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Zen Mind

Zenki Christian Dillo

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Zenki Christian Dillo Roshi is the Guiding Teacher at the Boulder Zen Center in Colorado, USA. This podcast shares the regular dharma talks given at the Center. Zenki Roshi approaches Zen practice as a craft of transformation, liberation, wisdom, and compassionate action. His interest is to bring Buddhism alive within Western cultural horizons while staying committed to the traditional emphasis on embodied practice.
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A Zen Mind Guided Meditations

Jo Rose | A Zen Mind

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Quiet your thoughts, take a deep breath, and experience pure mindfulness & relaxation with A Zen Mind Guided Meditations & Visualizations 🤍 Journey within to connect with your highest potential 💫 Let go of the thoughts or emotions that no longer serve you, and welcome healing, inner peace, wisdom, and harmony within🕊️ ✨ New meditations uploaded every Wednesday 💗 With Love & Light, xo Jo More from A Zen Mind🌼Follow me on Instagram✨ www.azenmindpodcast.com 🕉️ Get More Meditations Each Month
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正念生活禪 Mindfulness and Living Zen

香光禪播團隊 Luminary Podcasters

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我們以輕鬆有料的生活故事,分享正念和生活禪的智慧世界, 與您一起探討轉化 生命的契機。 在節目中我們會介紹最近很夯的正念減壓法,以及更進階的內觀禪法和禪宗的心法。在每集最後,我也會分享一個正念的小方法,讓大家可以在日常中減壓、轉化無聊、苦悶和空洞的生活,提昇生活樂趣和品質,讓大家過著自在又有智慧的人生。 歡迎在FB留言給我們: FB: https://www.facebook.com/MindfulZen5 也歡迎加入我們正念生活禪的臉書社團: https://www.facebook.com/groups/mindfulzen1 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Welcome to 'Zen Brain: Exploring Mindfulness, Technology, and Authentic Living.' Dive deep with us as we unravel the synergy between cutting-edge technology and timeless mindfulness practices. Each episode offers a unique blend of expert insights, practical techniques, and enlightening conversations, fostering a balanced and enlightened approach to life's challenges. Whether you're a tech enthusiast, a mindfulness seeker, or someone yearning for genuine connections, Zen Brain bridges the gap.
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🌿 This meditation invites you to shift your perspective and embrace gratitude—even in challenging or difficult moments. It’s easy to feel grateful when life is smooth, but the real power of gratitude lies in choosing it during difficult times. This practice helps you soften resistance, release frustration, and open your heart to the hidden gifts wi…
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This talk kicks off the line-by-line commentary on Dogen's fascicle "Shobogenzo Zenki – Undivided Activity," which participants in BZC's Everyday Bodhisattva Practice Period study together over the course of 3 month. The talk discusses the title and the first sentence, which together introduce four central ideas: (1) undivided activity (that everyt…
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#正念, #生活禪, #正念減壓法的心法和練習法,#修正念的好處, #減壓和增加專注和幸福感,#轉化身心 1.練習正念靜心的效果可深可淺: 淺者:有益身心健康、減壓和增加專注和幸福感 深者:可以轉化身心,淨化潛意識和深層意識中的創傷、負能量、以及使我們痛苦的種種煩惱 2.在這集節目中,我們將復習正念生活禪的內容、修法和好處,雖然很短,但內容已包括精華 內容。歡迎收聽,也歡迎週六看youtube的影片,有很多精美的圖片喔。 按下連結就可以聽到精彩節目,也歡迎到正念生活禪臉書,與我們交流: Iphone: https://reurl.cc/OEqVzg 安卓手機: https://reurl.cc/zrzAj0 Fb: https://www.facebook.com/MindfulZen5/ …
