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The Contentment in Christ - Philippians 4:10-20 Preached by: Bro. Joseph Moriones Christian contentment means you have found everything you need in Christ, and experienced deep satisfaction in God’s provision in every circumstances. In the last section of Paul’s letter to the Philippians, he finds it important to include the topic of contentment. F…
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The God of Peace Will Be With You - Philippians 4:2-9 Preached by: Bro. Joseph Moriones All people must understand that peace only comes from God, made possible through Christ, and cannot be found anywhere else. In the last chapter of Phillippians, Paul addresses the conflicts and concerns within the church and encourages them to preserve peace by …
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God Made Us His Sons - Galatians 4:1-7 Preached by: Ptr. Enteng Ramoneda One of the truths that some Christians do not value as it ought to be valued is their sonship to God. However, the New Testament somewhat encapsulates their blessedness in the truth that God is their Father. When it comes to the believer’s adoption, Paul presented God as someo…
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Faith Has Come - Galatians 3:23-29 Preached by: Ptr. Enteng Ramoneda How important was the coming of Christ? Paul presented the coming of Christ as the solution to the enslaving power of the law. Before Christ came, everyone was held under the law. The law rendered everyone as sinners deserving of condemnation. However, everything changed when Chri…
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Gospel Beginnings - Mark 1:1-8 Preached by: Bro. Ryan Gamban The Gospel of Mark opens with the introduction of Jesus, the long-awaited Messiah, the fulfillment of God’s promise. To prepare the way for His coming, John the Baptist emerged as His messenger, calling people to repentance. With a clear and urgent message, he urged them to turn from thei…
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Stand Firm in the Lord - Philippians 3:17-4:1 Preached by: Bro. Joseph Moriones Christian fellowship is meant to be lived out in a community that mutually encourages one another to faithfully live the gospel and follow godly examples in order to stand firm in their faith. In Paul’s letter to the Philippians, he challenges believers to imitate him a…
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That's What The Law is For - Galatians 3:19-22 Preached by: Ptr. Enteng Ramoneda Believers, at times, are guilty of thinking that by their continued obedience, they will be better in their obedience to the laws of God. Not only this, but many also unknowingly draw their confidence of being righteous before God because of it. However, Paul made it c…
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Where God's Covenant Promises Will Always Be - Galatians 3:15-18 Preached by: Ptr. Enteng Ramoneda Most people think that their obedience to God earns God’s blessings. However, Paul reasoned out that God first made a covenant that He gave His promises to Christ before He gave the law. The law, which was given 430 years later, did not annul the cove…
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The Righteous Shall Live by Faith - Galatians 3:10-14 Preached by: Ptr. Enteng Ramoneda Is the common belief that religious people are seen as righteous by God true? In Galatians 3:10-14, Paul biblically argued that those who are truly righteous before God are not those who rely on their own merits but those who rely solely on the meritorious work …
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The Pursuit of Knowing Christ - Philippians 3:12-16 Preached by: Bro. Joseph Moriones The Christian life is a passionate pursuit of knowing Christ and becoming more like Him. In Philippians 3:12-16, Paul prompted the believers to persevere in their faith in Christ and progress in their spiritual walk. He calls them to forget what lies behind, which…
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Living by Faith in the Son of God - Galatians 3:1-9 Preached by: Ptr. Enteng Ramoneda While most Christians are certain that they are saved through faith in Christ, only a few understand that they also ought to live by faith in Christ. After stating that he lived by faith in the Son of God, Paul then explained at length the reasons that the Christi…
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The Gospel-Shaped Life - Galatians 2:17-21 Preached by: Ptr. Enteng Ramoneda Life can easily become practical where it leaves no room for the Gospel. However, Paul approached the entirety of life through the lens of the Gospel. When it comes to the question of who to fellowship with, the Gospel shaped his thinking, as well as actions and values. He…
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Justification by Faith in Christ: Galatians 2:15-16 Preached by: Ptr. Enteng Ramoneda Living in a country where the majority believes that justification is by faith in Christ plus good works, faith and works are easily mixed up even by true believers. With this, how did Paul address the issue of inclusion of the works of the law in justification? P…
