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Here's The Thing...Lauren Cardinale, CMS-CHt, FIBH, CPC

Lauren Cardinale, CMS-CHt, FIBH, CPC

En gång i månaden
If you are looking to make positive changes in your life, learn to reduce stress, move forward towards success and happiness, or gain a new perspective on life - you don’t want to miss this show. I’m a Board Certified Hypnotherapist and Certified Life Coach, and we’ll be talking about what’s important to you. How do I know- for one hour I’ll be taking calls, providing coaching, answering questions and tackling your problems. This is about YOU. It’s an hour of talk you don’t want to miss.
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show series
Have you ever experienced a career change, a geographical change, marriage, divorce, childbirth, infertility, retirement, job loss, empty nest, a change in health status, or some other weighty change? Each one can begin a transition - a unique opportunity to realign your life. Linda Rossetti joins me to discuss transition - give us our first opport…
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Anxiety and Depression are rampant in our society - but do we confuse anxiety with stress? Do stress and anxiety lead to depression? How do we know if we are just sad or clinically depressed? Listen as Dr. William Becker, MD, explains more of how patients are diagnosed and treated, in addition to other forms of treatment available - non-pharmaceuti…
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Our negative thoughts can create anxiety, anger, resentment, jealousy—an array of emotions. Negative thinking is normal. However, if this way of thinking becomes incessant, it can lead to depression and self-destructive behavior like addictions, derailing us from what we want most in life. At minimum, negative thinking saps our energy, erodes our s…
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Victims of covert aggression (manipulation) don't often know why they feel so badly. They only know that they feel confused, anxious, or depressed. Gradually, however, they come to understand how dealing with a certain person in their lives makes them feel crazy. They get mad at them, but for some reason, end up feeling guilty themselves. They conf…
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Regardless of power outtages (in the Northeast!) and spring cleaning practically overlapping - and quite possibly overwhelming - we can easily feel stress and anxiety trying to keep up with our busy lives. Listen in with my guest, Gail Kreitzer of The Little Big Things, LLC, as we explore the idea "dashboarding your mind" to clear the clutter and e…
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Pam Grout is the author of 19 books including E-Squared, E-Cubed, Thank & Grow Rich and her new book, Art & Soul,Reloaded: A Year-Long Apprenticeship to Summon the Muses and Ignite Your Daring, Audacious, Creative Side.Listen to understand Pam's perspective, her thoughts, and particularly her insights into being creative and keeping life FUN! Art &…
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Are your beliefs poisoning your potential? Beliefs form the foundations of our expectations, and our expectations help us to better understand ourselves, others, and the world around us. They help us feel more certain about our future, which makes us feel safe and secure. These beliefs may have protected us when we were young, and that is why we ho…
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If your mood is as cold and dark as your landscape, you're in good company. It is that time of year (again) when gray skies and empty trees can lead to gray moods and staying indoors to hibernate. What’s more, as our energy lowers, so can our motivation for staying on track with those New Year’s resolutions we decided on only five weeks ago! (I kno…
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ANXIETY – the squeaky wheel. Anxiety is an emotion like any other - with its ebbs and flows. When anxiety starts building on itself, it gets very loud - like the toddler in the supermarket having a tantrum - and we can hear nothing else. Being an emotion, we can (more) simply, either lose control of, or gain control of it – like any other emotion –…
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In a world where information is superabundant, unique and creative ideas are hot-ticket advantages both personally and professionally. There is more to the human mind’s capability than what it’s used for regularly. Whole brain thinking has amazing potential. Society deems geniuses have the ability to whole-brain thinking. Accessing your right brain…
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"An invisible thread connects those who are destined to meet, regardless of time, place or circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle but it will never break."- Ancient Chinese ProverbListen to hear my conversation with Laura Schroff, author of "An Invisible Thread" - An inspirational New York Times bestseller that chronicles the lifelong frien…
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This thought provoking interview with Brian McAlister, CEO (and 27 years clean and sober) from Full Recovery Wellness Center. Learn about new tools and developments in addiction treatment, most notably the Virtual Recovery System App from Full Recovery Wellness Center. The App is a hands on tool for support at any level, learning life skills (throu…
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(re-broadcast) Addiction – from Latin which means attached against your will (quite appropriate). Most drugs of abuse work by flooding the brain with dopamine. Alcoholics and drug addicts have extremely low dopamine. These lower starting levels of dopamine in the brain lead to higher spikes when the substance is used. The high causes the crash and …
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It's the new year and time for making goals and plans for the year ahead. Do you want to get in better shape? Take a vacation? Make more time for friends and family, perhaps? All great goals for the year! And are any of your resolutions the same as last year? Well, you're not alone. In this show, we’ll be talking about resolutions – specifically, w…
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For most people, family gatherings during the holidays are rarely stress-free. There's nothing in the world as sticky as a dysfunctional family. You feel good, strong and mature, and 15 minutes into a holiday reunion, you still become hopelessly enmeshed in the same old crazy dynamics. Sound familiar? For many people, family get-togethers require s…