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❤️‍🩹This meditation was created to guide you through the healing and release of heartbreak, loss, or grief. It’s a space to feel, to acknowledge, and to let emotions flow through you—without resistance, without judgment. Even in discomfort, you are growing stronger. The second half of this practice is an energetic cord-cutting, releasing emotional …
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☁️ This meditation is a simple yet powerful practice in deep breathing, designed to bring realignment and clarity. Using a 5-10 breathing pattern—inhale for five, exhale for ten—you’ll slow down the nervous system, activate the parasympathetic response, and encourage a deep state of calm. But don’t worry if you can’t reach these counts—just do the …
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#小小善行,成就大大力量,#提昇生命的正能量和品質, # 好聽的公案故事 1.香光正念生活禪第三季迎來圓滿時刻,從最初的願景到如今突破184集,這段旅程充滿挑戰與成長。製作團隊的努力,讓正念、禪修與生活智慧傳遞給更多人。在這次節目中我們會分享前三季的特色內容,讓有興趣的朋友可以找到想聽的好節目。 2.本集主題 法界願•普賢行,帶領聽眾探索普賢菩薩的修行智慧,如何透過「普賢十大願」在日常中實踐善行,如禮敬諸佛、隨喜功德、恆順眾生等。這不僅是佛法智慧,更是提升生活品質的實用法門。 3. 修行智慧的精髓 透過楞嚴經分享開悟聖者的修行故事,強調日常生活就是修行道場。 普賢菩薩以耳識聞法開悟,聆聽眾生的需求,透過慈悲智慧幫助他人。 我們也會分享如何在生活中實踐普賢行,例如以無私與謙卑心行善,即使微小的…
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👁️ This meditation is a practice in pure awareness—because at its core, meditation isn’t about control, it’s about noticing. Noticing your thoughts, your feelings, your surroundings. Simply observing what is. This is an open-eye meditation, designed to be done anywhere—while driving, at the gym, working, cleaning—wherever you are. Through gentle pr…
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#chatgpt, #輝達, #Deepseek深度求索, #, #爭奪世界AI霸主的位置,#因緣觀, #增長生活智慧,減少煩惱 1.新春期間,發生的二個重磅事件,深深震撼大家的心,一是中國Deepseek深度求索公司,推出號稱與ChatGPT同等級的AI大語言模型,震撼美國矽谷,也讓美國AI相關公司股票市值蒸發19.7兆台幣,這二個因緣,瞬間就改變了國際政經局勢,也讓本來被看好的輝達公司瞬間失去晶片界霸主的光環。另一事件是著名藝人大s在日本過逝。 2.以前覺得因緣觀好像是一個抽象的理論和概念,但想想深度求索AI大語言模型的出現和大S過逝的因緣,讓我深切感受到因緣真的不可思議,不論是一個國家的政治經濟發展、一個企業的興衰,一個人健康、生死,都跟緣生緣滅的因緣離不了關係,這讓我深深體會到能夠洞…
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This talk was given during a Boulder Zen Center Weekend Sitting. It contemplates the phrase "Everything is functioning together to create this moment." It suggests to understand "this moment" not as a time unit but as the infinite experiential space that presents itself here-now. We can approach the experience of "everything" by letting go of the f…
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💫 This meditation was created to help you release the grip of the ego and reconnect with the truth of your soul. The ego is tied to the body—it attaches, judges, and holds onto emotions. But beneath it all, the soul remains pure. It is truth. It is love. Through this practice, you’ll begin shifting away from ego-driven reactions and instead cultiva…
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1.在這新春的開始,我們也來學學大自然的一元復始,萬象更新,一起來發個好願—希望今年能拾棄不好的習慣,創造一個廣結善緣的新一年! 也許我們會覺得,多一事不如少一事,發了一個願,好像就多一份負擔,但我們也可以換個角度想,給自己一個好目標,就是給自己一份希望,也也自己一份動力,去成為一個更好的自己。不過有人可能會擔心,會心有餘,力不足,無法堅持下去。所以,在這次的正念生活禪節目中,我們來分享一個可好祕招,讓好願能圓滿。這招是什麼呢? 就是培養正念覺知力 2.正念覺知是自我照顧和自我關懷的基礎,這裡正念的定義是: 清楚覺知並領受每個當下的經驗。正念覺知是一種很簡單又很有力量的生活藝術和態度,只要在日常生活中,多用一份心去留意在六種感官當下發生的事情,就會有因緣找到提昇自己的契機。更多有關用六種感官…
