A podcast exploring health and human experience. Brought to you by Wellcome Collection, a free museum and library in London.
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The Wellcome Home Kids organization's platform for incredible stories that document the post-organ transplant journey. An inside look into the journey of the families that are handed the cards that no one deserves or knows how to handle perfectly. Community, knowledge, triumph, support.
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Gilgit Baltistan is a famous for tourism and its a great tourist destination.
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Un historiador encerrado durante 15 días en una de las mayores bibliotecas de historia de la medicina del mundo. ¿Qué pasará? ¿Qué demonios piede pasar?
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This podcast series provides an insight into what its like to be a Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Fellow. Each of our fellows are part of a PhD programme for primary care clinicians, which suppors the development of clinical academics through providing high quality training and internationally renowned applied research units (Keele University, University of Cambridge, University of Oxford and Southampton University). Cover art photo provided by Annie Spratt on Unsplash: https://unsplash.co ...
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In the final episode of ‘The Root of the Matter’, JC takes us to the least human habitat of all – the wasteland. It’s a space which often fills us with a sense of foreboding and yet, these places teach us some of the most profound lessons about the plant world and our relationship to it: Author of Islands of Abandonment: Life in the post-human land…
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What does the word ‘wetland’ mean to you? Many of us don’t encounter them at all, and at best we might think of a muddy, boggy marshland. But these landscapes, and the plants that thrive in them, are crucial for ecological health, biodiversity, and capturing carbon. In this episode, JC and her contributors invite you to see these misunderstood spac…
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We think of forests and woodlands as wild spaces, or areas where we can lose ourselves in nature, and yet they also provide us with a wealth of resources such as food, building materials, or medicines. But they are also globally under threat of destruction… In this episode, JC delves into the contradictions in our relationship with woodlands, and e…
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Fruit and veg are a clear link to our relationship to the plant world. Yet many of us have little understanding of the farming industry and the impacts it has on our planet, in bringing crops to our plates.In this episode, JC untangles the knots of these complex global food systems - and focuses on a grain that is central to many of our diets, whea…
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The Root of the Matter: The Garden
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Gardens are hugely personal, they are an extension of how we see ourselves and how we are in the world. They can also be a strong reminder of what is excluded as much as what is included. In this episode JC asks, what does the Garden reveal about the way we relate to the natural world and to each other? Writer and grower Claire Ratinon explores col…
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In Wellcome Collection’s new series, ‘The Root of the Matter’, we join JC Niala on a journey to understand how plants can provide a lens on human health, history and belonging.Av Wellcome Collection
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In the final episode of our podcast, Bidisha takes us on a journey through the highest of highs, from nightclubbing and the ecstasies of religion and drugs, to mania. Artist Harold Offeh shares his personal take on the connections between movement, music and bodies. Annie Macmanus (‘DJ Annie Mac’) speaks about the power of nightclubbing, how ecstas…
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Bidisha explores joy, from the psychology of our earliest laughs to collective and solitary pleasures like comedy, food and performance. Hear historian of emotions Thomas Dixon describe and define joy, before listening to comedian Daliso Chaponda and developmental psychologist Caspar Addyman talk with Bidisha. They remind us to let our inner jester…
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When was the last time you felt utterly tranquil? Moya Lothian-McLean searches for an oasis of calm, taking Wellcome Collection’s ‘Tranquillity’ exhibition as a point of inspiration. She visits St Bartholomew’s Hospital to experience the installation ‘Regarding Forests’ by Chrystel Lebas. Hear tips from staff and visitors as they share how they fin…
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Hello Happiness is the first series of The Wellcome Collection Podcast. In this episode, Bidisha chats to her guests about their personal experiences of resolve, and considers its complicated relationship to happiness. Psychotherapist Susie Orbach and broadcaster Jeff Brazier discuss the power and limitations of resolve in managing grief and mental…
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Hello Happiness is the first series of The Wellcome Collection Podcast. In this episode, Bidisha asks: What are our emotions and how are they made? She then attempts to pin down the purpose and uses of hope. Listen to historian Tiffany Watt Smith explain how our understanding of emotion has been shaped throughout time, from the ancient Greeks to ou…
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Bidisha introduces a new five-part series from Wellcome Collection, exploring the meaning of positive emotions: hope, resolve, tranquillity, joy and ecstasy.Av Wellcome Collection
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Preventing zoonotic diseases is a major challenge
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Tourism in Gilgit Baltistan.
