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DCTV Squadcast

DCTV Squadcast (Arrowverse, HBO Max, Superman, Flash, Batwoman, CW, TV)

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The weekly podcast discussing the DC universe on television including Arrow, The Flash, DC’s Legends of Tomorrow, Supergirl, Batwoman, Peacemaker, Doom Patrol, Stargirl, Titans, Young Justice, Superman and Lois, etc.
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We are Back! The usual news and views from the world of capetv. THE FLASH S060E01 "Into the Void" SEASON PREMIERE - While Barry (Grant Gustin) and Iris (Candice Patton) deal with the heartbreaking loss of their daughter, Nora, the team faces their greatest threat yet - one that threatens to destroy all of Central City. Meanwhile, Killer Frost (Dani…
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You can help to support this show and the rest of the Suicide Squadcast Network through Patreon at this link. Thank you for your support! This week Ray and Chris talk about: Swamp Thing’s “cancellation” The latest episode of Swamp Thing! Follow The DCTV Squadcast on Twitter at @DCTVSquadcast Follow Ray on Twitter at @theflitecast Follow Chris on Tw…
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News Cancellations, news about Loki Series, Snow piercer and falcon and Winter Solider ARROW Episode Title: S07E22 "You Have Saved This City" Emiko has spread her virus throughout the city and holds the detonator in the former Queen Consolidated building. Team Arrow, joined by Curtis, Laurel, and Ben Turner, evacuate it and disable the relay to oth…
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You can help to support this show and the rest of the Suicide Squadcast Network through Patreon at this link. Thank you for your support! This week Brent and Ray talk about: Doom Patrol 114: Penultimate Patrol Supergirl 422: The Quest for Peace DC’s Legends of Tomorrow 416: Hey, World! Follow The DCTV Squadcast on Twitter at @DCTVSquadcast Follow B…
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You can help to support this show and the rest of the Suicide Squadcast Network through Patreon at this link. Thank you for your support! This week Brent and Ray talk about: Doom Patrol 113: Flex Patrol Supergirl 421: Red Dawn DC’s Legends of Tomorrow 415: Terms of Service Arrow 722: You Have Saved This City The Flash 522: Legacy Follow The DCTV Sq…
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ARROW Episode Title:S07E21 "Living Proof" OLIVER IS PUT TO THE TEST - Oliver (Stephen Amell) finds himself in a precarious position. SCPD shows up with a warrant for Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards). THE FLASH Episode Title: S05E21 "The Girl With The Red Lightning" CICADA II MAKES HER MOVE - Team Flash is on high alert after Cicada II (guest star Sar…
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You can help to support this show and the rest of the Suicide Squadcast Network through Patreon at this link. Thank you for your support! This week Brent and Ray talk about: Doom Patrol 112: Cyborg Patrol Supergirl 420: Will The Real Miss Tessmacher Please Stand Up? DC’s Legends of Tomorrow 414: Nip | Stuck Arrow 721: Living Proof The Flash 521: Th…
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News Ghost Rider and Helstrom DC'S LEGENDS OF TOMORROW Episode Title: SO4E12 "The Eggplant, The Witch & The Wardrobe"YOUR PERSONAL HELL - With darkness on the rise in 2019, the team realizes that a new host of problems have risen as they have been cleaning up history. Sara (Caity Lotz) tries to save Ava (Jes Macallan) from a fate worse than death w…
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You can help to support this show and the rest of the Suicide Squadcast Network through Patreon at this link. Thank you for your support! This week Brent and Ray talk about: Gotham 512: The Beginning... Doom Patrol 111: Frances Patrol Supergirl 419: American Dreamer DC’s Legends of Tomorrow 413: Egg MacGuffin Arrow 720: Confessions The Flash 520: G…
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You can help to support this show and the rest of the Suicide Squadcast Network through Patreon at this link. Thank you for your support! This week Brent and Ray talk about: Gotham 511: They Did What? Doom Patrol 110: Hair Patrol Supergirl 418: Crime and Punishment DC’s Legends of Tomorrow 412: The Eggplant, The Witch & The Wardrobe Arrow 719: Spar…
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You can help to support this show and the rest of the Suicide Squadcast Network through Patreon at this link. Thank you for your support! This week Brent and Ray talk about: Doom Patrol 109: Jane Patrol DC’s Legends of Tomorrow 411: Séance and Sensibility Arrow 718: Lost Canary The Flash 518: Godspeed Follow The DCTV Squadcast on Twitter at @DCTVSq…
