Watch the latest messages from Eagle Brook Church. Videos are usually updated every Sunday afternoon and provide the message from the previous weekend. Eagle Brook is a multi-site church in Minnesota with locations in Anoka, Blaine, Lakeville, Lino Lakes, Rochester, Spring Lake Park, Wayzata, White Bear Lake, and Woodbury.
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Some people just have a gift—a gift for pushing your buttons and making you pray a little extra. So, next time someone tests your patience, consider this: They don’t have the final say in your story. God does. And sometimes, the most complicated people are the ones who change us the most.Av Ryan Leak
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So, you're stuck in a mess—a storm of pain, discomfort, conflict—and you want to run. But avoiding the tough stuff only prolongs the struggle. What if the freedom you crave isn’t found in hiding, but in getting real with God and wrestling through things together?Av Jason Strand
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Decisions, decisions—you make thousands of them daily. Some are small, but others? They shape your future. If you've made a bad call (or a few), welcome to the club—just know it's never too late to change course. Lean into biblical wisdom, starting now. Your future self will thank you.Av Guest Speaker Bob Merritt
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You put your faith in Jesus—now what? He's changed your life and transformed your heart, and now your story has led you to the waters of baptism. Maybe you never saw it coming, or maybe you've been waiting for this moment. So, are you ready to GO get baptized? The step just might change everything.Av John Alexander
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Ever feel like you're meant for more? As God transforms lives, he calls us to help reach people for him. Jesus told his followers to GO: to bring light, hope, and change to those who need it. You're here for a reason—start now.Av Jason Strand
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Uh oh, your anger is showing. Whether you let it simmer or let it fly, it’s not doing you any favors. But here’s the thing—anger itself isn’t the problem. Jesus felt it, too. The real question is: what are you going to do with it?Av Jason Strand
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A weekend getaway, hitting “add to cart,” the perfect steak—joy, right? But when stress, disappointment, or heartbreak show up, those things just don’t go the distance. What if there was a joy that didn’t run out, no matter what life looks like? It’s possible—you just need to tap into the source.Av Ted Cunningham
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Sadness can come in waves—big or small, expected or not. You can cry it out or shut it down. Feel it fully or fake a smile. But here's some hope: sadness has a purpose, and God’s never far away. Even in hard times, he’s right there, offering healing and hope when you need it most.Av Jason Strand
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"What if I fail? What if things don't work out? What if..." It's an anxious loop—a soundtrack of worry in your head. And it probably sounds familiar. But you don't have to carry the weight of your worries alone. God's ready and waiting for you to hand it all over and find peace in him.Av Jason Strand
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If you're weary, running on empty, overwhelmed with life—don't rush past this opportunity for rest. You don't have to get your life together first. Jesus came gently and humbly so you could come to him and find peace. And that invitation is open on Christmas and always.Av Jason Strand
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Your notifications are full, but let’s be real—how many of those people show up and stick with you when life gets messy? Great friends are rare, but there’s someone already in your corner, supporting you no matter what. Spoiler: It's Jesus. Don't miss out on the best friend you could ever have.Av Jason Strand
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Jesus didn't come to leave the world the way it was. He came to change things—to disrupt the norm and make a better way. What if we let him do that in our lives, too? Whatever’s holding you back, he can break it down and rebuild something new, something better.
