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A podcast about everything that happens after \`git push\` Justin Garrison & Autumn Nash explore all things DevOps, infra, cloud & running apps in production. Whether you're cloud native, Kubernetes curious, a pro SRE, or just operating a VPS... you'll love coming along for the ride. Some people search for ShipIt or ShipItFM and can't find the show, so now the strings ShipIt and ShipItFM are in our description too.
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Radio Ognjišče

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V oddaji Sre?anja se sre?ujemo z izzivi sodobne družbe in nanje z raznimi gosti iš?emo odgovore, prinašamo pa tudi zanimive osebne zgodbe. Obenem spoznavamo romarska središ?a, v letošnjem letu pa tudi osvetljujemo delo in življenje našega velikega pisatelja Ivana Cankarja.
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Google SRE Prodcast

Salim Virji

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SRE Prodcast brings Google's experience with Site Reliability Engineering together with special guests and exciting topics to discuss the present and future of reliable production engineering!
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Odprto za srečanja

RTVSLO - Radio Koper

En gång i månaden+
Večer ima svojo moč. Sredino srečanje na frekvencah Radia Koper je dolgo eno uro. A mine kot bi trenil. Za to so krivi gostje, s katerimi se ob izbrani glasbi pogovarjajo novinarji.
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V–A–C Sreda

V–A–C Sreda

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Онлайн-журнал V–A–C Sreda предлагает нюансированный взгляд на культуру и современность. Журнал включает в себя художественную работу, текст и подкаст. Все материалы доступны на сайте ограниченный период времени и обновляются по средам. Почта для обратной связи, идей и предложений:
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Kryzys Wieku Średniego

Bogusia Sobiczewska

En gång i månaden
Kto chciałby słuchać o kryzysie wieku średniego? Kojarzy się z nową, młodszą żoną i czerwonym samochodem, prawda? A w wersji żeńskiej - z uderzeniami gorąca i tyciem… Bardzo mi się nie podoba ta narracja - ten straszny kryzys wieku średniego przypada przecież w okolicach zaledwie połowy naszego życia! Dlatego mam zamiar rozprawić się z mitami na temat dojrzałości, apetytu na życie, ciała i seksualności - na bazie swoich doświadczeń i obserwacji. Jeśli podoba Ci się podcast i chcesz mnie wesp ...
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Mocno Średni Podcast

Mocno Średni Podcast

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Chcesz się dowiedzieć, w którym roku zakończyły się wojny napoleońskie albo kiedy upadł Rzym? Tutaj tego się (raczej) nie dowiesz. Mamy za to fałszywego konsula i powojenną partię nazistowską w USA. Jeśli interesują Cię mniej znane historie, wydarzenia i osoby to jest to podcast dla Ciebie.
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Srebrny Podcast

Fundacja Karuzela Aktywności

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Zmieniamy nazwę podcastu na Srebrny Podcast! Ta zmiana jest związana z tym, że będziemy mówić o rzeczach bardziej uniwersalnych niż tylko wydarzenia lokalne z Lublina. Srebrny Podcast to medium o aktywizacji kulturalnej, społecznej, osobistej osób po 60 roku życia oraz o metodach pracy z tą grupą wiekową i grupami międzypokoleniowymi. Podcast stworzą "starszaki" i "średniaki" z Fundacji Karuzela Aktywności.
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Sredy's Take

Alex Srednoselac

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Alex Srednoselac, aka Sredy, is a filmmaker based in the Chicagoland region. This show revolves around film and tv discussion as well as tips and tricks for no budget filmmakers.
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De Val van Srebrenica

NPO Radio 1 / NTR

En gång i månaden
Een gefaalde vredesmissie, 8000 mannen en jongens die zijn vermoord en getraumatiseerde militairen. Wat gebeurde er in Srebrenica in 1995? Journalisten Marjolein Koster en Misha Melita waren allebei vier tijdens de val van Srebrenica en zien glazige blikken bij hun leeftijdsgenoten als het over deze Bosnische stad gaat. In de podcast De Val van Srebrenica volgen ze de gebeurtenissen in Srebrenica per dag in acht afleveringen, vanaf 6 juli iedere dag één, aan de hand van de verhalen van de me ...
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'Sreyas Vāni