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NEWSUmbrella Academy, Preacher, Future, Eternals, Hawkeye, Disney +, Titans, Halo. RIP Gifted ARROW Episode Title: S07E18 "Lost Canary" After being accused of murder and having her criminal past exposed, Laurel (Katie Cassidy) goes full Black Siren and teams up with an old criminal acquaintance, Shadow Thief (guest star Carmel Amit), to go on a cri…
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You can help to support this show and the rest of the Suicide Squadcast Network through Patreon at this link. Thank you for your support! This week Brent and Ray talk about: Doom Patrol 108: Danny Patrol DC’s Legends of Tomorrow 410: The Getaway Follow The DCTV Squadcast on Twitter at @DCTVSquadcast Follow Brent on Twitter at @brentacPrime Follow R…
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NEWS SHIELD, SWAMP THING, ARROW SUPERGIRL Episode Title: S04E17 "All About Eve" SUPERGIRL FACES HER BIGGEST CHALLENGE YET - Supergirl (Melissa Benoist) must deal with the destructive aftermath of Lex's (guest star Jon Cryer) nefarious plans. Shocked at what Lex has created, Supergirl faces her biggest challenge yet. DC'S LEGENDS OF TOMORROW Episode…
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You can help to support this show and the rest of the Suicide Squadcast Network through Patreon at this link. Thank you for your support! This week Brent and Ray talk about: Doom Patrol 107: Therapy Patrol Supergirl 417: All About Eve DC’s Legends of Tomorrow 409: Lucha De Apuestas Follow The DCTV Squadcast on Twitter at @DCTVSquadcast Follow Brent…
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News Upcoming shows schedules SUPERGIRL Episode Title: S04E16 "The House of L" LEX LUTHOR CONTINUES TO WREAK HAVOC - In the wake of Lex Luthor's (guest star Jon Cryer) return, the show flashes back to what he's been doing for the last two years and how his secret machinations and plans have affected Supergirl (Melissa Benoist) and Lena (Katie McGra…
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You can help to support this show and the rest of the Suicide Squadcast Network through Patreon at this link. Thank you for your support! This week Brent and Ray talk about: Gotham 510: I Am Bane Doom Patrol 106: Doom Patrol Patrol Supergirl 416: The House of L416: The House of L Arrow 717: Inheritance Follow The DCTV Squadcast on Twitter at @DCTVS…
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News Krypton and Titans SUPERGIRL Episode Title: S04E15) "O Brother, Where Art Thou?" JON CRYER GUEST STARS AS ICONIC DC COMICS' VILLAIN LEX LUTHOR - Secretly furloughed from prison due to failing health, Lex Luthor (guest star Jon Cryer) visits his sister, Lena (Katie McGrath), to seek her help finding a cure. Savvy as ever, Lena is suspicious of …
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You can help to support this show and the rest of the Suicide Squadcast Network through Patreon at this link. Thank you for your support! This week Brent and Ray talk about: Doom Patrol 105: Paw Patrol Supergirl 415: O Brother, Where Art Thou? Arrow 716: Star City 2040 Black Lightning 216: The Book Of The Apocalypse: Chapter Two: The Omega The Flas…
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Couch Commandos 109 - which was fueled by High Commissioner. News Not Much! SUPERGIRL Episode Title: (#414) "Stand And Deliver" SUPERGIRL TAKES A STAND - Between Ben Lockwood's (Sam Witwer) new push to stir up the anti-alien movement and the Elite's desire to target Lockwood and his minions, Supergirl (Melissa Benoist) is concerned about the safety…
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You can help to support this show and the rest of the Suicide Squadcast Network through Patreon at this link. Thank you for your support! This week Brent and Ray talk about: Gotham 509: The Trial of Jim Gordon Doom Patrol 104: Cult Patrol Supergirl 414: Stand and Deliver Arrow 715: Training Day Black Lightning 215: The Book Of The Apocalypse: Chapt…
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NEWS flash, Triangle, Titans, HUGE ARROW NEWS SUPERGIRL Episode Title: S04E13 "What's So Funny About Truth, Justice, and the American Way?" SUPERGIRL FACES OFF AGAINST THE ELITE - Manchester Black (guest star David Ajala) breaks out of prison with the help of his new team, The Elite, who are set on punishing the anti-alien forces. Supergirl (Meliss…
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COUCH COMMANDOS 107 News : Jack Ryan Supergirl The Punisher Nightflyers Batwoman Bananas Spilts Evil The Man in the High Castle Cloak & Dagger SUPERGIRL Episode Title: S04E12 "Menagerie" DC COMICS VILLAIN MENAGERIE APPEARS - With his P.I. shingle newly hung outside his office, J'onn (David Harewood) welcomes new clients. Trying to take her mind off…