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🧠 This meditation was created to strengthen your focus and bring clarity to your mind. Just like any other muscle, the mind must be exercised and trained—and this gentle practice does just that. Using simple breathing and counting techniques, you’ll train your mind to stay present and focused. Over time, this practice will help you cultivate a stro…
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#新年快樂, #AI世紀, #蛇年祝福, #生活禪, #香光 1.大家新年快樂! 祝福大家 蛇麼都有,福慧滿屋! 今年的農曆新年,是俗稱「蛇年」,在這集節目中,我們要跟大家聊聊「蛇」在西方文化和佛教經典中的意涵,還有它帶給我們生活上的啟示,以及我們僧團推出的祝福語—自在喜相隨。 2.大家一聽到蛇」就會聯想到一些負面的印象,例如有毒、會傷害、神秘和危險的。但事實上,蛇在東西方文化中,也有很多正面意涵。例如在西方代表醫學中心,我們可以看到代到醫神的蛇杖,這就是以蛇為象徵的符號。 相似的,東方的佛教裡,保護佛教的護法神就有所謂的那伽與摩睺羅伽,這二者,其實也是與蛇有關的生物,可見蛇也有其正向的意義存在。 3.所以,在這集中我們將分享香光尼僧團方丈分享的法義智慧,悟師父會從一部有趣的經典—蛇經說起,…
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To my beautiful listeners, I have an exciting update to share about the future of A Zen Mind! I’ve partnered with Bleav Network to take A Zen Mind to new heights. This partnership allows me to pour even more love and soul into this space, expanding its reach and impact. ✨ Here’s what this means for you: No changes to how or where you access the med…
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This talk was given as part of the Opening Ceremony for Boulder Zen Center's annual 3-month 'Everyday Bodhisattva Practice Period,' which intends to create a framework for householders (Everyday Bodhisattvas) to intensify their practice in a committed way. In a monastic 90-day Zen Practice Period, the main commitment is to stay on the premises and …
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💛 This meditation was created to gently hold you in moments of anxiety, overthinking, and stress. It’s a compassionate space where you can release fear, worry, and tension, allowing yourself to melt into a state of blissful presence. Through the soothing box breathing technique, you’ll calm your racing thoughts, turn inward, and reconnect with the …
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#楞嚴經, #二十五圓通, #正念, #生活禪, #香光 在這集正念生活禪中,我們將深入探討了佛教中的「空性」概念,並分享空性智慧的禪修的禪修法,並以楞嚴經二十五圓通中修此法成就的公案故事來說明 1.空性與誤解:現代人對空性有很多的誤解,尤其是電影和電視劇中,看到出家法師時,會以四大皆空和六根清淨來形容他們的生活。言下之意是法師們遠離了財、色、酒、氣等,就是空的生活,然而,真正的空性不是消失或無物,而是一種洞察世界本質的智慧。 2.空性與修行:對空性的體證的深度,取決於修行者的覺悟程度,在楞嚴經二十五圓通中,我們會以修空觀開悟證果的須菩提尊者為例,說明偏空與圓滿空性的不同。同時,同時也分享如何修練,才可以達到圓滿的空性—性空。 3.最後,我們也分享了如何在日常生活中修習空性智慧:真正的空性並…
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💤This meditation is designed to guide you gently into rest, helping you release the weight of the day and surrender to a peaceful night’s sleep. It’s about letting go, relaxing deeply, and allowing yourself to simply be. Through this soothing journey, you’ll feel layers of tension dissolve as you drift into stillness. Each breath will take you clos…
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#楞嚴經, #二十五圓通, #佛典故事, #開悟證果,#習慣會影響生命 1.您知道嗎? 無意識中養成的習慣,可能會影響了我們的一生,甚至改變了我們的命運,例如常用負面想法看事的人,把很事都看成是悲觀的,相對的,有積極思考的人,即是在絕境中,也可能成為他開創生命更高層次的契機。在這一集的正念生活禪中,我們將分享楞嚴經二十五圓通中,一有趣又感人的開悟聖者,他因為習氣無法與人相處,也受人抱怨,但他卻把生病引起的大疼痛,轉化成他開悟證果的精彩故事。 2.這集經典故事中的主人翁是畢陵伽婆蹉尊者,他是佛陀很重要的弟子之一,他的因為習氣,在修行中也發生一些有趣的故事。但他在修行上是毫不含糊的,在楞嚴經中,他形容自己開悟是因為— 純覺遺身,四個簡單的字卻讓他修到: 身、心忽空,三七日中,諸漏虛盡,成阿羅漢,…
