Tony Gambino is the most popular businessman in all of Penfield. He has some peculiar opinions about social and political issues, and he is completely free with them, if you know what I mean, and I think you do. A radio free exile production
My wife and I are hoping to become home-owners in 2020. Hear some of our trial, triumphs and tribulations here. Cover art photo provided by Carl Raw on Unsplash:
Let me know what is on your mind and heart and we can probably find a solution to your problems.
This episode is to give awareness to all of my human beings worldwide at we need to be together that Satan's kingdoms need to fall and he needs to be taken out of power because the political leaders are corrupt and we don't need them
This episode was talking about men black men white men. I was eating themselves and value on themselves instead of surgical causation and value outside of themselves
This episode touches on men feeling like the are not appreciated, and not expressing in a positive way to their Queen 👑, so I gave them a little bit of assistance in that department
This tackles the insecurity of men and women who take constructive criticism as an attack when it is clearly a form of uplifting and bettering them. Stop wearing your emotions on your sleeve.
Tony comments on the Derek Chauvin conviction and introduces the American Penny Project to help the economy one penny at a time. Tony's theme written and performed by Dan Bern. For more info visit
Tony discusses the difficulty getting certain groups of people to wear masks and get the vaccine. Tony's theme written and performed by Dan Bern. For more info visit
Tony takes Trump to task for his attitude as President. Tony's theme written and performed by Dan Bern. For more info visit
Tony thinks it's time for Trump to support his supporters. Tony's theme written and performed by Dan Bern. For more info visit
Tony figured out why Trump doesn't wear a face mask, and he's sharing that info with you. Tony's theme written and performed by Dan Bern. For more info visit
Tony Gambino comments on social distancing during the covid-19 pandemic. Tony's theme written and performed by Dan Bern. For more info visit
What’s the stupidest thing your significant other has ever done? Well, I’ve been married for about 6 months and I’m getting my stupid stuff out of the way now. Listen to this episode to see.