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Couch Commandos 106 News: The Warrior, Jupiter's Legacy, Counterpart, HULU The Offenders M.O.D.O.K., Hit-Monkey, Tigra & Dazzler, and Howard the Duck ARROW Episode Title: (#713) "Star City Slayer" THE TEAM IS TARGETED - Oliver (Stephen Amell) and Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) are disappointed after they learn that William (guest star Jack Moore) i…
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Couch Commandos 105 News Travellers, Legion, Marvel, Pennyworth, Talent, Batwoman THE FLASH Episode Title: (#513) "Goldfaced" BARRY AND IRIS EACH TAKE DANGEROUS STEPS TO STOP CICADA - Barry (Grant Gustin) and Ralph (Hartley Sawyer) must go undercover as criminals in an illegal black market to purchase a device that could help them stop Cicada (Chri…
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Couch Commandos 104 News From The Lost Boys SUPERGIRL Episode Title: S04E10) "Suspicious Minds" COLONEL HALEY IS DETERMINED TO FIND OUT SUPERGIRL'S IDENTITY - Colonel Haley (April Parker Jones) is upset after Supergirl (Melissa Benoist) responds to a distress call from a Navy ship that turned out to be a deadly alien attack. Colonel Haley reclaims …
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NEWS: DCU Stargirl, Swamp Thing, Locke and Key, Batwoman, Star Trek Discovery, Arrow The Gifted S02E10 "eneMy of My eneMy" The Mutant Underground wrestles with the idea of recruiting the Inner Circle to assist them. Andy considers reconnecting with his family when he learns about his father's powers, but Lauren may not be as willing to have him bac…
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NEWS:The Mandalorian Supernatural TITANS Episode Title:S01E09 "Hank and Dawn"The origin story of Hank Hall and Dawn Granger’s relationship and the loss in each of their pasts that brings them together as vigilante Super Heroes Hawk and Dove. DC'S LEGENDS OF TOMORROW Episode Title:S04E08 "Legends of To-Meow-Meow"IT'S THE RIGHT THING TO DO - After Co…
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Couch Commandos 101 News: Twilight Zone, American Gods The Mandalorian. SUPERGIRL Episode Title: S04E08 "Bunker Hill" NIA BEGINS TO EMBRACE HER POWERS - Nia (Nicole Maines) has a powerful dream about Agent Liberty (Sam Witwer) but refuses to look at it as a prophetic dream and pushes it aside. After noticing something is bothering Nia, Kara (Meliss…
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Couch Commandos 100 NEWS: Dracula, Sabrina, Super Clean, 5 Year, Daredevil SUPERGIRL Episode Title: S04E07 "Rather the Fallen Angel" James (Mehcad Brooks) falls in deeper with the Children of Liberty in his efforts to meet Agent Liberty (Sam Witwer). Meanwhile, Supergirl (Melissa Benoist) and Manchester Black (guest star David Ajala) follow a lead …
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News: Supergirl, Agents of SHIELD SUPERGIRL Episode Title: S04E06 "Call to Action" THANKSGIVING - Everyone gathers for Thanksgiving but Kara (Melissa Benoist) is feeling down after her televised debate with Ben Lockwood (Sam Witwer) about the anti-alien sentiment coursing through National City. Meanwhile, James (Mehcad Brooks) and Lena (Katie McGra…
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NEWS: StarTrek: Discovery, Wildcards, Night flyers, Jack Reacher RIP Stan Lee TITAN Episode Title: S01E05 "Together"After rescuing Rachel from Dr. Niles Caulder, Dick and Kory hit the road with Rachel and Gar. But when the Nuclear Family tracks them down again, all four decide the time for running is over. For the first time, they work in unison. A…
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NEWS Penny Dreadful, Elseworlds, The Purge, Swamp Thing, Star War Titans Episode Title: S010E4 "Doom Patrol" Now aware of Rachel's power, Dick and Kory unite to find her. Escaped from the convent that sought to imprison her, Rachel puts her trust in Gar who reveals his own transformative powers. Seeking refuge, Gar brings Rachel home to his "family…
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Couch Commandos 96 NEWS Star Trek, Timeless, The Flash, Falcon and the Winter Solider Reviews of all #DCTV and #Marvel TV Shows _______________ Titans Episode Title: S01E03 "Origins" After being rescued by Kory from the Nuclear Family, Rachel travels with her to the convent where she was raised – a destination that might provide answers about Rache…