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What events trigger stress for you during the holidays? Stress, in general, is an important topic, but particularly at the holiday time of year - buying and giving, the money, the parties, the lack of time, the food and drink, the family issues, the loneliness. Do I need to go on? And at the end of it all, it's our loved ones that we bring our stre…
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Most of us have been badly hurt or even betrayed by someone close to us. We know the healthy thing to do is to practice forgiveness, but how do we forgive when we are still angry or feel that the other person hasn't taken responsibility? We discuss this powerful and important topic to shift understanding of what it really means to forgive - and the…
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A smell, a phrase, a tone, a thought - any of them (and more) can send us reeling back to an experience we wish we never had. PTSD is the most notable form, but previous trauma- physical, mental and emotional - takes place in so many smaller ways as well. We often wonder whether we are just being dramatic, or if there is really something there. Thi…
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They say grieving is a process. Loss is something we experience throughout our lives- disappointments, break-ups, and deaths are all part of life. However, not only can these experiences be painful and challenging because of their intensity, we often don't know how to talk about them, prepare for them, or know how to deal with them when they show u…
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Our emotions have a vast range, but the not-so-good ones can be the real buggers! Good emotions just feel, well, good - but the not-so-good emotions keep us out of alignment – not good. Sometimes the despair or grief we are feeling seems like it will never end, or the anger and resentment.Tonight we’re going to talk about the scale of emotions and …
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Big, fat, right in front of your face EXCUSES! Where there is a will, there is a way, yes, but sometimes we make excuses because we just prefer there isn't a way - so we don't have to take responsibility and be uncomfortable as we grow! Those of us who complain and blame, stay stuck. We insist that everything is out of our control. We hand all of o…
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We make room for a remarkably narrow range of personality styles. We are told that to be great, is to be bold. To be happy, is to be sociable. We see ourselves as a nation of extroverts – which means we’ve lost sight of who we really are. In this show, we are talking about the spectrum of introversion through ambiversion, all the way to extroversio…
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So, how old are you? How often do you get that question – perhaps not very often past the age of 13, but why? Because of the sensitivities around it! Oh, the expectations with each age - whose expectations? Just about everyone. The age to get married, or have kids, what we're supposed to be doing, look like and feel at 30, 40, 50 and up! Do you hid…
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How great do you feel with a new haircut or some new clothes? What about when you drop a few pounds or even get a new car? The changes are on the outside, but we certainly feel it on the inside as well. But which happened first, the change, or the feeling? In this show, we’ll be discussing the necessary steps for making (lasting) change - and find …
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What we want is connection, freedom, abundance and energy - Love. What weighs us down and stops us is anger, resentment, being ungrateful, and not having clear boundaries – in essence, varying forms of fear – yes, fear. In everything we do, we are either moving towards love, or away from fear. It’s the flip side of the same coin. In the abundance l…
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The friendly neighbor, your caring uncle, your funny friend, the short-tempered client, the angry co-worker, the frustrated classmate.....but the DIFFICULT person – that’s something different, right? It implies something negative, but without knowing WHY they are that way. We’ve all been there—trying valiantly to reason with an incredibly difficult…
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Everyone knows someone going through the college application "idea" - whether kids, grandkids, nieces or nephews, and also whether actively in it, about to go through it, or a few years down the road. While it may seem that the college application process is not something active in everyone in the moment, the information we discuss tonight is viabl…
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EVERYBODY wants it, BUT it’s not something that everyone is actively trying to create. What is that? Confidence. MY question is “why”. What is it about confidence that makes it an attractive feeling, a way of being, and ultimately, an identity trait? I am teeing up the conversation on the topic of confidence – and the differences between confidence…
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Everyone procrastinates to some degree occasionally, and that procrastination is as old as we are. It is defined as postponing an action despite the fact that we know there’s going to be a price to pay for the delay of it. It’s putting off what’s important, and getting caught up in the “what’s urgent” syndrome. It is the state of acting against you…
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We’ve all been around someone who we know is not good for our state of mind. It can be relatively easy to avoid someone when we have the choice, but what about when we don’t? There are definitely going to be moments in your life when you’re going to be around, and will have to manage, a situation with a toxic person. How do we DO that? Ultimately, …
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Are you surrounded by clutter: physical, financial, mental and emotional? Are you weighed down by your stuff? Clutter clogs up more than floors, tables and closets. It blocks abundance. By digging in and unearthing what you can understand about yourself from your clutter, you can see the opportunities in front of you. Any dread you feel is a powerf…