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Keeping in Step with The Gospel - Galatian 2:11-14 Preached by: Ptr. Enteng Ramoneda The truth of the matter is that the Church of Jesus Christ easily divides over secondary issues. How did Paul deal with the threat of division in the churches of Galatia? Standing firm in his deep conviction that the Gospel has made Jewish and Gentile believers one…
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The King in All His Beauty - Isaiah 6:1-8 Preached by: Ptr. Japhet Flanco During the time when Judah has earned significant achievement economically and politically under King Uzziah was also when they have already lost sight of the true vision of God and His kingdom. Worse, they have become autonomous, arrogant, will-powered, and self-glorifying. …
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The Surpassing Worth of Knowing Christ - Philippians 3:1-11 Preached by: Bro. Joseph Moriones In Philippians 3:1-11, Paul exhorts the believers to rejoice in the Lord and reminds them of their need to stay focused on the true gospel (v. 1). He understands that they have the capacity to be discouraged in their sufferings and may be tempted to place …
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Zeal For Good Works: Embodying What Accords with Sound Doctrine - Titus 2 Preached by: Ptr. Rolex Cailing In Titus 2, Paul urges believers to live out sound doctrine through their actions, emphasizing that faith must be demonstrated in practical ways. Zeal for good works is not just a matter of belief but a reflection of a transformed life, where e…
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God's Gospel Worker - Philippians 2:19-30 Preached by: Bro Joseph Moriones How exactly does God work for unity in the church? After Apostle Paul instructed the Philippian believers to work out their salvation because God is the one who works in them both to will and to act (Phil. 2:12-13), he then presented to his fellow ministers of the Word who s…
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Affirmed Gospel - Galatians 2:1-9 Preached by: Ptr. Enteng Ramoneda How confident are we that the Gospel we preach will be affirmed by all Gospel partners? Having learned the Gospel through a revelation of Jesus Christ, Paul was certain that the leaders of Jerusalem will affirm the Gospel that he preached. This is evident when he got out of his way…
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The King Of Glory Ascends The Hill - Mark 11:1-11 Preached by: Ptr. James Bryner Chu Mark 11:1-11 is a beautifully vivid picture of Jesus, riding not some mighty horse but a lowly colt, arriving humbly yet triumphantly in Jerusalem, greeted with cloaks on the road and leafy branches by the people as they shout "Hosanna!" As prophesied, He had come …
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God's Work In Us - Philippians 2:12-18 Preached by: Bro. Joseph Moriones What is God’s work in the lives of believers in the midst of a fallen world? In Philippians 2:12-18, Paul urges the Philippian believers to work out their own salvation that God has worked in the world and continues to work in them (vv. 12-13). God’s work in the covenant commu…
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Not Man's Gospel - Galatians 1:11-24 preached by: Ptr. Enteng Ramoneda How do we feel when someone questions the Gospel? Paul was undeterred in his confidence in the Gospel of justification by faith alone in Christ when it was challenged by the so-called Jews, who taught that faith in Christ should come with the works of the law. This confidence of…
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Allegiance To The Only Gospel - Galatians 1:6-10 Preached by: Ptr. Enteng Ramoneda How should Christians respond to so-called brothers who are in danger of turning away from the faith? Because Paul knew that he preached the true Gospel to the Galatians (Galatians 1:10), he did not sit it out in apathy when he heard that the Churches in Galatia were…
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The Gospel According To God - Galatians 1:1-5 Preached by: Ptr. Enteng Ramoneda Every attack made against the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ should never be taken lightly. Being an apostle, and the one who planted the Churches in Galatia, Paul sought to establish his apostleship right off the bat (Galatians 1:1-2:14), that the Galatians might ackn…
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True Humility In Christ - Philippians 2:5-11 Preached by: Bro. Joseph Moriones After encouraging the Philippian believers to maintain their unity in the church through humility, Paul presented to them the obedient life and sacrificial death of Christ as both the One who unites the covenant community and the Supreme Example of humility. He urges the…