ISKCON Youth Forum - Tirupati

En gång i månaden
Its an great opportunity to us to hear the lectures from our seniors, which are very valuable, let us store it safely at one place, so that we can distribute the valuable treasure to the next generations.
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SRE LIVE is an interview series of creators who stand out. From video producers to YouTubers and journalists. You’ll understand what makes their style unique, how they think, how they produce. You'll get to observe their mindset...and that is much more than a conventional “how to” advice.
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ShipTalk is the podcast series on the ins, outs, ups, and downs of software delivery. This series dives into the vast ocean Software Delivery, bringing aboard industry tech leaders, seasoned engineers, and insightful customers to navigate through the currents of the ever-evolving software landscape. Each session explores the real-world challenges and victories encountered by today’s tech innovators. Whether you’re an Engineering Manager, Software Engineer, or an enthusiast in Software delive ...
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show series
The Home Assistant Voice Preview Edition is out, and Paulus Schoutsen, the founder of Home Assistant, joins us to get into the details. Then, Alex and a special guest get into docker-compose vs. nix to manage your home lab. Links: ⚡ Grab Sats with Strike Around the World — Strike is a lightning-powered app that lets you quickly and cheaply grab sat…
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Justin & Autumn get together one last time for a retro: favorite episodes, lessons learned, biggest surprises & what’s next. Join the discussion Changelog++ members save 8 minutes on this episode because they made the ads disappear. Join today! Sponsors: Sentry – When your app breaks, fix it faster with Sentry Use the code CHANGELOG when you sign u…
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In this episode of the Prodcast, guests Dominic Hutton (Staff SRE, HashiCorp) and Niccolo' Cascarano (Senior Staff SRE at Google) join hosts Steve McGhee and Jordan Greenberg to dive into configurations. They discuss the differences between imperative and declarative configuration, explore the benefits and challenges of each approach, and the need …
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Za nami je športno leto, polno presežkov in velikih tekmovanj. Spremljali smo olimpijske in paraolimpijske igre, kjer so Slovenci segli po najvišjih stopničkah. Po več kot dvajsetih letih je bila nogometna izbrana vrsta ob bučni podpori s tribun znova na prvenstvu stare celine. Slovenska kolesarja sta dobila vse tri grand toure - Tadej Pogačar je d…
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Специально для новогоднего выпуска редакция онлайн-журнала V–A–C Sreda подвела итоги 2024 года. Мы поделились яркими воспоминаниями, трудностями и вызовами, с которыми пришлось столкнуться в работе, обсудили, что такое V–A–С Sreda для каждого из нас и почему содействие, соучастие и совместность — ключевые принципы, лежащие в основе деятельности жур…
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Oddaja Midva enkat mesečno predstavlja različne dvojine, Tokrat sta z nami zakonski par dr. Mara Cotič, redna profesorica didaktike matematike in že 16 let dekanja Pedagoške fakultete Univerze na Primorskem v Kopru, ki prav letos obeležuje 50 let delovanja in Zdenko Cotič - Coto, kitarist, ki mu lahko rečemo legenda, saj je močno zaznamoval primors…
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V tokratni oddaji, ki sta jo pripravila osrednji radijski kolesarski reporter Igor Tominec in voditeljica Mojca Breskvar, ponujamo najzanimivejše dele najnovejših epizod kolesarskega podkasta Tour 202. Najboljša slovenska kolesarja se na prihajajočo sezono pripravljata na jugu Španije, kjer sta v preteklem tednu razkrila tekmovalne načrte za leto 2…
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V pred božični oddaji Srečanja so bile z nami štiri čudovite žene, ki vsaka na izviren način živi svojo temeljno poklicanost kot žena in mama. Poleg tega pa počnejo še veliko drugih stvari. Pogovarjale smo se ob knjigi Mama moli z otroki, francoske avtorice Claire de Feligonde. Z nami so bile novinarka in pisateljica Lucija Čakš, učiteljica in lekt…
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Phillip Carter, Principal PM at Honeycomb, joins Justin & Autumn to discuss his work at Microsoft & Honeycomb, building AI infrastructure & more. Join the discussion Changelog++ members save 9 minutes on this episode because they made the ads disappear. Join today! Sponsors: Sentry – When your app breaks, fix it faster with Sentry Use the code CHAN…
