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Christ, Culture, & Coffee

Christ, Culture, & Coffee

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Our podcast exists to help equip Christians with good reasons for why they believe what they believe. We will discuss Christian Apologetics, Theology and Worldview as we look to engage our culture with truth. Have questions? Email us at or connect with us on our Social Media.
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show series
It has been an amazing 3 years and 8 months of Christ, Culture, & Coffee! We are so thankful to all of you, our listeners, who have supported us and listened weekly to our show. Sadly, this is the final episode of Christ, Culture, & Coffee. In this episode we talk about some highlights of the podcast and the impact that it has made. We also give th…
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One of the unsung heroes of the Nativity story is definite Joseph. In this episode, we take a closer look at just how extraordinary Joseph was and the criticism that he faced as he married a pregnant woman. When looking at Biblical narratives, it is vital to understand the historical setting, especially when it comes to the Mosaic Law. We hope this…
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Recently, Facebook executives announced the creation of the Metaverse. So what exactly is it? Well, in a nutshell, it is a virtual world, much like the fictional world in “Ready Player One”. With such a massive, new technology on the horizon, Christians need to know how to process it within a Christian Worldview. The Metaverse offers great opportun…
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Is science the answer to everything? Many in our culture seem to believe this, but it is far from the truth. In this episode, we take a look at one aspect of reality that science cannot explain: morality. Most people agree that there are objective moral truths, or right and wrongs, that apply to everyone. Because objective morality exists, a basic …
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Is science the answer to everything? Many in our culture seem to believe this, but it is far from the truth. In this episode, we take a look at one aspect of reality that science cannot explain: the cause for the beginning of the Universe. Science is a great tool to measure the material world, but it is an adequate tool to measure anything outside …
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What is Critical Theory? Many people talk about it and vilify it, but what exactly is it? If you don’t know what it is, don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. This episode is a crash course on the main points of Critical Theory (CT). You may be surprised to find out that CT is not only about race, but about gender, sexuality, age, weight, abilities, a…
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How should we approach prayer? This is a question that many Christians ask and, honestly, many struggle with. There are a lot of complicated aspects to prayer, but there is also simplicity in it. In this week’s episode, we interview Kyle DiRoberts about his new book “The Secret to Prayer”. We hope that this discussion will help you to approach pray…
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In this special episode, we interview one of our long-time listeners, Hailey Keller. Hailey is currently a freshman at Grand Canyon University and has recently started a "Students for Life" group on her campus. Apologetics has played an important role in Hailey’s life, and in this episode, we discuss how vital a good church, good parents, and good …
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A common misconception within Christianity is that we are not allowed to doubt. This false belief has led many people down the path of deconstruction. The Church should be a place that invites doubt, transparency, and honest discussion. When we doubt in a Christian community, our faith can be strengthened. However, if we doubt in isolation, deconst…
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One of the greatest issues that men deal with is passivity. This reluctance to step up and do what is needed has been the root cause of many issues in the family, society, and the church. In this episode, we want to look at what Scripture says about men and how they are supposed to behave. We firmly believe that so many of our current societal prob…
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When the apostle Paul tells us to “pray without ceasing," what does that mean? How is it possible? In this episode, we take a look at this interesting passage and give some practical advice on how to do this.If you would like to support Robby and his new work at Stand to Reason, please click this link and sign up to be a monthly partner:https://don…
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Pornography has had such a detrimental effect on our culture. God’s Word is clear that lust is a sin, but often we do not take the time to think through why lust and porn are so bad for human beings. In this episode, we talk about the addictive nature of pornography and how it hurts those who watch it, those who create it, and even those who do nei…
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We have been telling you that we have a big announcement and today is the day to let you in on what it is! Robby has been offered an amazing opportunity with an apologetics ministry, Stand to Reason, and he will be joining their staff as a speaker, content developer, and Outpost Coordinator. This episode is all about what this transition will be, w…
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The Bible is full of miracles. Moses, Elijah, Jesus, and the Disciples all performed amazing “signs and wonders”. But what qualifies as a miracle, and how do miracles apply to our lives today? Should we be expecting miracles to happen often? Does answered prayer qualify as a miracle? What about things that seem to be a coincidence? Does God get cre…
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Expressing your preferred pronouns to co-workers, fellow students, and teachers has become a cultural expectation over the past few years. Many organizations require their students or employees to list their preferred pronouns in their email signature, social media handle, etc. What is the Christian perspective on preferred pronouns? How are we to …
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Sometimes it is easy to forget that the Church is made up of people who are different from one another. Different temperaments, personalities, giftings, and passions. Each one of us is unique and God wants to use us to prosper His kingdom in the ways that He has designed us to, within our personalities, temperaments, etc. This week we are joined by…