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How Can We Live For God? (Part 3) - Matthew 6:11-13 Preached by: Ptr. Enteng Ramoneda Continuing on from our last topic (which placed focus on our being made by Him to be His forgiven people) with our three-part sermon series on Matthew 6:11-13 entitled "How Can We Live For God", the emphasis now, finally, is on living for God through His daily pro…
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How Can We Live For God? (Part 2)- Matthew 6:11-13 Preached by: Ptr. Enteng Ramoneda Continuing our sermon series on the three petitions of the Lord's Prayer from Matthew 6:11-13 entitled "How Can We Live for God", the first part of which talked about living for God's name, kingdom, and will by living through His daily provision, the preaching of H…
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Committed To Live And Grow Together (Part 2) - Ephesians 4:1-16 Preached by: Ptr. Enteng Ramoneda Last time, we covered the first half of our two-part sermon series entitled "Committed to Live and Grow Together" (Ephesians 4:1-6), which focuses on how we should live in unity (UNITED LIFE) because we are one, how we are the body of bodies, the famil…
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Committed To Live And Grow Together (Part 1) Preached by: Ptr. Enteng Ramoneda Why should we commit to a local church? Having described the immensity of being a part of the Church, Paul called the Ephesian believers to display the greatness of their calling by living together in unity (Ephesians 4:1-6), and by striving together towards Christlikene…
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Unity In The Gospel - Philippians 2:1-4 Preached by: Bro. Joseph Moriones In his letter to the Philippian believers, Paul deeply encourages them to maintain their unity in the church. Specifically, he reminds them that their unity is founded on being united in Christ and continually being formed by their fellowship with the Spirit (vv. 1-2). Also, …
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God's Masterpiece - Ephesians 2:1-10 Preached by: Ptr. Enteng Ramoneda Whose masterpiece is the Church? In Ephesians 2:1-10, Paul reasoned out that believers were saved by grace so that no one can claim ownership of the Church but God. He made sure that believers will understand that they were as sinful as the rest of humanity (vv. 1-3), and they w…
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How Can We Live For God? - Matthew 6:11-13 Preached by: Ptr. Enteng Ramoneda Jesus made it abundantly clear in the whole Sermon of the Mount that the citizens of His kingdom should be living for God. And yet, he also made it clear that they are able to live for God only through the care of God (Matthew 6:25-33). The last three petitions of the Lord…
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Life Worthy Of The Gospel - Philippians 1:27-30 Preached by: Bro Joseph Moriones If you could only do one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be? This is a simple general inquiry in order to know what an individual truly desires to do in life is. What would be the proper response if believers were to be asked the same question? Paul urge…
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Confidence In The Faithfulness Of God - Matthew 1:1-17 Preached by: Ptr. Chris Juloya When was the last time you were confident there would be no traffic on a Monday morning or Friday afternoon rush hour? It's difficult to place confidence in something that is more often proven unlikely to happen, right? Being confident in something or someone mean…
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Let God Be God - Matthew 6:10 Preached by: Ptr. Enteng Ramoneda Considering that the Sermon on the Mount showcases the radical difference of the ways of the Kingdom from that of the world, we understand then that the second and third petitions (Matthew 6:10) of the prayer that Jesus taught pertain to a complete change from the present predicament (…
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Hallowed Be Your Name - Matthew 6:9 Preached by: Ptr. Enteng Ramoneda The beauty of a place is evidenced by the desire it creates in the hearts of those who see it would long to see it again. “Hallowed by your name (Matthew 6:9),” is the first petition in the prayer that Jesus taught the disciples. The name of God, which refers to His perfections, …
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To Live Is Christ - Philippians 1:18B-26 Preached by: Bro Cedie Moriones What makes life worth living? It is a question that needs to be answered because, after all, we give our lives to the things we value the most. For the Apostle Paul, there is no other life worth living than that which is lived for Christ. As he wrote, "For to me, to live is Ch…
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Our Father In Heaven - Matthew 6:9-13 Preached by: Ptr. Enteng Ramoneda The Kingdom of God is one of the dominant themes in the book of Matthew. Actively preaching that the Kingdom of God has come, Jesus, in Matthew 5-7, taught that the way of the kingdom is different because it is not only an outward righteousness, but an inward change reflected i…
