinent economic news of Africa and the African Diaspora from a Pan-African perspective. On the show we take complex economic issues drawn from the mainstream and independent news outlets of the countries of Africa, Europe, Asia and the Americas and through cultural, historical and political contextualization make them comprehensible to the audience regar ...
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I decided that I needed to share a story with the world about the man that I love and why I love him. His name is Khalil Malik Thomas- And he is my religion. He lit in a fire inside of me. Let me show you what it feels like to feel a love that keeps on burning...
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