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This talk is the seventh and last talk given during Boulder Zen Center's seven-day December Sesshin. It raises questions about the relationship between being on retreat and practicing in the context of daily life. To address these questions, it shows how the Bodhisattva ideal of Mahayana Buddhism goes beyond the idea of transcendence in Early Buddh…
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✨ This meditation is designed to help you step into your power as the creator of your reality. It’s not about thinking your desires into existence but feeling them into being. Aligning with the energy of all that you are, and all that you are becoming. Through this guided journey, you’ll tap into the magnetic energy within, aligning yourself with a…
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1.在人生旅途中,是否曾因一時的錯誤,造成不可挽回的遺憾,並因而受苦呢? 但是錯誤也可以是成長和突破生命局限的契機。在在這集正念生活禪中,我們要分享一真實的故事,有位修行人因為因為對一位阿羅漢說了不好的話,得到怪病—他的嘴巴,即便沒吃食物,也會像牛一樣不停地咀嚼,而且,他也因為這個病,無法分辨食物的味道,吃到食物的美味。 ,但他後來出家修行,佛陀教他 一味清淨的修行法門,他認真修行後開悟證果的故事。 2.這故事的主角是憍梵缽提尊者,也是楞嚴經中,二十五圓通中的一位聖者。但他的修行之路,並不是一帆風順,但是經過努力,他還是成功了。 3.憍梵缽提尊者最後修到無人我,無世界的境界。這是因為他能夠超越一切執著,無論是對味覺、對情感、對身體的執著,甚至超越所謂的三有——欲界、色界、無色界,這三界是凡夫…
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This meditation is a perfect way to welcome in the new year (or any time you're seeking a fresh start) 💖. This time invites you to take a moment to reflect on the journey you've walked, shedding what no longer serves you and welcoming the energy and beliefs that align with your highest good. This practice will help you honor the past with gratitude…
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1.中醫常用把脈來為人診斷病情,您知道禪修者也可以透過一個人的呼吸看出這個的的心性情況嗎? 這是因為呼吸和人的心境息息相關,在呼吸氣息的呈現中,就會顯示出一個人是浮燥不安的、身體有恙的、還是心情平情的。在這集正念生活禪 S3-53 調息觀心好用功中,我們將為分享天台小止觀中說的調息四相: 風、氣、喘、息,以及因為修練調息而開悟證果的聖者故事。 2.這位因調息成就的聖者,是一位很有故事性的人物,還有一道佛曲—掃心地歌—也是在寫他的故事,這位聖者是誰呢? 就是記憶力非常不好的周梨槃陀伽尊者。 3.周梨槃陀伽尊者在剛出家時,要背誦四句偈—身語意業不作惡, 莫惱世間諸有情,正念觀知欲境空, 無益苦行當遠離。—他背了三個月,連第一句都記不起來,結果他哥哥覺得他不適合出家,要他回去繼承父親的龐大的事業。…
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We live in an "achievement society," in which we are encouraged to constantly improve our lives in search for happiness. This talk presents Zen practice as a series of simple instructions like sitting down, not moving, and attending to breath and body, which facilitate the discovery and cultivation of a breath-body-attentional-space that can flower…
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This meditation focuses on the healing power of the Three-Part Breath, a Pranayama technique that can bring deep relaxation and clarity. Through gentle guidance, you’ll be led into a state of peaceful stillness, where your breath becomes your anchor. As you flow with each inhale and exhale, you’ll feel the calming effects of the breath, drawing you…
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1.以前看到一些科幻小說,其中有練功讓盲者不用眼睛也可以看到的情境。無獨有偶,在楞嚴經二十五位開悟證果的聖者中,也有一位修行人—阿那律尊者,雖然眼睛看不見,卻因為努力修行,而證得天眼通,因而,不依靠肉眼,也能看到世間的一切事物,更強的是,他看到的不只是眼前的事物,而是看十方世界的人、事、物都像在看手掌中的水果一樣清清楚楚。 2.阿那律尊者修的法門是什麼呢? —是樂見照明金剛三昧,這個法門具體的做法就是—旋見循元,也就是旋轉向外看的眼睛,往內去看見性的根源,簡單地說,就是迴光返照。 3.阿那律尊者會這麼做,是因為他本來很愛睡覺,連打聽佛陀講課都打瞌睡,佛陀就說他: 「咄咄何為睡,螺螄蛤蚌類;一睡一千年,不聞佛名字。」意思是如果他再這樣愛睡覺下去,以後就會像蛤蚌類一樣,一睡就一千年,無法聽聞佛法…