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Again, Guard The Gospel - 1 Timothy 6:20-21 Preached by: Ptr. Enteng Ramoneda The scripture is about the Gospel of Christ, but it has been casually treated - to the point that pastors and churches have not been as passionate in guarding it as it ought to be guarded. In Paul’s closing words, 1 Timothy 6:20-21, he did not mind repeating himself if on…
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How To Use Our Riches For The real Life - 1 Timothy 6:17-19 Preached by: Ptr. Enteng Ramoneda How easy is it to use our riches to make our present life as enjoyable as it can be? Paul, though, believed that it is not right to use earthly riches for such enjoyment. He gave instructions to the rich believers who set their hope in God and not in their…
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Fight The Good Fight Of The Faith - 1 Timothy 6:11-16 Preached by: Ptr. Enteng Ramoneda How can a believer be faithful to the end when it is so tempting to love the world? In wanting Timothy to be preserved, Paul gave him a holistic admonition. He wanted Timothy to consistently pursue the right things. He wanted him to keep the pursuit of a sanctif…
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For the Greater Progress Of The Gospel - Philippians 1:12-18 Preached by: Bro. Joseph Moriones God can use our present circumstances for the advancement of the gospel. Paul wants the Philippians to know that his imprisonment has turned out for the greater progress of the gospel. It has become known to all that his imprisonment is for the cause of C…
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Godliness: a Great Gain (Part 2) - 1 Timothy 6:2B-10 Preached by: Ptr. Enteng Ramoneda On Part 1, the sermon focused on the attributes of a "false teacher", emphasizing their motive to use "godliness" as a means to gain, on how they harness controversy, and their brazen efforts to preach about "faith" leading to material riches. As what Paul writes…
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Godliness: A Great Gain (Part 1) - 1 Timothy 6:2B-10 Preached by: Ptr. Enteng Ramoneda Prosperity Gospel teaching is one of the problems, if not the main problem, of today’s Christianity. It is a teaching that makes prosperity the end pursuit. However, in 1 Timothy 6:3-10, Paul argued that the teaching that godliness is a means to gain is inconsist…
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A Christian Employee: Bound But Free (Part 2) - 1 Timothy 6:1-2a Preached by: Ptr. Enteng Ramoneda Last week, the sermon, as can be read in 1 Timothy 5:17-18, centered on the care that the Church ought to give to its Elders, in particular attending to their needs in order for them to grow in their excellence in the preaching and teaching of God's W…
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A Christian Employee: Bound But Free - 1 Timothy 6:1-2 (Part 2) Preached by: Ptr. Enteng Ramoneda How can a Christian employee live out his freedom in Christ when it comes to work? Paul knew that these Christian slaves were bound to their masters - a thing that can easily make any slave, Christian or not, feel trapped, enslaved, and left without a …
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Partnership In The Gospel - Philippians 1:3-11 Preached by: Bro. Joseph Moriones Every believer has been given the opportunity to participate in preaching Christ and proclaiming the gospel. So as partakers of God’s grace, we need to have partnerships in doing the work of the gospel. Even the Apostle Paul cannot do it alone, for he needed the help a…
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Gospel-Shaped Care For Faithful Elders (Part 3) - 1 Timothy 5:17-25 Preached by: Ptr. Enteng Ramoneda Last time, the sermon on the Gospel-Shaped Care for Faithful Elders focused on the well-deserved trust of the church on them when they are charged or are accused of something, because it ought not to be assumed as true unless a case is properly bui…
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Do You Understand That The Christ Should Die And Rise? - Luke 24 Preached by: Ptr. Enteng Ramoneda Why most filipinos do not find Jesus as their hope despite knowing his death and resurrection? Luke, who sought to prove that Jesus is the Son of Man, reserved the death and resurrection of Jesus as the greatest proofs of his claim. However, unless th…
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Gospel-Shaped Care For Faithful Elders (Part 2) - 1 Timothy 5:17-25 Preached by: Ptr. Enteng Ramoneda Last week, the sermon, as can be read in 1 Timothy 5:17-18, centered on the care that the Church ought to give to its Elders, in particular attending to their needs in order for them to grow in their excellence in the preaching and teaching of God'…
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