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Do you feel guilty taking time for yourself? Do you feel like every moment should be productive? How much does “should” weigh on your mind? How much resentment do you feel if you say YES to something you really don’t want to do? Guilt is frequently viewed as a virtue – as a high sense of responsibility and morality. So why does it feel so awful? Gu…
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Do you have a friend who somehow manages to revert every topic of conversation back to himself; the colleague who is always bragging about having the latest, greatest "whatever"; the family member who thinks she is smarter and just generally better than you at everything? Chances are, you’ve encountered a narcissist - but sometimes the signs of nar…
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Addiction – from Latin which means attached against your will (quite appropriate). Most drugs of abuse work by flooding the brain with dopamine. Alcoholics and drug addicts have extremely low dopamine. These lower starting levels of dopamine in the brain lead to higher spikes when the substance is used. The high causes the crash and the crash cause…
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ANXIETY – the squeaky wheel. Anxiety is an emotion like any other - with its ebbs and flows. When anxiety starts building on itself, it gets very loud - like the toddler in the supermarket having a tantrum - and we can hear nothing else. Being an emotion, we can (more) simply, either lose control of, or gain control of it – like any other emotion –…
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Do you ever hear yourself say “my biggest fear is?” Do people ever ask you “why do you worry so much?” Constant worry or fear can be debilitating. So what, then, is the appropriate amount of worry/fear? If you’ve ever had a time when you’ve taken the practical choice – that’s fear. If you’ve been in a state of mistrust – that’s fear. If you’ve doub…
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If you’ve been suffering with a sleep disorder, you know how serious it is. Sleep loss can wreak havoc in our lives. Chronic sleep disorders can rob you of your energy, your health, your work performance, and your quality of life. When we are unable to sleep, it becomes the sole focus of our days – how to get it, how to improve it, how miserable we…
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There seem to be so many alternative and complementary options for care. How can we possibly know which one is right? It’s important to know the what's, when's and why's for using these different modalities and learn which options could be good for YOU!Tonight’s show is about demystifying complementary therapies. If you have ever wondered about som…
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Aren't you tired of waiting - waiting for someone or something else to solve your problems? Are you feeling stuck in your job or career? Feeling stuck where you live? Stuck in a relationship? If you are stuck - in old patterns and trapped in the past? I am here to assure you that you can start making small changes right now - there is no need to wa…
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Money is a LOADED topic – we love it and hate it – and we rarely talk about it. It’s one of those taboo topics, right? We’re ashamed if we don’t have it, and we’re ashamed if we admit to wanting it, or ashamed discuss it if we have it. We live in fear of not having enough, or of losing it if we have it. We’re supposed to know what to do and be grea…
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I am often asked “what issues do you work with the most in your hypnotherapy practice?” My answer is, and has been, stress and anxious feelings (because of how they relate to fears, weight goals, smoking cessation, fertility and HEALING!). What’s more my clients experiencing stress or anxious feelings are getting younger and younger – even pre-teen…
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We all deal with conflict – sometimes on a daily basis. It can eat away at our energy, but more so while we think and stew about it. For those times that we actually move forward to deal with it, we often find it wasn’t as difficult as we made it out to be (in our heads). Listen to find the opportunities to identify what needs to be addressed and c…
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There are so many things we have come to believe over time. If you are committed to serving negative beliefs (the junk in our trunks), then it's like you've been hypnotized. These false beliefs you adopted - perhaps without realizing it until now - by way of authority figures, by repetition, by experiencing an emotional event, or by what your peers…
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It’s likely the number one question people have asked me over time –and that is, Should I stay or should I go? Do you feel like you’re on the fence of some sort, feeling frozen in indecision around leaving a relationship, a job, a place?Being in the middle can really feel tough when the transition peering back at you is requiring decisiveness and c…
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We’re looking at a topic today that is uncomfortable for many of us. Dive in to discover what’s been hiding out in your unexpressed anger. Anger that’s withheld, or repressed, can really start to eat away at your desires, robbing you of your dreams, your peace, your prosperity and your joy. Together we'll explore how to bring your anger to the surf…
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Talking about steps we can take for more abundance in our lives - it's more than a game of chance—it's about creating the life you want. Abundance occurs to different people in different ways – It’s not an “it” – it’s not an achievement, and it’s not a place. It’s not a competition – you cannot have more than your neighbor - or have everything - an…
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Are you low on energy? Do you know where you are leaking energy? Sometimes we can be using up - or giving up our energy – without even realizing it. In this show, we’re talking about where we may be leaking our energy, how we make take on negative energy, and how to clear it and recharge!Av Lauren Cardinale, CMS-CHt, FIBH, CPC
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What happened to the spark you had as a child that powered curiosity, engagement with life and creativity? Has it burned out? Are you feeling emotionally and physically exhausted and cynical, wondering if you’ve got what it takes to make it in this ever changing world? Burnout looks a lot like depression, but it’s not a biological boogeyman that me…
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