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Wellcome Home Families Ep. 1: The King Family
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"Giving CPR to my son who is unconscious while we wait for the ambulance to arrive, I always knew that he would pull through it." San Diego high school baseball pitcher, Dylan, was born with a single ventricle heart; his heart on the opposite side of his chest and backwards. In 2018, he was forced to be placed on the waiting list for a new heart fo…
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How to get into research as a clinician: Dr. Helen Twohig (Keele University)
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Helen Twohig is a salaried GP in Sheffiled, and was awarded a Wellcome Trust Primary Care PhD Fellowship at Keele Univeristy in 2017. In this podcast, Helen tells us how she first got into research and how fellowships like this have supported her on her career path into research whilst continuing her clinical work as a GP.…
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Life as a GP and Clinical Academic: Dr. Clare Goyder (University of Oxford)
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Dr. Clare Goyder studied medicine at the University of Oxford, going on to complete her training in general practice medicine in Oxford, qualifying in 2016. Clare has always been interested in the science that underpins medicine, and embarked on a Wellcome Trust Fellowship within the University of Oxford's Department of Primary Care Sciences alongs…
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Wellcome Trust Primary Care Clinical Fellowships - Who, what, when, where and why?
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Dr. Yin Zhou is a GP and Wellcome Trust Doctoral Fellow at the University of Cambridge, where she is being funded for a part-time PhD under the supervision of Dr Fiona Walter and Professor Yoryos Kyratzopoulos. She's researching patient afety, in particular diagnostic safety and quality in cancer diagnosis. In this podcast, Yin shares her experienc…
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Se acabó. 15 días pasan rápido, y los nuestros ya no están. Han sido 15 días intensos, de muchas cosas. Hemos hablado del pasado del Wellcome y del futuro de la disciplina. Hemos hablado de los retos que nos esperan y de las disyuntivas en las que nos vamos a encontrar. Los cruces de camino en los que deberemos decidir. Pero, estoy absolutamente se…
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Hoy hablamos de la espalda de Phelps, la ventosaterapia y la relación de los historiadores con los medios de comunicación. O mejor, de su falta de relación. Sabiendo que, pese a las dificultades, muchxs de nosotrxs hacen por participar en los medios, todavía hace falta mucho más para poder responder al desafía que nos lanza el Wellcome Trust. Más e…
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Y por fin, después de 13 días manteniendo el "hype", hoy hablamos de la Reading Room, el corazón de la Wellcome Collection. A través de ella, de su historia, podremos contemplar de forma visual los distintos cambios en la filosofía del Wellcome Trust, y su relación con la historia de la medicina. Imprescindibles las fotografías en jmzaragoza.net.…
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Hoy nos volvemos a poner el traje de pitonisa, sacamos la bola de cristal, y nos atrevemos nuevamente a vislumbrar el futuro. Un futuro que hoy se nos presenta posthumano. En este nuevo episodio de "15 días en la Wellcome Library" hablamos del posthumanismo y de las opciones que este presenta para la historia de la medicina. Pero también de los sac…
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#11. Nuevos futuros: humanidades médicas
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YA hemos hablado de dos futuros posibles: la propuesta del Wellcome Trust, ejemplificada en el Hub (y con cada vez mayor presencia en el resto de su portfolio); y la de la neurohistoria, un intento por emplear las neurociencias para conocer mejor el comportamiento de nuestros antepasados. Hoy os hablo de una tercera: las humanidades médicas. Más en…
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#10. States of Mind: Tracing the edges of consciousness