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Couch Commandos 95 News from The Flash and Luke Cage, reviews on Titans, Supergirl, Arrow, The fFash, Legends of Tomorrow and Black Lightning SUPERGIRL Episode Title: S04E02) "Fallout" CHAOS IN NATIONAL CITY - A shocking revelation causes chaos in National City. Supergirl (Melissa Benoist) sets out to capture Mercy Graves (guest star Rhona Mitra), …
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Couch Commandos 94 News IronFist, Pennyworth, Dracula, Supergirl SUPERGIRL Episode Title: SO4E01 "American Alien" Diving back into reporting, Kara (Melissa Benoist) welcomes a new cub reporter to CatCo. Meanwhile, James (Mehcad Brooks) and Lena (Katie McGrath) argue about James' impending indictment for acting as the vigilante Guardian, while Alex …
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COUCH COMMANDOS 93 NEWS Watchmen, legends of tomorrow, doom patrol, Harley quinn, the wheel of time, the boys, secret six, origin, raised by wolves THE GIFTED S02E02 Episode Title: "unMoored" Thunderbird contacts a mutant lawyer who recruited him to the Underground years ago, hoping she can help him find the Inner Circle. Lauren and Andy have a sha…
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An All-New Couch Commandos News Special! Welcome back! This podcast is a news special with all the news updated from thecouplecoupel of months from the end of last season. We review one new cape tv show that's first out the gate which is Marvels The gifted The Gifted S02E01 "eMergence" directed by Robert Duncan McNeill After recruiting the mutants …
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Apologies if i sounded a bit out of it, i was suffering from a cold. sorry also about the rant about Supergirl and the Berlanti dctv universe in general. We come back when the new season start so hopefully things will start to look a bit better! Couch Commandos 91 The last podcast for this season! Apologies for my voice sounding a bit off as I was …
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Couch Commandos 90 News Cancellation Bloodbath, Renewals, Seasons orders and New Series DC Pennyworth & Doom Patrol Winners and Sinners ARROW Episode Title: S06E23 "Life Sentence"THE EPIC SEASON FINALE OF ARROW - With a new ally on his team, Oliver (Stephen Amell) engages Diaz (guest star Kirk Acevedo) in an epic final battle. SUPERGIRL Episode Tit…
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COUCH COMMANDOS EPISODE 89 News PUNISHER THE EXPANSE SUPERGIRL Episode Title: (#317) "Trinity" SUPERGIRL TAKES ON ALL THREE WORLDKILLERS - Still reeling after learning about Lena's (Katie McGrath) secret, Supergirl (Melissa Benoist) asks Guardian (Mehcad Brooks) for a favor that could alter his relationship with Lena forever. Meanwhile, with all th…
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Couch Commandos 88 News ARROW & SWAMP THING SUPERGIRL Episode Title: S03E17 "Trinity" SUPERGIRL TAKES ON ALL THREE WORLDKILLERS - Still reeling after learning about Lena's (Katie McGrath) secret, Supergirl (Melissa Benoist) asks Guardian (Mehcad Brooks) for a favor that could alter his relationship with Lena forever. Meanwhile, with all three World…
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NEWS Deadly Class, Ash vs The Evil Dead, Another Life V-Wars BLACK LIGHTNING Episode Title: S01E13 "Shadow of Death: The Book of War" The aftermath of the showdown with Black Lightning leaves everyone reeling. Meanwhile, Tobias gathers his forces ARROW Episode Title: S06E19 "The Dragon" DIAZ SETS HIS SIGHTS ON THE QUADRANT - Looking to expand his e…
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Couch COmmandos 86 NEWs NOS4A2 Star Trek: Discovery Arrow, Jessica Jones DC'S LEGENDS OF TOMORROW Episode Title: E03E18 "The Good, the Bad and the Cuddly" SEASON FINALE - The Legends plan to vanquish Mallus by using the totems doesn't go as planned, forcing Rip to improvise. The team finds itself regrouping in the Wild West where they run into thei…
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NEWS Legends of Tomorrow , American Gods, The Boys, Y The Last Man Winners and Sinners DC'S LEGENDS OF TOMORROW Episode Title: S03E15 "Necromancing the Stone" THE POWER WITHIN - When Mallus' power over Sara (Caity Lotz) resurfaces, she unwittingly becomes the bearer of one of the Totems. Rory (Dominic Purcell) must conquer his dark side in order to…
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NEWS Starwars WHATCHAWATCHING: Jessica Jones, Timeless, the Magicians DC'S LEGENDS OF TOMORROW Episode Title: (#313) "No Country for Old Dads" TEAMWORK - When Damien (Neal McDonough) and Nora Darhrk (guest star Courtney Ford) take Ray hostage they force him to try and fix the Fire Totem, but Ray (Brandon Routh) tries to use the power struggle betwe…
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