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Wouldn’t it be nice to have someone on your side through the ups and downs of life—helping you put out your fires and cheering you on through every win? It might sound cliché to say, “Jesus is always with you,” but real talk: he is. He’s your advocate, always interceding for you, even when you feel like you have to fend for yourself.…
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Sex. Just reading that word can make us squirm a little. It can bring up different thoughts and emotions—from curiosity and excitement to discomfort or even shame. But God's intention for sex was good and purposeful. How could his perspective strengthen your relationships?Av John Alexander
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Your wedding day was unforgettable. But since then, you’ve likely discovered that marriage is both rewarding and challenging. Every relationship takes work, and conflict is a natural part of the process. The Bible’s advice? Face the small issues together before they grow into bigger ones.Av Jason Strand
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Dating doesn’t have to feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. There’s endless advice out there, but not all of it is helpful. Let’s look at what could make the whole process simpler—maybe you’ve been looking for help (and hope) in the wrong place.Av Ted Cunningham
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The story of Daniel in the Bible reminds us that, even in uncertain times, we’re not alone—God is ultimately in control. Our role is to live thoughtfully and peacefully in every season, trusting that we’re part of something far greater than we could ever know.Av Jason Strand
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"Daniel in the Lions' Den." Sure, it's a Sunday School classic, but it's not just a good story from your childhood. We all face lions' den moments in life—ones that test our faith and character. Are you confident that God is with you even in your darkest days?Av Jason Strand
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Two kings at their peak. Their empires? Unstoppable. Their confidence? Unshakeable. But it all came crashing down. Why? One simple word: pride. Sounds like a story, but it’s straight from the Bible—and it speaks to us now as much as it did then.Av John Alexander
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You're battling anxiety. Your relationships are a wreck. You're feeling the pressure of life closing in. You're in the fire…and you're not fireproof. Daniel and his friends faced the fire, too. Their secret? Full trust in God—even if he didn't show up the way they hoped.Av Jason Strand
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This one's for anyone who's felt like the odd one out—who's been pressured to compromise beliefs and become more like the world and people around you. The book of Daniel, chapter 1, lets us know: When the world says, "Bend," you can say, "I'm built to stand."Av Ryan Leak
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Sure, you earned it. We like to think our money is ours to control, but discovering true financial freedom might surprise you in the best way possible.Av Jason Strand
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Life's hectic, but we always find time for what truly matters. Step back from the daily grind and try investing your time in things that have eternal value—it could just change everything.Av Ted Cunningham
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You’re not here by accident. You’ve got a unique purpose only you can fulfill. The question isn’t if you'll make a difference, but how?Av Jason Strand
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You might think you've got this whole 'life' thing under control. You’re strong, capable, and resilient—but carrying the weight of your whole life? No one person is that strong. So lean into a God who is.Av Jason Strand
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Starting the Bible from page one? It doesn't take long before you're buried in lists, genealogies, and Old Testament rules…BORING. But you know spending time in God's word is important. So, where to start? Start with this message—we’ll help you out.Av Jason Strand
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If the Bible feels intimidating, confusing, and, well...boring—you're not alone. But with the right tools and some quality time, watch the Bible come to life, offering wisdom, guidance, and truth in a way nothing else can.Av John Alexander
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Every day is a gift, but that's easy to forget when tasks pile up and life feels like too much to handle. Don't wait to find joy "someday"—why not grab hold of it today?Av Jason Strand
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Your alarm rings—what's your move? Hit snooze or jump out of bed? Donuts or eggs? Time with God or time to scroll? Your daily choices matter. Tap into some biblical wisdom and set yourself up for success.Av Jason Strand
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Struggles—we've all got 'em. And as much as we want to avoid them, maybe they aren't all bad. There can be joy even in the toughest times, strength built through pain, and hope discovered when God meets us in the mess.Av Guest Speaker Megan Fate Marshman
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Feeling stuck? Life can throw some curveballs—sometimes it's hard to know what to do next. So, when you can't rewind but fear is keeping you from moving forward, it's time to choose: sit back and let life pass you by or go all in and let God do a new thing.Av Guest Speaker Bob Merritt
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When someone says "I promise," what's your response? Maybe you believe it…or maybe you know better. How have broken promises impacted your faith? God promises to hear you when you pray—and truly trusting that could make all the difference.Av Guest Speaker Adam Weber