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Brent joins to share part two of his NAS build adventure, and things take a tiny turn. Plus, picking the right encrypted chat app and Chris stacks a few Jellyfin wins. Links: ⚡ Grab Sats with Strike Around the World — Strike is a lightning-powered app that lets you quickly and cheaply grab sats in over 100 countries. 🇨🇦 Bitcoin Well — Empowering so…
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Czy przyjaźń między kobietą a mężczyzną jest możliwa? Sceptycy mają mocne argumenty przeciw, entuzjaści - po prostu ją praktykują. Ci pośrodku uważają, że tak ALE. Te "ale", plusy i minusy platonicznych relacji międzypłciowych, ale także swoje własne, nie zawsze różowe doświadczenia, omawiam w niniejszym odcinku. Jak zwykle szczerze, subiektywnie i…
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Človek se s svojimi dejavnostmi vse bolj širi v habitate, ki od nekdaj pripadajo živalim. S tem ogroža sebe in številna druga bitja. Izrablja neobnovljive vire, pa tudi obnovljive, ki zaradi prekomernih in pretiranih posegov človeka ne morejo znova zaživeti. Naj navedemo le dva primera: pretiran izlov rib ali pretirana sečnja gozdov. Zato je smotrn…
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Онлайн-журнал V–A–C Sreda завершает трехмесячную серию подкастов, посвященную взаимосвязи искусства, техники и ландшафта. В финальном эпизоде мы публикуем пьесу композитора, создателя звучащих арт-инсталляций Евгения Климина, исполненную совместно с виолончелисткой Юлией Мигуновой. Для записи произведения музыканты использовали инструмент под назва…
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Gerhard Lazu joins the show to discuss how Ship It! started and why you might want a general purpose language for your CI/CD. Join the discussion Changelog++ members save 8 minutes on this episode because they made the ads disappear. Join today! Sponsors: Sentry – When your app breaks, fix it faster with Sentry Use the code CHANGELOG when you sign …
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Gostja oddaje odprto za srečanja je Elena Cerkvenič, Slovenka v Trstu, diplomirana jezikoslovka in profesorica nemškega jezika, pobudnica številnih dogodkov za širjenje slovenskega jezika in kulture v Italiji ter izredno dejavna v krogih ljudi, ki živijo ali so doživeli izkušnjo, podobno njeni. V začetku 90. let prejšnjega stoletja se je soočila s …
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Globalni kaos je izhodišče podkasta, ki sta ga tokrat izbrala Delova komentatorja Ali Žerdin in Janez Markeš. Situacija se po Žerdinu zapleta, po Palestini, Libanonu in Ukrajini se kriza širi v Sirijo. V sirski krizi pa ob Islamski državi sodelujejo še Rusija, Kitajska. Turčija in druge velesile. Markeš o tem pravi, da nam pač že dolgo ni dano žive…
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Онлайн-журнал V–A–C Sreda завершает трехмесячную серию подкастов, посвященную взаимосвязи искусства, техники и ландшафта. В этом выпуске мы обсудим виртуальную реальность. Можно ли продлить жизнь искусству? Какие возможности VR открывает музейным пространствам? Что такое фиджитал, пластификация и лентикулярное панно? И правда ли, что прототип VR бы…
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This episode features Casey Rosenthal (Founder, and John Allspaw (Founder and Principal, Adaptive Capacity Labs), joining our hosts Steve McGhee and Jordan Greenberg. Together they discuss how resilience appears in Software Engineering and SRE and explore the importance of understanding the human factors involved in adapting to system …
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Marc Boorshtein from Tremolo Security joins Justin & Autumn to talk all about running Kubernetes in the public sector. Join the discussion Changelog++ members save 8 minutes on this episode because they made the ads disappear. Join today! Sponsors: System Initiative – The future of DevOps automation (is here!) — System Initiative is an intuitive, p…
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We geek out over Brian Moses's 2025 DIY NAS build guide, contemplate future builds with the new Raspberry Pi Compute 5 module, and fully embrace our digital hoarding nature with a new app. Links: ⚡ Grab Sats with Strike Around the World — Strike is a lightning-powered app that lets you quickly and cheaply grab sats in over 100 countries. 🇨🇦 Bitcoin…
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Začenja se nov niz oddaj Midva, ki bodo enkrat mesečno zapolnile sredin večerni čas oddaje Odprto za srečanja. Nadaljujemo s spoznavanjem različnih človeških dvojin in tako kot lani niz začenjamo z dvojino starš-otrok. Naša prva gosta sta oče in sin iz Kopra, ki sta obenem tudi športnik in trener: to sta oče Rajko in sin Toni Vodišek, nosilec srebr…
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Hazel Weakly joins Justin and Autumn to talk about when to build abstractions and how to implement them. They also share experiences from tech conferences, and delve into the importance of building community and psychological safety in tech environments. Join the discussion Changelog++ members save 9 minutes on this episode because they made the ad…