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This past week the state of Texas passed a bill that was a huge win for the Pro-Life movement. In this episode, we talk about the bill, the opposition to it, and also about new tactics from the Pro-Abortion position. This new tactic makes the claim that personhood is what deems a human being with the right to life. The Pro-Abortion position is now …
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We recently had someone respond to our Once Saved Always Saved episode. This person clearly did not agree with us, and called OSAS a false gospel. So, we decided to respond to some of her arguments for why a believer can lose their salvation if they do not obey the Lord, live for him, and produce good works. Her arguments are very common objections…
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Last week we talked about eternal security and how the Scriptures teach that once a person has believed in Jesus for their eternal life, they can never lose that eternal life. This week we want to talk about the importance of living for Jesus and how we can gain or lose eternal rewards based upon how we live our lives. Even though a believer in Jes…
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How can we know that we are going to heaven when we die? What should we look to for assurance of our salvation? How can we be sure that we really believed in Jesus and His sacrifice on the cross? What if I’m not really saved? These are common questions that Christians throughout the centuries have struggled with. The reason these doubts plague us i…
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Apologetics for the resurrection of Jesus is important, but it is also comforting during hard times. Recently, Tyler and Robby have both been resting in the promises of God while friends and family have been sick, hospitalized, and dying. The Christian hope based on the resurrection of Jesus is not only what validates the message of Jesus, but it i…
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We all want to have neat, tidy, discipleship and evangelistic situations present themselves to us. So often we look for the ideal situations and miss out on opportunities to obey Jesus’s words in the Great Commission. In this episode, we look at Acts 16 to see how Paul and Silas utilized a variety of situations to obey the command to make disciples…
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In our last episode on worldview, we want to take a look at Christianity. We need to apply the same scrutiny to our own worldview, as we have to others. In this episode, we walk through the 7 basic questions of the Christian worldview, and then we take some time to critique it and see if it is logical, factual, and livable. We hope this episode wil…
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One of the most dominant views in our current culture is postmodernism. When it comes to the physical universe, naturalism still reigns supreme. However, postmodernism is prevalent when it comes to the metaphysical world. Morality, spirituality, and truth are all viewed as relativistic in our society, and the reason for this is the accepted postmod…
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One of the most prevalent worldviews comes from the east. Pantheistic monism is the view held by millions of people who adhere to Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, and other religions. In this episode, we break down the beliefs and assumptions of this worldview, then we assess if it is logical, factual, and livable. If you have not encountered this world…
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Naturalistic Atheism is a very specific Worldview. Understanding the assumptions and beliefs of this Worldview can help you when discussing your Christian beliefs with your Atheist friends and family. In this episode, we look at the seven basic questions of the atheistic worldview. We then evaluate this view according to these three criteria: 1. is…
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The word "worldview" has been a Christian buzzword for the past few decades, but what is it? Not properly understanding the impact of a person’s worldview can lead to misunderstanding when we try to evangelize. We want to help bring clarity to what a worldview is and give you an easy to remember template of 7 questions that every worldview needs to…
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Slogans and mantras are used to promote specific ideologies within a culture. We often hear slogans so much that they become ingrained in our thinking and we do not scrutinize them as we should. In this week’s episode, we discuss logical fallacies and how to spot bad logic in mantras and slogans that we often hear regarding LGBTQ+ ideology. We need…
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For the past few decades, there has been a dispute about the word arsenokoitai, which has been translated as “homosexual,” in 1 Corinthians 6:9 and 1 Timothy 1:10. Currently, there is a movie in development called 1946, which is about this dispute. The 1946 movie, which is being made by pro-LGBTQ+ Christians, suggests that this error has caused a l…
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Standing for truth is difficult. Many Christians are feeling pressure from our culture to conform and to back down from their beliefs. This is something that we cannot do, but the constant cultural pressure can feel overwhelming. So what do we do? In this week’s episode, we look at what Jesus said about enduring hardships for His name. He gives us …
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It is true that there are many Old-Testament Bible characters who were in polygamist marriages. Some of the greatest kings of Israel had multiple wives, and one of them was even called “A man after God’s own heart." Does the fact that Abraham, Jacob, Moses, Saul, David, and Solomon all had multiple wives mean that it is permissible to practice poly…
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Understanding the purpose and design for sex should inform us on how we are to properly engage in it. According to the Bible, sex should only be used within marriage: one man, one woman, becoming one flesh for one lifetime. Anything outside of this is against God’s design for sex. Yet, our society believes that sex before marriage is not only permi…
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Before you can know what to do with something, you need to know what it is and what it was designed to do. When it comes to the purpose of sex, our culture mistakingly believes that pleasure is the intended goal. This false belief has led to many broken relationships, hurts, broken families, and abortions. In this week’s episode, we look at what th…