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Who are you, really? Not just your name, age, or what you do. Who are you at your core—and how do you discover that? It takes God's truth to answer this question with confidence and conviction. Everything changes when you discover your true identity in who he says you are.Av Guest Speaker Jon Weece
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For most of us, there's a bit of a gap between our intentions and our actions. You want to stop eating sugar...but then a coworker brings donuts. The same goes for living out our faith. You want to love your neighbor...but people can be frustrating. So, what's standing in the way of living out your faith—and what if you truly lived what you believe…
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If you plant an apple tree in your backyard, it won't grow in your front yard instead. Trees bloom where they're planted. Same goes for life. The seeds you plant with your time and energy will ultimately be the ones to grow over time. Question is…are you putting your energy in the places God has for you?…
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When it comes to life's tough stuff, you have a choice. No, you can't choose the burdens you'll carry, but you can choose to help others carry theirs.Av Jason Strand
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Imagine this: joy that isn’t tied to your circumstances, love that's deep and real, peace that surpasses all understanding. If that sounds too good to be true, it’s because it is—at least on your own. But with the Holy Spirit guiding your life, true transformation becomes a reality.Av John Alexander
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This Eagle Brook Church message is a sermon by Jason Strand. He'll talk about how to engage and interact with people you disagree with in a healthy, biblical way, what to do when you feel judged, and ways to handle anger with grace and humility. This message is out of the book of Galatians.Av Jason Strand
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Maybe church for you has been all about dos, don’ts, consequences, and fear—far from anything you'd call "free." But hear this: it’s not meant to be that way. There is true freedom to be found in a relationship with Jesus.Av Ted Cunningham
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Every parent knows that handing over the car keys for the first time is a significant (and nerve-wracking) milestone. Because it's true: the driver decides the destination—and the path taken to get there. So, who's in the driver’s seat of your life? Loosening your grip on the wheel can lead to more freedom than you think.…
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There’s a time and place to push back and fight for what you think is right. But figuring that out can be tricky. Take Jesus, for example. He leaned in and pushed back on important things because some things are worth fighting for—but not everything. So, how do you prioritize your pushback? If you push back on everything, you lessen your influence …
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Seeking approval from others can feel satisfying, but what if it doesn't align with your true self? Besides, whose opinion truly matters in the end—others' or God's? The real question to ponder is: Whose approval shapes the way you live your life?Av Jason Strand
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Relationships can leave scars deeper than physical wounds. Betrayal, misunderstanding, or abandonment can color every interaction with doubt. But, I'm learning that healing starts with acknowledging the hurt and finding courage to rebuild trust—with the love and grace of Jesus leading the way.Av John Alexander
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Trauma isn't merely a memory—it's a heavy weight, shaping every aspect of my life. But I'm refusing to let it define me. Through reflection and courage, and guided by the love and compassion of Jesus, I can begin to loosen its grip. With each step toward healing, I find strength and hope.Av Jason Strand
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Sexual sin can shatter self-worth and leave a trail of guilt and shame. It's a burden I once carried alone, believing I was unworthy of love and forgiveness. But through Jesus, I've discovered there's a path to redemption and purity where grace overcomes shame and healing begins.Av Jason Strand
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Doubts can plague my every step, whispering inadequacy and unworthiness. Will I ever measure up? Insecurity grips me, leaving me feeling small and insignificant. Yet, in the uncertainty, I find acceptance and belonging in Jesus, who sees beyond my flaws, and offers unconditional love and purpose.Av John Alexander
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In the suffocating grip of depression, every day feels like an uphill battle. Darkness consumes most of my thoughts and emotions. Will this heaviness ever lift? Despite the isolation, I cling to the belief that Jesus, the light of the world, will pierce through the shadows, bringing relief and comfort.…
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On Easter, we celebrate that the stone has been rolled away, the tomb is empty, and Jesus Christ has risen from the dead. But the question is: Why? Why did God allow his son Jesus Christ to die a brutal death on the cross? What difference does Easter make?Av Jason Strand
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Healthy people don’t visit a doctor; sick people do. That’s why waiting rooms are full of sick and messy people who need help. Jesus made it clear: He came for sick people. That’s why churches are also full of sick and messy people who need help. Let’s embrace the mess.Av Ted Cunningham
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Ever feel stuck? Easy to get stuck in the same habits, relationships, or even the past. Jesus often sought out people who seemed stuck, and then offered them a way forward. What if God wants you to watch for opportunities to reach people who need to be unstuck?Av Guest Speaker Bob Merritt
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