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Calvary Chapel Sydney

Calvary Chapel Sydney

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Calvary Chapel Sydney is a church located in Castle Hill, Sydney Australia. We are committed to loving and accepting all people. We are a Christian church and we enjoy a casual, family atmosphere. We teach through the Bible verse by verse to receive the whole counsel of God. Jesus says in Matthew 11:28, “Come to Me, all you who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” This rest Jesus promises is what we offer to all through the Gospel. Our purpose is to love God, love people, a ...
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Synopsis: After God gave the children of Israel an inheritance in the land of Canaan, He enabled them to drive out the inhabitants bit by bit. While God gave great success, no tribe completely drove out the inhabitants of the land but dwelt among them, compromised with them and used strength God gave them to put them under tribute. This illustrates…
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Today we start a new series titled, 'Different from the World'. There is a worldly way and there is a Godly way. Clear difference from what the world values and what God values and as believers, we are called to be different from the world. But so many times, we are tempted and even sucked into the ways of the world. Join us as we work out what it …
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The book of Judges embarks on a inspirational and insightful journey as we follow the footsteps of God's people in Canaan who He established in the Promised Land. While God gave the Hebrews land as their inheritance, they needed to walk by faith and obedience to God to receive it. Seeing their faith and flaws shows us our own need to seek God, beli…
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Our church has been sending teams to Cambodia for over 10 years now, partnering with different missionaries and mission organisations. Today, we have the privilege of having our current mission partners - the whole team - come and visit us in Sydney. Join us as for this special day where the mission field comes to church. God bless. Passage: John 6…
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God desires to reach all people. This is His heart, this is His mission. Missional living only occurs when we are sure on the mission. We are on a mission for God. This is His story and we are living in it. Join us as we conclude our series as we look at the long story of God. Passage: Matthew 24:14Av The Chapel Sydney
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Synopsis: Israel has angered the LORD and Asaph makes a desperate heartfelt prayer to the LORD to save them. Salvation appears uncertain but ultimately God's ways are higher than our ways.Verses in order of appearance:Psalm 80:1-2John 10:14Isaiah 40:11John 10:11Psalm 23:12 Peter 1:31 Peter 2:25Exodus 13:21-22Psalm 80:3Exodus 19:6Numbers 6:22-27Psal…
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As we live our lives, we all represent something or someone. It might be the school we went to, the company we work for, the sports team that we support, our favourite restaurant - we all represent something or someone. As Christians, we are called to represent Christ - in all areas of our lives. This is missional living. Join us today to learn mor…
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As Joshua's life drew to a close, he gathered the Hebrews in Shechem for a final address and charged the people to choose if they would serve God who did everything for them or idols as their fathers did. The call to serve God in sincerity and truth is only possible for those whose hearts are inclined to Him by faith marked with obedience.Verses in…
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Today we start a new series titled, 'Missional Living'. Jesus came to seek and save the lost. Jesus commands us to go and make disciples of all nations. We are called to go and yet we find ourselves waiting for people to come. We have become comfortable within the four walls of our churches and have forgotten that to shine the light of Jesus bright…
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Synopsis: The book of Revelation comes to a close with Jesus emphasising He is coming quickly and His reward is with Him, to give to everyone according to their works. All are invited to come to Jesus, to enter the gates of New Jerusalem and partake of the tree of life. How blessed believers are to keep the words of this prophecy, and may the grace…
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The first Sunday of February is 'Vision Sunday' here at The Chapel Sydney. It's a week where we take a moment to revisit our vision and mission to make sure we are all on the same page of what God is trying to do in and through the church. Join us today as we share the vision and mission and the motto for 2025 - Let the light shine bright. God bles…
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John described a vision of New Jerusalem descending from heaven, the incredible dwelling place of God with His people for eternity. It will never be night in this glorious city constructed of pure gold and adorned with precious stones, for the Lamb is its light. Only those whose names are written in the Lamb's Book of Life will enter New Jerusalem,…
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Synopsis: After the heaven and earth are dissolved, the new heaven and new earth will be revealed along with New Jerusalem, the holy city of God. Life for God's people in the idyllic eternal state will hardly be comparable to life on earth today because former things like death, sorrow, and pain will pass away without memory. The only way for sinne…
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After the return of Jesus to judge the earth, it will mark the beginning of His millennial reign where Satan is bound and knowledge of God will cover the earth like the sea. Satan will ultimately be loosed from his prison, go out and deceive the nations, and Jesus will destroy Satan and all His enemies--permanently. Now is the time to turn to Jesus…
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God created light to serve an important purpose for the universe but what happens when we try to redefine that purpose? What happens when we turn our backs on God and live our lives for our own ways? Sin. And with sin comes darkness in areas where God did not design it to be in. Join us today as we continue in our series 'Light in the Darkness' as …
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Synopsis: David praises God for His goodness and mercy and exhorts everyone to not forget all His benefits. He forgives our sins; heals our diseases; rescues from death; and shows abundant favour and mercies. He rejuvenates us and fills us with hope. As Christians, we can also bless the Lord and always remember His blessings with a grateful and hum…