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Truth sets us free, but living according to lies is always dangerous. Our culture is currently promoting a modern-day myth that is harming many people. Transgender ideology is relativism applied to biology and identity. The effects of this ideology are very damaging. In this episode, we look at six myths that are currently being promoted to convinc…
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God intentionally made human beings male and female. The masculine and feminine qualities of our species are intended to show us something of who God is. This is part of what it means to be made in God’s image and likeness. In this week’s show, we take a look at the Scriptures that reflect the feminine characteristics of God. There are many passage…
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What is the Christian Church supposed to be and do? How can we evaluate if we as God’s people are carrying out the mission that He has given us? What should we look for in a local church, and how can we participate in what Jesus commanded us to do in our local church context? In this episode, we will look at the four functions of the Church and dis…
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There is a common objection to God’s existence that you may have already encountered. It goes something like this: “I would believe in God and follow him if he would just show himself to me.” In this episode, we provide three tactics that will help prepare you to respond to this common objection. We also look at situations where God did reveal hims…
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Buddhism has been a popular religious belief system in the Eastern world for a few millennia, but it has gained popularity in the Western culture over the past 60 years. The purpose of Buddhism is to eliminate suffering, which is a very noble cause. The problem with Buddhism is what it gives up in order to try to eliminate suffering. Because of Bud…
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For years Marcia Montenegro was a professional astrologer and follower of the new age. In this episode, we interview her about her conversion to Christianity. Marcia shares some fascinating insights with us about her time in the new age and how she sees her experiences in light of Christianity. Marcia now leads a ministry called Christian Answers f…
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Over the past ten years, the Enneagram has become a popular personality tool within evangelical Christianity. Many Christians formulate Bible studies, devotionals, and even church-staff hiring around the Enneagram types. In this episode, we interview Marcia Montenegro, a former astrologer and New Age follower, who is now a follower of Jesus. Marcia…
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Progressive Christianity is attracting a new following of Christians these days. There are many issues with the doctrine of Progressive Christianity, but one of the main issues is about authority. Is the Bible authoritative over our lives, or are we authoritative over the Bible? Do we submit to God’s truth, or do we create our own truth? These are …
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There are some crazy-sounding things in the Bible, and often, we as Christian gloss over them and do not develop an adequate reason for why they exist. This week, we have author Dan Kimball on the podcast to talk about some of the difficult passages of Scripture and how through good Bible Study Methods, we can make sense of them. Dan is a pastor at…
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For years there has been a movement trying to make Christianity relevant to the post-modern culture. It used to be called the Emergent Church Movement, but now it is going by a new name: Progressive Christianity. This is a belief system that we need to not only be aware of but also know how to correct with good Biblical truth. On the surface, Progr…
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This is our final series on C.O.N.T.E.X.T.S. This week we are focusing on what Scripture "says to me." After implementing all of the tools for good Bible study and coming to a place of understanding what the text says, we need to ask the question: “How does this apply to my life?” Application of Scripture is very important for those of us who want …
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We are back in our series about how to read Scripture in C.O.N.T.E.X.T.S. This week we are focusing on what the "Text Says." It is vital for us to observe what is in the text before we begin to interpret the text. Observation is such a simple tool to use, but it is not easy. We often want to jump to an interpretation of what the text means instead …
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This past week has been difficult with the report coming out about the egregious sexual sin of famed apologist Ravi Zacharias. We cannot overlook this or downplay the magnitude of the deception and sin that was happening in the private life of this prominent Christian leader. What do we make of this? What can we learn from this cautionary tale? How…
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Is hell an eternal place of conscious torment, or is it merely a place where people go to be purified and eventually reunited with God in heaven? Do human souls exist forever in hell, or are they eventually destroyed? Is God just in punishing people eternally for sinful lives of 80-90 years? These are the types of questions that we discuss on this …
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Words are important when it comes to interpreting our Bibles. As we con tin in our bible study methods series, we are looking at the eXplanation of words in this episode. A great method for studying Scripture is to conduct word studies for the passages you are diving into. A word study helps us to understand the definitions/range of meaning of a wo…
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Bible study is enjoyable, especially when you are looking for patterns. Echoes in Scripture are an important indication of the emphasis of a passage, chapter, and even the entire book. Echoes are repeated words, phrases, and concepts that are weaved into the passages of Scripture. This episode helps to show how Echoes can inform our interpretation …
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This week, we are looking into the Name (author) and the Time (date) of the book of Philippians. As we continue to study the Bible in C.O.N.T.E.X.T.S., knowing who wrote a book of the Bible and when it was written helps us understand the message that the author was conveying. By knowing the background of the Apostle Paul and the situation that he w…
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