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Slovenska nogometna reprezentanca je nastope v letošnji ligi narodov končala na Dunaju proti Avstriji. O tekmi, ki se je končala z neodločenim izidom 1 : 1, so v najnovejšem podkastu Žoga je okrogla govorili valovski športni novinarji. Slovenija je bila na stadionu Ernsta Happla večino tekme v podrejenem položaju, slavje domačih navijačev pa je z z…
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Nives Kačič je v vsakdanjem življenju uradnica in matičarka. Ko zapre vrata pisarne, preobuje čevlje in postane strastna popotnica, ljubiteljica narave, še posebej dreves, pa tudi strastna ljubiteljska fotografinja. Dedinja fotoaparata, kot se sama poimenuje je v dobrem desetletju in pol prepotovala lep kos sveta. Njene destinacije so za mnoge še n…
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In this episode of the Prodcast, we are joined by guests Christina Schulman (Staff SRE, Google) and Dr. Laura Maguire (Principal Engineer, Trace Cognitive Engineering). They emphasize the human element of SRE and the importance of fostering a culture of collaboration, learning, and resilience in managing complex systems. They touch upon topics such…
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Življenje ovdovelih je precej skrito in neopaženo. Kdor te izkušnje nima, težko razume, kaj so doživeli in kako živijo naprej kljub bolečini, praznini in žalosti. Zato so toliko bolj dragocena pričevanja. Hvaležni smo Alenki in Teodorju za iskreno delitev izkušnje izgube, žalovanja in življenja za ljubljeno osebo na drugačen način. Vse to zmoreta v…
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Preston Doster joins the show to tell us what it takes to run a Mastodon server with 55,000 accounts and 11,000 monthly active users. Join the discussion Changelog++ members save 10 minutes on this episode because they made the ads disappear. Join today! Sponsors: Sentry – Code breaks, fix it faster. Use the code CHANGELOG when you sign up to get $…
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Breaking free from Google's grip: Our surprising journey and the tools that made it possible. Plus, Brent's NAS feature stirring up debate, s clever tool for distributed video encoding, and more. Links: ⚡ Grab Sats with Strike Around the World — Strike is a lightning-powered app that lets you quickly and cheaply grab sats in over 100 countries. 🇨🇦 …
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Irena Vrhovnik na domači kmetiji v Seči preizkuša nove načine kmetovanja. Ko je bila še zaposlena, se z alternativnimi metodami in pristopi, s katerimi drugje že dolgo orjejo ledino, ni imela časa ukvarjati toliko, kot zdaj, ko je že skoraj 4 leta upokojena. V zadnjem obdobju se ukvarja predvsem z regenerativnim kmetijstvom. V pogovoru z Jasno Pres…
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In this episode, Cody Smith (CTO and Co-founder, Camus Energy) & Trisha Weir (SRE Department Lead, Google) join hosts Steve McGhee and Jordan Greenberg, to discuss their experience developing Maglev, a highly available and distributed network load balancer (NLB) that is an integral part of the cloud architecture that manages traffic that comes in t…
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Онлайн-журнал V–A–C Sreda продолжает трехмесячную серию подкастов, посвященную взаимосвязи искусства, техники и ландшафта. В этом выпуске мы обсудим транспорт как культурное явление. Какую роль в появлении электрических автомобилей сыграли платья с кринолином? Как на облик машин повлиял жанр ретрофутуризма? Правда ли, что Константин Паустовский раб…
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No interview this week! Instead, Justin & Autumn sit down to talk about what they’ve been learning recently. Join the discussion Changelog++ members save 8 minutes on this episode because they made the ads disappear. Join today! Sponsors: – The home of — Deploy your apps close to your users — global Anycast load-balancing, zero…
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Nocojšnji gost oddaje Odprto za srečanja bo Novogoričan Damir Podnar, profesionalni potapljač, inštruktor in vodja državne enote za tehnično potapljanje pri Upravi za zaščito in reševanje. Najgloblja točka, ki jo je kdaj obiskal, je izvir Mrzlek na Trnovsko-Banjški planoti, najbolj pa mu je v spominu ostalo raziskovanje toka reke Reke. V pogovoru s…
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Maybe Jira for your kids’ chores is a good idea… Probably not. Join the discussion Changelog++ members save 11 minutes on this episode because they made the ads disappear. Join today! Sponsors: Sentry – Code breaks, fix it faster. Don’t just observe. Take action. Sentry is the only app monitoring platform built for developers that gets to the root …
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