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Hoy, como es viernes y encima es agosto, toca relajarse un poco, que llega el fin de semana, de playita y cervecita, de monte y bota de vino. Para ello, nada mejor que visitar la exposición de la Wellcome Collection "States of Mind". Hoy, crítica de exposiciones sin más preocupaciones. HAsta el 16 de octubre podéis visitar. Más info: jmzaragoza.net…
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Hoy, tras 8 días intensos, hacemos una pausa. Hemos hablado de temas suficientes como para necesitar recapitular, siquiera brevemente, cómo hemos llegado hasta aquí. Por eso, dedico este capítulo a repasar el camino que hemos recorrido, a explicar cómo un podcast que se pensó como un diario de campo, ha terminado hablando del futuro.…
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#8. The Hub at the Wellcome Collection
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El Wellcome Trust anunciaba la inversión de 17,5 millones de libras en la reforma de la sede de la Wellcome Collection en octubre de 2012, apenas unos meses después del cierre definitivo del Centre for the History of Medicine. Dentro de esta ambiciosa reforma, se creaba el Wellcome Hub, un espacio dedicado a la investigación interdisciplinar más ar…
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#7. El Wellcome Trust y la historia de la medicina
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El podcast de ayer, donde hablábamos del fin de la historia social, ha levantado cierto revuelo. Lo cierto es que es difícil medir el impacto del Wellcome Trust en la historia de la medicina, pero ha sido inmenso. Hoy, siguiendo un texto de John Pickstone, intentaremos hacernos una idea de su importancia. Más en jmzaragoza.net.…
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#6. Malas noticias para la historia social de la medicina
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En 2009 entraba en contacto, por primera vez, con el Wellcome Trust de forma directa. Vamos, que venía por primera vez a Londres, de estancia predoctoral, en el Wellcome Trust Centre for the History of Medicine at UCL. Un año después, y por motivo que no quedaron claros, se cerró el centro. El Wellcome Trust decidió no renovar su financiación (8.8 …
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Hoy, por eso de ser viernes, nos vamos de excursión a la exposición de la Wellcome Gallery "This is a voice". La idea es aprovechar nuestra visita a la expo para entender mejor la propuesta del Wellcome Trust que va más allá, creo yo, de una mera "sala de exposiciones". Tras la creación de la Wellcome Gallery hay una apuesta por lo que debe ser el …
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Hoy hablamos de la Wellcome Collection y de su creación en 2007. Nos remontamos, para ello, a la muerte de Henry Wellcome y la decisión de sus albaceas de desmantelar su colección de artefactos, un proceso que tomará casi 50 años. Nos centraremos después en al figura fundamental de Ken Arnold.
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Hoy os hablaré de la Wellcome Library. De su historia y de cómo se ha convertido en una de las mejores bibliotecas de historia de la medicina del mundo, si no la mejor. Y también os hablaré de los peligros que encierra porque, como todos sabemos tras leer a Terry Prattchet, las bibliotecas son lugares peligrosos, y la Wellcome Library tal vez sea u…
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Hoy hablamos de Roger Cooter, historiador de la medicina que trabajó en el Wellcome Trust Centre for the History of Medicine at UCL, hasta el cierre del mismo en 2010. Cooter escribió, en la década de los 2000, dos artículos que tuvieron un gran recorrido, y que cuestionaban la vigencia de la historia social de la medicina tras la crítica postmoder…
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Arrancamos un podcast veraniego, pensado, grabado y realizado en la Reading Room de la Wellcome Trust, y en el que os contaré todo lo que me pasa estos 15 días encerrado en una biblioteca de historia de la medicina. ¡No os lo perdáis! Más información en la web: jmzaragoza.net
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