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There's nothing like losing yourself in a great story via podcast audiobooks while you do your mundane tasks like commuting to work, household chores, and even on a road trip somewhere. Here, you can listen to podcast audiobooks ranging from the classics such as Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice, Homer's Odyssey, to fantasy stories such as Lord of the Rings, or dystopian fiction like Anthem and so much more.
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Ja och Nej by Helena Nyblom

Loyal Books

En gång i månaden
Helena Nyblom (1843-1926) was born in Denmark. But in 1864 she Married University Doctor Carl Rupert Nyblom and moved to Uppsala, Sweden. Her debut as a story- and fairytale writer was in 1897, when she was 54 years old. She was a very productive and popular author around 1900 and in the early 20th Century. Alienation, lack of understanding, appreciation and sympathy, and the conflict between doing ones duty and freedom were often underlying themes of her stories. This collection of Fairy ta ...
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A combination of science fiction audiobook and podcast about the challenges of ADHD in modern society with ancient social norms expressed in a spiritual science fiction dream way. This podcast was formerly called 'Astralpodden' for Sweden but have been changed to an international english podcast. I "Astralpodden" berättar Alexander Forselius om sina drömresor han gör på nätterna och livsfilosofi kring qi och kvantfysik ackompanjerad av bakgrundsmusik han själv skrivit under aliaset "Dr. Sounds"
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Emilie Flygare-Carlén var under 1800-talet en av Sveriges mest populära och lästa författare.En Nyckfull kvinna, som gavs ut i fyra delar, har den unga Edith Sternfelt som centralgestalt. Hon är på ytan en mycket självmedveten, självsäker och nyckfull kvinna, men bär samtidigt på en stor osäkerhet. I första delen, Den obundna flickan, presenteras läsaren/lyssnaren för en rad personer som har viktiga roller på olika sätt. Av dessa är ”farbror Janne”, Ediths döde fars bror, en framträdande per ...
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show series
This episode is about a dream emerged from the fact knowing Moderates want to fast track ADHD diagnoses in areas with high crime rates, which raised lot of critics about pointing out ADHD people as prone to criminal. This story is a bit surreal and not completely in order, because it is based on the author's dreams. Synopsis: Refusing to attend an …
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