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This meditation is the perfect way to wind down at the end of your day or as you prepare to gently drift off to sleep. It’s an opportunity to slow down, breathe, and sink into a deep state of gratitude and appreciation—not just for what you have, but for who you are. Unlike affirmations, this meditation isn’t about repeating phrases or listing what…
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1. 是否聽過拈花微笑的公案故事? 知道他的主角是誰嗎? 他就是這集節目要介紹的迦葉尊者。迦葉尊者本來也是個富二代,但因為喜歡修行,就隨佛陀出家,甚至修苦行。他對佛教的貢獻很大,因為是他召集了五百位阿羅漢編輯了佛陀的教法,現在我們才有機會學習佛陀的智慧,轉化煩惱,甚至開悟證果。 2.楞嚴經所說的二十五圓通,代表了二十五個法門: 六塵(觀色、聲、香、味、觸、法塵),六根(眼、耳、鼻、舌、身、意)、六識(眼識、耳識、鼻識、舌識、身識和意識),以及七大(地、水、火、風、空、識、根)。而這集的主角迦葉尊者也是楞嚴經中二十五位開悟證果的聖者之一,他所修的法門是觀法塵。 3.至於什麼是法塵? 又要如何觀呢? 這和拈花微笑公案又有什麼關係? 以及迦葉尊者修行的精彩故事,請聽S3-51 拈花微笑觀法塵,按下…
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This talk is the third talk given during the seven-day December Sesshin held at the Boulder Zen Center. It is a detailed investigation of why, despite our sincere mindfulness practice, it can be so difficult to disentangle our attention from the thinking process. It explores the hypothesis that thinking can be non-consciously used as a defense agai…
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This meditation is all about exploring self-validation, and extending kindness inward. Here, you’ll be guided through acknowledging and honoring your emotions and experiences without judgment or the need for external approval. Through this reflection, you’ll gently release self-doubt and create space for compassion, acceptance, and inner peace. As …
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#感到焦慮, #擔心事情做不完, #怕自己做不到別人要求的人, #最好的解藥 1.一到冬天,很多人就會計畫出外旅行,特別是到日本泡溫泉。 禪宗常說: 平常心是道,喫飯、喝茶,甚至沐浴、泡澡都可以是修行開悟的契機。在這一集正念生活禪—S3-50 觸的智慧—泡澡也可以悟道中,我將分享一位開悟聖者—跋陀婆羅因為洗澡時,水碰觸到身體,感受到冷、暖、澀、滑,觸發了他的善根開悟的故事。 2.這雖聽起來很神奇,但用對方法,也用對心,就有可能因為在碰到水時開悟證果。我們將分享跋陀婆羅是用什麼當公案來參,他參悟的過程及結果。 3.我們也會以中觀的核心偈頌—諸法不自生,亦不從他生,不共不無因,是故知無生—輔助說明跋陀婆羅的開悟內容。最後也將分享可以把這種觸的智慧,如何用在當我們感到焦慮、擔心事情做不完,或者怕自…
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This guided visualization invites you into a sacred energetic shower, a space of renewal and release. Here, you can wash away the weight of the day and free yourself from anything that may be weighing down your energy or aura. Through this visualization, you'll gently let go of what no longer serves you, creating space for the rejuvenation of your …
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#簡版慈心禪, # #化解心結和仇恨的有效方法, # 調整情緒,釋放心中負能量, #適合忙碌或趕時間的人 1.應聽眾朋友要求,在這集正念生活禪中,我們將分享一個最簡版的慈心觀,只要三到五分鐘就可以修練完畢。非常適合忙碌或趕時間的人修練。 2.這個簡版的慈心禪,可以多多練習,一早起床時時可以練習,也可以在臨睡前練習,或著在遇到不如意事,心情不好時,或快要發飆時,都可以練習。讓大家能隨時調整情緒,釋放心中負能量。 3.如何修對一想到那個人就很生氣,很難過,甚至有仇恨感,完全無法對他生起慈心的人修慈心觀? 禪子老師說,可以用慈心觀加上呼吸法,用我一你一、我二你一或我一你二的方法修。此方效果大。詳細內容請聽S3-49 化解心結和怨仇有效的好密招。 4.邀請大家在未來一週中,一起來練習,把這個寶貝方法…
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This talk asks what it means to be identified with thoughts, opinions, emotions, personal characteristics, roles, and positions. And then, what it means to dis-identify from those aspects. It explores Dogen's practice instruction "to take the backward step that turns the light around and inward." Dogen's stepping back is to first discover and then …