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Welcome to 2025! This year, we start with a series titled 'Light in the Darkness' as we look at the relationship between God and His creation and where we fit in. Today, we begin by looking at the significance of light and its source and how it plays a role in our lives. If you're joining us for the first time, we welcome you to see for yourself ho…
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Synopsis: After God's escalating judgments upon the world marked by seven seals, trumpets and bowls will come the much anticipated second coming of Jesus in glory. He will take fierce vengeance upon His enemies with His armies with Him, and the power of might of Jesus Christ will be in full view of the entire world. In light of Christ and His comin…
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Synopsis: In this chapter the fall of Babylon as a world economic and political system is detailed, and all rulers and merchants will lament their unexpected loss. God's judgment will come swiftly and believers are told to depart from Babylon, even as Christians today are called to repent of sin and perfect holiness in the fear of God.Verses in ord…
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In John's vision, he saw a great harlot being carried by a beast with 7 heads and 10 horns--supporting the mother of all abominations God will destroy. Instead of being faithful in the worship and praise of the one true God, apostate religion will be a pawn of the antichrist until it no longer serves his purpose. True and undefiled religion is by f…
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Synopsis: In this chapter, the seven bowls of God's wrath are poured out on the earth with devastating consequences. The response of those under wrath is an indictment against them, for they will blaspheme God rather than repenting and giving Him glory. God's wrath is measured and has an end, and blessed is the one who watches, looking to Jesus who…
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In this chapter John observed seven angels emerge from the temple of God in heaven with plagues and receive seven bowls of wrath to pour out on the earth. Martyrs in heaven sang the song of Moses and the Lamb, and they proclaimed the great and marvellous works of God. We who fear God and rejoice in His grace ought to praise and worship God for His …
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Synopsis: This chapter provides additional details by providing an overview of what will come to pass in the future and how Jesus will bring the rule of Satan and conflict to an end with powerful, righteous judgment. God will ensure His people are preserved and blessed while all who oppose and fight against Him will be destroyed forever without rem…
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Synopsis: In this chapter John saw great signs in the heavens that provided additional revelation concerning God's purposes and plans leading up to and during the Great Tribulation. In His wisdom and grace, God has made known things that will take place before the return of Christ and the signs of His coming. In Christ we can rejoice today, for bel…
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With his last hurrah, John speaks to the church about things of first importance - that Jesus is the way to eternal life. Do we know what we have in our hands? Do we know what we have with Jesus? Join us today as we hear John's final plea to the church. God bless. Passage: 1 John 5:13-21Av The Chapel Sydney
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Jesus Christ is the original and only Messiah who can never be duplicated, and in his vision John reveals an antichrist will arise who will imitate and impersonate Him--and many will be deceived and worship him. The false prophet will also arise and perform signs by Satan's power, compelling people to worship the image of the beast and receive his …
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Can you ever give something that you have never received? How can we share with someone something that we've never experienced before ourselves? We can't. We continue our series in 1 John as John repeats the command - love one another. But to do that, we must receive God's love first. Join us as we continue our series 'Love Made Known'. God bless. …
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An angel directed John to measure the temple, altar and those who worshipped there, and what is measurable can be known. By His grace God has revealed much we do not know, and provided insight into His two witnesses who will prophesy for 42 months in Jerusalem. Their death, resurrection and ascension prompt great praise of God by those who love Him…
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During an interlude between the 6th and 7th trumpet, John saw a another mighty angel who held a little open book. A voice from heaven directed him to eat the book that would be bitter in his stomach but sweet to his taste. God directs us to do the same with His word, to feed on it and be willing and obedient to His voice.Verses in order of appearan…
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Synopsis: God continues to show His authority and power as the fifth and sixth trumpets sound during the Great Tribulation, bringing torments and death like the world has never seen before. Hell and Destruction are before the LORD, and thus He knows the hearts of mankind perfectly. God looks for repentance: does He see it in you?Verses in order of …
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We are starting a new series in 1 John today. If you had an opportunity to write to someone you love for one last time, what would you say? What you wouldn't do is waste your words. This is 1 John - a letter written by John in his old age to a group of Christians who were losing their way. Thanks for joining us. Passage: 1 John 1:1-2:4…
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God created the world out of love. We love God because He first loved us. He is our source of love. He has poured love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit. Verses in order of appearance:1 John 4:7,81 John4:19Romans 5:5Revelation 4:11Luke 7:36-50John 10:2-5John 10:27-30Luke 15:3-7 Referenced scriptures not displayedRomans 1:20Matthew 18:10John 10:30 …
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Synopsis: In John's vision, the opening of the seventh seal was followed by silence in heaven and seven angels prepared themselves to sound their trumpets. The four trumpets that sound will bring a world of unprecedented trouble upon the heavens, earth, sea and all living creatures during the Great Tribulation. Placing our faith in Jesus Christ rem…
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