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This meditation is a gentle invitation to simply be. In a world where we are conditioned to always be doing—whether it's thinking, planning, reminiscing, or preparing—our minds are constantly pulled in a thousand directions. But when was the last time you allowed yourself to pause? To sit in stillness, connect with your breath, let your body relax,…
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在日常生活中和工作中,我們可能都曾遇過這樣的人或事,那就是有的人非常聰明有能力,但卻因為個人強烈的好惡情緒,影響了他們升職,或任用對的人,而導致事業和人際關係的失敗。也因此,大大局限了自己的發揮空間。在這集正念生活禪中—S3-48行捨得安樂中,我們將分享四無量心的最後一個捨心觀。讓大家能無痛地改善這個好惡習慣,讓自己在人際和職場上,能活的更自在和成功。 捨指的是一種行捨是心平平衡」,這表示我們在面對生命中的所有變化、喜怒哀樂時,能夠保持一顆平靜的心,不因為任何外在的因素而產生過度的喜愛或排斥。捨心觀的核心是不執著,不抗拒。很多人可能會誤以為捨是對所有事情漠不關心,其實,真正的捨是一種智慧的表現,它是了解緣起後,對生活和生命中的一切現象的生起和變化,保持覺知但不會過於執著的中道態度,有捨的智慧…
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We so often find ourselves asking others, "How are you?"—a common gesture of care and connection. Yet, how often do we pause to ask ourselves the same question? This 10-minute meditation is an opportunity to turn inward and check in with yourself. To gently ask, "How am I doing? How am I feeling? What do I need?" and to really listen to the answer.…
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#正念冥想 #慈心觀 # 轉化煩惱, #增長愛心和智慧 1.當朋友升職,或者獲得某個成就時,我們是否能夠由衷地為他們高興,而不是心生嫉妒?在這集正念生活禪中,我們將分享一個密招--隨喜觀,讓我們不會因為陷人嫉妒的陷阱中而生煩惱。 2.隨喜,或者說「隨喜心」,它是指我們在別人成功、快樂、成就的時候,能夠真心地為他們感到高興,並且祝福他們。這個看似簡單的情緒,其實能帶給我們無窮的內在力量。隨喜他人也是一種美德,更是修行人的一種功德。當我們能放下自己本來糾結在一起的忌妒批評的心,便成隨喜心時,心情會一下間從煩惱人轉化成喜悅心的清涼和輕鬆感,所以說,隨喜真的是轉化煩惱的魔法棒,可以把嫉妒的火焰變成清涼的心蓮。 3.經典中常提到,要我們注意防犯的五種慳吝心,如果我們能覺察到這五種心,並依照隨喜觀的四個…
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Discover Converging Paths 🌟Explore the framework that celebrates diverse spiritual journeys, united by the quest for enlightenment and self-discovery.✨ What You’ll Learn:The philosophy of Converging Paths: Unity in diversity 🌍Practical tools for daily spiritual growth 🧘‍♂️Resources to deepen your journey 📚Join a path that connects unique experience…
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Living the Transcendent Truth 🌟True enlightenment is not about fleeting moments of transcendence but how we bring spiritual insights into our daily lives. Explore how to embody spiritual growth in every interaction and experience.✨ What You'll Discover:The essence of living transcendent truth in everyday life.How to integrate spiritual insights int…
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Illumination of the Infinite Self 🌌Enlightenment isn’t a moment—it’s a transformative journey that reveals the luminous core of our being. In this chapter, I explore the unfolding essence of enlightenment and the profound realization of cosmic unity.✨ What You'll Discover:How enlightenment is a continuous, transformative process.Insights from medit…
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Ascending the Celestial Ladder 🌌As we heal and grow, we ascend a celestial ladder, each step leading to higher consciousness and deeper alignment with the divine. In this chapter, I explore the profound experiences and practices that marked my spiritual ascent.✨ What You'll Discover:The metaphorical and tangible journey toward higher dimensions.Ins…
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